most/least favorite Annoying Mobs




Least Favorite: Scrapyarders. Particularly those blankety-blank-blank demolitionists. Honestly I spent way too much time in Sharkhead being blown across the streets and dying in fiery, painful ways.

Most Favorite: Hm, I think it's Arachnos. No matter what level they're at, it's just fun to jump into the middle of them and leave a pile of shattered bodies behind.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



In general, I loathe to play against Banished Pantheon. There's just something about them that no matter what I play, I just don't like facing them. I guess I just find the LTs to be mildly annoying, and the mininos to be boring. The only interesting things are the Totems.

And, the Clockwork. I just love them for some reason. The story, the potential, the complexity (in story, the play is kind of dull and wish it could be upgraded to Malta level with a large variety of attacks and minions). They're a good low level group who aren't extra difficult.



Favorite: Tough to say for sure, but I really enjoy fighting Cimeroran Traitors. They hit hard.

Least: Paragon Protectors. Just [censored] annoying with their damn MoG.

[/ QUOTE ]

HAHAH if you read it in Zapp's voice it's funny at least.



Most: Family. I like taking on organized crime.

Least: Council. terrible maps, boring powers, annoying troops.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson




Favorite: Family. Nothing like running into a group and yelling, "Say hello to my little friend!"

Least: Hoards of toons asking to be Power Leveled...



Seen too much of:

hellions, skulls, outcast, trolls, lost, council, aracnos, family, cot, freakshow, skyraiders, worriors, tsoo, & rikti...all boring due to their overuse

Don't like in general:

lost & vahz...i hate the look of them i do not hesitate to punch them in the face
-edit- almost forgot...vampiry...i hate their gloves.../e cringe

Annoyances i detest:

cot much. tohit de-buffing!...and running
cos ring mistresses...the [u]only[u] thing that my granite fears
skyraiders teleporters & tsoo sorcerers...the TPing grows tiring after a while
banished pantheon...i dont know why, but if your team isnt that good, you can instantly tell with these guys
cabal...flying+sapping+storm summoning=a few curses
red caps...they invade your bubble...

Fun annoyances:

tautha de dannon...slows suck but they are just so cool
de...i would hate them, but they are just so diverse and every fight is different
clockwork...when low, they can really be annoying, but theyre too much fun
igneous...boring and a pain to fight, but again, gotta love em
malta, cos, koa, & vanguard...nice challenges that feel rewarding to defeat



My fav group is CoT, they give the most challenge hiding in caves and they give the best drops.
Low level you get Luck Charms and high level is where you get your Magical Conspiracy, Pangean Soil, and Diefic Weapons.
Also i have recieved more Devastaions, Apocalypse, and Mako's from CoT than any other group except the Cimerorans.
I love Arachnos (except Mu), Rikti, Clockwork, Vahzilok, Crey, Freakshow, Banished Pantheon and AV's

Least Favorite is Arachnos Mu, they sap endurance much faster than Malta and are a big irratation. But Malta would be my 2nd least fav.
I hate Malta, Carnies, Tsoo, Council and Nemesis.

Champion - The Community Server



Most Favorite: Carnival of Shadows. I like their look, their powers and their backstory. They are just enough of a challenge without becoming ridiculous. Well, until you fight a Dark Ring Mistress. Those frustrate me to no end, but in a good challenging way.

Least Favorite: Circle of Thorns. These folks are so boring, and there not even that tough, just similar. Only villain side are they a smidge mire interesting with the Succubus, Hellfrost and long tongue critter. Their caves are so annoying as well and tedious.



Hmm... favourites?

Let me see.

Freakshow. I think it's because they're such absolutely unshakeable optimists. They may be anarchic, drug-addled, gangbanging thugs with less sense than God gave a chicken, but you have to give them credit- they're resolutely cheerful, and, well... "Hey, this cape just beat me and six of my buddies unconscious with their bare hands. I think I'll jump up alone and go after them again!"

Tsoo. I don't know what it is- by rights, I should loathe them, as they were my first introduction to the 'fun' that was i3-era status-effect-heavy mobs, but there's just something about them. And hey, they're magically-tattooed Vietnamese(?) Ninja with what appear to be Chinese ghosts as their ancestors. How can you not love that?

Soldiers of Rularuu. Huge eyeballs with laser-vision that chew on you with their eyelids. Pure, concentrated awesome, and the other mobs are fun as well (although the Natterlings are kind of meh :/)

Circle of Thorns ghosts. Hate them, hate them, hate them. Way more damage than they should have, -tohit, slows, stealth, running, and take way too sodding long to bring down with smashing/lethal damage. Just a massive ball of irritation all around.

Knives of Artemis. Just so boring, visually. They all look the same!

The Council. Boring, boring, boring visuals. Whee, it's an ocean of olive drab! Well, aside from the Galaxies, who just look silly. LUCHADORES... FROM... SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE...

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Favorite:Every group in Croatoa other than the Red Caps..I love taking them on with Magic Origin Characters because it makes everything seem like a battle of mystic proportions. Tied with them though is The Warriors..always loved fighting them and being able to say "Warriors Come out and play!".
Least Favorite: Sappers all the way



Least favorite for me is easy: Circle of Thorns at least until I reach the higher levels with a character. At low level they are just way too overpowering... Energy mages exploding in my face, Ruin mages encasing me in stone or tossing me everywhere and then the Spectral Followers and the rest that all tend to run off 3 seconds after you attack them and hide.. when the mission is a defeat all. YUCK In the 40 Death mages are a challenge but I have the powers to compensate and mostly you see Demons and they are just push overs.

Most favorite is a little more complicated since I have favorites at different levels. Not much in the real low ones ... Skulls and Hellions provide XP but aren't very exciting.

At level 20 I start seeing Freakshow and I LOVE them. I wish they didn't disappear once you hit 40s. They give you a reasonable challenge and REZ so I an get twice the XP, INF, for defeating them all over again.

In the 30s It has to be Rikti I always look forward to making it to level 35 and heading into the RWZ to run arc and earn Vanguard merits. They give you a good battle and have enough variety to make life interesting.

Above 40 level I am in PI and I love nothing better than a good AV team .. Preatorans all the way. Short of battling a GM nothing presents more of a challenge than fighting the counterparts of the Phalanx, etc.

Can we expand on this? Favoriite GM.. Jurassic First there is the whole look of him. Waving a giant tree trunk around with a car turning it into his hammer. Then he presents a good battle ... I have been on teams with a RAD/RAD that still had a good fight on their hands against him.

Least favorite would be Lusca It just takes too long to find enough players to attack him and offers too little reward. I get 2 merits in PP for taking down Kraken and the same 2 for defeating 8 tentacles and then that silly girl's head? I'm enough of a badger that I will join teams taking her on but I have walked away from a Lusca battle more than 100,000 in debt and that was at level 20 so I was paying it off, before patrol XP, for close to half a level.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Tsoo - good amount of variety in their bosses while the sorcerors, although annoying, provide a small challenge / tactical element (it might just be "mez the sorceror first!", but that's still more than most groups involve, especially at that level).

Freakshow - I just love their whole theme and attidude. The mix of zany cheerful optimism and psychotic violence. They don't let anything get them down or discourage them and no idea is too stupid or insane for them to try out. There's been a few occasions where I secretly wished they'd actually succeed in whatever plan I was foiling (sportstaur for example). I do find their self-rez mildly annoying though, in that I'm frequently half way to the next spawn and one of the previous spawn gets back up - especially if it's a defeat all and I don't notice. Also they do start to get old due to how many people will run paper/AE missions to fight them exclusively and nothing else.

Crey pre-40 - I like the variety, both in appearance and powers, along with the whole sinister corporation thing going on.

Malta - I actually enjoy fighting these guys, despite their ridiculous stun grenades, endurance sapping, silly accuracy gunslingers, etc etc. I find them challenging rather than overpowering, necessitating some thought as to targeting priority, whether I'll need to pull, etc. That element of if you do it right it should go smoothly, but if you make a mistake or miss something you're screwed. Were it earlier in the game I'd probably shift them to the dislike group, but by 40+ you generally have the tools available to take them on, so long as you don't slip up. My one gripe is I wish the gun turrets the engineers summoned either a) gave xp or b) died when the engineer did, since as they stand they're just a bag of unrewarding hp to slog through.

The Lost - again, I enjoy their theme; their shambolic confused disorganisation coupled with quasi-religious nonsensical utterings.. yet underneath that they're moving with a distinct purpose. I think I enjoyed them more right at the beginning when I first started playing though, before I actually knew the whole story, when I wasn't really sure what their purpose was or who was influencing them - it made them that bit more sinister and worrying.

Longbow - boring in appearance and (wardens aside) powers, and then on top of that they start to get annoying to fight at high levels. Also see way too much of them, which amplifies the boring factor.

Ruin Mages - I don't have a problem with CoT in general, but these guys get too much mez/debuff for such low level enemies. At that level so many builds (and thus teams) just don't have the tools necessary to counter them, making them a major headache. Earthquake's probably the hair that breaks the camel's back for me - they fire it off early and unless you have two controllers (due to boss level mez protect + dispersion bubble) coordinating holds you probably won't mez them before they do.

Spectrals - specifically the Lts, who just bring too much in the way of -tohit coupled with their resists and decent damage (and self heal). Too much annoyance with nothing to make me feel it's worth it.

40+ Crey - Yawn. So yawnworthy I'd maybe not even think to bring them up, if it weren't for the fact that pre-40 they're actually quite varied and interesting.

Wolves of all varieties - resist most damage types, resist immobilise and slow, run around like bluebottles on crack, high burst damage, and kinda bland to boot. I dread the 40-50 defeat all wolves outdoor maps blueside.



Most Favorite - I have to say is tied. First off being the Coralax. They walk funny and make weird ringing sounds when you get near. The exploded chest cavity and mandibles always look awesome. And you gotta respect a level 15 that will hang out in Grandville drinking coffee :P. That all aside to me they just are so mysterious since we know little to nothing about them. Next on my list is the Carnies. I so want all there costume pieces, background story (Boots are hawt), and as annoying as there death throe is - it makes it fun to have to hurriedly hop away and get out the range of that thing.

Least Favorite - The Vahzilok. I hate them so much! They explode if you don't kill them fast enough. The vomiting (ugh,....being sick to your stomach is a a bad time to fight them) not to mention at lower levels they can completely annilate you with out even trying. Oh and don't forget about the Mortificator, who will bring back the damned Embalmed after you killed it...

Anything not nailed down is mine, anything i can pry loose wasn't nailed down good enough.

Criticism is always better when it's constrictive, and not sarcastic ~ Obsidius



Most favorite: Arachnos. A large variety of types that can mean one fight is cake, and the next one, they pull out the tricks and you're suddenly on the defensive. I like that they can pull dirty tricks, have them feel like dirty tricks, and NOT feel like "the AI is cheating again."

Least Favorite: CoT after 15 and before 40. No coincidence, this is where the Spectrals show up. The ToHit debuff is what breaks it for me, miss miss miss miss miss streakbreaker miss miss miss miss...

Freakshow. I think it's because they're such absolutely unshakeable optimists. They may be anarchic, drug-addled, gangbanging thugs with less sense than God gave a chicken, but you have to give them credit- they're resolutely cheerful, and, well... "Hey, this cape just beat me and six of my buddies unconscious with their bare hands. I think I'll jump up alone and go after them again!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Hilarious. Made me choke on my coffee.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



I dislike anything that players would frequently characterize as "runs away a lot". Some examples would be Longbow Eagles, CoT Thorn Casters (any type), but the crowned masters would be things like the Ghost of Scrapyard or Deathsurge.

Having foes do tactically interesting things isn't bad, and if foes just fall back out of melee range to pelt you with ranged attacks, that's fine. Indeed, this is what Eagles are meant to do, and they do it reasonably well. Entities like Scrapyard, however, just run. And run and run and run. And leap on top of things 100' up, and run and jump off them again. And run and run and run.

That's not tactically interesting. That's tedious. It never helps when they run so much they get themselves droned or run into the Black Market kill zone.

Another fun example is when fast-moving mobs like Warwolves decide they're losing a fight and they run away ... to the next county. I have had such foes run from the end-room of a large warehouse map all the way to the entrance. It's relatively common for foes who run this vigorously to return to their spawn point no longer aggressive, because they ran so far away they decided the fight was over.

So, yeah, I am less frequently annoyed by foes' powers or abilities, as by their AI.

I like mobs with variety in their strengths and weaknesses. Arachnos are very interesting because they present a wide variety here. For the level ranges they exist in, I also like Tsoo. Early Crey are like this, but they become very monochromatic in higher levels, especially 45+.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



My favorite/least favorite pretty much depends on what character I'm playing at the moment. Tsoo Sorcs are a royal pain in the rear for just about everybody - but my Mind Dom loves them because of his confuse. Actually, just about all the really annoying mobs people hate are his favorites...

Generally speaking though, I have a soft spot for Malta as a group and Gunslingers in particular. Gunslingers look good, have dual pistols, and can actually be a threat. Malta as a whole are one of the only groups that provide a challenge regardless of what AT you're on.

Knives of Atemis on the other hand - don't [censored] get me started on those [censored] [censored]. Oh sure, the hotness factor of sword wielding ninja babes in skin tight outfits gets my motor running, but I [censored] hate caltrops. Yes I could use fly or a jet pack, thats not the point.

Nerva Spectral Demons I'm no fan of either unless I'm on a mezzing class or have a reliable mezz power. Especially in numbers, having your to-hit floored sucks. Plus I've been playing a lot of smashing/lethal characters lately.



Mostest Favoretest: Malta - they have it all, including that one-of-a-kind-pain-in-the-(_!_), Sappers! And their concept is cool too. I can imagine, in a world filled with Demigods, sympathizing with a group of 'normal' humans who want to protect us from them. If Malta wasn't so misguided and cruelly utilitarian in how they perform their mission, they'd be Good Guys...

I don't really have any that I despise, but Cimeroran's make me scratch my head a bit. Storywise, Cimerorans are just normal humans with technology a bit above the Stone Age, yet they give my lvl 50s (who have taken down Kronos Titans and invaded Alient Motherships) a hard time...I don't quite get it. I pretend that Cimerora is really an 'Olympus'-like dimension and that all Cimerorans are really demi-gods (like Marvel's Asgardians) and their weapons are magic, etc. That's the only way I can wrap my head around it.



Least Favorite- Master Illusionists. With the phasing and pile of pets, about the only thing I've found that works against them is brute force with enough defenses to survive the pets.

Favorite- Longbow. They've got enough debuffs, mezzes, and raw damage to be dangerous to most characters, without some of the frustrating tricks Arachnos likes to pull (Bosses with mezz protection, I am looking at you). After some of the annoying mobs v-side, the chance to just mow down dozens of goofy-looking guys with guns is usually refreshiing.

Love/Hate: Snipers. They get rid of one of the biggest assumptions that you usually operate on in CoH--that the players are going to get to set the pace of the fight and only attack mobs when they're ready. Depending on the team and character, this can be either disastrous or amazing fun. On the 'disastrous' end of things, I had a mission where my storm defender and a blaster were trying to save a hostage on an outdoor map... and the hostage had about six snipers in the groups around her, all of whom could see each other.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Favorite: Rularuu
Probably the most visually distinctive of all the current villain groups, and they're challenging in a good way.

Loathed: Thorn Casters
"OMG I cut my finger on a piece of paper! RUN!" "OMG the hero looked at me funny! RUN!"

When you factor in the fact that these guys are immortal spirits riding in borrowed bodies they probably don't even care about, they have to be the biggest damn cowards in the entire universe.

Infatum on Virtueverse



Favorite: Cim's
Hit like *trucks*. Cascading defense failure. Annoying self defense buff and resistance to status effects. Pile real well. Easy to softcap certain builds against. Nice high "risk" when tearing through an ITF at mach 10.

Loathed: COT
(Ghost / Darkness mage / earth casters in particular) Generally speaking they're just an evil low and midgame opponent. They really should have been high end, and council lower. The tohit debuffs and auras they've got are just evil. Which is probably why I have so much success on my darks?



Favourites: Malta, because they have so many different ways to run your day you can't ever take them for granted. Easily my favourite opponents for my scrapper now she's in the mid 40s.

Honourable mention: Rikti, because the TPing Headmen and the crazy knockback from the swords makes for very dynamic fights, and I love the sound effects they get.

Least Favourite: Devouring Earth. They all look the same, and either die in seconds or last forever (hello, Sentries) Plus they don't talk, which makes running through missions against them a lot less interesting.

Dishonourable mention: Scrapyarders. The Mastermind's worst nightmare. Just when you think you're becoming invincible you reach level 20 and oh look, here comes a demolitionist to blow your pets to kingdom come... Plus their EB is the Sea Witch - one of the most frustrating opponents I've fought.



Favorite: Cimerorans. Background and look go a long way to making me feel immersed in the game. I don't care if they can beat me six ways from Sunday most of the time (they do hit hard). They're in-game footprint makes them my fave.

Least Favorite: Tie between DE and Knives. DE are just a royal pain in the [censored] with their eminator drops. Kill one Cairn, drop another, repeat. Have two groups on you? 2 Cairns and all your attacks are reduced to wet noodles. Knives, seriously, the caltrops are completely ridiculous. I have, in all seriousness, been on a mission with an 8 person team and (not tanking!) been hit with 7 applications of caltrops from them. It's both their ability to do that, and my character's inability to move through them. "Oh, look, lots of pointy metal, I'll just run over them reeeeeeaaaaaaaallllll slooooooooowwwwwww instead of getting out of them." And for a character that has metal boots, would I even feel them?

Honorable Mention: Wailers. They just freak me out.

Main Character: Ice/Storm/Ice Controller (Justice, 1340 badges)