Why on earth after 5 years Is there no Log Out...
Character selection - security issues they want to avoid.
Same with server selection.
Being able to /switch "charname_Server" would be an awesome way to try and skip some of the security issues but it's still more hassle then the Devs wish upon CS.
The "security issue" reasoning has always seemed somewhat weak to me since other MMOs allow immediate logout to character selection and have not suffered security issues as a result. If you are playing the game in an environment where your system can be compromised, you probably shouldn't be playing the game there at all.
To me, it just feels like a "forgotten feature". But if the security issue gets trotted out by a dev, I'd settle for a compromise that made the logout take only 15 seconds instead of 30.
How in the world could logging out to char screen be a security hazard?
How in the world could logging out to char screen be a security hazard?
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Kid sibling/irritated significant other/drunk friend catches it and deletes all your 50s.
Option 1: Let CS sort it out.
Option 2: Disallow it and prevent the problem in the first place.
They went with option 2.
How in the world could logging out to char screen be a security hazard?
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Someone hacked your password, but didn't capture the code they used, gets into the account does their mayhem, logs to another character etc...
lets say you are in public leave your computer unattended, someone logs to character and messes with your toons etc...
Unlikely but possible. Forcing people to log to password verification just prevents unauthorized acts to occur.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
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Alts: 32
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How in the world could logging out to char screen be a security hazard?
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You walk away from the computer. Your angry girlfriend/brother/parent, etc. logs out to the character select screen and proceeds to delete all your characters. As it is now, the worst they can do is screw around with the character you are logged in to.
If you are playing the game in an environment where your system can be compromised, you probably shouldn't be playing the game there at all.
[/ QUOTE ]
So don't play the game unless you have a secure room to which only you have the key, and only you have access to the computer? Disallow installation on any laptop?
true story:
When I played WoW, I logged to character screen for a break for munchies and a soda. Thinking I 'should' be fine being at home alone... I come back to my computer, my cat is in my chair and my character is logged in presently getting mobbed by the closest enemy that could aggro...
I'm just glad there are delete safeguards. If she ever learns to use a mouse I'm in trouble.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
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I thought this was gonna be about a /logout slash command. There's /quit, but that goes to desktop and isn't quite it.
How in the world could logging out to char screen be a security hazard?
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Kid sibling/irritated significant other/drunk friend catches it and deletes all your 50s.
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I've heard a story that some Beta Tester's girlfriend did exactly this during the CoH Beta and that's why the policy is in place.
How in the world could logging out to char screen be a security hazard?
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Kid sibling/irritated significant other/drunk friend catches it and deletes all your 50s.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've heard a story that some Beta Tester's girlfriend did exactly this during the CoH Beta and that's why the policy is in place.
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People I know have shared their passwords with girlfriends and the minute they break up, their toons vanish. Its a common occurrence and one reason I don't give my password to anyone, not even people I trust with my life.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
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Kid sibling/irritated significant other/drunk friend catches it and deletes all your 50s.
[/ QUOTE ]
Never underestimate the devilishness of an irritated drunk significant sibling...
There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"
People I know have shared their passwords with girlfriends and the minute they break up, their toons vanish. Its a common occurrence and one reason I don't give my password to anyone, not even people I trust with my life.
[/ QUOTE ]
So the integrity of your characters is more important than your life?
Just messing with you...
Life or password, death or deletion....hmmmm, toughie
If you are playing the game in an environment where your system can be compromised, you probably shouldn't be playing the game there at all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok then I guess you are offering to buy computers for all the customers that don't own one and have to play in places like internet cafes, colleges, libraries, game stores etc. that have internet access.
Life or password, death or deletion....hmmmm, toughie
[/ QUOTE ]
The point being just because I trust someone with my life doesn't give them the access to my accounts...When I do die, all access to my games and my computer goes with me.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile
Qr - if I couldntbtrust someone with my coh password, I'm not sure I'd be happy trusting them with my actual life.
The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)
Qr - if I couldntbtrust someone with my coh password, I'm not sure I'd be happy trusting them with my actual life.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well I entrust my family with my life, but none of them have access to my passwords... I don't think the inverse you assert applies.
Doc Mech-Nec (Exalted): 50 Bots/FF MM
Crey Radiation Tank (Exalted): 50 Rad/Rad Corr
Servers: Exalted, Triumph, Champion
Alts: 32
Steam Profile
Life or password, death or deletion....hmmmm, toughie
[/ QUOTE ]
I'll have the cake.
The "security issue" reasoning has always seemed somewhat weak to me since other MMOs allow immediate logout to character selection and have not suffered security issues as a result. If you are playing the game in an environment where your system can be compromised, you probably shouldn't be playing the game there at all.
To me, it just feels like a "forgotten feature". But if the security issue gets trotted out by a dev, I'd settle for a compromise that made the logout take only 15 seconds instead of 30.
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Well, there are some things to consider...
First we are talking about human beings here, and if humans, by nature, never did what they were not supposed to do, then we would not need things like: Laws, police, Courts, lawyers, jails/prisons, locks for our homes and cars... this list is gonna be long, so I'm just gonna stop there. But since we need these things, we are obligated to occasionally do something we are not supposed to do. Some feel more obligated then others.
Then there's the family home with the shared computer. Consider this:
Johnny's whole family love and play CoX. Each family member has an account of their very own. However, the boys, Johnny and Biff who share a room, have to share a computer. Johnny's turn is slated for the next 2 hours. After about an hour of play time on CoH, Johnny has to go to the washroom, so he makes a dash for the lavatory.
Biff,who is Johnny's older brother, and like so many typical older brothers likes to pick on Johnny and make him cry, sees Johnny's unattended CoH game running. Biff decides he's gonna play a fun little joke on Johnny and deletes every toon Johnny has.
Done in the washroom, Johnny returns to the computer and upon seeing what has become of his beloved toons, begins to cry. Biff thinks to himself "Yes, I was right. That was fun!" and grins so hard his face aches. Dad contacts CS (customer service) and tries to get Johnny's toons restored.
CS sighs heavily, then explains that while they are sorry for the misfortune of Johnny's plight, they cannot restore Johnny's toons since he was not playing the game in a secured environment. They explain that if they were to restore Johnny's toons, they would then have to restore every toon that is deleted under similar circumstances where the account holder fails to play the game in a secured environment. NCSoft would then have to hire permanent staff and pay out 57 billion dollars to restore all those maliciously deleted toons. And, since NCSoft does not have access to that kind of bankroll, they'd have to increase the fee of $15.00 a month, to something like one million dollars a day, which may not be feasible for a rather large portion of the current subscriber base. This could lead to so many players leaving the game, they would have to shut down.
They continue to explain that although NCSoft could apply for a 57 billion dollar business expansion loan, NCSoft has already considered this option and decided they'd rather simply shut down all the servers and pull the plug on the whole game rather then restore Johnnys toons.
Dad gives Johnny the bad news, that his toons are gone for good. Johnny begins to cry again. Biff is all ROTFLMAO. Dad, for a brief moment, gives serious consideration to the penalty of beating Biff, and makes a bad choice. Biff's in the hospital, Dad's in jail, mom is left at home alone with crying Johnny, and a family is torn asunder.
Although we can't guarantee to prevent this tragedy, a simple security step in CoH can help prevent NCSoft from pulling the plug on the game or raising our fee!
I might have exaggerated a little bit in there, but maybe you get my point.
"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather

Qr - if I couldntbtrust someone with my coh password, I'm not sure I'd be happy trusting them with my actual life.
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I'm not sure I'd be entirely happy with the idea that someone would place the same value on my life as they do my characters in a video game.
true story:
When I played WoW, I logged to character screen for a break for munchies and a soda. Thinking I 'should' be fine being at home alone... I come back to my computer, my cat is in my chair and my character is logged in presently getting mobbed by the closest enemy that could aggro...
I'm just glad there are delete safeguards. If she ever learns to use a mouse I'm in trouble.
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Your cat was just trying to get some BGs in before lunch. What's so wrong with that?
Dad gives serious consideration to the penalty of beating his biff
[/ QUOTE ]
Eww, dirty.
To Server selection, or characters selection?
I find this SO frustrating? Is there some rational reason? I have been gone for a few years, i come back and its the same.
I hate that I have to log in every time I want to switch my toons.
Is this really something that is not requested?