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  1. Okay, I'll be the first to admit that this is Thread Necromancy, but I have been thinking about a Scrapper APP suggestion for a while and have finally decided to make it:

    Gladiator Mastery
    An ancillary power pool which provides a patchwork of five different powers typical of gladiatorial combat:

    Slice - borrowed from the Broadsword power set. Not available to Broadsword primaries, which would instead get Crowd Control, borrowed from the Tanker War Mace power set.

    Pendulum - borrowed from the Tanker Battle Axe power set.

    Javelin (would require new animation and graphics) - a medium-ranged attack, hurls a javelin (lethal damage).

    Invigoration - self-buff, +Regen, +To Hit, +Damage.

    Phalanx Fighting - borrowed from the Shield Defence power set. Not available to Shield Defence secondaries, which would instead get Superior Conditioning, borrowed from the Stalker Body Mastery APP.

    I realise that some of these powers are Tier 9s in their native power set, and I suspect that, were they to be borrowed to create this APP, there would doubtless be some nerfing. Nevertheless, I think something like this would be really nice for a scrapper (or perhaps a stalker) to have.

    Weapon and Shield customisations would be necessary, so this APP should not be considered until APPs and PPPs get some customisation love
  2. Noticed this yesterday myself.

    Sure hope the devs fix this, and soon (Of course, they've retooled the whole character creation system for the release of Issue 21, so there's really no telling as to whether they'll do anything to fix this in the interim)!
  3. Amazing!!

    On which server is this SG Base turned Nightclub???
  4. Well, she's a cute girl. IMHO, however, she doesn't pass muster as a woman, much less an Amazon.

    And while I understand that often what sells in Hollywood is very nearly the opposite of what *should* sell, this look is so far off the mark, that I'm left scratching my head and muttering to myself, "What the f*** was going through the minds of the creative producers??"

    This actress isn't ethnic enough for the role; she's all pasty and pink. While Lynda Carter wasn't really ethnic enough either, at least she sold the TV audience on the role at the time. Keep in mind that in the 70s, most Americans thought that the ancient Greeks were ethnically the same WASP-y stock as themselves.

    And don't even get me started on the costume. It looks like a teenage girl wearing a premium quality Wonder Woman Hallowe'en costume. The whole thing is far too shiny in all the wrong places, and the metallic bits which should be shiny, aren't shiny/polished enough. The whole thing has a phoney, "plastic" feel to it.

    If there is ever another push in the future for a Wonder Woman series, the actress chosen for the title role must at least *look* the part of an Amazon: sufficient height, excellent figure, a finer, more mature face with a smile that lights up a room and eyes that bespeak a wisdom beyond her apparent years. We'll entirely forego the need to lop off the right breast, as that would definitely *never* sell in Hollywood, no matter how historically accurate it might be.

    Personally, I would have liked to see a Princess Diana leaving Themyscira wearing a "Golden Age" version of the costume, with lace-up sandals and a flowing tunic/skirt, then "re-work" her look herself once she finds herself in "Man's World". Might have added some real dimension to the character.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Here's something I forgot to mention before: Give us an option to disable the little orbiting shield, reticle and damage icons from buffs, debuffs and inspirations, at least client-side. I know their prupose is to signify altered stats even for buffs/debuffs that have low or no visual effect, but they just end up looking gaudy and I've never been able to use them for information anyway.

    I can understand why keeping them on by default might be a balancing concern, especially for PvP, so that a player can't hide that he is being buffed or debuffed, giving us an option to turn them off on OUR end would be much appreciated. We already have "FX in PvP Only" options. Could we get a general option somewhere that says "Suppress local buff/debuff graphics?"

    What are these things called, anyway?
    My first guess would be … Buff Sprites Sounds like an emo band name, or maybe even a character name, LOL
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    OK, let's take a crack at it, then. I keep saying "ideas are easy, work is hard," but let's see how easy it is to come up with a few ideas.
    <-- snip! -->

    I like all of Samuel_Tow's suggestions above, and I would like to add/reiterate the following suggestions:

    Please add APP/PPP power customisations (most of the powers are already expressed in a Primary or Secondary power set, so the animations and colour options are already worked and implemented elsewhere. These should be a no-brainer).

    The bona fide travel powers could use a few more options:
    Super Speed
    Elemental skinning — we already have fire/energy (which should be colour customisable, btw), but I personally think we should have lightning/electrical arcs, ice/snow, and negative/dark energy; all of these should leave trails similar to the current default fire/energy animation and should be colour customisable (or at the very least be colour tintable).
    (As mentioned by Jade_Dragon) At least a couple of blurring visual effects for the lower body, with no elemental glam going on.
    Extreme elemental skinning — in which the ground aura is augmented by a full-body trail, similar to what happens when a character runs Super Speed with any of the Prestige Sprints turned on at the same time.
    Elemental skinning — we should have colour-customisable alternate effects for Teleport (in addition to the other powers in the pool) which incorporate the "elements" of Fire, Wispy Smoke/Tendrils, Electricity, Magic, Energy, Negative Energy, and Atomic Energy.
    Super Jump
    Super Jump has the potential to provide so much more customisation than that which it currently affords (which is none, of course). Please add some animation options which give it more character, e.g., Ground cracks/Landing crater, Crouch takeoff and landing (à la Ninja), Beast quadruped gate and jumping posture, &c. I particularly liked the idea someone else earlier suggested, where a column or spire of earth launches your character upward, though I'm not certain how technically feasible that might be, since it would involve a good bit of environmental animation and could look kind of sloppy when a character takes off from a building rooftop or other developed/built-up structure (like a statue or a bridge).
    The Medicine power pool needs alternate animations based on the character's origin:
    Aid Other
    Natural: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Empathy.Heal Other power. Apply a simple colour-customisable Aid Other healing glow on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Mutant: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Empathy.Heal Other power. Apply a single iteration of the Secondary Mutation's energy double-helix effect to the target, followed with a colour-customisable Aid Other healing glow animation on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Science: Use the standard existing tap-on-wrist device animation and sounds effects, but add colour customisation options to the healing glow effect.
    Technology: see Science, above. Possibly add tiny, floating, luminous mini-drone to apply the heal animation via projector beam.
    Magic: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Empathy.Heal Other power, add a colour-customisable (colour choice A) eldritch symbol/magickal seal animation on the target, and follow with a colour-customisable (colour choice B) standard Aid Other aura animation on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation, and possibly add some magickal sound effect(s).
    Natural: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Empathy.Clear Mind power, with a colour-customisable standard Stimulant aura animation on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Mutant: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Empathy.Clear Mind power. Apply a single iteration of the Secondary Mutation's energy double-helix effect to the target, followed with a colour-customisable standard Stimulant aura animation on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Science: Use the standard existing tap-on-wrist device animation and sounds effects, but add colour customisation options to the Stimulant aura effect on the target.
    Technology: see Science, above. Possibly add tiny, floating, luminous mini-drone to apply the stimulant animation via projector beam.
    Magic: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Empathy.Clear Mind power, add a colour-customisable (colour choice A) eldritch symbol/magickal seal animation on the target, and follow with a colour-customisable (colour choice B) standard Stimulant aura animation on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation, and possibly add some magickal sound effect(s).
    Aid Self
    Natural: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Regeneration.Reconstruction power. Apply a colour-customisable glow, similar to the Regeneration.Reconstruction, but possibly less prominent. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Mutant: Use the same character animation from (or similar to) the Regeneration.Reconstruction power. Apply a single iteration of the Secondary Mutation's energy double-helix effect to oneself, followed by a colour-customisable glow, similar to the Regeneration.Reconstruction, but possibly less prominent. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Science: Use the standard existing tap-on-wrist device animation and sounds effects, then apply a colour-customisable glow, similar to the Regeneration.Reconstruction, but possibly less prominent.
    Technology: see Science, above. Possibly add tiny, floating, luminous mini-drone to apply the heal animation via projector beam.
    Magic: Use the same character animation (or similar to) the Regeneration.Reconstruction power. Apply a colour-customisable (colour choice A) eldritch symbol/magickal seal animation on oneself, and follow with a colour-customisable (colour choice B) glow, similar to the Regeneration.Reconstruction power, but possibly less prominent. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation, and possibly add some magickal sound effect(s).
    Natural: Use the same (or similar) character animation and sound effects from the Empathy.Resurrect power. Apply a colour-customisable standard healing glow animation on the target, followed by colour-customisable sprite animation similar to the Empathy.Resurrect power. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Mutant: Use the same (or similar) character animation and sound effects from the Empathy.Resurrect power. Apply a single iteration of the Secondary Mutation's energy double-helix animation effect to the target, followed by a colour-customisable standard healing glow animation on the target, and then a colour-customisable sprite animation similar to the Empathy.Resurrect power. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation.
    Science: Use the standard existing tap-on-wrist device animation and sounds effects, but add colour customisation options to the healing glow effect.
    Technology: see Science, above. Possibly add tiny, floating, luminous mini-drone to apply the resuscitate animation via projector beam.
    Magic: Use the same (or similar) character animation from the Empathy.Resurrect power. Apply a colour-customisable (colour choice A) eldritch symbol/magickal seal animation to the target, followed by a colour-customisable (colour choice B) standard healing glow animation and colour-customisable sprite animation similar to the Empathy.Resurrect power on the target. Omit the "beep" sound effects since the wrist device isn't present in this animation, and possibly add some magickal sound effect(s).
    Something that I believe Vanden mentioned early on in this thread was the option of having an overall thematic customisation to powersets. Some ideas which spring to mind include Ninjas (forming hand seals in power pool power animations), Sorcery (with eldritch symbols/magickal seals), Elemental (Fire, Lightning, Ice, Earth/Stone, Light, Negative Energy), Animated Kirby Dots (particularly for buff and debuff powersets) , Cyborg (with auto-transforming costume elements, e.g., arm converts to heavy energy/sonic blaster or chain-gun),

    Would also like to see auras which include coverage on Wings as an option, especially the native auras available at level 30. Maybe not all of them, but definitely a fair number of them (Glow, Glowing Aura, Tendrils, Vapor, Gaseous, etc).

    Two-toned auras might also be nice at some point down the road, with some blending options.
  7. The Wasp Hive is a relatively new Super Group (less than a year old) on Infinity server, and it is now recruiting for new members!

    We are a largely non-RP/semi-RP (no heavy RP) Super Group comprised of both casual and avid players, and we are looking to grow our ranks with new players and veterans alike. We know how to have fun in the game, and we encourage all who are interested in a (new) Super Group home to contact either one of our leaders in-game or on the forums:
    Forum Name: Corva_NA
    Global Name: @Basilikon

    Forum Name: XT12D
    Global Name: @XT12D

    Like any Super Group, membership brings with it certain benefits. The Wasp Hive is no exception here. Our SG members enjoy the following amenities:
    • Super Group (Large Secure Plot — so far) base access:
      • Use of city zone teleport pads (All Hero-accessible zones) for SG members and members of teams led by Wasp Hive SG members.
      • For members only, the base provides a medbay with resurrection terminal and AutoDoc dispensary; personal vault access; crafting tables; tiered-access group enhancement and salvage storage; Empowerment Buff dispensary; a conference area, and conversational clusters.
    • A system of Prestige-accumulation-based in-game rewards.
    • A customised and secured forum-based website, where Super Group members can register and interact with one another, post CoH and Super Group feedback.
    • Dedicated Ventrilo (voice-chat) server access for SG members and members of teams on which they play (whether or not the Wasp Hive member is the team leader).
    • Regular in-game attendance of Super Group members. There is almost always a Hive-mate (or two, or more) in-game every day (especially evenings, ET).
    • Solid SG-coalition affiliations, for the "extended family" feel, helping to ensure that someone associated with The Wasp Hive or its coalitions is more likely to be accessible at a given time of day.
    • Good-humoured teaming and Super Group in-game activities with fellow CoH gamers who enjoy having fun!

    Whether you are just starting out with a fresh character, looking for support in-game as you develop and grow him/her, or running an Incarnate toon trying to run TFs or WSTs for shards, et al., or anything in between, the Wasp Hive promises to be a friendly environment where you can find players who are both heroic, helpful, and just good folk to have in your corner.
  8. Hi there,

    Please add F O U N D R E S S to the list. She's a Wasp-themed Lvl 50 (+1) Kinetic/Radiation Blast Defender, with all the favourite Kinetic powers, and Leadership, as well.
  9. SG Base Editor Improvements

    Just bringing to bear on the forums some few ideas I have had regarding SG base design and what I would like to see when/if the SG base editor is replaced/overhauled:
    1. Give base editors the ability to name rooms with a nomenclature which will appear on the screen when entered by visiting player-characters, much like the way the area of a zone appears on-screen when moving through a zone. Examples: Copper District or Blyde Square in Steel Canyon.
    2. Give base editors the ability to designate a "soundtrack" (with independent volume controls) of their choice per room in the base, similar to the areas of the various zones have their own soundtracks/musical themes.
    3. Give base editors the ability to designate item positioning using X, Y, and Z coordinates using either the cursor or keying in coordinates manually. Additionally, we need the ability to colour items independently and to rotate them within 1° precision (with a display of the current rotation when selected during editing) on the horizontal plane.
    4. Give base editors more choices for teleport-pads, even if it were only two or three more options for Tech and for Arcane. Ideally, an entire pool of available items to designate, sort of like the seemingly random "Port Key" objects found in the H.P. books (by JKR).
    5. Give base editors the ability to build a base in three dimensions, whether it be stacking rooms/levels up (for a tower) or down (subterranean bunker). Do not require that each level be of equivalent size or dimensions. Make it a veteran reward, if you have to (But not as an extension of the current longest duration subscribers. Throw it in at, say, the 48-month level or so). This request necessitates the following:
      1. Stairwells of several styles (spiral, square, round, etc) to connect vertical levels
      2. Circle-of-Thorns style portals (with editor-configurable destination portals), and
      3. Elevators which connect users with either the next upper or the next lower level. Make up-elevators and down-elevators separate items, or allow base editors to dictate which not-necessarily-adjacent levels they connect (more interesting, but understandably more work for the devs).
    6. Give base editors the option of saving the current base configuration (including floor plan, item placement, style elements, lighting settings) into a single file; this should be feasible, since it would be for the base what a saved costume design would be for a character. Of course, the file size would be larger than a character costume, but as it would be stored as a text file, it wouldn't be of an unmanageable size. Allow the base editor the option of changing the base configuration once every 5 minutes, and condition the load of a base design upon the following terms:
      1. The base plot sizes must match.
      2. Since items in the base may change (and in all likelihood will change), first "cash out" items and return the prestige before debiting the SG the prestige to load the new base with items which tap the SG prestige reserve. Essentially, if NewBaseConfigPrestigeRequirement < AvailablePrestige + OldBaseItemCashInPrestige, then allow the new base configuration to load unimpeded. If not, then throw an error advising the base editor of this.
      3. Items which are crafted from non-refundable salvage (e.g., Teleport Pads, et al.) shall be conserved (not refunded), provided the same number of them are found in both the current base configuration and the configuration to be loaded, regardless of the salvage required to craft them. Example: if a base editor wants to switch out from an Arcane theme to a Tech theme, and if the number of Teleport Pads is the same between both configurations, then the teleport pads are converted from Arcane to Tech. If the new configuration has one more teleport pad than the current configuration, the new configuration doesn't load, but throws an informative error.

        If the new configuration has fewer teleport pads than the current configuration, then *surprise*, the base editor has lost the difference of teleport pads and must re-craft it before s/he can revert the base to the other configuration.
      4. Base occupants are permitted to populate the base during the new configuration load. If a base occupant is in a location (coordinate) which will no longer be habitable in the new configuration, then move the occupant to the nearest habitable location, or alternatively (and preferable), a comparable location within a room of the same name in the new configuration (see #1).
        1. Give base editors more themes: include the following tilesets:
          1. Cave (we all love caves, don't we?
          2. Castle/fortress
          3. Outdoor area where the sky is visible (with insurmountable/impassable retaining walls along the outer boundaries):
            1. Junk/salvage yard (we have plenty of junk vis-á-vis Gravity Controllers with Propel … this is where that stuff comes from, LOL)
            2. Desert island
            3. Interdimensional Shard (really challenging for both devs and base editors)
            4. Ouroboros (or similar)
            5. Skyscraper penthouse w/ balcony
            6. Space Station (with available textures showing the Earth below)
    7. Give base editors the option of locating the SG base to an existing building within a particular zone, à la door mission entrance (but still enable base portals in other zones to connect to it). This would give the SG base more character, as anyone who exits the base through the main entrance would enter the zone where it resides at its location in-zone. This could instead be used as a reward for SG activity participation, or as a perk in some way for Real World Heroes (G!d knows that if anyone deserves more than the rest of us do, it is they!).
    8. SG's need base construction options which include the option for a "danger room" or "training room" area where offensive powers can be used non-destructively against practise mannequins/dummies or "holographic" foes.
  10. Hi, Samuel_Tow,

    I run CoX on a rig comprised of hardware which is about two years old (Core i7 quad-core w/HT @ 2.93 GHz), 6.00 GB RAM, GeForce GTX 280 1.0 GB graphics card, Razer Barracuda sound card (in 5.1 mode), using Windows 7 x64 (upgraded from Vista, which is what I ran when it was first built).

    I have twin Hanns-G 22" LCD monitors, each with a native resolution of 1680×1050. They're not the same exact model, but they both have a pixel response time of 5 ms (grey-to-grey). I don't notice any full-motion ghosting on either of them, and I have played the game on each of them at its native resolution.

    I run CoX at my monitor's native resolution, with most UM settings enabled (I don't play with everything maxed out, but I have tested visual impact of pumping up all the settings, and there isn't a terribly noticeable difference. According to FRAPS, my video framerate while in-game hovers between 40 and 60 fps, although truthfully, most humans cannot distinguish between anything above 30 fps or so. I do experience the video “black-holes” mentioned above, in those areas, but as has been said, there isn't much anyone can do about those.

    I believe I turned down the 3D modelling resolution, but I don't remember how far down below the monitor's native resolution I set it.

    Hope this helps.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Overdose View Post
    War Witch Task Force!!!! DOOOOO IT!!!

    you could make it the story of her coming back from being not so dead.. or many multitudes of different story's !
    Ah, perhaps it will come to light that War Witch was only mostly dead. There's a difference between being mostly dead, and all dead. With mostly dead, there's still some hope.

    With all dead, there's only one thing you can do. Go through her pockets for loose change

    By the way, I'm on board for a War Witch TF!!
  12. I agree that the Winter Event should be extended, at the very least, through January 6th (which is Christmas to orthodox Christians).

    I also wouldn't mind if the ski lodge were accessible from the beginning of the Winter Event through February 2nd (Candlemas/Imbolc/St Brigid's Day) or even through the end of winter (20 or 21 March). Just "hide" Father Time and the Candy Keeper when the Winter Event ends and leave the ski lodge open longer
  13. I don't remember having contributed my opinions on this thread, but I personally think that something like this would be a smashing good idea, absolutely stellar! Everything from being able to customise the behaviour and appearance of the power to being able to share it with other players.

    I wonder, though, if the power shouldn't have some sort of minor deleterious and temporary effect on the user built-in to the power's design (like costing some HP for particularly nasty attack damage, resuscitating a fallen comrade, or effecting a mass team heal/regen boost).

    I certainly hope that the devs are following this thread.
  14. Here is my Conan-inspired costume creation:

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post

    Given the magnitude of changes in Issue 19 with the fitness pool becoming inherent at level 2, we’ll be issuing one respec with the launch of issue 19 and a second respec exactly one week after launch. This means if you have dual builds you can respec both builds if you like, and if not you can use the first respec (if you like) to take advantage of the changes with I19 and bank the second respec for a later time.

    So, just when should we expect Issue 19 to go live, hmm?

    Oh, and it's my first time posting first after a redname!! w00t!!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FaceBreaker View Post
    Ahh, I didn't know Controllers could also heal. I thought with playing a full support healer I wouldn't have time nor the mana to damage mobs.
    Do Controllers heal less than a Defender or are they balanced?
    Thanks again all the replies are much help.
    Hi, FaceBreaker,

    From what I know about the game, Controllers and Defenders with the Empathy power set can heal with equal efficiency. The main difference is that while for Defenders, the Empathy power set is a primary power set, Controllers have it as a secondary power set. This means that controllers must reach a higher level in order to unlock additional powers in that set when compared to the same power set as a primary power set, such as for Defenders (This is the case with secondary sets for any archetype, by the way, AFAIK). I would heartily recommend that you visit the Paragon wiki site for details on the game mechanics (
  17. My apologies for not having been on this past week.

    I meant to post here saying as much, but time got away from me, and then I forgot it

    I expect to be on this coming Wednesday (13 Oct), so look for "CORVA'NA", "P E R I A P T", or one of my other alts
  18. I will do my best to be on; I'll shoot for around 8:00 pm ET, though it's possible that I may be a few (10-15) minutes late.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NovaFactor View Post
    Who's on tonight ? We can run Posi One tonight unless Gleam has something else lined up .
    I will try to get on tonight. Whatever is fine with me.
  20. Hey, everyone,

    Off-topic: I just wanted to let everyone here know, that if you're using my power icon pack, there is a significant update available (just thought I'd throw that out here for those who haven't subscribed to the forum thread):

    We now have newly created Accolade power icons for the set. These sport a stylish (but thin) antique silver border to difference them from "ordinary" power icons. Some symbols have been changed (some subtle changes, some not-so-subtle), but all still maintain the same recognisable colour palettes with which you're familiar.

    Additionally, since the Going Rogue NDA was lifted today, we have new set-matching icons for Kinetic Melée and Electric Control power sets.

    Check my sig for the forum thread link (the updated download URL is in the OP).
  21. Hi, everyone

    I will be joining you all this Wednesday for our static team at the usual time.

    I also have some additional news to share. I have been working on our SG base, and have equipped it with two teleport pads, with destinations available as follows:

    Atlas Park
    The Hollows
    Perez Park

    I have also added a floating walkway and some colourful lighting effects, as well as a large meeting room (which I have split into two smaller rooms, one of which features some creative bricklaying, IIDSSM

    Everyone who's in the SG, please take some time to enter our base and take a look around. Also, please remember to log off in our base, so we can get the Prestige bonus whenever you play, as we're a little low on Prestige. Thanks!!
  22. Hi, everyone,

    My apologies for not having shown up in the static team last night, but I was down most of the afternoon and evening with a sinus headache. What level are you guys up to now (so I can work on my XP between now and next week)?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post
    I actually dig that the capital I and lower case L look alike in game. I have a character named MIDI, but I couldn't use the capital I's for his name, so I replaced them with lowercase L's. It looks right to me
    I know where you're coming from. I have seen at least a group (on Infinity server, IIRC) some time back with the word Illusion in the toon names. All the toons were identical in appearance and had the same name, but they swapped out capital Is for lower-case Ls and permuted this to produce about 12 different toons (perhaps more). Was an ingenious idea for an SG, unless of course someone happened to use a font which differentiated capital Is from lower-case Ls

    By the way, I will not be participating this week in the static team. I have tickets to CATS (tour performing here in my area), and I'm taking my aunt to see it Wednesday evening.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicodemus View Post
    nah, i like Comic Sans just fine. =) i actually learned about the ability to do this from an anti-comic sans thread. i have no interest in typography wars and have yet to find another free alternative that i find to be as pleasing as Comic Sans.

    of course, everyone is free to use whatever font they like once they know how to do it.

    so the damage numbers are: RedCircl

    is that right? is that the filename? just so i can replace it. and what do you mean by "titles font?" what titles? like the character titles, "Amazing, Incredible," those?

    thanks for the BADABOOM recommendation! it goes nicely! if you have any other recs i'd love to hear em. most of the fonts don't seem to have everything i need or aren't fun enough.
    Hey, Nicodemus,

    If that's the case, just let me know. I have font editing software and have already created a handful of fonts for myself, for other applications (not the game), and as I mentioned before, I used it to tweak the Rockwell font to differentiate the numeral "1" from lower-case letter "L" for clarity. I think I could very easily modify an existing font if you needed it, whether it be adding more glyphs/characters, modifying particular characters themselves, changing obliqueness (slant) or weight

    Oh, sorry for the confusion. By "titles", I was referring to power names on the character creation screen. That font is Red Circle (or one of its variants, e.g., italic).
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nicodemus View Post
    Custom Fonts Revisted

    Right, I forgot to update about the fonts.

    So the three fonts used are:

    mont_demibold (i think this is for general txt)
    mont_hvbold (i think this is for targetting)
    verdana (i think this is for chat bubbles)

    so i replaced those three with:

    Comic Sans
    Comic Sans Bold
    Comic Sans Bold

    in the data folder, make a new folder called fonts. in the fonts folder, just put in whatever fonts you want and rename them to the fonts that the game is looking for.

    so, i renamed comic sans to mont_demibold and put it in the folder and the game uses that font instead.

    very fun!
    Comic Sans?? Ick. Comic Sans is such an awkward and clumsily styled font. Have you tried any of the free comic-style fonts out there on the web? I use BadaBOOM in place of the Red Circle font (Red Circle is the titles font and is also used for damage numbers in combat), and a slightly tweaked version of Rockwell (this font) to make the numeral 1 different from the lower case "L" (in the Rockwell font, they are identical but separate glyphs).