Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




Great idea Ace. I support this.

Ice Ember



The problem with this - and it is gonna come up - is that you're asking for a plaque to honor a particular AT in the game. A plaque just for Tankers?

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The thing is, it's not honoring an AT, it's honoring an event that's been running for five years.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. While the TT is a specific event with specific parameters, being Tankers, the suggestion isn't being made to support all Tankers everywhere but to honor the long tradition of the event itself. The existance of the event hasn't prevented anyone from creating their own alternatives (indeed, it has acually inspired similar events for other ATs.)

I see where you are coming from Witty, but I think that our desire to equalize things is not always the best path. Honoring one event doesn't mean that other groups or events are losing anything.

I might have a bias for Champion, but I don't play Tanks (and therefore am not a participant of Tanker Tuesday.) I do think that a five year history is something to be very proud of for any event on any of the servers, and deserves some recognition.



It simply doesn't make sense to me why people on Justice or Virtue would erect some sort of recognition for something that never happened there.

A celebration with dev participation and prizes and maybe a mention in the updater seem much more appropriate. If only they had some method of organizing these sort of things in place.



/signed without a doubt!




I've never participated, and probably never will because I don't like playing tankers. But this is a long running event that outshines all the others.



It simply doesn't make sense to me why people on Justice or Virtue would erect some sort of recognition for something that never happened there.

A celebration with dev participation and prizes and maybe a mention in the updater seem much more appropriate. If only they had some method of organizing these sort of things in place.

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Oh it has happened on Virtue I have been to one there before.



While I don't want to nay-say for no reason, I'm not sure it's a safe bet people will know about this. It's a traditional event that's been running for half a decade, yet with coming on five years of veteran awards and Lord knows how many hours spent on these forums, this is the first time I've heard about it. I may have caught the name in off-hand comments in unrelated threads, I don't remember.

It seems a bit much to put an out-of-character event limited to one server into the game's canon, from where I'm standing. It's not like it hasn't happened before, and it's not that I don't want people to receive their recognition, but a plaque in the game doesn't strike me as the best way.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I swear I have been to a Tanker Tuesday on more than just Champion. It is not just a 1 server event.

If an in-game plaque doesn't fit then I guess I could settle with Champion, my home server, having "The best Server" right next to its name... Or "Home of the Champions" Or "Home of Tanker Tuesday"



It's kinda a bad precedent. Once you start it, where does it stop? Should SGs who have lasted for 5 years get a plaque? Players? Characters?

Recognition? Yes, earned, deserved, completely. In -this- manner? I do not think so.

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This. And, honestly, this thread sounds extremely self-serving, even if the milestone is deserved.

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Squeaky wheel gets the grease, and all that.

The odds of someone totally disassociated with the event nominating something like this is... well, not good.




While the TT is a specific event with specific parameters, being Tankers, the suggestion isn't being made to support all Tankers everywhere but to honor the long tradition of the event itself. The existance of the event hasn't prevented anyone from creating their own alternatives (indeed, it has acually inspired similar events for other ATs.)

I see where you are coming from Witty, but I think that our desire to equalize things is not always the best path. Honoring one event doesn't mean that other groups or events are losing anything.

I might have a bias for Champion, but I don't play Tanks (and therefore am not a participant of Tanker Tuesday.) I do think that a five year history is something to be very proud of for any event on any of the servers, and deserves some recognition.

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That's how I feel, this really should happen, it's a puny plaque for a really really great event. In fact it's the only thing in this game on any of the servers me and my boys play on, that we schedule something around. I mean every Tuesday at the first of the month since we started playing this game in the 04, this fun gathering happened, and it's still happening, and will keep happening till they force us from the servers.
We've never seen it as a server thing, it's just were we all meet, like everyone meets on test for pvp, or something, it's all good.
I think instead of being negetive it should be praised that a thing like this could keep going strong all this time with the players dedication, I mean 60 months in a row that's hella long time.
Why wouldn't we want to praise that, with a smidge more then a two hour toon title.

/Way in favor



I said permanent titles.

Hell I got another thing I think the event should have. A badge. Log into Champion for the 60th T.T. and get a badge (account wide maybe) as you participate in whatever it is people do for Tanker Tuesdays with Back Alley Brawler and Statesman (Jay can play as States I'm sure he's got at least some Tank practice...).



Random thought:

Shouldn't participation in the event be worth more then whatever puny recognition by anyone else?

I see arguments like 'It's just a little plaque', and all I can think is 'That's not even remotely the point of the event in question' in response.

The event was done... because people liked it (I'm assuming). It got where it was through mutual interest and in the spirit of having fun. While I think it's great that it's going to have it's 60th session, and wish it much luck in getting to it's 100th and beyond, I can't really see where any of this is necessary at all.

Would you put a plaque up in a real life convention hall, to commemorate it being the site of the 5th annual underwater basketweavers convention*? Not really. Do you put a plaque up in a park for the same reason? I'd sure hope not.

It takes time and money for this sort of thing - and while it may not seem like a lot to you, and it may not even be an expensive plaque for a real-life event, it's still costing someone somewhere money. There's all sorts of forms (memos) you have to fill out (and send) to various departments (people) to get the licenses (green light) and approval to even start designing (Same link for gaming industry) the plaque itself, then pay to have it manufactured (coded) to be put in the game by an expert (world designer - Hi War Witch!), that I start to think it's not worth the effort.

However, I do urge you to, perhaps, submit something to the City Scoop, at the very least. Everyone involved with the management and running of the event deserves a thumbs-up, at the least, and a 'Hell yeah!' for all their hard work and dedication these past five years.

I just don't think this is the way to do it.

(*Disclaimer: Put whatever ridiculous thing you want in there, I tried hard to come up with something that was at least inoffensive. To all of you people that do, indeed, practice underwater basketweaving, I thus humbly apologize in the most sincere fashion possible. You have the right to be a freak, too, just like the rest of us!)



While I don't want to nay-say for no reason, I'm not sure it's a safe bet people will know about this.

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I don't think how many know about the event really matters. Most people who are unaware of Tanker Tuesdays would also be unaware of the plaque, so it wouldn't even effect them.



(*Disclaimer: Put whatever ridiculous thing you want in there, I tried hard to come up with something that was at least inoffensive. To all of you people that do, indeed, practice underwater basketweaving, I thus humbly apologize in the most sincere fashion possible. You have the right to be a freak, too, just like the rest of us!)

[/ QUOTE ]

I forgive you. A lot of people just don't understand the dedication it takes to be a truly proficient underwater basket weaver. The exspense is just staggering, especially after the failure of our underwater pot throwing experament.




I don't think how many know about the event really matters. Most people who are unaware of Tanker Tuesdays would also be unaware of the plaque, so it wouldn't even effect them.

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I know right, no one even goes there, I bet if you spent a week in that area on all servers you wouldn't count enough to buy the equivalent in a happy meal. /resigned



count enough to buy the equivalent in a happy meal

[/ QUOTE ] The hell does that mean? There aren't digital super heroes in happy meals.



It's kinda a bad precedent. Once you start it, where does it stop? Should SGs who have lasted for 5 years get a plaque? Players? Characters?

Recognition? Yes, earned, deserved, completely. In -this- manner? I do not think so.

[/ QUOTE ]

The difference being, obviously, that the event encompasses many SGs, players, characters, and, indeed, servers. IIRC; and I may be slipping because I'll be hitting the 5-year mark on April 28th and have played on Infinity, Virtue and Champion extensively which sometimes leaves me with a muddled sense of where I played what; Tanker Tuesdays have been held on Liberty and Virtue, at least, and recieves cross-server participation on Champion making it a cross-server event.

Don't slight the event for being single-server due to the game's infrastructure when players are finding ways around keeping it a single server event by either visiting Champion or holding their own on other servers.

And as for the 'slippery slope' argument... it's taken 5 continuous years of an award winning event for someone to pipe up and ask for it. How many things really fit into that category?

So... /signed.



I like this idea.

Besides 5 years in an MMO life cycle is longer than 5 years in RL.

Pillars of Might
Darc Ranger [Blas] / Darc Nebula [Cont]
The Bikini Patrol
Darc Lighter:51-[Blas] / Darc Lady:50-[Tank]
The Panty Raiders
Aegis Magnus [MM] / Atomic Spector [Cor] / Dominar Sefus [Dom]
-Darc Ranger [Def]



If anyone wants to address me on my view I will be happy to do so in this thread. Anyone who PMs me about it will be answered in this thread...starting with Tank_Washington.

So you would be the angry poster who likes raining on non-friends parade, because obstruction can be fun and give airs of elitism.

Honestly if this thing ran for twenty years you'd be looking to piss on it because it's not something you do, or your friends do, so f*** the idea, even if it's a crazy hard milestone it reached.

Nice meeting you, I didn't see /jranger in your sig. Odd.

[/ QUOTE ] No this has nothing to do with my participation in the event. The only objection I have is that making a sign to commiserate an event on servers that don't hold it makes no sense to me. I think this event would more logically be celebrated with celebrity (dev) participation, badges, titles, and prizes. While writing this I thought of antoher great item. A comic like they had for the wedding, hosted forever ont he ftp and linked with the rest of them.

There has been nothing angry or elitist about any of my posts on this.



Even though I'm all for drama, calling people out for stuff like that is kind of dirty pool, and might possibly be against the EULA for the forums.

EDIT: And, indeed, it's a violation of Rule 4.



It might be a violation. I'm sure someone could look it up for me. I'm just tired of getting PMs about this.



It might be a violation. I'm sure someone could look it up for me. I'm just tired of getting PMs about this.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I can certainly understand it, but breaking the forum guidelines is really the worst possible way to go about it.

Flag it as harrassment, and go about your business. This won't help, and may encourage further annoyances in the future, or get you in trouble.



Hmmm yeah...let me look at the rules a bit.


Ok looked through the sticky guidelines and didn't see anything against what I did ^_^. If anyone finds it let me know.