A minor suggestion for Super Booster III (cont)




Original thread is in the open beta forums

The Scientist 2 jacket (or just Scientist on females) is a really neat piece, but currently, the 2nd color merely recolors the buttons. Now some people may find that interesting, but myself, I would much rather see an option that let me recolor the center piece a separate color from the sides- examples shown here:


Science for Girls

I believe this would really open the jacket up to many more possibilities. Many Anime characters have a similar uniform jacket, like Shadow Hearts' Alice, or Echo from Pandora Hearts.

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and a reply from Sexy JLove:
I'll do it but iIl need at least 15 yeas over how ever many nos.

If you can get the populous to be swayed I’ll change it before it goes live.

[/ QUOTE ]

Continue voting here! I'll add my "yea" and a hope for both options.



I'll shoot 'ya a vote for "yes." That looks pretty cool, and I can think of a few good possibilities for that as well... I would hope that the buttons stay black though.

"The One"

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The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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I'll vote yea only if both options are available. Why only please some of the people when you can concievably please them all.



I vote that someone adds Speed Suits. It can't be Super Science without Speed Suits, damnit.



Once again, I'll vote for whichever option gets the booster to us the quickest. The two color option can be patched in later.



You got my vote. o7 C'mon, Jay! You know you wanna~.



What the hey, I'll throw a Yea in there. I could actually use the color scheme for a few characters I have in mind.

This thread doesn't jump the gun - it digs up the ore that will be refined to eventually forge the gun that would have been jumped. -Obsidius

I am a Dominator,
And I am a Jerk 4 life.



yeah on my side!

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"If yah want we can take this to the arena. No insps, max end, no travel powers, no temp powers, no accolades, no observers, unrated just one on one."



heck yeah, the dual color would rock.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"






It's a yea/yes from me.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



The dual colour is great.

Both options would be nice, of course, but, if choice needs to be made, I think that the dual colour is much better than just the buttons.



I can conceive no reason to say no. More options on costumes is always a plus. Yea, here.






Yea, as long as it doesn't take too long to get the booster out.



I'll toss in my yea to pad my post count.

(I'm kidding, ok? But yes, I like that option as well.)



Only if the coloured panel is an option. It's fairly situational; I can see a limited number of characters where it would be appropriate. The plain jacket is much more useful.

That jacket is the only decent bit of the science pack so I'd hate for it to be ruined by a mandatory stripe. You wouldn't do that to the trench coats, would you.

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Only if the coloured panel is an option. It's fairly situational; I can see a limited number of characters where it would be appropriate. The plain jacket is much more useful.

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Make the primary and secondary colors the same, and the panel matches the jacket!




Sure, why not?



I can conceive no reason to say no. More options on costumes is always a plus. Yea, here.

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Except, unless they add it as another costum piece whats being discussed isn't more options only different options.



Putting my name in for a "Please, yes". Looks better, in my opinion.