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  1. ROGUEdenied

    Freem T Shirt

    Who out there has one of these?

    anyone still playing have one?
    I have only seen a somewhat crappy picture of it.
  2. Way to represent Laser.
  3. I agree Noy, and what Golden said rings true, but sometimes I just have to reply to the foolishness that some of our forumites spew from their keyboards into our eyes.

    I have been here for a long time and every now and then I just have to open the dam.

    Most of the time all of the ideas that I might have/had or said is said here, so I dont reply much...But my post still stands and the message was to... You know who you are!
  4. 993 hours for one of my 50s, she was my first made and most of the time was doing Hamidon Raids back when it took 3 hours or more sometimes. I sure do miss those HUGE raids and man the HOLD phase was so FUN!

    I also only did Hamidon for xp from 45-50 and that was before you could turn xp off, so she was parked in the Hive for like 3 years.

    She still fights Hami whenever she can, I think he was one of the reasons she was turned into a superhero but she isnt telling atm.
  5. QUARX is here, we can start the RAID!!!

    The raids have been awesome! Great Work as always Leo!
  6. Yah what J said.....

    Besides "Vainglorious Supergrandeur" was a one hit disco wonder from the 70's and hardly anyone knows who they are.
  7. What is it with the moles? I thought it was OTTERS?
  8. I was there when RF2009 was created and I was under the impression that the RF20?? channels were to continue in that synchronical order. At least that is what was said on the day of the channels fruition. I do beleive that RF2010 as well as RF2011 and RF2012 were all created that same day by different mods in order to make sure that the channels would not be stagnant with the same ole same ole. When I was personally invited to the future RF channels I was under the impression that that is the reason that we the community created them for.

    I guess we will have to wait a whole 'nother year to make jokes about least we have something to look forward to.

    I look forward to playing Coh in the future.
    RF2011-"where we play Coh in the future, again"
    RF2012-"If you thought the future was exciting you arent ready for this future"
  9. I miss the Hami-buds soo much. We were trying to make Hami-bud plushies until they were taken out.

    They could add them back and just make them an additional creature to kill at the end.
    I really enjoyed trying to kill them before they 'escaped' and made a new Hami.o
  10. ROGUEdenied

    The Blue Walls

    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Up until it was determined that because sharks couldn't leave the water that players would undoubtedly herd them up, lead them back to the beach, and then slaughter them for risk-free XP.

    The idea of a ranged attack was kicked around, but after the friggin' lasers was veto'd that whole project lost a lot of steam.

    I love the Shark Idea...You guys can still make that work, just make the sharks stay far from shore(no hearding). As for Flyers just make the sharks spit at them. Sharks do that right?
  11. Why is there nothing in the patch notes about the changes in RV...The Longbow Mech/Spider Mech changes and the changes in inspiration and recipe drops were also changed but not listed...WHY??
  12. Im a clubber...
    I got mah glow sticks my pacifier and my Eeeze dancing shoes...we meeting in Pocket D?
    I got some supah fresh mixes in mah playah too, we can hook it up to the sound system and jam.
    Oh we gonna need more chicks at the SOIREE, well besides Lieran!
  13. ROGUEdenied

    Regarding Twixt

    Show us on the doll where TWIXT touched you...
  14. ROGUEdenied

    Post your GUI

    HAHA , The Graphics was on the wrong setting, It is all the same except its all a little bit smaller.
  15. ROGUEdenied

    Post your GUI

    Ok OK , everything isnt as it seems

    I do not normally run around with the info window up looking at my characters awesome IO bonuses. This picture was to show that and it happen to have my GUI in the background

    This is what it looks like without the info window open.
    Also I usually zoom in and out with the camera depending on the situation.

    Most of my GUIs follow the same pattern...TP powers by the map, Extra powers are in trays, accessable by need... one time powers in smaller trays at top, Pet powers in a seperate tray(for RV farming mostly), Multi use powers closer to main tray, and extra powers on sides as well.
    For Fun...
    here is QUARX GUI

    And Here is my Tankers Combat GUI. The power trays in the middle are to make sure I know my sheilds are on, or Main Powers are ready.

    And TAXEE's Combat GUI... I hope that blows your mind.
  16. hmmmm...?
    Going Rogue = 10 letters
    Coming Storm = 11 letters

    So mabye thats a clue as well to the order of things.

    I love conspiracy theorys...
  17. ROGUEdenied

    Post your GUI

    Here is mine. I move the team bar close to my power bar if I run heal or buff class.
  18. I for one knew that something was up...there was allways a special little place in my heart for the guy.
  19. ROGUEdenied

    Hami Raid

    HAMI RAID Saturday 30th & Sunday 31th -10 pm est. Blue side first! Red side if we have enough interest.

    I often do that to see who is paying attention. Now Pay him the 10 bucks you owe him so he stops calling me for it.
  20. ROGUEdenied

    Hami Raid

    I am totally serious.
    Do not take my post in Jest...I love Hami and will do anything to get interest going.
    I will be there on Sunday definately
    Mabye Saturday you guys could Farm the EoEs and get people in groups, etc. Talk about who is serious in coming back,discuss tactics, that is unless a leader shows up and helps...I will do what i can to help lead on Sunday(yah I said it).
  21. ROGUEdenied

    Hami Raid

    HAMI RAID Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th -10 pm est. Blue side first! Red side if we have enough interest.
  22. Well E-man you bring any one of those "sacrifices" and I am sure the death count will truly be quite high. Most of them being you. hehehe
  23. ROGUEdenied

    ''The Hive''

    Hami Raid this Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th 10 est see ya'll in the Hive !!!

    Red side Raid to follow after for people who wanna run it !