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  1. Blarg. Not the answer I wanted so I'll gleefuly ignore what you said and replace it with, "It'll run fine!"

    xD I keed.

  2. Hey all!

    It feels great to be back after a long move (see:from FL to CA).

    To the topic at hand. I know the NVIDIA 9800s are a bit stronger than the 9600 series. I have a 9600M GT. I should be able to run Ultra on lappy but just with fairly reduces settings, right?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
    I've always been partial to this one, myself.
    Oh man, that was fantastic
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I have said that we won't get GR this year and everyone said the opposite...GR isn't some dinky-winky issue is another game entirely!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Er. Yea. Id recommend watching the Comic Con 2009 CoH Pannel on youtube in which they discuss GR. Two main points they talked about were (and I'm am quoting almost directly from the video)

    1) Reinvent early gameplay experience
    2 )Establish a new compelling endgame experience.

    I dont mean to bash what you said, its just that I'm getting a bit tired of people assuming GR is a brand new game when we have very, very little info on it.

    This doesn't sound like a brand new game. It sounds like new shiny stuff for beginning and end of game action.

    On a side note, the video also mentions "Slew of New Stories to Experience" and as I recall, the last time we were promised a 'slew' of new somthing, we got 1 costume, 1 patternt and about 10 new faces per gender -_-8
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    i would like to see the things your talking about, where they talked about shape shifting and stuff could you post a link?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Scroll all the way to the right...check out the powers list at 00:51.

    City of Heroes Initial Gameplay Trailer

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ill be a son of a gun.

    Look at the video at about 54 seconds; in the power list it mentions "Shape Shifting". There are many other powers listed that were 'recently' released and also one we dont have "Light Control". Maybe this was originally illusion trolling power?

    The character creation/power cselect screen reminds me a lot of what Champions Online is now. 1:01, there are many villain groups listed that I have never seen in 5 years of playing: Seraphmia, Twilight Men, Revelation, Killing Crew, Fear Factory.

    Any redname would like to comment on these villian groups...and powers
  6. had this happen to me on several occasions. Once, I had been gone for 6 mths and when I cam back, one of my toons said it was just logged in. I checked the pymnt history and no one had paid for any time in that 6 mths. Im figuring this is a server ish. Maybe they log in toons at random to test server stability?

    Also, I get this message when I have been disconnected or di Quit/Exit to Desktop/ Exity Now and then open the game up right awya and log back in. The server just hasn't reached that time widown when a toon is fully logged out.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Pain Domination is entirely based on mental control. You don't actually 'heal' anyone, you just make them ignore any pain they might be feeling.

    Kind of like how someone hopped up on PcP can demonstrate feats of 'invulnerability'.

    Which is why it's a villainous powerset.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does that make the medics on the sidelines at Football games villains? They give the players a hefty cortisone shot after they get injured and then send them right back onto the field.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Wow... just... wow...

    You, sir, win the False Analogy of the Year award.

    (Not that I absolutely agree with BAB, but... yeah...)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, from an ethical standpoint, I suppose you COULD say it is 'evil' to inject a person with a substance that dulls their pain, making them feel wonderful, then sending them back out to the field to get hurt again simply for the amusement of many, many people.

    So I suppose roman gladiator arenas are would not have been considered torture of they had medics....

    oh wait, they did...

    (and yes, one uses footballs, the other uses lions, you have a chance of dying in both)
  8. Heh, can't wait for Tyrant's bio to be filled on the offical site.

    Me hopes it will finally confirm what we all suspect from Domniatrix's bio:

    Being the daughter of a famous and universally loved super heroine never sat well with Dominatrix. She rebelled from a very early age and when she hit puberty and her powers kicked in she decided enough was enough. After killing her mother, the infamous Miss Liberty, she started making a name for herself. She caught Tyrants attention and has been serving him loyally, in all capacities ever since.

    Eww...they are still grandfather and granddaughter...
  9. yea, cuts off when in mid motion, or just comming to a stop. Also, when I have my weapon drawn, there is no animation at all.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Can we get a meteor to hit the AE building in Atlas?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh noes! That would be horrid!

    *tinkers with emergency teleport hospital network so people get teleported to Ba'zul's den*

    Ok, now it won't be so horrid.
  11. Maelstrom's face creeps me out a bit...

    He looks like this guy from the Youtube series THE ENNEAD (shameless plug).

    I totally want to have babies with Desdemona and I don't even like girls o.O

    By the by, anyone else have the amazing idea of Hellfire Whip + Dual Pistols = Indiana Jones toon...
  12. It always happens to me if I am going from one end of a zone to another, say from the PI ferry to Portal Corp. I toggle my travel power and press and hold W to move forward. After a few seconds of keeping it held, I'll stop and click on the chat input bar, and it will be full of 'W's.

    Also, in WW, if I click on the auction window in the text input for a bid and type, say, 15000, then when I click on the chat input window, the '15000' appears.

    I do not often use binds to start chat, meaning that i don't really use 'enter' to start chat but instead I move the mouse cursor to the chat box and click. I am not sure if pressing enter versus using the mouse pointer to activate chat makes a difference in having the bug appear.
  13. Ok, so this totally off my head, but here is what we know about the chat bug:

    When the chat box is not active (shaded out) nothing appears in the chat bar, no matter what keys are pressed

    The use of W A S D, numbers (in market), and attack power keys/binds all show up in the chat box after they have been pressed, when the user begins chat.

    I am guessing it has something to do with the client logging key strokes because we get a hundred 'W's since this is what most hold for forward movement, and only get one "15,000" because we only press these keys a limited number of times. On a side note, I tried changing forward movement to 'Q' and got a hundred 'Q's. Also, I have noticed that if I bid on something that runs past, say, a million inf, not all of the '0's are present.

    It's like phantom limb syndrome. The body still thinks the limb is attacked to the body and they brain still registers, falsely, itches and other sensations.

    The client thinks the chat box is active, when it is not. Because the client thinks the chat box is active, it is registering that what keys are being pressed should appare in the box.

    Maybe the issue is with code that switches active keyboard input from movement, text input, and numeric input. It would seem to me that it isn't so much a conflict of two codes, but a corrupted code, maybe something that is only half there (like the neural pathways that were connected to the limb still exist, even tho the limb doesn't)

    Is it possible to have a shadow code, or an echo of a code, something that wasn't completely removed?

    As you can tell, I have NO idea what I am talking about, just ramblings of a madman. However, don't let that discourage you from making arrangements for me to pick up the badge-that-won't-be-named.
  14. agree with what Lightslinger had said.

    Here is a crazy idea. Instead of nerfing AE, critters, and powers to heck, would AE still still be playable if it gave no salvage, enh. recipes, and only gave kill xp/inf? I would still play story arcs, the CoX community has many creative minds.

    Sorry for the runon, came back from running, head hurt =/
  15. It would seem, Chyll, that the hostages and pets are going rogue. Ha, see what I did there?

    No, but seriously its getting annoying.
  16. Not sure where to post this, so Ill take a stab here. If it is in the wrong place would someone be able to move it? Thanks

    The RWZ mission "Trap the Renegades" has faulty hostage pet AI. The Dark Servant Lady Grey spawns becomes hostile after any mob is defeated. The Dark Servant is capable of killing Lady Grey, resulting in mission failure.

    I am also having this problem in other RWZ missions where Lady Grey spawns a Dark Servant.
  17. Oh, I know. I just posted so people will have some idea of what the power sets may include and can stop posting ridiculous ideas of what the power sets 'will' be.

    In reality, I think the Dual Pistols will be somthing similar to the Thug MM pistols. I also think Demon Summoning will be another MM power.
  18. We already have Dual Pistols in the game...
    Check out Malta Gunslingers...


    Some of the most deadly Operatives in the Malta Group have been given the nickname Gunslingers. This name came into common usage not only because the agents use firearms, but because they also tend to have the same kind of cocky attitude and cow boy mentality that one associates with gunslingers in the old west.


    Teleport Self Teleport
    Gunslingers can Teleport long distances

    Explosive Tip Ranged, (Targeted Area of Effect,) Moderate Damage, Smash/Lethal, Foe Knockback
    Explosive Tip rounds can affect foes in a small area. The force of the explosion can knock down foes.

    Hollow Round Ranged, Lethal, Foe Knockback
    Fires a large caliber hollow tip from both guns that can knock down foes.

    Incendiary Round (Ranged, Lethal) Damage over Time
    The Gunslinger Incendiary Round has ignited you.

    Liquid Nitrogen Round (Ranged) Foe Hold
    The Gunslinger Liquid Nitrogen Round has frozen you solid!

    Rapid Fire Ranged, Cone, Moderate Damage, Lethal/Smash, Foe Knockback
    The Gunslinger can fire off a quick burst of lead in a wide cone.

    No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
    This operative doesen´t have any Melee attacks at all

    Vest Auto, Self Res( S20 L30 F20 C20 E20 N20 )
    Gunslinger wears an advanced Vest that protects him from all damage except Psionics.

    snatch. ftw.

    Not as intresting, but we also already have Demon Summoning. Check out Infernal:


    Main Article: Infernal

    A master of demon binding and summoning from another dimension, Infernal's boundless willpower allows him to control the many fiends he has forced into his service. As a member of the Vindicators, he often assists Numina of the Freedom Phalanx.


    Pendulum Melee, High Damage (Lethal), Moderate Damage over Time (Fire), Foe Knockback
    This attack swings your Battle Axe in an arc directly in front of you. Foes struck by this attack are dealt heavy damage, and are knocked back.

    Demon Summoning Summon 4-5 Demons Infernal can summon demons if there is trouble.

    Resistance +Resistance (Lethal, Smashing, Energy, Fire, Cold)
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Does Lord Recluse sleep? If so, how? He has big spider arms attached to his back, and I can't think that they'd be comfortable unless he sleeps on his belly but I can't see him sleeping on his stomach because that'd leave his back way too exposed.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    He sleeps very carefully! Ha! No, seriously tho, a friend and I had a discussion about this a while back. We came to the conclusion that deep in his Grandville tower there is some sort of giant steel web. This giant steel web contains force shields and antigrav pads. LR sleeps suspended in mid air.
  20. Dear Manticore,

    W.I.S.D.O.M. is a supergroup led my by the (very cute) Foreshadow. What does W.I.S.D.O.M. stand for? What is W.I.S.D.O.M. up to right now? How was W.I.S.D.O.M. formed? Since Foreshadow is immortal (to a point) have/will he and the Ouroboros team crossed/will cross paths? Can we have some background info on all the members of W.I.S.D.O.M.: Foreshadow, Mirror Spirit, Rose Star, Spark Blade.

    Lord Recluse has, of all things, what looks like an old WWII pistol on his left hip. Why does he carry a gun if he has 8 "flesh and bone legs wrapped in man made prot-steel" ? Is the gun a sentimental token? Is it a super gun? Does he intend to use the single bullet in there to kill Statesman as some sort of symbolic move. Is lord Recluse left handed?

    We know that the Carnival of Light exists on Praetorian Earth as the Praetorians attacked the Carnival of Shadows thinking they were the Carnival of Light. You said you were saving all GR questions for later, but since this is a bit of lore that is already stated as fact in-game, can we have some background on the Carnival of Light?


    Edit: I have poor grammar for being an english major.
  21. Ok, let me give this a shot:

    Johnny Anarchy = Hadji Order (Hadji because, of course, he was opposite Johnny Quest =P )

    Jack of Jokers = Ace of Aces

    Ezekiel Coal = Harlot Diamond (Harlot...because...Ezekiel talks about harlots..I think?)

    Billion Dollar Jesus = One Cent Satan (I like it!)

    Somnium Vir = Vigilium Liber (The Dream Man = The Wake Kid)

    The Crey Spider = The Devouring Fly (opposite of a mega corp, a loose knit group of plant monsters. opposite of a spider, a fly.)

    Zombie. Lord = Angel. Servant (maybe use demon summoning + an angelic look..I like!)

    Ha! neat ideas...
  22. "Thank you for contacting the City of Heroes Support Team. I am escalating your petition to a Senior Customer Support Representative to further assist you. Please be aware, however, that there may be a delay in reviewing the issue, based on ticket volume at the time your ticket was submitted."

    Its gonna be a long day. Thanks again
  23. Thx for the info Inokis
  24. Yea, been checking both the email I have with PlayNC and an old email addy I had on file with them. Strange thing is that I havent gotten any auto-emails that are typically sent when a petition is sent in.

    If they gave us 100 global name changes, I don't have any. As I said, only the OK button appears. Maybe mine is buggy? Maybe they suspended my other ones?

    W/e the case may be, some information on how to change it to something else would have been really helpful from the gm that genericed me.
  25. I understand why my global handle was changed from MODOK to GenericHandle1234, but to change the handle and NOT give me the ability to change it to something else is really poor policy execution.

    When a toon is genericed, the toon also recieves a name change token.

    I have sent 4 petitions and have no in game repkies nor email replies. How do I go about getting a global rename token (I used the 1 free one YEARS ago. I have already tried Menu/Chat Handle and there is no "rename button" and I have already tired /changeglobal name or w/r the cmd it)

    How do i contact customer service to get this fixed if I cannot get a global rename tonken?

    The PlayNC help section states that once the free one is used "After this option is used, the NCsoft Support Team will not be able to rename this handle and the selected global chat handle will remain."

    This will not work for me. Not at all.