Issue 15 Anniversary Release Notes




No fair Niv! I've been on the road all *BLEEP* day!

Releasing this behind my back?


Come heeer leetle downloads!
Come to daddy!

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If saying it is not as bad as some other horrible TF that is 4-5 years old, makes you guys feel better than good for you. I actually expect new content to be fun and innovative. Silly me.



Oh....and it was almost as lagtastic as the 3rd ITF mission. Good stuff.



The Riechman SF is the longest, most difficult and yet extremely boring TF/SF I have ever ran. Took a preety good pug team 2 1/2 hours. The last mission took over an hour. I hope the big boss is bugged, cause that [censored] was crazy hard for 20 merits. Leading multiple NPCs thru a huge cave map is just annoying and the AV was like soloing a Pylon. Don't plan on EVER running this SF again.

Happy Anniversary! pffft...what a joke of an issue.

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I wouldn't consider it a "pretty good PuG" if it took you that long. When I did it earlier, we had 1 Cold, 1 Sonic, 1 Rad, 1 Storm then filled the rest with melee, took us 1 hour w/ a team that I knew maybe 3 of the people.



[u]WRT 5th Strike Force[u]:

Like the ITF when it was first introduced, PuGs will find it to be very long and difficult. However, once you catch on to what's happening and several workable strategies, it will move a lot faster.

Now, that being said, its last iteration on test still had bugs with some of the gimmicks (temp powers to help defeat Reichsman and the 5th waves) and plot holes you can drive convoys through. I still hope there will be more fixes on the way.

If the Open Beta on Test took the place of Closed Beta, it seems that going Live is taking the place of Open Beta. Give I15 two weeks to shake down because it never got the large number of testers to stress test it on the Test Server that it deserved.

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Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.



My team all got the Ghost widow temp power which is resistance to endurance drain. We all got that one temp power but nothing else so no way to debuff the AV.

Also, endless ambushes came for the first 30 minutes we fought the AV. We thought they were endless but after 30-35 minutes they finally stopped coming. Not sure if that is suppose to be that way either.

I always thought the ITF was easy, even in beta. This SF is not easy as is. It's not even that it's hard. Once you IO out a Brute, nothing is very challenging anymore, so I welcome an actual challenge. The problem is it isn't difficult, it's just tedious and very long. Button mashing my attack chain over and over for almost 45 minutes isn't fun IMO.

Just disappointed. The TF/SF is really the only thing issue 15 has besides AE tweaks and fixes. So for someone like myslef who doesn't care for AE and does alot of TF/SF, it a bit aggrevating to find out I hate the new SF.



someone should of had the temp power that nukes all the 5th Column in the area.



But is it listed as "On file" - you have to enable it in a different area, as I recall, of the account info to use a card in the in-game store vs. buying through the management page store.

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It's in the Billing Summary section. I'm not seeing any 'on file' option beyond that.

Also, the option to buy story slots is now MIA from the in-game store. I see options for character slots and respecs, but that's it.

EDIT: Okay, I found the option, and re-set my card just in case it wasn't already "on file". Very unintuitive. Problem is, the slots are still MIA as a purchasable item from the in-game store.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



New Costumes

* New Issue 15 costumes include the Vines and Ulterior themed costume sets.
o Ulterior Set and Mask Set (Male, Female, Huge Body Types)
+ 1 Hips
o Vines Mask set (Male, Female, Huge Body Types)
+ 1 Hips

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There are no Hips option. You mean [u]pants[u].

I posted about this already during Beta. And for the second Issue in a row, corrections made to the patch notes during Beta are ignored.

Whose job is it to read player comments in the patch notes thread during Beta and check for accuracy and correct them and get that information to the right Dev and report back?

Cause it ain't happening. Last Issue I made a correction over the wrong badge listed in the patch notes. And that wrong badge name got repeated three more times in public postings by a mod or producer. And I bugged it each time.

From Issues 9 - 13, the mods/producers were responsive to player input with regard to patch notes. That is totally out the window now.

Before Issue 9, Patch Notes and Known Issues were a mess. Positron promised that the Patch Notes process would be tightened up. And it was. We're backsliding now to it being a mess again.

The amount of omissions and wrong information in the Patch Notes for I15 is disheartening.

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maybe they meant reduced?

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That's what I thought and was actually excited for a bit before I remembered that the old recharge time for Psi Dart was way faster than 6 seconds so...



Psionic Dart: Increased this power's damage scale from .6 to 1.32, increased its recharge from 6 seconds to 1.32 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 3.12 to 4.37.

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Shouldn't this read "...increased its recharge from 1.32 seconds to 6 seconds..."? Unless I'm just missing something.

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That portion of the notes are wrong. Psi Dart went from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds.



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Can't you bump the numbers by a small percentage? Because paying 500+ mil is ridiculous, NOTHING in this game should go beyond 200mil in price - otherwise your just asking for farming to happen

Thanks Castle


Live : @Emo Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
Test : @Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Can't you bump the numbers by a small percentage? Because paying 500+ mil is ridiculous, NOTHING in this game should go beyond 200mil in price - otherwise your just asking for farming to happen

Thanks Castle


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If the devs were the ones who set the prices, they could fix something, but it's your fellow players that decided that 200mil wasn't enough to pay for something.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Sprint: The dust trail from Sprint will no longer continue to play in air if a Flight power is turned on while sprinting.

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a nerdy "w00t!" to that.



Doh! Thank you. That makes so much more sense and now that I look at it it's kind of obvious that they just accidentally used the same numbers for the damage increase and the recharge time change.



Doh! Thank you. That makes so much more sense and now that I look at it it's kind of obvious that they just accidentally used the same numbers for the damage increase and the recharge time change.

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The whole line is wrong. It should read:

Psionic Dart: Increased this power's damage scale from .6 to .84, increased its recharge from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds and increased its endurance cost from 3.12 to 4.37.




This SF is not easy as is. It's not even that it's hard. Once you IO out a Brute, nothing is very challenging anymore, so I welcome an actual challenge. The problem is it isn't difficult, it's just tedious and very long. Button mashing my attack chain over and over for almost 45 minutes isn't fun IMO.

Just disappointed. The TF/SF is really the only thing issue 15 has besides AE tweaks and fixes. So for someone like myslef who doesn't care for AE and does alot of TF/SF, it a bit aggrevating to find out I hate the new SF.

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This. For some reason my team could not drop Reichsman. We had all of the temp powers, but could not get him below half health. He would phase, and there was nothing we could do about it.
We had two brutes, a corr, a mm, 2 dom, and 2 stalkers.
I went afk with Reichsmann on me so I could look on the boards to see if he was bugged or something. Of course I came back to full health.

Oh, and JDouble, there is one thing other than the SF that I like.
They fixed the alakazamreact emote.
Thats the other thing that this issue had for me.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Sorry if this was already asked. I haven't read the entire thread yet.

Just curious because I didn't notice it in the notes, but was there a reason why free Tailor sessions were granted with this issue? None of my characters received any, and I was kinda wondering if we weren't supposed to expect them.

~ corva ~

Download Corva�s new CoX power icon pack



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bug. We're working on it.

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Can't you bump the numbers by a small percentage? Because paying 500+ mil is ridiculous, NOTHING in this game should go beyond 200mil in price - otherwise your just asking for farming to happen

Thanks Castle


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i lol'd

but YEAH



Sorry if this was already asked. I haven't read the entire thread yet.

Just curious because I didn't notice it in the notes, but was there a reason why free Tailor sessions were granted with this issue? None of my characters received any, and I was kinda wondering if we weren't supposed to expect them.

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I would imagine that the biggest reason would be the revamp to the dominator archtype. Changing around domination could require people to rethink their builds. Thats the only really big change to any AT i can think of but im sure they are just geting in the habit of granting one with every issue it seems like.



Sorry if this was already asked. I haven't read the entire thread yet.

Just curious because I didn't notice it in the notes, but was there a reason why free Tailor sessions were granted with this issue? None of my characters received any, and I was kinda wondering if we weren't supposed to expect them.

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I would imagine that the biggest reason would be the revamp to the dominator archtype. Changing around domination could require people to rethink their builds. Thats the only really big change to any AT i can think of but im sure they are just geting in the habit of granting one with every issue it seems like.

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Changes to Dominators required free tailor sessions?!



Where's the trailer for I-15?


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Where's the trailer for I-15?

You haven't made it yet!

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Oops nevermind. Nothing to see here. Apparently the expoit I posted about still works and was not fixed. Move along.