most/least favorite Annoying Mobs




Hey guys, just a little thread for fun here. I was wondering what people's most and least favorite annoying mobs are. I'm thinking primarily of the late game mobs like malta, carnies, and the such but feel free to throw out any that you think qualify. And please give your reasons otherwise it's no fun! I'll go first:

Most favorite - Psi Clockwork - It kinda surprised me. I felt like my shield scrapper had just enough defense against them that I could survive but not enough that it was really easy. They go down fast but they hurt you on their way down.

Least Favorite - Carnies - I like their costumes, I like the weird and kinda fun story behind them, I like most of their powers, but I hate end drain from every single minion I take down. If I wasn't playing a melee class right now maybe I'd feel differently.

Somewhere in the middle - 7th Generation Paragon Protectors - They'd be my favorite if it wasn't for the fact that after a finish a mission full of these guys I never wanna see them again for at least 2 days. I like having to make my attack chain different so they don't use their tier 9 powers but it's inevitable that you'll mess up a couple times so I hate sitting there and just wiffing on two guys for a minute till it comes down.

Ok now it's your turn!



Sorcerers I have a love/hate relationship with. They pretty much single-handedly make Tsoo one of the worst and most annoying gangs in the entire game (although there are some other frustratingly annoying units in the Tsoo). They're one of the only two lieutenants so they appear in all Tsoo gangs at all levels. However, they're also one of the best units in the game when confused.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Most favorite - Lost Bosses, tough as nails with lots of mez powers. But a well built low level character with mez resistance can make some really good xp taking these on. I love the "rescue mister yin" mission in faultline for this.

Least favorite - Malta Sappers are the obvious choice here for their "toggles go down now" powers.

Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking



Favorite- Clockwork. Because they amuse me.

Least Favorite- Malta Sappers. I hate these guys so much that most of my characters take a single target hold of some kind just to deal with these annoying things.

Carnies are a close second, but at least I know the carnies will be draining me after every kill. Every malta spawn I have to toggle through everything to make sure the dreaded sapper isn't a part of their army. That said, Carnies boss monsters are *far* more challenging.



hmmm thats a tough one...but for overall annoyance as a group i would have to say devouring earth with the cairn and quartz pets that spawn and buff the living daylights out of the primary mobs in large groups(one of the pets gives like massive +regen/healing making it real hard to kill mobs, the other gives a massive +to-hit +damage aura)...and carnies also will share this spot, all that psi damage + the end drain's + the ring mistress debuff + many unkillable pets/decoys makes for an adventure.

my favorite i would have to say freakshow, i always have liked how crazy and chopped up they look like.



Favorite- Clockwork. Because they amuse me.

[/ QUOTE ]
Haha. The other day I was sitting around thinking " Wow, you know what would be really fun, a clockwork invasion event like the zombie attacks."
I dunno why exactly. I guess partially because of the comic when they're fighting a giant clockwork invasion and I wanna do that. Specially if it ended with having Clockwork king spawn as a monster and Babbage or Paladin spawn as an EB at the same time, that might be too intense though.

EDIT: of course it could also just be that I wanna run around durring the event screaming "ROBOTS!!!!!!!" haha



Most: Night Widows - They can be a real challenge and look fabulous shredding you up.

Least: Malta Sappers - Does it need explaining?




Most favorite: This is a tough one. I'd say its a tie between Malta and Rularuu. I like the look and feel of both groups as well as the challenge they can give a good group if/when they slip up.

Least favorite: Nemesis. I love the look, the concept, and Nemesis himself, but they have a challenge rating of 0.01. Nemesis may be this super powerful demigod (or so he'd like to believe)...but his troops are useless.

Honorable Mention: Reflections. I think they are a cool concept, but wish there was a bit more story involved with them. They can be fun to fight too.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Most favorite, theme wise: CoT.

Most favortie, challenge wise: Malta (Gunslingers and ZCTs always get my fullest attention).

Most favorite, to routinely beat on: Nemesis.

Least favorite, overall: Hmmm...I find The Lost to be a pretty stupid and boring group, in general.



Favorite to beat on: Crey Power Tanks.
I like to call them "EXP in a Can". They're tough to crack, and can take a long time to kill, but they aren't much of a threat...

Least Favorite: Mid-High Level Freakshow
They REFUSE to stay dead!! I have learned to despise that electric crackle. Sure, it doubles my EXP...But god it's irritating when something just won't die!!

Another Favorite to Beat on: Wailer King
Like the Freaks, he gets back up once. Unlike the Freaks, he has a massive weakness I can exploit...Sapping. He has one move that uses up half his End, which is my cue to Short Circuit the other half. From that point on he just kinda stares threateningly at me while I chisel away at his health...wait for him to rez...And then get another easy mass of EXP.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



My favourites:
Malta/Knives of Artemis, because they are powerful and diverse and make me feel like i am actually fighting a group of people who have an agenda and are trying to enforce it. They are challenging at times even to my softcapped scrapper, with their many tricks and their deent resistances and their end drains and their caltrops.

Vahzilok, because they are neat and dangerous. It's the only lowbie enemy group that gives me a genuine feeling of dread to engage. Embalmed, Mortificators that revive fallen enemies, and the chance of a boss with a stun aura all add to the challenge. I wish they were available throughout the level range.

Least favourite:
Hellions/Skulls/Outcasts, because they are boring and outside of a very few specific mobs present no challenge or threat. I know the game needs the equivalent of rats to kill to get those first couple levels, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Circle of Thorns, because Oranbega is trash and tiresome to navigate Also, lots of their powers are annoying but not a threat, such as quicksand. Making a fight drag out is bad, especially when the outcome is not and never will be in question.

Crey because I like the diversity of the enemies but whiffing on PPs for what seems like forever is frustrating. I guess that's how they feel trying to hit my scrapper



Favorite: Tough to say for sure, but I really enjoy fighting Cimeroran Traitors. They hit hard.

Least: Paragon Protectors. Just [censored] annoying with their damn MoG.



Favorite to beat on: CoT. They take themselves *so* seriously. Beating up wizards is still one of my favorite things to do.

Sorcerers, though. I'd like to see more enemies like that. One makes a Tsoo group harder to take out. Two is a pain. More than two and it's pretty hard to take out a group unless you can hold them. They're a more interesting sort of challenge, to me, than AVs and GMs.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Most Favorite: Snipers. They always add some excitement to things, especially when they're the meat of mid-level Nemesis groups.

Least Favorite: CoT Mages. I play a lot of Dark Miasma, and these jerks tend to ignore fear completely and just bolt.



Favorite: Night Widows. As a previous poster said, they can pose quite a challenge. Their mixture of high Psionic and Lethal damage combined with auto-hit Smoke Grenades is enough to pose a serious threat. It only takes one of 'em to turn what should be an easy fight into a round of "Crap! Night Widow! GAH!!! Can't see! Can't see!!!!"

Least Favorite: Carnie Dark Ring Mistresses. They've got exotic damage, can buff and heal themselves and debuff you into the floor with Mask of Vitiation. Everytime I see one I heave a sigh before engaging.

Love/Hate: Vanguard Sword, all of 'em. I play mostly damage dealing ATs so they're one of the hardest, if not the hardest, enemy groups in the game to deal with. If you're counting on passive forms of mitigation, particularly Defense, forget it. They've got debuffs out the wazoo and can quickly cut you to ribbons if you engage just one too many at a time.



It really depends what toon I'm playing.

My fire toons love crisping DA zombies.

My non-flying non-slow protected toons dislike Knives of Artemis.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



fave: Tsoo bosses

I love the variety of the Tsoo bosses, they have all kinds and while they can be annoying, especially with sorcerers at their back, the asian theme and many types keep them fun.

hate: Carnie bosses. Ugh these guys are just a pain to deal with, no fun.



Favorite (low end): Skulls, Hellions, Trolls
Favorite (mid-level): Warriors (They really need their own story arcs!)
Favorite (high end): Carnival of Shadows (Carnie girls are hot!)

Least Favorite: CoT (anything in Orenbega), Vahzilok (lousy puke monsters), Malta Sappers, Crey PPs

Absolute Least Favorite: Anthing in AE missions with Electric sapping. I built my WP/Fire Tanker from 1-50 to be as tough as possible in this game. Then I take him into an AE mission and some /Elect Blaster or /Elect Brute drains his blue bar dry. All his shields shut down and he's as harmless as a kitten. ;(

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Favorite: Carnies (I love their screaming when they die and can be hard if you don't have mez protection)

Toughest: Night Widow (hate her Smoke Grenade!!!)

Annoying: Malta (1-min stun, endurance drain and all ranged, high lethal resistance and Gun Drone doesn't give exp!)

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



7th Generation Paragon Protectors - ... I like having to make my attack chain different so they don't use their tier 9 powers...

[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, unstoppable and elude are good annoyances on minions and LTs, forces me to time that Build Up or Aim or knockback or mez to properly finish them off. Same with phasing minions and LTs. But Moment of Glory mobs, with their massive self-damage robbing me of rightly earned xp, goes beyond annoyance and straight into buggy and lame.

Most favorite: I kind of like Tsoo sorcerors, gives a nice easy target for mezzing.

Least favorite: Lost Anathemas. 4 single target psi blasts (the defender versions) and the psi cone and the rikti sword and hold protection? On a level 20 LT? Please.



(From the perspective of my new(ish) Archery/Energy Blaster)

Most favorite: Carnies. I like their background, the costumes are cool, and the end drain doesn't bother me since I fight at range. They can be hard, but not overpowering, and they're interesting.

Least favorite: Malta titans. I've faceplanted more to those hunks of tin than to everything else combined. Zeus Class especially... those insanely powerful plasma blasts combined with their incendiary missiles and hold gas missiles are brutal.

Surprisingly easy: Sappers. I don't run any toggles but Hover (I'm Weapons Mastery so even my armor is an auto power) so the drain is no big deal, and I can still shoot them while stunned. Plus they go down fast to Rain of Arrows.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Most favorite: Paragon Protectors, with proper team awareness you rarely face a MOG

Least favorite: Knives of Artemis, not particularly challenging just annoying.



Favorites: The Clockwork are just fun. I enjoy fighting the Fir Bolg, too.

Least Favorites: Those mother-loving Malta jerkweasels. Zeus Titans are horrid for my Blaster. His Boss-killing method is to stack Tesla Cage and Shocking Bolt, then move in and drain all of the Boss's Endurance, after which I can flip out like a psycho. But when I hit a Zeus Titan with Power Sink, its blue bar does not even move. At all. And then there's the Sappers. Hey, let's make an enemy that sucks a player character's Endurance in seconds and has a stupid-long-lasting mez power! And let's make it a Minion! Who had that brain-wave? Carnival Ring Mistresses are also nasty, they're the only things below Elite Boss that my Brute needs Strength of Will for, and that's mostly for the +Recovery. I just don't fight Carnies or Malta any more.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



For any toon, I just love fighting the CoT. I made them my main hero's nemesis group when I started playing in May 2004, and I don't really care that they can be annoying or difficult to fight at times (this feeling was renewed by the Earth minions that prevent my Blaster from jumping around and blasting as usual from their Quicksand power).

For melee and non-defense characters, Carnie are annoying, but a fun challenge. Defense just laughs at their end drain, though (my Shield/SS has no fear of them). Vanguard are a tough challenge for melee characters, but engage me as well.

Just plain annoying for melee are Knives of Artemis and Nemesis. Well, tanking for a team fighting Nemesis. KoA have those cal trops, and big teams face challenges against Nemesis. They have snipers, so it's easy to aggro many groups and have triple, quadruple, or even quintuple stacked Vengeance from lieutenants dying. They also have a lot of AOEs, so I have to constantly remind squishies (even scrappers) to be careful and not stand by me or in line of their AOEs.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Least Favorite: Malta Sappers - massive endurance drain, mez, fly - lousy xp. Lots of annoyance in a tiny package. They don't even look cool like their Gunslinger and Titan buddies do.

Most Favorite Annoying Mob: Vanguard Sword - Sure they're nasty, but they're fun. They've got "cool" tattooed on their forearms.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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