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  1. I don't like this idea. It could possibly assessed on a power by power basis but definitely not done completely.

    For instance, Solar Flare should definitely have the knockback taken away (I know it's a PB power but I'll still talk about it) because this is an attack made mostly for damage and it hinders teams by spreading the group out.

    Gravitic Emenation[SP] however should not have the knockback removed. It is meant as a control power and the knockback only adds to that. Furthermore, as a cone, this power can have minimal scattering effects while aiding team survival if used properly. I personally like to utilize the knockback on this power on BAFs in order to move the adds next to the AVs so that they go down nice and fast.

    And what do you mean by:
    Increase the efficiency of our draining powers
  2. Just had another thought. A Warshade could bring both things so the party. They can control with their stuns and then switch to nova and blast the crap outta the minions while you take down the tough guys.

    They can even tank in a jiffy if you find yourself in trouble. The only downside is the crazy amount of switching that you'll do. But they ARE pretty awesome.

    (Waddaya know, I beat Dechs to suggesting an MFing WS :P)
  3. My first thought when I hear ice blaster is that you should pair it up with some nice AOE. Get someone who's a nice lawnmower and they'll take out the minions/LTs in a flash while you destroy the bosses like they're nothing.

    I'd say something with Fire Aura. Personally I've always wanted to try a spines/fire Aura scrapper so that catches my attention.

    Also though, A controller or Dominator would help bring the control to the party while you brought the damage.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post

    I like Executioner's Shot and would never skip it. PR is also good, but for its end cost and opportunity cost, you can take it or leave it. Since I leave incendiary ammo on almost always now, I don't get the -resist bonus from PR. However, I giggle delightedly everytime I hit 3 things with PR.
    Hey, I just noticed this real quick and wanted to take time to tell you what I use for this. If you make a macro "powexec_piercing rounds$$powexec_toggleoff incendiary ammunition" then this will toggle off your fire ammo before shooting PR.

    Make another macro such as: /bind f "powexec_pistols$$powexec_toggleon incendiary ammunition" then this should turn fire ammo on the first time you hit "f" and then fire pistols the second time. You could switch out pistols for any power that you regularly like to use right after piercing rounds and it should work. This lets you regularly get the benefit of the -resist without having to get click happy with the ammo.

    One word of advice, you'll have to give it a second before you hit the button the second time or it seems you'll skip over loading fire ammo. Anyways, I find it helpful for making sure I'm always in the right ammo type.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    Oppressive Gloom is an excellent power for any squishy that gets into melee range. It costs little and with a single accuracy can neuter a lot of minions. It should work well with Hail of Bullets, giving you an extra layer of damage mitigation.
    I was thinking a little about hail of bullets but honestly I just wanna get rid of that running away from the minions game haha. I can usually stun/hold a LT easily and then get the other LT taken care of rather quickly.

    When I go down it's cause the minions all swarmed me and took me out in melee (which this would take care of)

    When Hail of Bullets is up everything dies so quickly I don't get a chance to.

    Of course this is all talking about solo play. Team play can vary depending on the people. Well I guess it's time to start the long trek to villaindom and back.
  6. Hey, so I was looking over the ancillary power pools lately and noticed that if I went villain temporarily I could pick up oppressive gloom for my dual pistols blaster. I'm very intrigued by this idea since I absolutely love that power on my WS and I wouldn't have to deal with constantly turning it back on while triforming!

    Anyone have any experience with this? how did it work for you?
  7. Ice_Storm

    New Judgements?

    I could really go for a couple natural themed judgement powers. For instance:

    Grenades: you throw a grenade into a location creating a massive explosion. Upgrades could include a flash grenade that does damage and also debuffs to hit.

    Army/Backup: You pull out a walkie talkie and several guys run in behind you and lay waste to everything in front in a cone. Another option would be to call in a big freaking tank that blasts the spot but I guess it's a bit of a silly concept.

    You character whips out some kind of thrown weapon which quickly makes a circle around you and does damage a la Xena Style :P. There could also be a version where your guy holds up a giant sword for a second and then slashes around himself in a big circle.

    I also like the "Holy Judgement" power with the knockup!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
    While I do think this is a very interesting topic. How does this relate to archetypes and powers?
    Ah good point, my bad. I was thinking of this primarily of the "General Discusion" area...forgot it's archetypes haha.

    I also didn't know that the tentacles in the arc were confirmed to be preatoria Hamidon's tentacles. Now that gets me curious because of how similar they are. Does Hamidon have a secret child which he used to attack First Ward and bring them crumbling? Then again he is a giant single cell organism in our dimension. Maybe in their dimension he figured out how to divide himself and evolve a bit?
  9. I was reading the overview for First Ward and I gotta say, the tentacles in the pictures looked a lot like the giant tentacles that we see in Mender Ramiel's arc in the future.

    You think this means anything? Maybe we're finding out a little bit more about the big terrible thing that happens? Preatoria and Prime Hamidon gonna team up?

    Anybody else think they look eerily similar? What do you think it might mean?
  10. I've changed how I use it slightly. I figure, since I'm already giving good Defense buffs to people, anyone with some IOs might be getting pushed to or past the softcap. So now I just sit back, and any time I see someone's health go down I use it on them.

    It's not a heal but obviously that person lacks IOs or like to play more on the edge and grab a lot of aggro so they're the ones that could use the extra health. I've been surprised at who ends up getting the shield the most. For instance, on a team I was running earlier the elect/ controller was the one who got it the most often.
  11. Ice_Storm

    Endgame Ice/Ice

    I'm no blaster extraordinaire but I can imagin ice/ice being pretty good in end game. Ice/ is pretty much the ST monster of blasters right? so you're definitely usefull against AVs.

    I also see this build being particularly useful in BAF since you've got ice patch and shiver to help slow down the minions and you've got the single target damage to help really take out the Lts.

    In LAM, don't the guys around the glowies only aggro on you from a certain range? So I believe a blaster (maybe with a stealth enhancement) would be able to destroy the crates without aggroing the group. And even if you did aggro the group you've got blizzard up your sleeve and judgement.

    Apex as mentioned.

    I will say thought that I can understand why you might feel useless on teams. The amount of AOE going off on teams is insane. My scrapper doesn't really have time to use much besides shield charge or his judgement power before everything seems to be destroyed. I think the devs are working to incorporate more EBs in trials and TFs to counter this.

    As a final note I will say that I believe that the only person who's contribution really sticks out in a trial is the leader...because he's the one that invited everyone.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    Bottom line - FW increases survivability by adding HP.

    What people seem to not like about it is that its effectiveness varies not only by AT, but by powersets within an AT. Further by how the individual character is built.

    Tanks that run around with +HP accolades and perma DP are the worst candidates, as they literally gain 0 benefit with DP active.

    Stalkers and Blasters will also frequently gain little, or even nothing, as their max HP is close to their base HP.

    That's the argument against FW. What that neglects is basically everybody else. With the HP cap raised, there are still plenty of tanks w/o a +HP power that love FWs, all brutes can use it, VEATs, MMs, also gain full benefits.

    Having said that, this is the first power from Cold I cut out when I need to. However if you're looking for a useful 1-slot power (I just put a Health IO and call it a day), FW will do.
    I didn't think about how close tanks are to their HP cap already. I think I'll prob move to using it most often on the squishies and only do the tank if they're having a lot of trouble.
  13. Personally I think that this is a really cool power but I think I remember reading somewhere that people regarded it as useless? Does anyone besides me use this? And if so, who do you use it on?

    I typically try to use it on either the main tank and then usually a squishie. Sometimes the squishie takes priority if the tank is perfectly fine on their own.
  14. When these TFs first came out the with requirement to have alpha slotted I didn't really think it was a problem. But now that there's the trials which allow any 50s to just jump on in, I think this should be reconsidered.

    Even the story behind it seems a little silly. If Cole has this great debuff that he can apply to us, why isn't he using it in the trials as well as these TFs? I would of fully expected the first trial to be us taking down this debuff but the storyline of just seems to have been ditched after the first two Tfs.

    P.S. I really love that they updated the rewards table for these. 2 incarnate threads just didn't seem like enough but 10 actually feels worth it. Plus the merits and the ability to get an astral or insp if we so desire
  15. Hm I guess it's not currently working then if this has 103 views and no one knows how.
  16. So we're supposed to be able to do this now right? Cause I've tried inviting to team and doing a league invite but neither one works. Is there a new command or is it just not working yet?
  17. Ice_Storm

    Ascension auras

    This brings me to a QOL issue that I've been wondering about for a while:
    Why can't we see small previews of what the auras, costumes, etc look like before we purchase them.

    If I'm being asked to spend 3 emp merits on a costume piece than I better be able to know what the heck it looks like. Hopefully this gets implemented soon.
  18. Ok i can probably squeez some more in. I'll take another look at some of my powers. I just wanted to make sure I didn't spend 500m getting myself to 150% regen only to find out that most people say if you can't hit x amount to not even bother. (No, it's not really costing me that much, I'm just making up numbers on the fly).

  19. so I'm wondering about how much regen I should try to have as a defense scrapper ( shield) I've got about 100% right now and I'm jut not sure how much I can push is. what would you aim for?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
    Coming late to the party (as always), I just watch the Last Air Bender and now want to make a character (doesn't matter red or blueside in that I have GR) that fights using the elements.

    My playstyle is more along the lines of PvE, teaming often, not farming, melee fighter. Although I have 50's in most AT's, I am finding myself playing scrappers and brutes more. Kinda wish they had Ice melee and armor for scrappers and brutes in that not in a mood for another tank right now.

    Elemental sets I can draw from for scrappers are:
    Kinectic Melee/ (air control)
    /Elect (already have a lvl 40 dark/elect scrapper so shying away from this set)

    Sets from Brutes
    Kinectic Melee/ (air control)
    /Stone (may be too slow for me; or expensive to make fast)

    (Also know i can make Dark fire-ish with proper coloring)

    Leaning towards the following builds:

    KM/Fire Scrapper
    KM/Fire Brute

    Two questions:
    1) Am I missing any combinations, and two

    2) Of the three I am leaning towards, what would you recommend?

    Thanks for your comments and hve a great weekend
    I know it's not on your list but I'd probably go with Kinetic Melee/Super Reflexes or /Willpower.

    My reasoning behind this is because in Avatar they don't usually use their elements has shields. The one example I can think of where they do is Aang and Toff doing it with stones.

    On my list is still a KM (Colored as fire)/SR. Of the ones you suggested I'd say the scrapper because I hear that KM gets more milege outta power siphon on a scrapper than a Brute.

  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
    They're both coming on the WST rotation so you'll have ample chances.
    I would kinda recomend trying it before that though. I worry about how they'll do with the WST as I can see a lot of people trying them without first knowing about the parts where you need to pay attention. If you have half a team that doesn't know what to do and refuses to see the chat then it can make you fail

    I know on one of my runs we had a melee heavy team and one troller that REFUSED to stop immobing Battle Maiden in her blue fire. This led to her never coming out to get the beat down by use and we just couldn't get enough DPS rolling to take her down in the breaks we got. I was pretty made cause we requested that they stop immobing several times over the course of 10-15 minutes and either they weren't looking at chat or they just didn't care.

    didn't know about confusing the tentacles. I'll be sure to bring that up any time I see someone with confuse. Can one person stack enough or does it need two people?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    Practically instant. In any case, requiring you to learn tactics and do something other than just stand there and push buttons. Tin is more your standard killing fare, assuming you aren't going for master of.
    This is partially why I haven't bothered to try Tin Mage yet. I absolutely hate just sitting around and renewing my attacks over and over until the AV is dead. I can stand it in most TFs but I think I was one of the few that was actually sad with STF was announced. "Wow, five super AVs causing me to just hit the same attacks over and over for 30 minutes?" I'll only ever bother running that whenever it's the WST.

    But in apex I actually have fun and I'll probably be starting that one up a couple times a week. I understand that some people prefer the traditional AVs though so I won't be surprised if the Devs stick with releasing one new and exciting and one new but kinda the same whenever they make the new TFs.

    As a side note - I know there's a group of people that're sad about the BAF content (I haven't tried it yet but from what I hear it sounds like I'll love it!). I really think though that the other trial which I can't remember right now that they've said will be released around the same time will probably be a lot more traditional. Kinda makes sense that they'd want to get alot of testing on the one that's using new mechanics rather than the one that's using mechanics that they already know for sure work.

  23. ...But I gotta say that I absolutely love the Apex TF. I just like everything about it: the difficulty, the quickness, 40 reward merits, better mission design, and the epic feel.

    It's not even really all that difficult. I'd describe it more as requiring more attention and periodic moving than typical content. Last night I threw together a PUG to do it, pretty much just grabbed whoever said they were game for it and then for the last slot I specifically looked for some -regen just cause they make AV battles easier.

    We had 3 newbies to the TF but they were willing to listen and try new things so I gave them the rundown and warned them that they may die a lot at first but the battle is fun enough to make up for it.

    Had some trouble with the pylons but we ended up switching from the rush in tactic to gettind in the corner and the ranged guys attack the pylon (we had 4 or 5 with ranged attacks) while me (scrapper) and the tank killed all the hydra that were trying to come kill our precious squishies. Took a bit longer but two team wipes trying to use the standard rush tactics told us we needed to change something.

    Took us about 50 minutes total but the new guys all expressed fun at having come along.

    I'm hoping that if the devs make us use a different salvage for the Justice slot that some of it gets tied to Apex cause I would love an excuse to run it a bit more often.


    P.S. Any other melees ever try wailing on Battle maiden while a blaster is using Blizzard? I think I just barely managed to frantically escape the blue flames several times from not being able to see the fog that came first! :P it was really thrilling haha.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    Try crafting them at lvl 45 instead of lvl 50.

    ParagonWiki: Perpetual Badge

    And yes.. the 45/50 line of badges does unlock the extra recipe slots. Just remember to craft both lvl 45 AND lvl 50 to earn each of the badges.
    Ah that kinda makes sense! I guess I just kept accidentally reading it as 45 or 50. Alright. More badges here I come! Thanks
  25. Hey guys,
    So a while ago I decided that I was gonna work on getting the invention badges but since I was feeling lazy I started with the level 45-50 enhancements.

    The problem is, my badge meters seem to have stopped moving up. For instance, my meter for the end reduction and end mod badge is at 18/24 but it won't go up when I craft more enhancements! I've tried making both types of enhancements but neither one makes the meter go up. Do I have to earn the lower tier badges before I can earn the badges on the upper tiers?? Or are these badges just bugged right now?

    Thanks for any light you guys can shed on the subject.


    P.S. I've heard that I can unluck more recipie slots, is it by earning these badges or by doing something else?