Ex Libris: The Final Chapter, but not The End!




Ex -
How sad to hear this news!
It occurs to me that having just hit the 24 month mark, there's not a time I have been a member of this community when you have not been here. I know the only constant is change, but it does feel like losing a member of the family. You'll be greatly missed. I hope you have wonderful things in your future, and am glad you'll be able to join us all for the next hero-con.

The Marshmallow spectrum
Gud � Peeps
| Rice Krispy Treats
| Smores

Ebil - Circus Peanuts



I will really miss you Ex. /cry



Ex Libris is going to join Cuppa and Lighthouse in the big CS house in the sky. It is sadmaking.

[/ QUOTE ]

I will really miss you Ex. /cry

[/ QUOTE ]

Whoa, whoa, guys! Ex isn't dying, she's just getting a new job! She already said she'll keep playing. ;p

Besides, think of all the great puns this opens up. Now you can call her "ex-Ex Libris," or possibly "Double-X Libris."

Of course, if she were to come back at some point, she'd be an EX-ex Ex Libris, which would mean... Oh dear.



bye Ex. take care hope still come buy and play CoH with us sometime.



Ex Libris is leaving? Nooooooooo!

It's because Niviene stole your Almond Roca isn't it? I knew it! That Almond Roca thief!!!

But in all seriousness, I wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavours.

Aloha Oi & A Hui Hou,
Jade Forest



What!? Lame! I call foul!

hehe. Really tho, that's too bad. Gosh. We get to where we really like one of you Red Names, and you leave us. And for better things too! OMG we're not good enough!

lol no I'm kidding. I wish you the best tho. The bay area huh? only a few hours north of me. Cool.

But today is my birthday, so I say you have to come back. No I insist. =P

Miss ya already, Ex. Good luck! Hope to cya around the digital sometime!


AKA: Ath BS/SD Brute (Hero)

"The Fall and Rise of Athanatos" Arc ID: 521712

Outcast Cooler - "Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't."



oh Ex...

What will we do without you!?!
Where are you going and PLZ PLZ PLZ hit us up in game sometime!!!!

If you want peace, you prepare for war!




MA: Bikini Rescue! 1678

Arshalla Emp/Psi 50
Oracle Hestia Fire/Emp 50
Glass Spider Claws/SR 50
Edica Dual/Will 50
Merry Met Ice/Emp 50
Crouton Eng/Eng 50
Shadowfax Warshade 50
Klotho Mind/Kin 50
Lolth' M/M Dom 50
Ten Ton Tomato Stone/SS Tank 50
Ruprecht Monkey Boy Fire/Kin Cont 50
Balefire Fire/Fire Blaster 50



Since you will no longer be official, or a redname, I hope they give you the Name Ex-Ex Libris!

Hope you are happy with what you have decided to do now.

We have enjoyed your comanionship and remarks online.

Ex Libris is gone. Long Live Ex-Ex Libris!

The $6,000 man



Former staff still keep their redname status.
See also, Lighthouse. (quick example, there are many)

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



See you real soon Ex!



We're going to miss ya. Good luck to you and your endeavors .......... godspeed.



Yo Ex - I am very very sad to read that you are leaving. TA and I got the sad face when we read this ..... I think he shorted something in his visor .... not a tear surely???

Meeting you at the first M&G and other general bumping intos confirmed for me that you are a grand woman, and a veritable loss here.

I really hope you are at the next Herocon. If not, TA and I will be hunting you down with bottles of air .. I mean liquor ... I mean .. um .. yummy things. Prepare yourself .. ddoo000oo00ooom!!!

You have done a magnificent j ob of reaching out to the community. You leave with my respect and warmest regards. Expect a hug next time I see you .... resistance is futile!!

Bye for now woman ... you are the best.



So with the new issue and booster pack and then with real life taking up the rest of the time i completely missed this until Sassy showed it to me.

I am sooo bummed to see you go Ex. You have been a huge contribution to this community and the game as a whole. I believe you are leaving the game better then you found it for sure. I've enjoyed working with you on the City Scoop during my short stay there and really had a blast with you at the 2 hero cons. Also you've helped me a great deal just here on the boards. For me at least you will be sorely missed! I still have the note ya gave me last hero con and I love you too!

You better look me up in game and add me to your global! Especially if you are playing in Justice, I'd love to run some with you and run your arcs as well. My global has never changed, it's @Thor's Assassin.

Also you know i'll be hunting you down come hero con this year! If for nothing other then a shot! Your the best Ex! I wish nothing but the best for you and yours. *bug hug*




So long Ex, thanks for all your help and good luck in all that you do in the future



I hardly knew ya, but would like to wish you the best of luck in your new position. I bet you'll do great, EX!



?? who is this oh well bye good luck



Jill, I know I didn;t see this earlier, as my personal life has been hectic, but I will miss you being involved with the game. It was always nice to know that someone that has a lot of common with myself and my partner was around, to talk to, and to voice opinions to. I see you as one of the reasons why the now "Paragon Studios" was so friendly to GLBTQI people in-game and out of game on the boards.

I hope they will continue to be so, but you will be missed terribly, just as Cuppa was before you. Just as nobody ever could step into her shoes, you never tried to, and now nobody could ever jump into yours.

-Siobhan Patricia Lynch



I never got to know you personally. Some, like Paxil, and a few others, had the rare honor of getting to know you personally. While I am envious of these individuals, I can say safely that I got to know you in my own way. And the way I got to know you was indeed special.

Many moderators and community leaders have come and gone. Some were down right memorable like Cuppa Jo. Others were simply forgettable. You took the time to answer our questions. You stopped fights. You gave us moments of kindness and humor. You did this not for the boys paying your paycheck. You did this because YOU WANTED TOO. That kind of dedication and spirit is special and rare.

This alone allowed me to get to know you in a special way. I got to see a moderator who was here to have fun and make the place exciting. That alone made me want to keep playing this game.

You will be missed Ex Libris. Whereever you go. Whatever you do. Know this. You have the entire City of Heroes forum community wishing you the best of luck in your life and in your future endevors.

Au Revoir



> I'm on your server playing your arc, won't you play mine? what's the arc number?

Heya Ex,

Alas, I've been less active in COX lately and just heard your news.

I appreciate everything you did for us. Despite the unfortunate outcome (not your doing) you fought the good fight for the PVP community, and in general added good sense to the proceedings wherever you went. The ol' town won't be the same without you.

All the best of prosperity and enjoyment in yor travels.




Take care and good luck and remember, as long as 1 person remembers you, you will not be forgotten!


It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...




Can I haz ur stuff?

[/ QUOTE ]

Havnt read through the entire thread and people have probably quoted this already but here it is again. The reason?
I actually fully laughed out loud.

Good luck to you Ex. Thank you for answering PMs and everything. You've done a great job.


Need help making your own CoH comics or read other's comics at cohcomicindex.com

www.jkcomics.com for Justice-Knights comics series and more!
Introductions, Obey,



Wow I need to stop getting distracted by RL. I get pulled away from the game for a couple months and Cuppa Leaves, again and Lighthouse and Ex are gone. I'm sorry folks, you can all use sands of mu on me at the next Hero'Con for causing these disasters.