Issue 15 Anniversary Release Notes






What was this about the opening of the Omega Team time capsule? I heard something about this in passing, and have not heard a peep since.

Thing is, in the text in the cape mission, it says the time capsule is supposed to be opened in SEVEN years, not five.

[/ QUOTE ]And those events happened 2 years before launch of CoH, in game time. So, add the following 5 years and you have your 7.



Can't you bump the numbers by a small percentage? Because paying 500+ mil is ridiculous, NOTHING in this game should go beyond 200mil in price - otherwise your just asking for farming to happen

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Increase the pvp IO drop rate please!

Doing so will lead to nothing but good things!



A little improvement I haven't noticed on Live, but don't see in the patch notes: NPCs in missions have new idle/starting animations instead of always doing the punch-my-hand. Vahz carrying body bags, Lost and others lounging around as if they live in the mission... I think it adds to immersion.

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And Rikti minions pan handling. I just finished a mission from Montague and the Rikti were doing this emote. I feel bad for beating them up. I know things have been tough on them lately. Maybe we could let them win and invasion or something to perk up their spirits?

Its a shame that a family can be torn apart by something as simple as a pack of wild dogs. - Jack Handy.

Proud member of:
Gunstar Heroes (Protector)




This SF is not easy as is. It's not even that it's hard. Once you IO out a Brute, nothing is very challenging anymore, so I welcome an actual challenge. The problem is it isn't difficult, it's just tedious and very long. Button mashing my attack chain over and over for almost 45 minutes isn't fun IMO.

Just disappointed. The TF/SF is really the only thing issue 15 has besides AE tweaks and fixes. So for someone like myslef who doesn't care for AE and does alot of TF/SF, it a bit aggrevating to find out I hate the new SF.

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This. For some reason my team could not drop Reichsman. We had all of the temp powers, but could not get him below half health. He would phase, and there was nothing we could do about it.
We had two brutes, a corr, a mm, 2 dom, and 2 stalkers.
I went afk with Reichsmann on me so I could look on the boards to see if he was bugged or something. Of course I came back to full health.

Oh, and JDouble, there is one thing other than the SF that I like.
They fixed the alakazamreact emote.
Thats the other thing that this issue had for me.

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One Corr w/o multiple VEATs is not what I'd call a good team suited to taking on a new SF, unless most of the players are very good and already know what the SF is all about.

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I would. A full team, with different AT's all driven by good players. The issue wasn't the lack of VEAT's (Which I've done every tf/sf in the game without a Veat/Eat) it was the bugged MM power which prevented us from getting him below half health. Every AT was represented, except for VEATs.
Then again I'm one of those crazy people that doesn't believe you have to have a certain powerset just to do a Tf/Sf.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

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VEAT animation:

Spin a web cocoon around yourself, have it stick for a second, then bust out of it with the new costume.

There ya go. Have fun. Make sure to include "Thought of by Turg" somewhere in the image file in homage to me.

I'll be watching.



I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

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VEAT animation:

Spin a web cocoon around yourself, have it stick for a second, then bust out of it with the new costume.

There ya go. Have fun. Make sure to include "Thought of by Turg" somewhere in the image file in homage to me.

I'll be watching.

[/ QUOTE ]

That actually is a great idea Turg.

They are spiders after all.



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Curious why there was no Big post expressing your outrage at abusing the pvp io drop system and people being banned and ios being deleted... I guess the pve care bears didn't complain at taht last get together huh?

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Oh noes carebear conspiracy! GONE TO THE AMERICANS!

<Voted Best Post This Week!>



I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

[/ QUOTE ]

VEAT animation:

Spin a web cocoon around yourself, have it stick for a second, then bust out of it with the new costume.

There ya go. Have fun. Make sure to include "Thought of by Turg" somewhere in the image file in homage to me.

I'll be watching.

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That actually is a great idea Turg.

They are spiders after all.

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Thank you, Catharctic. I imagine it would be easiest to do by showing the web coming from their hands, but if they made a custom one for Crabbies using their backpack, that would just be wicked sick to watch.

(And I don't care if real spiders don't shoot webs out of their legs. You tell me that wouldn't look awesome, seeing the webbing coming out of all four legs.)



Ok with the MA changes in mind, was there a change to the ADD AN ALLY option in the mission? Prior to i15 your ally could die and the mish would continue. Now, the ally dies and you fail? That is so wrong and if this is going to be the case they should note it somewhere when making the mish.



(And I don't care if real spiders don't shoot webs out of their legs. You tell me that wouldn't look awesome, seeing the webbing coming out of all four legs.)

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Would be foolish of haters on your idea to point that out turg.

After all spiders don't have web coming out their hands either.



if Spiderman shot webbing out of his [censored]...lolz



good thing they fixed the posi blast, I was gonna unsubscribe if they didn't get their act together, lol...jk



I read that the science pack was to be released with this issue, but it's not on the ncsoft store yet....O_o



Where's the trailer for I-15?

You haven't made it yet!

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And I don't need to, since David and Co. made this. It's nice to see they're going for a consistency now in the style of their trailers (following up on the look of I-14's trailer, the 5th Anniversary Shout-Out to the playerbase, and the new Mission Architect Tutorials).

Though it's too bad they posted it on GameTrailers, a more wretched and seething mass of mindlessly stupid negativity you will never find elsewhere.

Niv? Tell whoever handles Paragon's YouTube channel to post it there!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



if Spiderman shot webbing out of his [censored]...lolz

[/ QUOTE ]

I would look forward to all of our "How do I shot web?" conversations ending in, "Here, lemme show you!"

/cce 1 ccspider



I logged back in to the character screen I saw my created character and it says that it has been logged off for 3467 days. . .WOW! I have the oldest toon on this game! It was created 4 years before the game came out. BEAT THAT!!!! LOL

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Well, I have you tied. Thought mine was over 3700, but when I checked it was 3469.



Fixed the bug where recipes did not display a tooltip when moused over

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Does not appear to be completely fixed within the auction house window. And not limited to recipes - I can only infrequently get tooltips; seemingly at random.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



(And I don't care if real spiders don't shoot webs out of their legs. You tell me that wouldn't look awesome, seeing the webbing coming out of all four legs.)

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Would be foolish of haters on your idea to point that out turg.

After all spiders don't have web coming out their hands either.

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Well, someone had to go there, so kudos, 300. XD

(Still like my idea tho. Nyaah.)



No VEAT costume change emote? Hhmmm....

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Nope... sux to be a bug-soldier of Arachnos, doesn't it?

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I might be able to put something together. I only did the two for Kheldians because someone suggested it, and there was already animation/VFX there for shape-changing. VEATs don't have any sort of shape-changing powers to pull directly from.

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Perhaps a variation on the animation/fx used when activating the Arachnos Power Shield?

"Chew Electric Death, Snarling Cur!"



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Curious why there was no Big post expressing your outrage at abusing the pvp io drop system and people being banned and ios being deleted... I guess the pve care bears didn't complain at taht last get together huh?

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Wrong Dev, Sherlock.




In Case it hasn't been mentioned yet. The Chain Lightning from the Hamidon Blue Mitos is NOT fixed. It is happening less frequently but it is still there.

Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)



Virtual Victor is posted twice in the AE badges remaining section.

"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"

Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2




Did anyone else notice that the character count for Character Descriptions has been cut? 1024 character limit now.

I went into my ID to change something and I couldn't put back what I had deleted. This is not cool....