Ex Libris: The Final Chapter, but not The End!




You did a fantastic job Ex. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


Also on Steam



Bye sweetie. Have fun wherever you go.





It saddens me to lose someone like you, but I do wish you the best in the future.

You've meant a lot to me, both in relation to the game and as a person. Your presence, sense of humor, and especially your patience with some of us will be sorely missed. Even moreso will be the feeling that I have lost a part of my family.

I hope that when HeroCon '09 comes around that you will join us for some of our unofficial gatherings, even if you aren't able to join us for the official gatherings.

There WILL be a bottle of Jager reserved for you again this year, and I hope to be able to share at least one drink with you. If you are there, I will break my abstinence from alcohol to enjoy another drink with you.

If you ever head back to the Austin area, you know that all you need do is let MissInformed, Moggie, me, infallible, or any of the other Austin folks know you'll be around and we'll make plans to get together.

Maybe we can hit Rudy's again and see if we can find a way to smuggle some Sause back with you.

This has put a bit of a damper on my plans for the evening, as I'm again going to be thinking about losing another great Community Rep and someone I'm proud to be able to call a friend. I'm sorry I missed the ITF teamage last night. I'd have loved to have broken my ITF cherry running it with you.

Fair winds and following seas.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Good luck on your new adventure, you will be missed.



[censored]. The best thing to happen to the community boards is leaving. I am very glad I had the chance to meet you at comic con and I wish you all the best.
As a player, you know you'll always be welcome in Q-Patrol

You don't hit smiling monsters - Sister Flame



Sorry to see you go was really looking forward to meeting everyone behind the scenes and boards when i would be at herocon the unofficial greeter of Justice Server Guil

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I can still go to Hero-Con, just this time I'll be a player....therefore beware!

I'm staying in the Bay area.


[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's good to hear.



Sorry to see you go was really looking forward to meeting everyone behind the scenes and boards when i would be at herocon the unofficial greeter of Justice Server Guil

[/ QUOTE ]

I can still go to Hero-Con, just this time I'll be a player....therefore beware!

I'm staying in the Bay area.


[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's good to hear.

[/ QUOTE ]



Glad to have known you...

Sorry to see you go...

Best of luck to you, where ever you end up...



As many have said before, I will miss you terribly. It's been wonderful to have someone so involved and devoted as you have been and I wish you all the luck in the world!

I wish there was a hug emote.

Defenders do it with protection.
Blasters do it from behind.
Tankers do it with a group.
Controllers do it with restraints.
Scrappers do it with a death wish.



Why does it seem that CoH/CoV cant keep community relation members?

But nonetheless..

Good luck on what ever it is you get your silly self into..



Wow Ex i know this sounds corny but you have always been the one person in the corp of this game that I felt some common connection with. You always speak true and try to solve all problems with ease and grace. I will miss seeing you these forums and in the title you have but I wish you nothing but astonishing things ahead. You will be greatly missed.



May you have success and happiness in your future endeavors.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



You will be missed Ex. It was great meeting you at Hero Con and your leadership on the forums was fantastic.


PS- now what am I going to do with those blackmail tattoo photos I took at Hero Con? They're worthless!!

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



can still go to Hero-Con, just this time I'll be a player....therefore beware!

I'm staying in the Bay area.


[/ QUOTE ]

W0O-ooo-hoo TJ has competition!

Ex - Jill... it has been an honor to have been with you in game if not in spirit.

May your travels be free of the little bumps, may you have the joy that all deserve, and my you have peace when you walk.

And, next Hero-Con, I am so going to ply you with my Chocolate Martinis (which you missed out on since you were 'working').

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.




You will be greatly missed. Allot of things have happened in the last few years. You were at the center of most of it. Patience, commitment and understanding thru all of it. Some times were rocky most were not. I thank you for all your efforts and best wishes on your future.





Who do i have now to send paniced IM to everytime i have an ingame crisis - you best Global me at some point!





You're ... I mean ... WHAT?!

Somebody hold me. I need holding.

I suppose it's fairly common for community reps with aptitude to move on to other things within the industry after a few years (assuming you're staying in the industry), but it's still so very ... weird when it does happen. I know we've still got Niviene, Mod 8, and recent import Avatea to all keep us in check and on course, but it really does feel like there's this sudden vacuum. Let's be honest here -- you've busted your tail for this community, and as skilled as the remaining community folks may be, I just dunno if they'll be able to match what you've done here during your tenure.

Jill, unlike some, I never got the chance to really know you outside of the "Administrator/User" relationship. But I still thank you so much for what you've done for us, and hope that only great things lie ahead for you, both professionally and personally. As is Pinnacle custom, the first shot tonight will be knocked back in your honor. And probably the second. Third's very likely as well. The fourth is a definite possibility. And, well ... you get the idea.


Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Ex, I want to thank you for your commitment to this community and wish you best of luck where ever you go from here. You'll always have place on the forums, so don't be afraid to stop in and say hi!



GAH! You never finished your story!

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Aw Ex, I'm sad to see you leaving your post!

And I feel like such a butt for asking you to update my thread now!

Trickshooter's Characters | @Trickshooter @Brightside



Wow. I never met you at any convention, never got to group in game with you, never got to match wits (which you would have undoubtedly won, I am not bright), I saw you once in game (You said turn off your aura, I said okay), there is so much we haven't done....like turn that aura back on :P

But you never know, maybe we will end up in a pug, I am just sad you can't give me uber buffs if we do :P

In all seriousness, which is very tough for me, I absolutely wish you the best.

This economy is tough, job changes at this time can be scary. However, the general impression I have always had from you is one of a professional and a person who is great with people.

I sincerely wish you and all of yours a lifetime of peace health and happiness.

Ed W.



So long, Ex! You'll be missed!



You were always a blast to hang out with at each HeroCon. I Wish you the best in all you do Ex. I know no matter where you go you will shine.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.