Issue 15 Anniversary Release Notes




Where's the trailer for I-15?


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Here on GameTrailers since Monday morning (at least).



I don't care what anyone says. Escorts and pets showing up on the map ALONE makes this issue worth it for me. Ironically, I didn't see that in the patch notes.

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I'm kinda with you on this.

Of course, the patch notes were completely botched this time. Very sloppy.




This SF is not easy as is. It's not even that it's hard. Once you IO out a Brute, nothing is very challenging anymore, so I welcome an actual challenge. The problem is it isn't difficult, it's just tedious and very long. Button mashing my attack chain over and over for almost 45 minutes isn't fun IMO.

Just disappointed. The TF/SF is really the only thing issue 15 has besides AE tweaks and fixes. So for someone like myslef who doesn't care for AE and does alot of TF/SF, it a bit aggrevating to find out I hate the new SF.

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This. For some reason my team could not drop Reichsman. We had all of the temp powers, but could not get him below half health. He would phase, and there was nothing we could do about it.
We had two brutes, a corr, a mm, 2 dom, and 2 stalkers.
I went afk with Reichsmann on me so I could look on the boards to see if he was bugged or something. Of course I came back to full health.

Oh, and JDouble, there is one thing other than the SF that I like.
They fixed the alakazamreact emote.
Thats the other thing that this issue had for me.

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One Corr w/o multiple VEATs is not what I'd call a good team suited to taking on a new SF, unless most of the players are very good and already know what the SF is all about.



Just did [u]the 5th Strike Force[u] on Live.

The Axis America missing rant still applies.

This time Reichsman was nearly unbeatable. With three MMs on the team and their gimmick bugged and doing nothing, we couldn't break the uber-unstoppable and couldn't do enough damage in between the unstoppables. It seems almost as if his regen was upped from Test, or, this team had a whole lot less dps then my previous team.

Anyway, the gimmicks finally did him in: 3 Shivans and the trio of Warburg Missiles.

Still needs fixing and tweaking. I'd encourage people to do it for datamining and testing purposes. If you want to do it as a done and completed Strike Force... don't just yet. It's not finished.

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Just did [u]the 5th Strike Force[u] on Live.

The Axis America missing rant still applies.

This time Reichsman was nearly unbeatable. With three MMs on the team and their gimmick bugged and doing nothing, we couldn't break the uber-unstoppable and couldn't do enough damage in between the unstoppables. It seems almost as if his regen was upped from Test, or, this team had a whole lot less dps then my previous team.

Anyway, the gimmicks finally did him in: 3 Shivans and the trio of Warburg Missiles.

Still needs fixing and tweaking. I'd encourage people to do it for datamining and testing purposes. If you want to do it as a done and completed Strike Force... don't just yet. It's not finished.

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I really hope that Shivs/nukes does not become the "standard & accepted" way of completing the SF/TF. I never tend to feel a sense of satisfaction when I'm on a team that uses those tactics.



how long do the effects of Chemical Burn nukes last? never really thought to look.

I know my team used two of them in our run, but I think it was mostly for naught because of Reichsman going Unbreakable.



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

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So are they dropping more or less now ?

Over the hills and through the woods.



Here on GameTrailers since Monday morning (at least).

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The comments hurt my brain. They are full of stupid.

'm bison lol'



So, those pages and pages of discussion of how the hero side TF makes no sense...

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I expected this to happen. I gues it's useless to reason with them on some things

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I expected it too, but I still had a glimmer of hope.


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How does the hero side TF not make sense? I wasn't the leader, and we ran it pretty quick (rad, storm, dark, emp & aweseome tank) so I didn't read the info since we were killing so fast heh, but judging by paragonwiki, the plot makes sense, but the dialog/story seems rushed.

The 5th column winning WWII world was one of the first portal corp missions, and siphoning the powers of other dimensions sounds like jet li's "The One" movie, so...



Hero-side, our PUG blew through the TF very quickly and easily till we got to Reichsman at the end. We used the dimensional whatever power (hopefully it did something, we couldn't tell) and also used a variety of pet temps and nukes. It was a very long, very boring fight that was not particularly challenging other than do the players have the endurance to keep smashing their attack chain buttons.

It was fun and interesting till the final fight, which was just tedious.

Glowworm * Brrr * Lilinoe
Kid Trance * Ms. Impala * Red Helen
Pooka Pete



Also an exploit where you could quit the team and reinvite and your ticket count for the mish would start back at 0. One way to bypass the ticket cap closed. The seem to also have fixed the other one as well.

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The ability to reinvite people for the MA didn't change. When they said TF, they apparently really meant TF.

Whether ticket caps still behave as you describe or not I have no idea.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



So are they dropping more or less now ?

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Infinitely less. There are currently zero rewards in PvP of any type.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



how long do the effects of Chemical Burn nukes last? never really thought to look.

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American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



alright, that confirms for me that they didn't heavily weigh in on our victory over Reichsman in the end.



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




Not only are the patch notes not up to date, the Known Issues page is outright dated May 27 and the list is nowhere near accurate.

I also want to add a call for costume tokens, since changes were made to the costume editor. Or at least an acknowledgment that they're being held for some reason, like waiting for SB3 to release.



The Riechman SF is the longest, most difficult and yet extremely boring TF/SF I have ever ran. Took a preety good pug team 2 1/2 hours. The last mission took over an hour. I hope the big boss is bugged, cause that [censored] was crazy hard for 20 merits. Leading multiple NPCs thru a huge cave map is just annoying and the AV was like soloing a Pylon. Don't plan on EVER running this SF again.

Happy Anniversary! pffft...what a joke of an issue.

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You clearly have never done a Quarterfield TF.

I would like to use this post as an opportunity to say PLEASE DEVS WHEN WILL YOU MAKE IT BETTER? ;_; (Also i15 is awesome. But seriously, take a look at Quarterfield. <_&lt

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i15 is awesome? really? I played less yesterday than i have in months.... a big let down.... please get teh SBPIII out soon...

over heard from more than one player " So wheres all the new cool stuff?"

Improvements to the AE/MA? Waste of time. Now its easier to make boring stories about your toon that no one else cares about. WOOHOO.

Didnt even bother with the TF. Did it on Test nothing so cool that i just had to do it again...

I cant believe the Ult. costume was pushed through as is.... it is the single worst new costume that i can remember...

as for vines... well who can really tell what those are and even notice you have it on...

Its a good thing i16 has something i have been wanting... and GO-RO is on its way within the next year i guess...

If not for those announcements, my account would have been cancelled and i would have played Toon Town until the CO release.

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



[*]The following Mission Architect badges remain:

<ul type="square">[*]Thrill Seeker
[*]Ticket Taker
[*]Mission Engineer
[*]Early Bird
[*]Virtual Victor
[*]Poor Impulse Control

[*]Virtual Destruction
[*]Virtual Victor

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Is the inclusion of Virtual Victor twice a simple oversight, or should one of those be a different badge?

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



The Riechman SF is the longest, most difficult and yet extremely boring TF/SF I have ever ran. Took a preety good pug team 2 1/2 hours. The last mission took over an hour. I hope the big boss is bugged, cause that [censored] was crazy hard for 20 merits. Leading multiple NPCs thru a huge cave map is just annoying and the AV was like soloing a Pylon. Don't plan on EVER running this SF again.

Happy Anniversary! pffft...what a joke of an issue.

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I wouldn't consider it a "pretty good PuG" if it took you that long. When I did it earlier, we had 1 Cold, 1 Sonic, 1 Rad, 1 Storm then filled the rest with melee, took us 1 hour w/ a team that I knew maybe 3 of the people.

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8 Corr team did it last night. Sure it took a couple of hours, but done and done.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Curious why there was no Big post expressing your outrage at abusing the pvp io drop system and people being banned and ios being deleted... I guess the pve care bears didn't complain at taht last get together huh?



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Curious why there was no Big post expressing your outrage at abusing the pvp io drop system and people being banned and ios being deleted... I guess the pve care bears didn't complain at taht last get together huh?

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Psst . . . Don't poke the bears. It makes them ornery.

Let the guy code in peace, please.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



In part, I'm kinda looking at Issue 15 as a training exercise for some of the new Paragon employees.

It seems to me that issue 15 was released as it was because of the desire to have an Anniversary Issue. Since the time constraints of touching up Architect and preparing for Issue 16 (and Going Rogue as well), there wasn't as much time or resources available as there would be for a regular issue. But ya wanna do something for a special anniversary, right? So we receive Issue 15: Anniversary as it is.

(Hero Side - Champion)
1 - Kin Defender
2 - Controller (One dropped nearing the last mission)
1 - Inv/SS Tank (me)
2 - Scrappers
1 - Blaster

Did this with a pick-up group on Champion last night. It went very quickly, thanks to one teammate's familiarity with its test server counterpart. We had a 1 hour timer set, and would have made that except we were waiting on a member that had apparently disconnected. (We had defeated the 4 AVs, and had Reishsman at about 10% HPs. Finally we just finished him off. and completed.)

Reichsman: A bag of Hit Points? Ya, undeniably, but I've had solo Elite Boss fights that took longer. We had enough damage and debuffs -- NO SHIVANS or NUKES. And fortunately we were not plagued by whatever bug is in he weapons that drop Reichsman's Untouchable ability.

I had a really good experience with this TF with my Tank, now on to my other Heroes. My one criticism here is that the TF seemed way to short for the epic return of a villain that's been looming since the game's release. I'm hoping this won't be our last encounter with Reichsman.

I'm also trying out the new Domination changes: I made an Earth Control/Fiery Assault Dominator that I plan to take to 50.

The Costume emotes are great. The new costume parts are OK, wish there could have been more, but I understand the time constraints.

Changes to the Architect: Great! I'm looking forward to finishing my story arc (now tentatively titled, "The Return of Doctor Vahzilok" for level 35+) I'd actually been waiting for these changes to finish up.

As a "Calm Before the (Coming) Storm" issue, I have to say this wasn't too bad. I'm treating this issue like an appetizer before the main course.

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Was there an undocumented change PVP IO drop rates, or the whole drop system for them entirely changed ?

If so this should have been noted here, even if flagged as an exploit fix internally and wasn't in the test notes.

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Bug. We're working on it.

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Curious why there was no Big post expressing your outrage at abusing the pvp io drop system and people being banned and ios being deleted... I guess the pve care bears didn't complain at taht last get together huh?

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What the [WARNING EXPLICIT LYRICS] are you babbling about?!?

The man said it was a bug and that they are working at it. &lt;eyeroll&gt;





What was this about the opening of the Omega Team time capsule? I heard something about this in passing, and have not heard a peep since.

Thing is, in the text in the cape mission, it says the time capsule is supposed to be opened in SEVEN years, not five.



Agreed, the footsteps are not well done for the most part and really draw attention to themselves.

Running on streets I was at times feeling like I was in Monty Python and the Holy Grail and we were "riding" to Camelot - funny, but not terribly immersive.