Death of the buffer bug?




Ok, so this totally off my head, but here is what we know about the chat bug:

When the chat box is not active (shaded out) nothing appears in the chat bar, no matter what keys are pressed

The use of W A S D, numbers (in market), and attack power keys/binds all show up in the chat box after they have been pressed, when the user begins chat.

I am guessing it has something to do with the client logging key strokes because we get a hundred 'W's since this is what most hold for forward movement, and only get one "15,000" because we only press these keys a limited number of times. On a side note, I tried changing forward movement to 'Q' and got a hundred 'Q's. Also, I have noticed that if I bid on something that runs past, say, a million inf, not all of the '0's are present.

It's like phantom limb syndrome. The body still thinks the limb is attacked to the body and they brain still registers, falsely, itches and other sensations.

The client thinks the chat box is active, when it is not. Because the client thinks the chat box is active, it is registering that what keys are being pressed should appare in the box.

Maybe the issue is with code that switches active keyboard input from movement, text input, and numeric input. It would seem to me that it isn't so much a conflict of two codes, but a corrupted code, maybe something that is only half there (like the neural pathways that were connected to the limb still exist, even tho the limb doesn't)

Is it possible to have a shadow code, or an echo of a code, something that wasn't completely removed?

As you can tell, I have NO idea what I am talking about, just ramblings of a madman. However, don't let that discourage you from making arrangements for me to pick up the badge-that-won't-be-named.



Ok, so this totally off my head, but here is what we know about the chat bug:

When the chat box is not active (shaded out) nothing appears in the chat bar, no matter what keys are pressed

The use of W A S D, numbers (in market), and attack power keys/binds all show up in the chat box after they have been pressed, when the user begins chat.

I am guessing it has something to do with the client logging key strokes because we get a hundred 'W's since this is what most hold for forward movement, and only get one "15,000" because we only press these keys a limited number of times. On a side note, I tried changing forward movement to 'Q' and got a hundred 'Q's. Also, I have noticed that if I bid on something that runs past, say, a million inf, not all of the '0's are present.

It's like phantom limb syndrome. The body still thinks the limb is attacked to the body and they brain still registers, falsely, itches and other sensations.

The client thinks the chat box is active, when it is not. Because the client thinks the chat box is active, it is registering that what keys are being pressed should appare in the box.

Maybe the issue is with code that switches active keyboard input from movement, text input, and numeric input. It would seem to me that it isn't so much a conflict of two codes, but a corrupted code, maybe something that is only half there (like the neural pathways that were connected to the limb still exist, even tho the limb doesn't)

Is it possible to have a shadow code, or an echo of a code, something that wasn't completely removed?

As you can tell, I have NO idea what I am talking about, just ramblings of a madman. However, don't let that discourage you from making arrangements for me to pick up the badge-that-won't-be-named.

[/ QUOTE ]

It always seemed to me that the chat bug is copy-pasting parts
of an input cache/buffer. I just don't have any insight into what
the trigger for it happening is.

So, a manner of speaking, you're not far off. Such
being the case, the game "records" a certain extent of keystrokes,
probably for netcode reasons, and is randomly pulling portions
of it out and into the chat window.

That'd actually cause me to look into how the game impliments
text copy/pasting to begin with, but I'm sure they already
thought of that by now.



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]

just go to a pvp zone and move around alot and kill someone using the numbers and not clicking, then hit enter.

You will recreate the bug fast.



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]
If I try to chat after bidding on things at the black market, with the window still open, it pretty much always does the bug, if not every single time.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Which powers use the smashcast animation?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



I hate this bug.

[/ QUOTE ]

512125125You know, there's something just all-around nice about seeing dev hatred for a bug.

Here's to a successful hunt.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only bug I don't hate is the one with using any power that calls the "Smashcast" animation while you have the Nemesis staff in hand.

I've been very slow to 'fix' that particular one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can someone explain what this bug is ? (The one BAB is referring to, not the OP)



They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Make a few bids/sales in the market. That always triggers it. Always.



Pull out the Nemesis staff or Blackwand.

Fire off Enervating Field or any power that uses the two-handed overhead "throw" cast animation.

You wind up with the Nemesis Staff or Blackwand in hand AS you cast EF using an overhand smash. It makes it seem as if EF is coming out of the Nem Staff or Blackwand.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]

Its pretty simple to replicate actually. Just go visit the WW or BM and type in a bid while in the middle of a conversation with someone in chat. When you goto type in your next message some of the numbers you just entered into the bid window should be in your chatwindow as well.

You can also be hitting your attack buttons while also chatting and then have this bug appear.

[/ QUOTE ]

^^^^ This




It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]

i noticed a couple issue's ago that if i used the arrow keys to navigate my char and if visit the black market and would start too type ...

what ever i type seemed to get in a loop of what i typed in the black market ...that goes for the mail system too like it would get stuck 1 if the first thing i type was 1111111111111

i would exit the black market log out and not use the arrows keys and i would not get this looping of last keys i pressed .

it was fixed and i didn't play for awhile

since i just came back recently i noticed this qqqqqqqwwwww stuff i'm guessing people are using the arrow keys and the regular keys they have binds too or use to control but instead of the black market typing looping it's looping in the text box.

what i do is either hit backspace or enter a couple times before i type and i don't get the bug when i type...also when i don't use the arrows keys when i navigate.



I hate this bug.

[/ QUOTE ]

512125125You know, there's something just all-around nice about seeing dev hatred for a bug.

Here's to a successful hunt.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only bug I don't hate is the one with using any power that calls the "Smashcast" animation while you have the Nemesis staff in hand.

I've been very slow to 'fix' that particular one.

[/ QUOTE ]

You know the bug I liked was the one where if you had power slide on and started to fly you stayed doing the surfing animation can we get that bug back in?

Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster

I'm ready to burn it all.

Lets Fight!

ParadigmX City help the city.



Also place some bids on the BM and log out to the login screen, the bug affects you when you try to type your password in as you switch toons.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]

Every Time I'm at either the Auction house or Black market, buying or selling. When I click off the AH window to the main chat window then hit one of my binds that bring up /send "<Channel Name>" I get atleast the last value I tried to sell or bid for weither or not i hit the buy or sell button.

this is the bind i'm using /bind i beginchat /send "VU2009"

I'll see if i can get a frap of it. but when i do that 90% of the time i'm hit with the chat bug.

V-Tronix - Angry Angels
V-Tron Elec/EM - V-Tron X EM/EA

To Build a Better Hero #53098 [Newly edited and looking for Feedback] - Renegade Robots: V-Tron's Task Force # - A Summer Song and A Winters Tail #104106



I hate this bug.

[/ QUOTE ]

512125125You know, there's something just all-around nice about seeing dev hatred for a bug.

Here's to a successful hunt.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only bug I don't hate is the one with using any power that calls the "Smashcast" animation while you have the Nemesis staff in hand.

I've been very slow to 'fix' that particular one.

[/ QUOTE ]

I particularly love that 'bug' when I'm playing my Rad.



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]Lets say a person already has the badge-which-must-not-be-named, can they get it again on another toon? If so then I will try this weekend to get the chat bug to work again.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



You don't even need to visit WW/BM for this. It shows up in normal game play if you chat a lot while in combat. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. Then try to type to your favorite global channel. wwwssqqqrrrrrrrrWhat's up, guys?!?

Ummm, yeah...

Interestingly, it never includes attack numbers. Keep that in mind. It could have something to do with queuing up powers. Could be "queuing up" keystrokes, in general.



I've even had it on rare occasions when swapping toons. I'll start to type in my password or my other acc't name, and it will insert gibberish.

Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.



It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]
There is one instance in which it happens to me 100% of the time. It's not the only time it happens, but it happens everytime I'm at WW placing bids or things for sale. I leave, go to say something and it's all 300005000020000heyas.
My Arcs:
Man's Insanity: The Beginning - 93644
Save the City of Heroes Podcast - 103442



Also place some bids on the BM and log out to the login screen, the bug affects you when you try to type your password in as you switch toons.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd say this is pretty close, but not to the point where you can give a set of steps and 100% of the time it will happen. It happens most of the time for me, but it's that 10% or so times it won't happen that make bug breaking hard.

I liked the earlier suggestion that you have to add chatting into the mix, but I didn't get a chance to try forcing the error last night. And you have to try things like initiating chat vs. responding to a chat, using a mouse to begin chatting vs. backspace, global vs. server chat, etc.

President of the Arbiter Sands fan club. We will never forget.

An Etruscan Snood will nevermore be free



I hate this bug.

[/ QUOTE ]

512125125You know, there's something just all-around nice about seeing dev hatred for a bug.

Here's to a successful hunt.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only bug I don't hate is the one with using any power that calls the "Smashcast" animation while you have the Nemesis staff in hand.

I've been very slow to 'fix' that particular one.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh thank you. I do that 'Bugged' Animation whenever I get a chance



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]

Im not sure, but it seems that when youre not using your chat box for a small amount of time the bug crops up.

Youll see it after combat, after sitting in wentworths for a while, or if youre standing around looking around and then try to type anything.

Consistent chatting isnt interrupted, but the first statement of any conversation or reply after a small silence usually is afflicted by the bug.

At least thats what Ive noticed.



It always happens to me if I am going from one end of a zone to another, say from the PI ferry to Portal Corp. I toggle my travel power and press and hold W to move forward. After a few seconds of keeping it held, I'll stop and click on the chat input bar, and it will be full of 'W's.

Also, in WW, if I click on the auction window in the text input for a bid and type, say, 15000, then when I click on the chat input window, the '15000' appears.

I do not often use binds to start chat, meaning that i don't really use 'enter' to start chat but instead I move the mouse cursor to the chat box and click. I am not sure if pressing enter versus using the mouse pointer to activate chat makes a difference in having the bug appear.



I'm trying to get it to go off, but so far all my chat entries have been clear of wwwwaaaaasssstrash.

110020000110001000000Can anyone verify that this bug is gone?

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate this bug. It's a minor issue ultimately since it isn't crashing servers or corrupting data, but it is highly visible, distracting and annoying.

What's broken and why is it taking so long to fix? The key problem here is way back when, someone decided it would be a good idea to have three separate keyboard input interpreters and any changes done have to play "house of cards" game with the three. The current set of bugs began appearing a while back when we started making changes to implement the mission editor, which morphed into the Mission Architect.

I've no doubt that it will be fixed at some point; I just wanted to basically point out that, yes, we're aware of it and yes, we are trying to fix it. It's just an enormously more complicated task that it "should" be.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's pretty fun to wander over into programmer land and causally ask, "So what's up with the chat bug?"

They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

I'd even push for Posi to hand out the vaunted 'badge-which-must-not-be-named"

[/ QUOTE ]
It's simple, really - you see, if you train up at Ms. Liberty while holding a newspaper in your hand...

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Youll see it after combat, after sitting in wentworths for a while, or if youre standing around looking around and then try to type anything.

Consistent chatting isnt interrupted, but the first statement of any conversation or reply after a small silence usually is afflicted by the bug.

At least thats what Ive noticed.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's the thing, I think. The stuff you input into the chat box (i.e. just standing around and talking) doesn't get hit by that buffer bug. Input not related to the chat box is the stuff that does (bids at Wentworth's, hitting movement keys, hitting power keys). Been lots of times in RV when I've gone to do a /whoall and had the game spit out a line of spaces and WASD's at me.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



meh i still say something's wonkey with the arrow keys using the wasd directional keys together.

you know like if you hold down the rightside mouse button for a period of time and let go then your character continues too run .

it's seem like it screwing up the chat if you use to many inputs to stear i'e the arrows plus the awsd keys while use the mouse.

edit also im not replying to jeminks ...just replying to thread.