Looking for best clubbers in the server




I'm trying to find best clubbers players on freedom. anyone that wanna try some good clubber duel, try to find me in game. S A U Z E R



I'll bring the seals.

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



expecially people full slot. purple accolade ecc...



Only clubs I visit have exotic dancers...does that count?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Most clubbers are in Sirens - simple go to the zone stand in ne corner and say in bc "any heroes want to duel?"

Might work in WB if people are bored.



Mr E. I like the way you think. Say the word I am down fir that type of clubbing



Im a clubber...
I got mah glow sticks my pacifier and my Eeeze dancing shoes...we meeting in Pocket D?
I got some supah fresh mixes in mah playah too, we can hook it up to the sound system and jam.
Oh we gonna need more chicks at the SOIREE, well besides Lieran!

TAXEE-Freedom's Original "fun ride"!
QUARX-45 to Fiddy Hami-Only XP! 993 hours!

"If yah want we can take this to the arena. No insps, max end, no travel powers, no temp powers, no accolades, no observers, unrated just one on one."