Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque





What if it was on the warehouse side of the wall; opposite the street. Then nobody would know it's there unless you saw it indescriminately.

<Sam Kineson>
Ahhhh! It's a [censored] piece of metal on a [censored] four foot wall. It's not like it's on the side of every other [censored] bus in town! Ahhhhh!
</Sam Kineson>



You know, I've been thinking, maybe we should take Tanker Tuesday on Tour.

A different server every month. Same core participants. A little guerrilla advertising to swell our ranks an hour before the event in the zones added to the usual forums posts warning participants to hit the character creator.

Not a separate TT on every server, but a traveling Tank circus!

So what if some of us have to make some new lowbies. I'm all out of slots on Champion anyways, and I have Pep Rally reserved on most of the servers anyways.
I'm sure we have representatives from most of the servers already attending on Champion anyways who could co host the event.

I think the reason TT hasn't been able to spread to other servers is we all like to be in one place together where we can meet others of like interest. You don't really get that opportunity when we have little gatherings separated by servers.

I don't know, just some random thoughts I had, and I didn't really know where to put them since we don't really have any real organization at TT, and alot of the participants seem to be reading this thread. Sorry for the Tangent.



I think that's a great idea too. More excuse for more of us to get together.

What's depressing me in this thread is that it's gone where I figured it would go (but I figured I was just being negative at the time). It's devolved into classifying what's "good enough" to be deemed worthy of a vaguely worded 30x80-something pixel plaque on a wall in a corner of the city that doesn't see much traffic at all. The irony is screaming there, or it is to me at least. Some people are comparing how much better some great SGs are than TT. Some people are bringing up dev-promoted groups and events (how cool is it that we even have those anyway?) and calling them better and more worthy of recognition than TT. Some people are subtly saying in long lawyerly exchanges that they feel no connection to TT so it doesn't deserve commemoration. All of that may likely be true to a lot of us, but I think all of it is missing the point.

There doesn't have to be a classification of something as being a holy grail of contribution to the game to deserve a permanent mark in the city. We should be able to commemorate anything we think is a contribution. That includes longtime SGs, player events, a single event that we think should be commemorated, hell anything we think should be commemorated. Just mention it. What's such a downer though is that we don't do that. Instead we spend way more time saying what shouldn't be celebrated than what should be. It's like we enjoy beating ourselves and each other down...like we'd rather stomp on flowers than even think about the idea that we deserve to grow a damn flower. That's how silly it's gotten.

What's the end result of permanently recognizing some community accomplishments in the game? Total mayhem? Or just some subtle clues in the city to the fact that a large number of real live people have been coming together to play in it for a lot of hours for a lot of calendar time? Maybe we've been beaten down too much over the years by rules. Yeah sure, a game needs them. It doesn't need them here. Here's the situation broken down as I see it--we breathe life into the city every day. Without us, somewhere near 1/2 of the reason that the city exists goes poof and the city stops existing. Why don't we let ourselves have some evidence of our existence in it? For whatever reason we think deserves it? As far as the city goes, we are "~1/2 God its Creator". It doesn't have be something glaring. It can stay subtle. And it can include...whatever the hell we want. It can be longtime SGs, people who've left that we wish hadn't, great memories of events we'll never forget, whatever.

Wait that's not right, the devs have to decide in the end what's really right. Yeah sure, the devs will decide what they want. That doesn't change the fact that they should support reasonable requests like these, like a vague plaque in the corner of KR. And regardless of what the devs decide, whether they decide to or not doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. That's why I'm saying let the suggestions fly, it doesn't just have to be something for TT. We're a big reason behind the city's existence. We should be able to commemorate that fact in that same world in a reasonable way that doesn't break immersion. And no, I don't think that ways like a vaguely-worded plaque in the corner of KR is so glaring as to break immersion. Thinking along those lines is like battered wife syndrome. Rules have a place, sure...we just don't have to make ourselves slaves to them.



Does the TT often result in a second zone forming... cause the nightly activities on Virtue regularly cause a second Pocket D and I don't think we need a plaque for that..



You don't think that Virtue shaking its walls with parties every night deserves a plaque? Damn, now I'm really depressed. The least you could do is cheer me up again with something you think does deserve one .



My breasts.



My breasts.

[/ QUOTE ]Pics or GTFO




My breasts.

[/ QUOTE ]Pics or GTFO

[/ QUOTE ]

I second that.



_mr3_, none of us are saying TT doesn't deserve some kind of recognition. We just feel that it shouldn't be enshrined game wide when it is a single server event. Sure people have said it happened on other servers, but they also said it never caught on with the other servers population. Therefore it is by very deffinition, and by the fact that every announcement says "champion server", a SINGLE SERVER event.

And, SINGLE SERVER events should not be enshrined game wide in any way. Make a help tip for it, have a party and invite the devs. just because you did that on the last anniversary doesn't mean you can't know. Where will it stop?

Had a big party for 3rd anniversary? Check.

Got a plague for 5th anniversary? Check.

8th anniversary is coming up. We should have a statue. "Get to work devs! You gave us a plaque for the 5th anniversary, you should give us a statue for the 8th!"



I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, I'm fully in support of. (I'm very much "on the side of caution," if you've paid attention to my comments.)

[/ QUOTE ]

You know this thread speaks to a bigger topic that all 14 vocally opposed have overlooked by a mile.

Saying you'd like to see some standard or metric on this idea while spending ALL your time trying to shoot down the vehicle that might bring that about, is a contradiction.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have THIS in OUR game? That's a feature in a game that's not even a year old.

Do you really think the devs would consider the request in the OP without first considering a system to reward laudable milestones by other players, and events? Really?

In that, you're really selling yourselves and everyone who's accomplished worthy milestones or feats in the game to date, and in the future, short.

[u]You say you want a standard and contemplation by the devs, but the vehicle to start the process is right in front of your eyes.[u]

You've pointed to other entities that are worthy, yet clearly those associated with them are no where near as passionate about their cause as those who've attended TT through the years.
More likely, many of the leaders of the afore mentioned don't have active accounts anymore.

Contrast that with the person responsible for starting TT returning to the game to support the idea.

This is the vehicle to force that "metric" by the devs if there ever was one, by the broad show of support, to possibly usher in something like THIS, but you're so inclined to think inside the box that the point completely misses you, just as it did with Power Proliferation for many of you.

[u]You were wrong on Power Proliferation (I have pms battle scars on my sons account from a few of you from those days ), and you're totally missing an opportunity with the OP.[u]

Airing on the side of cation and inside the box clan thinking rarely gets anything interesting done, just as it wouldn't if some of you had your way with PP.

In effect you could say that this event and those offering this outside the box idea are pioneers of maybe something like this making it's way into the City Of game world.

[u]But you're not exploring anything, or promoting any new ideas, you're just hunkered down in your narrow box dissecting every minuscule fact to "air on the side of caution". [u]

Maybe the devs will still think of an equitable system to reward better then exceptional feats by players and forumites, because of the uncontested milestone highlighted in the OP (like a Hall of Fame instance, with an entire map filled with stutues and plaques highlighting legends and legendary accomplishments), [u]but it wont be because of any of the obstructionist minded pack.[u]

You offer [u]nothing new[u], only the same rehashed rewards that are growing five years long in the tooth, while even the devs have tried to think outside the box on this topic.

And for that you do a disservice to everyone in the game, including yourselves, who've accomplished crazy amazing milestones while playing this game we love.

This could be in the games future, and it's at least worthy of a polite debate. Using your obvious intelligence to offer alternative new ideas, ways that this could happen equitably in game, like maybe using the MA as part of it.

Think outside the box, be proactive, if a one year old game can think of some new and exciting way to reward true achievements, then why can't you, you're friends, you're events and groups, who've unquestionably made not just a mark but a crater in this game, be rewarded with something innovative exciting and brand new?!



Got a plague for 5th anniversary? Check.

[/ QUOTE ]

And the plague shall be called, 'The Death of the Red Mask', named so for the unfortunate red mask-wearing tanker who first came in contact with the cause of the plague: pseudo-vampiric inner space cooties from outer space, which spread to other tankers during the 5th Anniversary of Tanker Tuesday, and from thence to all the other heroes throughout Paragon City, and the world. Alas! A nightmare for heroes - a dream come true for purse-snatchers.



I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, I'm fully in support of. (I'm very much "on the side of caution," if you've paid attention to my comments.)

[/ QUOTE ]

You know this thread speaks to a bigger topic that all 14 vocally opposed have overlooked by a mile.

Saying you'd like to see some standard or metric on this idea while spending ALL your time trying to shoot down the vehicle that might bring that about, is a contradiction.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have THIS in OUR game? That's a feature in a game that's not even a year old.

Do you really think the devs would consider the request in the OP without first considering a system to reward laudable milestones by other players, and events? Really?

In that, you're really selling yourselves and everyone who's accomplished worthy milestones or feats in the game to date, and in the future, short.

[u]You say you want a standard and contemplation by the devs, but the vehicle to start the process is right in front of your eyes.[u]

You've pointed to other entities that are worthy, yet clearly those associated with them are no where near as passionate about their cause as those who've attended TT through the years.
More likely, many of the leaders of the afore mentioned don't have active accounts anymore.

Contrast that with the person responsible for starting TT returning to the game to support the idea.

This is the vehicle to force that "metric" by the devs if there ever was one, by the broad show of support, to possibly usher in something like THIS, but you're so inclined to think inside the box that the point completely misses you, just as it did with Power Proliferation for many of you.

[u]You were wrong on Power Proliferation (I have pms battle scars on my sons account from a few of you from those days ), and you're totally missing an opportunity with the OP.[u]

Airing on the side of cation and inside the box clan thinking rarely gets anything interesting done, just as it wouldn't if some of you had your way with PP.

In effect you could say that this event and those offering this outside the box idea are pioneers of maybe something like this making it's way into the City Of game world.

[u]But you're not exploring anything, or promoting any new ideas, you're just hunkered down in your narrow box dissecting every minuscule fact to "air on the side of caution". [u]

Maybe the devs will still think of an equitable system to reward better then exceptional feats by players and forumites, because of the uncontested milestone highlighted in the OP (like a Hall of Fame instance, with an entire map filled with stutues and plaques highlighting legends and legendary accomplishments), [u]but it wont be because of any of the obstructionist minded pack.[u]

You offer [u]nothing new[u], only the same rehashed rewards that are growing five years long in the tooth, while even the devs have tried to think outside the box on this topic.

And for that you do a disservice to everyone in the game, including yourselves, who've accomplished crazy amazing milestones while playing this game we love.

This could be in the games future, and it's at least worthy of a polite debate. Using your obvious intelligence to offer alternative new ideas, ways that this could happen equitably in game, like maybe using the MA as part of it.

Think outside the box, be proactive, if a one year old game can think of some new and exciting way to reward true achievements, then why can't you, you're friends, you're events and groups, who've unquestionably made not just a mark but a crater in this game, be rewarded with something innovative exciting and brand new?!

[/ QUOTE ]

That hall of fame would be pretty exciting, I'd love to see something like it in the CoX world. No one can say it hasn't been done yet in an mmo.



~ The Earthguard ~



You know what else has been done in an MMO?


This is going to be hard to grasp for some people, but 99% of the people who play this game don't give a damn about you. At all. Let's say you have a hundred friends. No, wait, a thousand friends. Who you play with and care about and are close to and deal with on a daily basis. Great. You have one percent of the player base giving a damn about your existence.

Tanker Tuesday generates what, a hundred tanks every month? Two hundred? Three hundred?

Less than a percent?

Sure, it's impressive. I even laud the idea that TT deserves something, sure, something special. But to act like this game needs to follow-the-leader on ego-inflating bling in a competitive, pvp-based game in this, the individuality-driven, small-and-casual creative game is egotistical to the point of irrationality.

Ironically, it's the kind of self-aggrandizing showboating that I've heard experienced players routinely use as their criteria for dismissing tankers - and this event is at last check about tankers trying to increase tanker popularity and 'have a good time' by ignoring everything in the game that isn't a tanker.



Player Statues would be nice...as long as they stayed on the server the character was on ^_^.




How about the game checks your hero and if you are lvl 50, it substitutes the image of YOUR hero for a statue in Atlas Park, say? Or they could add a place in Peregrine Island, or use the statue behind Maria Jenkins.

I would think that the game engine could interpret the image of your costume as it appears in the Costume Creator and substitute the stone-like colors and textures for the colors of your hero and add the image in an appropriate size.

The image of the statue could be client-side, like the objects in Propel--- it would only show up for YOU. After all, YOU are about the only one that will be thrilled, and EVERYBODY would get "their own" statue!

Let's face it, trying to pick out player characters to honor would raise all sorts of problems. But if you saw YOUR OWN hero once they reached 50... EVERYONE would like THAT!

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I think you're going a bit off course Mel...



That and chest shrines on all servers and you've got a deal. It's weird, I'm cheered up again for some reason.

Hey wait a minute, you try to confuse!



I think I may have broke Fleeting...



8th anniversary is coming up. We should have a statue. "Get to work devs! You gave us a plaque for the 5th anniversary, you should give us a statue for the 8th!"

[/ QUOTE ]

If the plaque says, "starting on such-and-such a date" then it would automatically be the 6th, 7th, 8th, etc. anniversary recognition.

And as far as TT being a "Single Server" event, players from all servers come to Champion to participate. So while the event takes place on one server, it involves the other servers as well.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Lisar, we're still waiting for proof of your award winning chest.

I'm seeing this argument devolve more and more into "don't ever change anything" and "change is good." The goings on in this game are not sacrosanct. The main purpose of this thread is to test or convince the Devs that this idea might be a good one. Those opposed have voiced their opinions as to why they think it might not be a good idea. This isn't American Idol and we DON'T get to vote.

My one question today is, have any of the Devs even noticed this discussion yet?

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



You know what else has been done in an MMO?


This is going to be hard to grasp for some people, but 99% of the people who play this game don't give a damn about you. At all. Let's say you have a hundred friends. No, wait, a thousand friends. Who you play with and care about and are close to and deal with on a daily basis. Great. You have one percent of the player base giving a damn about your existence.

Tanker Tuesday generates what, a hundred tanks every month? Two hundred? Three hundred?

Less than a percent?

Sure, it's impressive. I even laud the idea that TT deserves something, sure, something special. But to act like this game needs to follow-the-leader on ego-inflating bling in a competitive, pvp-based game in this, the individuality-driven, small-and-casual creative game is egotistical to the point of irrationality.

Ironically, it's the kind of self-aggrandizing showboating that I've heard experienced players routinely use as their criteria for dismissing tankers - and this event is at last check about tankers trying to increase tanker popularity and 'have a good time' by ignoring everything in the game that isn't a tanker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just in case anyone has him on ignore.



I like what's said here, Talen. And I agree with you.



I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, I'm fully in support of. (I'm very much "on the side of caution," if you've paid attention to my comments.)

[/ QUOTE ]

You know this thread speaks to a bigger topic that all 14 vocally opposed have overlooked by a mile.

Saying you'd like to see some standard or metric on this idea while spending ALL your time trying to shoot down the vehicle that might bring that about, is a contradiction.

Wouldn't it be amazing to have THIS in OUR game? That's a feature in a game that's not even a year old.

Do you really think the devs would consider the request in the OP without first considering a system to reward laudable milestones by other players, and events? Really?

In that, you're really selling yourselves and everyone who's accomplished worthy milestones or feats in the game to date, and in the future, short.

[u]You say you want a standard and contemplation by the devs, but the vehicle to start the process is right in front of your eyes.[u]

You've pointed to other entities that are worthy, yet clearly those associated with them are no where near as passionate about their cause as those who've attended TT through the years.
More likely, many of the leaders of the afore mentioned don't have active accounts anymore.

Contrast that with the person responsible for starting TT returning to the game to support the idea.

This is the vehicle to force that "metric" by the devs if there ever was one, by the broad show of support, to possibly usher in something like THIS, but you're so inclined to think inside the box that the point completely misses you, just as it did with Power Proliferation for many of you.

[u]You were wrong on Power Proliferation (I have pms battle scars on my sons account from a few of you from those days ), and you're totally missing an opportunity with the OP.[u]

Airing on the side of cation and inside the box clan thinking rarely gets anything interesting done, just as it wouldn't if some of you had your way with PP.

In effect you could say that this event and those offering this outside the box idea are pioneers of maybe something like this making it's way into the City Of game world.

[u]But you're not exploring anything, or promoting any new ideas, you're just hunkered down in your narrow box dissecting every minuscule fact to "air on the side of caution". [u]

Maybe the devs will still think of an equitable system to reward better then exceptional feats by players and forumites, because of the uncontested milestone highlighted in the OP (like a Hall of Fame instance, with an entire map filled with stutues and plaques highlighting legends and legendary accomplishments), [u]but it wont be because of any of the obstructionist minded pack.[u]

You offer [u]nothing new[u], only the same rehashed rewards that are growing five years long in the tooth, while even the devs have tried to think outside the box on this topic.

And for that you do a disservice to everyone in the game, including yourselves, who've accomplished crazy amazing milestones while playing this game we love.

This could be in the games future, and it's at least worthy of a polite debate. Using your obvious intelligence to offer alternative new ideas, ways that this could happen equitably in game, like maybe using the MA as part of it.

Think outside the box, be proactive, if a one year old game can think of some new and exciting way to reward true achievements, then why can't you, you're friends, you're events and groups, who've unquestionably made not just a mark but a crater in this game, be rewarded with something innovative exciting and brand new?!

[/ QUOTE ]

First of all giving out a reward like this without first setting standards for it is just stupid.

Second, this seems like nothing but a huge ego-stroke. Just because RO or the Taxibots haven't asked for this does not mean they are less passionate. It means they see enjoying themselves ingame as all the reward they need. The fact that you set there and even claim that TT has done more for the game then RO is just ludicrous. TT runs once a month, on ONE SERVER. RO spans three servers, on both red and blue side, every night.

TT's life is impressive, but it has had ZERO effect on the other servers. It has attracted less then one percent of the populaation of the ENTIRE game and just does not deserve to be made a part of canon in any way shape or form.



I think I may have broke Fleeting...

[/ QUOTE ]That would have been a possibility if I weren't already broken.




You know what else has been done in an MMO?


This is going to be hard to grasp for some people, but 99% of the people who play this game don't give a damn about you. At all. Let's say you have a hundred friends. No, wait, a thousand friends. Who you play with and care about and are close to and deal with on a daily basis. Great. You have one percent of the player base giving a damn about your existence.

Tanker Tuesday generates what, a hundred tanks every month? Two hundred? Three hundred?

Less than a percent?

Sure, it's impressive. I even laud the idea that TT deserves something, sure, something special. But to act like this game needs to follow-the-leader on ego-inflating bling in a competitive, pvp-based game in this, the individuality-driven, small-and-casual creative game is egotistical to the point of irrationality.

Ironically, it's the kind of self-aggrandizing showboating that I've heard experienced players routinely use as their criteria for dismissing tankers - and this event is at last check about tankers trying to increase tanker popularity and 'have a good time' by ignoring everything in the game that isn't a tanker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just in case anyone has him on ignore.

[/ QUOTE ]

If TT regularly attracted 10% of the population, heck 2% would be enough, and it was a regular event on multiple servers, I would support this idea. Until that happens I just don't see how TT deserves it.