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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
    No kidding who drew that?
    The artist for the Pillars of Might SG Picture is Douglass Shuler.

    His official site can be seen here:

    And more of his art can be seen here::
  2. I am glad you finally got that name.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    You beat me to the post link I was going to direct the OP here. Depending on the group I play with, I still you that setup.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    Darc_Ranger, do you not plan on putting any extra slots into the inherent fitness powers?

    I guess I figure that out once change goes to open Beta, from there I will see if I can use my last freespec the night before or if I need to wait it out until the change goes live.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Oops, Dictionary.com.
    Thanks, I use the desktop version all the time and forgot about the possibility of an app.

    Originally Posted by Pouncer
    I was just thinking this morning that I need an iPhone app to check whether a name is already taken in CoH. The game has been out so long every name I can think of has been taken.
    I wish they had an app for that and for the costume creation. Of course someone would want one for AE editing, the Auction Houses, or for whose online from your friends list.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Pandora- music app

    Which dictionary app, Dictionary, Dictionary! or Dictionary.com?

    I also got

    for Audiobooks: Audible and Overdrive. Overdrive allow you to check out mp3 library audios from your local library, once you check them out from the library. If you use your desktop to upload the audiobooks you can covert the ones in the windows media format. For the MP3s I use the Iphones safari to check out the available audio mp3 books and Overdrive to download to the player. The only other issue is that the can only be played on Overdrive and the books are no longer accessible after the due date passes.

    Audible uses a custom format, but Itunes recognizes it. You can play other non drm audiobooks on the audible player and can bookmark them. You can also download previous purchases over the Iphone so you so not have to sync up all the time.

    For Netflix: IQueue and Netflix. IQueue is made by a thrid party handles your Netflix queue for AT Home and Instant Viewing. Netflix release an app last month that will actually play from your Instant Queue if you preset it up. It will also let you search for movies. Currently it will not let you manage your movie/TV queue, and that is why I rely on the other app.

    For Comics: DC, Marvel, IDW. I use their apps to read the free e-comic, though I could purchase items to if I want.

    I also downloaded the Kindle app and the Amazon app just in case.

    Verizon FiOS has an app to program 1 DVR once they devices are synced. I also use the app to check what is on in the evening.

    For Music, SoundHound is another program like Shazam. I have the free version of both. Iheartradio, LastFM and AOL Radio to capture internet radio or stations in other states.

    For Games a mixture of free and paid. I recently got the new Spider-man game, Sol Free Solitare, a couple of trek like games in GalaxyTrek and Trek Quest, Lightstaber, Ironman and Ironman 2. I also got the trek Tricorder since I had the black and white version on my old palm and the Communicator app. The Communicator app is a little weak for the price, but it still has enough cool factor for me to keep it.

    I got the google app, even though there is already some overlap on the Iphone. I also got Bing and Opera for alternates. I even found a Firefox app that will sync my bookmarks and tabs from my home desktop broswer.

    For time keeping: Alarm Clock or Best Alarm. You can set multiple alarm, they both use multitasking, have a portrait and Landscape clock mode and will allow you to set alarms from Ipod and playlists.

    I got alot of crap on it too, or stuff that others may not find as interesting. but at least the crap stuff was free.
  7. They could give two if they stagger the distribution of it. They could give us one the day before launch, then wait a few days and give us a second one without changing any coding.

    Regardless I would probably end up using my last freespec the night before launch to get out of the fitness pool. Of course I cannot wait to see what the inhert fitness looks and feels like for my older characters and my new one prefitness.
  8. I do not mind it'd Dick Grayson's Robin. It's a different continuity/Earth. I just wonder is Robin/Superboy will be best friends down the line.

    The only issue I have is no Wonder Girl. I would have taken either one. But maybe she will be added at a later date.

    In another article the creators stated that some of YJ member will died through the course of the series.

    I look forward to this show, I hope it works and we get a few seasons out of it.
  9. Unless they use a name scheme like the other superhero MMO, I would at least lilke to port my name and look. Secondarily a port of fundage, though not a big deal for me.

    The powers and enhancement process maybe different enough to not be compatible with the new game.

    Also why bring a full character over wouldn't rather you start at level one and do the new content or would your rather get to endgame at start or are you hoping for a flashback system there?

    Plus would transfering your character to the new game delete the version on the current? Or would you some how keep both if the transfer is one way/one time and is a MT? I think the odd are good that CoH1 will still be up and running.

    I still hope at mininum the port would be a partial one, transfer name witht the option to port your CoH1 costume into CoH2. Maybe they would then also have an option to map out your current powerset to the CoH2 version. You would still have to start a level one, but you could have a guide to recreate an equivlent character or go on a completely different path.

    I still think in the end it would the names we want to keep and use in CoH2, especially if things are structured different enough not to allow a full transfer.
  10. He would still be better than a Stephen King arc, where in the end the hero would end up maimed, insane, dead or some combination of the three. The villain doing the arc would get perma-death and auto-deleted from the server.

    Either way it would be interesting to do Josh's arc.
  11. A friend created a second facebook account to deal with the game postings from the other MMOs in Facebook and only refriend those people that played the same games. A strange virtual secret identity for her.
  12. One of the few things I like about CO is option to auto lvl a character on test via a contact. That could work great to test new content or new powers without the need for the Devs to bump us via update. I thought that was were the OP was going.

    I would dislike any MT for lvls on live.
  13. I guess the tech gives the team the codes to continue the mission and gets the hell out of dodge.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_Fire View Post
    LOL; why does everyone keep telling me that?

    Do I sound that old?

    (Hey, you kids! Get off my Task Force!)

    I'm actually in my 30's; I just look like I'm 21.

    ; )


    (And your babies are beautiful.)


    Yes Star you seem older than you are.

    Since we are showing off babies, here is my 6 week old with Santa.
  15. I am splitting my time between the two, well actually three games. I spend time in CoH and and a little in CoH-I16. I still do CoH for my regular gatherings like SG night and my static group. I am playing CO more, because its the new shiney, but CoH is my home universe. A balance will struck soon with a focus on CoH.
  16. Actually I ways thought it was odd, to be sent to Person B by Contact A, and cannot call Person B even thought I have their number. Instead I must visit in person.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cavatina View Post
    Honestly I think it'd be easier to just borrow a page from say..weirdly enough, DOA beach volleyball and give AE its own seperate zone on some fabulous getaway island owned by the Crey corporation with free transport for all heroes and villains.

    Even with multiple building, I think that maybe too many players in one space.

    Maybe if they remove the limitation of everyone being in the same building like it currently is for zone.

    Though if they did switch to an AE zone I would rather have it be a special space station with separate floor levels for Hero/Co-op/Villain teamage. Each floor open like Vanguard base with separate spaces to form team and other space to create and test mission arcs. Elevator ride to the Co-op floor. With a supergroup teleport beacon to the station on the hero or villain section.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cavatina View Post
    thats the thing with rp griefers though. They'll shamelessly walk into the middle of your conversations, pop force bubble or Shadow Fall on and stand there or do random emotes while making rude comments in local.

    reduced chat range dont mean much when theyre standing right by you.

    Well they got the tech in the Studio B suite to supress powers, add some of that tech to suppress most powers outside of self movement while in Pocket D. The could have an option to disable that during holiday events, since mission doors are in use.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cavatina View Post
    It'd also ruin the place for every single roleplayer on every server.

    Have a dedicated door access through Pocket D to an AE suite, so it does not takeup RP space in Pocket D. Once inside the room you can see outside into the zone opposite of the ski area view. During Winter Holiday, maybe fliers can see the special AE building attached to Pocket D, but Access is still from inside Pocket D.

    You could use the Pocket D hospital space so that is one less floor needed. Have the welcome to AE person stand outside the door area at a desk or create a small suite before entering main AE space.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    My understanding is that if you are a on a team and an L35+ has the star and sets the mission you are SK'd and can now enter the zone and travel through it. Leave the team and if you are below 35 you are lunch meat for all the enemies in the zone.

    That is really no different than the run to the ICON in Steel, to make that costume tweak before lvl 20. Or visiting normal zones above your level, it still a risk.
  21. Thanks for putting this together. I was messing with Adobe Acrobat web capture to do the same thing, but this is way neater and easier.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I can't wait test it out (if I get the chance to *crosses fingers for luck*).

    I wonder if the AE interface will be modified as well to allow colour/theme costumization for AE critters?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought I read that using custom colors in AE will have to wait until they figure out how to deal with the change in critter file size.
  23. Happy Canada Day to my Canadain Overlords.
  24. Darc_Ranger


    [ QUOTE ]

    Sorry if it's been said...

    Power Customization and a Graphical Upgrade to the engine ARE NOT mutually exclusive. They would NOT be handled by the same people.

    Let's have our cake and eat it too.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree and I do like cake.
  25. Darc_Ranger


    For me it 4 things that a graphical update could entail.

    First is an update of the general graphics of the game for the character models and the enviroment.

    Second is hue/color of the powers. That is easily a change request in the top 10. I would like black lightning or puple rain of fire.

    Third is emanation points of powers where appropriate. The animation of powers tied will be emanation points. The game does currently share animations across sets and ATs. It will be a lot of work to set animation times and link to power activation times. And that has to be balanced with single power. Using laser eye animation for a energy snipe needs to be as long as the current snip and slower than the current laser eye. It would be an interesting enough change for me.

    Item two and three would be power specific, since all powers would not be able to take advange of this change. But weapons customization was like this, so may see this as a customization balance.

    The last one is the IO suggestion. I like the IO suggestion about adding secondary power effects to a power with a graphical component instead of just additional damage of that type. This one may be a on bigger wish list, but I like the concept. Like addition fire attack component to a katana attack, reduce the immediate damage, but making up for it with possible damage overtime or other status effects.

    The wacky one I would like to test run is creating playable characters using the AE custom critters system. Combining primary and secondaries from other ATs. I am really just curious how they would play in the PVE world. Not that it a real request or wish list thing or if it would be a good or bad game change, but I am itching to see how things would play.