J-Force Annaversery Contest: Debt Run
i will sign up if the jforce agrees to 1. stay together (as much as possible) and 2. to make sure that you can not decline a tp.
then i will break out galadriel, and show you what healz0rs are supposed to be like
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
The Rules: Even though this is stacked in our favor we have devised a few rules to make it more reasonable.
1) We will stay together at all times. There will be no running off ta git ourselves kilt.
2) We will keep team teleport on that way the healzor kin keep us reigned in as need be.
3) We will not use the self destruct power wit the sole purpose ta kill ourselves.
4) There will be skippin ahead at two points. The canyon in the third mish an' Romy in the last mish.
5) Any givin' up on the healzorz part will be an automatic disqualification.
If there are any more requested rules please place then in this thread fer consideration.
Fair enough-
Im game, Galadriel Rose lvl 50 EMP/DARK Defender.
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
lol rose. I was typin out those rule as you posted.
lol rose. I was typin out those rule as you posted.
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well, goodness, guys i know you.... cheatin is fair game.....
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
Sign me up for this one of these runs as well - so long as we can agree on a day/time to run it.
IG-2112MD Emp/Rad Defender
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Does it have to be an empath or even a character with a heal? If not, I totally call running this with my FF/Sonic fender. Just try to get hit with softcapped defenses and then some.
Also, should be assume Level 5 Difficulty or are you guys gonna make it pansy and run on Level 1?
It will most likely be level 4, that way we git double spawns of +1
Granted if it calls fer it we'll kick it up a notched, but in my experience more things kill better then tuffer things.
The most famous bein' the J-Man v RO debt run where they cheated.
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Oh stop it now...you know we won fair and square.
Happy Anniversary!
If we had any healorz in RO we might do this, but we don't, so we can't and we won't.
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Oh? did I strike a nerve?
Its ok any of yer RO "not healzorz" couldn't keep a team of ducklings alive as they crossed the street. So I'm certain you wouldn't stand a chance against any of the J-Force
If we got only two contestents I say we run this next saturday.
Not the tamarrow saturday, but 5/30/09 which give us a week ta plan what we is gonna do ta ya.
If we got only two contestents I say we run this next saturday.
Not the tamarrow saturday, but 5/30/09 which give us a week ta plan what we is gonna do ta ya.
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So are you not gonna allow me to do it on my FF/sonic fender?
If we got only two contestents I say we run this next saturday.
Not the tamarrow saturday, but 5/30/09 which give us a week ta plan what we is gonna do ta ya.
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Try to slot me in for a late(r) run - 11pm eastern or so.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
If we got only two contestents I say we run this next saturday.
Not the tamarrow saturday, but 5/30/09 which give us a week ta plan what we is gonna do ta ya.
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So are you not gonna allow me to do it on my FF/sonic fender?
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My bad playah!!
Of course are you in. Date still stands.
ya know j, you could get more entries if mr. trix would put it on the MOTD for FE...
"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man
Silence!!! I kill you!
So are you not gonna allow me to do it on my FF/sonic fender?
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My bad playah!!
Of course are you in. Date still stands.
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You're just trembling in your trousers at the topic of my Top-Ten-tastic team survival talents! If you guys are doing it for all day, I should be available around noon CST. I've got a D&D game at 5pm til late, so I can't do Saturday evenings.
ya know j, you could get more entries if mr. trix would put it on the MOTD for FE...
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We don't need that. All the people who would sign up have already read this thread. They know who they are.
I am disappointed at Freedom again. Apparently its greed level has dropped ta white.
aka theys chicken!
ya know j, you could get more entries if mr. trix would put it on the MOTD for FE...
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We don't need that. All the people who would sign up have already read this thread. They know who they are.
I am disappointed at Freedom again. Apparently its greed level has dropped ta white.
aka theys chicken!
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Either that or they have such respect for your debt gaining skills that they are sure that it would be nigh upon impossible to prevent the lot of you from dieing at a sneeze and allow themselves a chance at actually winning (especially since I've entered!).
ya know j, you could get more entries if mr. trix would put it on the MOTD for FE...
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We don't need that. All the people who would sign up have already read this thread. They know who they are.
I am disappointed at Freedom again. Apparently its greed level has dropped ta white.
aka theys chicken!
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Actually I think it's more of what I feared this last few months, People are too busy farming, and PLing, to play content. And those that frequent the boards, are maybe a handful of the population. LIke population=10000 / board=40, lol. Good luck on the debt runs, too bad I don't play a healer! But if you wanna see who can die more times, set the ITF to 5 and lets run and see how many times my MM can die. LOL/
ya know j, you could get more entries if mr. trix would put it on the MOTD for FE...
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We don't need that. All the people who would sign up have already read this thread. They know who they are.
I am disappointed at Freedom again. Apparently its greed level has dropped ta white.
aka theys chicken!
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd love to do this run, but Doc Turg's O2 Boost has no chance in hell of keeping you mooks alive.
...now, if by the rules of engagment, you simply allowed me to do all the FIGHTING, yeah, I'd prolly win this.
Good luck, signees. Make it a drinking game, chug a shot of Ouzo every time someone JFS's on the floor. You'll be plastered within twenty minutes.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
ya know j, you could get more entries if mr. trix would put it on the MOTD for FE...
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We don't need that. All the people who would sign up have already read this thread. They know who they are.
I am disappointed at Freedom again. Apparently its greed level has dropped ta white.
aka theys chicken!
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I'd love to do this run, but Doc Turg's O2 Boost has no chance in hell of keeping you mooks alive.
...now, if by the rules of engagment, you simply allowed me to do all the FIGHTING, yeah, I'd prolly win this.
Good luck, signees. Make it a drinking game, chug a shot of Ouzo every time someone JFS's on the floor. You'll be plastered within twenty minutes.
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Ah but Turgy old boy you aren't thinkin outside the box. Just cuz you don't have an empath doesn't mean you can't keep a team alive. Imagine all the deaths you'd prevent wit yer hurricane. There is more ta defendin then h4alz ... or at least I thought so until this thread ... *sigh*
There is more ta defendin then h4alz ... or at least I thought so until this thread ...
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You, as a mighty healzorz who thinks you are the bee's knees will sign up.
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This contest will be for YOU the healzorz ta keep us the J-Force alive through out an entire task force.
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We will record the number of deaths at the end (yours included) and the healzorz with the lowest amount wins.
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Silly me, thought you were looking for a healzorz. I'd assumed the challenge here was keeping the Bactine flowing for your rag tag fleet of miscreants. If we're free to interpret the rules for "keeping you alive" broad, then I just might be up for this.
Lemme re-read your original post and see when I can fit in, if you're still runnin' it. More to come tomorrow. I'm mildly drunk ATM.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
I may have to rethink my entry into this contest as well...
...base on your original post my assumption was that you required an emp for this...
...which is why I signed up with IG...
...but if that is not the case, my choices for this run have opened up a bit:
Mr E-Man: Keep all of the aggro attached to me, thereby reducing the number of J-Force deaths...
IG-2112MD: Buff/Heal the wonderful debt happy J-Force...
Cold Satisfaction: Debuff the crap out of everything with darky badness not to mention an array of holds, slows, fears, heals, etc...
I am keeping my options open at this point, but I am leaning towards Cold Satisfaction as I need the healing credits for my VG base...
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Well E-man you bring any one of those "sacrifices" and I am sure the death count will truly be quite high. Most of them being you. hehehe
TAXEE-Freedom's Original "fun ride"!
QUARX-45 to Fiddy Hami-Only XP! 993 hours!
"If yah want we can take this to the arena. No insps, max end, no travel powers, no temp powers, no accolades, no observers, unrated just one on one."
The debt run in an honored tradition in the J-Force. By definition a debt run is a mission/task force/trial/story arc/street sweep done fer the soul purpose of killin' someone (or each other) off as much as possible.
The most famous bein' the J-Man v RO debt run where they cheated.
This contest we are runnin' is gonna be modified as a contest ta see who kin keep the JFS alive the longest. Here is how its gonna work:
The Who: You, as a mighty healzorz who thinks you are the bee's knees will sign up. You can be a defender, corrupter, controller or mastermind. As long as you THINK you kin keep a team alive.
The What: This contest will be for YOU the healzorz ta keep us the J-Force alive through out an entire task force. The team will be 1 of you and 7 of us.
The Where: We will run an Imperious Task Force. We will record the number of deaths at the end (yours included) and the healzorz with the lowest amount wins.
The When: This contest will be held at the end of the month. We want as many contestents as possible and we are well aware one day will not work fer everyone and that we sure as PIE ain't gonna run'm all in one day. So end of the month is my vague date. Once you smucks sign up we will hash out a solid date fer when we kin make this happen.
The Why: lewt my good friend, its always fer lewt. Will have a variety of prizes available. Up to 500K in influence, random merit rolls on both red an' blue side, as well as purples.
The How: Post in this thread that yer interested. Give us the name an' powersets of yer toon an' we'll be on our way. Rememba this ain't fer the faint of heart.