Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




Plaques and statues have long been suggested to commemorate the passing of people who touched our community in some way. In those cases, the requests were ignored, and with good reason: it sets a really bad precedent to add to the appearance of the city a very specific tribute that only a fraction of people see meaning in, just because players make some noise.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bolding mine.

And yet... isn't that what's happening here? How much of the playerbase knows about, much less *participates* in, the event?


This, however, is vastly different. It commemorates something that the community did that helped support the game as a whole.

[/ QUOTE ]

How? How does it support the game as a whole any more than another server having Hami raids at a certain day/time? Or mothership raids? Or, yes, Repeat Offenders usual get togethers (most days, honestly, with specific groups "hosting" different days each week?) Or the Taxibots doing their tours?

And it honors anyone who has ever done a Tanker Tuesday before, while equally honoring anyone who may do one in the future. It's cross-server and it has meaning for anyone who chooses to associate with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thing is, the same can be said for any of the other events I mentioned, or any of the other groups. Just given the size of the Repeat Offenders network, covering both hero and villainside, I can say with reasonable certainty they've affected more people (including tanks - they have a dedicated group for them, as well) than a single Tanker-themed event that happens once a month.

And yet, despite a larger number of players affected, verifiably on multiple servers and both "sides" of the game (by way of them having active SG/VG branches in multiple servers and both sides) ... we still have, in this very thread, "Didn't they invent rad defenders or something?" by someone not involved with them.



/sighned now who do i need to give rum too to get this done?



And yet... isn't that what's happening here? How much of the playerbase knows about, much less *participates* in, the event?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's across every server. Definitely a mainstay on the forum boards.

How? How does it support the game as a whole any more than another server having Hami raids at a certain day/time? Or mothership raids? Or, yes, Repeat Offenders usual get togethers (most days, honestly, with specific groups "hosting" different days each week?) Or the Taxibots doing their tours?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because it's five years of training people to play an AT well. Those are all fun activities; this is players encouraging more gaming by direct tutelage, with little-to-no Developer support.

This is just my opinion unless seconded, but for my money, that's much more significant than learning how to beat Hami/Ukon or TPing people across the Hollows pre-fix.

Thing is, the same can be said for any of the other events I mentioned, or any of the other groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

I respectfully disagree, Memphis. It can't, for the distinction I just gave. While I think Taxiboting could be the next in line to receive some kind of recognition, neither Hami raiding or RWZ raiding has had the community effect that Tanker Tuesday has had, for as long.

Just given the size of the Repeat Offenders network

[/ QUOTE ]
Gretchen, stop trying to make Repeat Offenders happen!



Don't see it.



I think this is a great idea.... Tanker Tuesdays has been one of the longest running, most fun events held on a continuing basis Since I started this game.
Anything I could do to help this in anyway, I would be glad to be part of.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's



And yet... isn't that what's happening here? How much of the playerbase knows about, much less *participates* in, the event?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's across every server. Definitely a mainstay on the forum boards.

[/ QUOTE ]

On the *tanker* board, perhaps. Across every server?

I know when the taxibots are doing a tour on Infinity, if I'm there.
I know when RO is doing their stuff. They're doing it all the time.

I have never heard of Tanker Tuesday the entire time I levelled my forum-namesake in Pinnacle. I've never heard of it on Victory, with two other tanks, where I'd obviously have a vested interest in participating. Or on Virtue. Or Justice. Or... well, any server, honestly, and obviously if I'm playing on tuesday, I'd have to be on one of them.

If they're doing it on every server, they're *awfully* quiet about it. And even the original posting mentions champion.

Having people from different servers go to Champion to participate is not the same as doing it on every server.


How? How does it support the game as a whole any more than another server having Hami raids at a certain day/time? Or mothership raids? Or, yes, Repeat Offenders usual get togethers (most days, honestly, with specific groups "hosting" different days each week?) Or the Taxibots doing their tours?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because it's five years of training people to play an AT well. Those are all fun activities; this is players encouraging more gaming by direct tutelage, with little-to-no Developer support.

This is just my opinion unless seconded, but for my money, that's much more significant than learning how to beat Hami/Ukon or TPing people across the Hollows pre-fix.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, again - how is it different than the entire Repeat Offenders network, which shows people how to really tap into the power of almost any defender - as well as tanks and other ATs - and does it continually? Sounds like that's even more of a contribution than one AT on one server, once a month.


Thing is, the same can be said for any of the other events I mentioned, or any of the other groups.

[/ QUOTE ]

I respectfully disagree, Memphis. It can't, for the distinction I just gave. While I think Taxiboting could be the next in line to receive some kind of recognition, neither Hami raiding or RWZ raiding has had the community effect that Tanker Tuesday has had, for as long.

[/ QUOTE ]

... yet it (raiding, especially mothership) brings together as many people from *all* ATs for a different sort of teaming, with an overall goal in mind. How many people have gotten the urge to play a Mastermind from watching one on a ship raid - or a tank, or blaster, or decided to go into a support class?

And again - RO for contrast.

I haven't heard anyone - even in the times I've BEEN on Champion - talk up Tanker Tuesdays, or say something (in team) like "hey, great tanking" "Thanks, gotten better since going to TT" or anything similar. So I must argue that the "community effect" is smaller on the outside than it may seem on the inside. Maybe that's just a word of mouth or visibility thing... but really, I never hear *of* it in game, barely hear of it on the boards... it's been so invisible it makes Stalkers envious from where I sit.

Yes, someone may say "Well, that's because you haven't participated in it." This is true. But don't you think somone would mention it if it had that big of an impact and I were playing a tank? Or mention it in team, either to the tank or "Duh, of course we don't have one, it's Tanker Tuesday, they're all busy!"

I'm saying, in other words, that you who participate and have run this thing see it as bigger or having more of an impact than it has for the same reason that when people buy a new car, they suddenly notice all the others of that type on the road. It's not that everyone has suddenly bought the same kind of car, it's that you're seeing the rest of your "group."

(And just to be clear to anyone reading, again, as much as I'm arguing all this, I'm not trying to diminish the accomplishment.)



/signed good idea



So, again - how is it different than the entire Repeat Offenders network, which shows people how to really tap into the power of almost any defender - as well as tanks and other ATs - and does it continually? Sounds like that's even more of a contribution than one AT on one server, once a month.

[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't a competition- you're free to suggest some sort of recognition for the Repeat Offenders, or the Taxibots, or whomever.



The point is, Bill, that Pep_Rally was saying that at the time, if you read the updater, you would have known.

Having to remember what was posted there beyond any length of time is irrelevant.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks CL, I guess I wasn't as clear as I thought I was.

BTW, tomorrow night is Tanker Tuesday, and everybody is welcome as long as you play a Tank, any kind, any level.
It'll be extra fun if I14 goes live.



So, again - how is it different than the entire Repeat Offenders network, which shows people how to really tap into the power of almost any defender - as well as tanks and other ATs - and does it continually? Sounds like that's even more of a contribution than one AT on one server, once a month.

[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't a competition- you're free to suggest some sort of recognition for the Repeat Offenders, or the Taxibots, or whomever.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's not about being a competition. If you're reading that, you're missing the point.

What makes this so different and unique that it deserves THIS kind of recognition, as opposed to the devs showing up, titles, etc. as they do with other in game events?



What makes this so different and unique that it deserves THIS kind of recognition, as opposed to the devs showing up, titles, etc. as they do with other in game events?

[/ QUOTE ]
Ace already summed that up nicely in the original post.

If you disagree, you disagree. Not much more to be said.



So are you for or against any sort of long-term Dev tribute regarding player events or the community?

If you think this is grandstanding would you feel the same way if this was a request made firstly by the Repeat Offenders or Taxibots (both are worthy of some kind of merit btw imho)?

Or is it because the request was made for something you may possibly feel is not 'popular' enough (for lack of a better word)?

Or something else entirely?

I don't want to diminish your POV by any means, but I would like to know where you stand.




I support this idea, on the basis that it is a player created event that has been running on a regular basis for (almost) 5 years, where people from many servers come to join in.




On the *tanker* board, perhaps. Across every server?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, Memphis. Tanker Tuesday exits on every U.S. server, and is referenced in every forum. Try a search of "Tanker Tuesday" on each of the server forums, if you don't believe me.

Champion: 39 references.
Freedom: 52 references.
Guardian: 6 references.
Infinity: 31 references.
Justice: 4 references.
Liberty: 4 references.
Pinnacle: 5 references.
Protector: 2 references.
Triumph Forum: 13 references.
Victory Forum: 23 references.
Virtue Forum: 73 references.

Now, for relevancy's sake, let's compare that to something else, like, say, I dunno, Repeat Offenders.

Champion: 5 references.
Freedom: 6 references.
Guardian: 0 references.
Infinity: 0 references.
Justice: 1 reference.
Liberty: 1 reference.
Pinnacle: 0 references.
Protector: 2 references.
Triumph Forum: 0 references.
Victory Forum: 0 references.
Virtue Forum: 7 references.

...as you can see, people discuss Tanker Tuesday by name over 10 times as much as Repeat Offenders, and every server discusses it. I wouldn't fib! Not to knock RO, but RO doesn't really have one tenth of the cross-server relevancy of Tanker Tuesday. There's just no comparison.



And yet, despite a larger number of players affected, verifiably on multiple servers and both "sides" of the game (by way of them having active SG/VG branches in multiple servers and both sides) ... we still have, in this very thread, "Didn't they invent rad defenders or something?" by someone not involved with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure if this was taking offense to what I said, or some other reaction, but I didn't mean any offense by it. That is literally what I know about ROs. They ran 8 member Rad teams or something, and posted some videos of it on youtube I believe.
I was just trying to point out that its very hard to gauge popularity from personal knowledge.

I was basically trying to say the same thing that you said about seeing your model car everywhere after you just bought it.
It's not that they weren't there, it's that you just didn't see them because you weren't involved with it.



So are you for or against any sort of long-term Dev tribute regarding player events or the community?

[/ QUOTE ]

See Coyote, and previously mentioned examples.

I'm not *against* them. I am, however, of the belief that the prerequisites for something like this would have to be *very* - no, duplicate that very multiple times, increase font size, bold, italic, and underline - hard to meet.

Of everyone I can think of, Iacona (I know I spelled that wrong) and Arcanaville would probably make it in because of the work they've done, which really has directly impacted the game. (Proving certain inspirations aren't doing what they said, and the like, continually for years.)


If you think this is grandstanding would you feel the same way if this was a request made firstly by the Repeat Offenders or Taxibots (both are worthy of merit btw imho)?

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me make this clear. I absolutely feel the accomplishment should be celebrated.

With that said, if the request were made tomorrow by the Taxibots or RO - I'd be asking them the same questions. Yes, the very groups I'm holding up to contrast to the event. Because despite RO's wider reach - likeI said, both sides, multiple ATs, and I *know* they run multiple servers - I'd still want them to prove they had enough of an impact to warrant more than a big party, mention in the CS, perhaps on the site under "Community" and the like.


Or is it because the request was made for something you may possibly feel is not 'popular' enough (for lack of a better word)?

[/ QUOTE ]

See above. Like I said, and have said previously, I think the impression those who are pushing for this have OF its impact is overstated, because they're on the inside of it. From the outside, even with it running longer than I've been in the game... I almost never hear of them. And I'm obviously a regular on the boards!

How can you reconcile that with having a big impact on the game, big enough to be enshrined within it?

I haven't gotten a satisfactory answer to that. And as I pointed out, even with the groups I'm holding up to contrast it... I'd honestly have to say it'd be very hard to satisfy me to that standard.

Now, I know, I also mentioned Arcanaville, and who in game knows her or what she's done - but she has had that sort of an impact behind the scenes, enough that name recognition in the COH world at large is less of a consideration.

What I wouldn't argue with - and this isn't a list of "and/or" items, I mean the entire package:
- The aforementioned "party." Devs, announcements, titles, temp powers, the works to celebrate. Celebrate in game.
- Announcement on the updater for the above.
- City Scoop feature, linked FROM the updater (bringing more people in - maybe on the 10th anniversary, it really WILL be a regular event on every server then!)
- Adding to the website, under "Community" as a featured "spotlight," permanently, Tanker Tuesdays as an example of a community run event.
- NPC dialog, mixed in with the rest of the random sayings.
- For the month of October, they're what the Newsies are talking about. They're in the rotation. Possibly for September, as well. Preempted only if there's something like a new issue due at that time, and they get rotated in with them.

... and that's where I'd stop.

I know, it sounds a bit odd to let the NPCs talk about it when I'm not sold on a plaque. It's a "feel" of... I dont' know how to put it, enshrinement? with a plaque... that last step takes that just doesn't feel right to me just yet. And honestly, I think having it on the site under "community" would do more good than the plaque itself. You could give the information you want, without worrying about how it sounds "in the game world."



And yet, despite a larger number of players affected, verifiably on multiple servers and both "sides" of the game (by way of them having active SG/VG branches in multiple servers and both sides) ... we still have, in this very thread, "Didn't they invent rad defenders or something?" by someone not involved with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not sure if this was taking offense to what I said, or some other reaction, but I didn't mean any offense by it. That is literally what I know about ROs. They ran 8 member Rad teams or something, and posted some videos of it on youtube I believe.
I was just trying to point out that its very hard to gauge popularity from personal knowledge.

I was basically trying to say the same thing that you said about seeing your model car everywhere after you just bought it.
It's not that they weren't there, it's that you just didn't see them because you weren't involved with it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, no, no offense was taken. I was taking it, and using it, exactly like that. "Wait, what did they do again? I don't know. I think I heard of them somewhere, maybe."



On the *tanker* board, perhaps. Across every server?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, Memphis. Tanker Tuesday exits on every U.S. server, and is referenced in every forum. Try a search of "Tanker Tuesday" on each of the server forums, if you don't believe me.

Champion: 39 references.
Freedom: 52 references.
Guardian: 6 references.
Infinity: 31 references.
Justice: 4 references.
Liberty: 4 references.
Pinnacle: 5 references.
Protector: 2 references.
Triumph Forum: 13 references.
Victory Forum: 23 references.
Virtue Forum: 73 references.

Now, for relevancy's sake, let's compare that to something else, like, say, I dunno, Repeat Offenders.

Champion: 5 references.
Freedom: 6 references.
Guardian: 0 references.
Infinity: 0 references.
Justice: 1 reference.
Liberty: 1 reference.
Pinnacle: 0 references.
Protector: 2 references.
Triumph Forum: 0 references.
Victory Forum: 0 references.
Virtue Forum: 7 references.

...as you can see, people discuss Tanker Tuesday by name over 10 times as much as Repeat Offenders, and every server discusses it. I wouldn't fib! Not to knock RO, but RO doesn't really have one tenth of the cross-server relevancy of Tanker Tuesday. There's just no comparison.

[/ QUOTE ]

Please show your search terms.

"Tanker Tuesday" - including quotes for the full phrase, which will also include "Tanker tuesdayS" as it's a string search.
1 month
Subject and body
Server forums.


. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion Kiloton 04/05/09 10:23 AM
. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion WhiteHotFlash 04/04/09 11:50 PM
. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion Hrist 04/04/09 07:05 PM
. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion WhiteHotFlash 04/04/09 06:26 PM
. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion Gulver 04/04/09 06:01 PM
. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion Cobalt_Azurean 04/04/09 03:54 PM
. Re: Mastermind mondays? Champion ELF_STALKER 04/04/09 03:29 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Acemace 04/04/09 01:30 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Kiloton 04/04/09 10:23 AM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Major_Deej 04/03/09 03:09 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion PantherShade 04/03/09 03:01 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion prvtslacker 04/03/09 02:56 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Ashcraft 04/03/09 02:20 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Acemace 04/03/09 02:20 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion FlamingIntern 04/03/09 01:28 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion NetMinder 04/03/09 01:21 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Dinah_Might 04/03/09 01:10 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion ElectroHawk 04/03/09 12:33 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Flatfoot 04/03/09 12:29 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion Ashcraft 04/03/09 12:27 PM
. Re: Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion prvtslacker 04/03/09 12:26 PM
. Upcoming Tanker Tuesday April 2009 Champion WittyLibrarian 04/03/09 12:12 PM
. Re: Championites: Saw this, thought of you. Champion Darzer 04/02/09 09:57 PM
. Re: SF leaving? Champion NetMinder 03/29/09 11:42 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

Your terms? I don't see them - and this would include replies, talking about it in the body, and signatures - mentioned anywhere but champion in the server forums in the past month.

Two months:
Three pages of results. Same terms.
Mentions not on Champion: Two.
Freedom:One mention by WittyLibrarian:

Well, over on Champion we just did a Tanker Tuesday (first Tues. of every month) we get a good turnout for that...

[/ QUOTE ]
Victory: Grey_Pilgrim saying they may not make an event due to Tanker Tuesday. That's not discussion.

Three months, same terms:

Five pages. The only non-champion references being the two mentioned above.

Just for giggles, six months should be enough to show discussion, right?

Search for "Tanker Tuesday" - with quotes, as always. You want the full phrase. Not separate searches for Tanker and Tuesday.
Search - Select all servers BUT Champion
Timeframe: Six months.
Subject and body.



Re: Tuesday Teaming with ViV @ 830 PM EST #18 Victory Grey_Pilgrim 03/02/09 04:06 PM
. Re: So, what do you WANT exactly??? Freedom WittyLibrarian 02/04/09 10:47 AM
. Re: Tuesday Teaming with ViV @ 830 PM EST #8 Victory Grey_Pilgrim 12/02/08 02:26 PM
. Re: Interest in I13 Tuesday Teaming? Victory Grey_Pilgrim 10/15/08 12:32 PM

[/ QUOTE ]

That is IT, when Champion is filtered out of the mix. It's not even brought up monthly on another server, much less discussed.

... you were saying? Even with the forum purges (which is why the two year search I did returned the same results as above,) if it were as big an event as you were saying on every server, it should be more visible than this.


I got your Guardian results by NOT including the quotes. Which means every reference of "Tanker" OR any reference of Tuesday will show up. "I have a Fire tanker" will show as a legit result, having nothing to do with tanker tuesdays. You MUST have the quotes to get the full phrase included in the search.

Here, for instance, is one of the "hits" on the search (under "April fools? No wai!" in Guardian, search term Tanker Tuesday, no quotes.)



Also: I have a Fire/Fire Tanker. Level 28. He's pretty hot >_>

@Savannah Nightwolf - Guardian
@Savannah Nightwolf 2 - Guardian

WarWitch's 2008 New Years Resolution: "Make some random forum goerÂ’s sig." - Done!

Savannah Art Reference Sheet

[/ QUOTE ]

"Tanker" is what brought it up. Not Tanker Tuesdays. It's completely unrelated. (Edited again to give the ENTIRE quote, including signature, so you can see there's no mention of "Tanker Tuesday.")

Last edit I can think of

"Repeat Offenders" won't bring up every reference... as many times they're just referred to as RO. Unfortunately, searching on RO will bring up many irrelevant results, such as acRObatics, cROwbar and the like. (If it'll even search on two letters.) They're also referred to in their individual SGs that make up the entire RO network, such as Green Machine, Perfect Storm, Pinball Wizard, Faithful Fans of Fallout, T.R.I.C.K, and variations of the above (FFoF, PW, etc.)

OK, really, last edit:

A just for giggles search:

5 year search, Developer's Corner (since threads with rednames don't get purged,) "Tanker Tuesday" search, body and subject.

Results, in full:


Re: Official: Custom Weapon Request Thread Developers Corner Gideon_F 11/30/07 07:26 PM

[/ QUOTE ]



If it were up to me, which is obviously not the case, not only would I place a marker there as AceMace has suggested, but I'd have 400+ tankers put it up!

I think it is completely MEGA that you guys have kept the TT Torch burning. On the first tuesday of every month, no matter where I am, a little voice reminds me of where I'm not!


Tank well, and give 'em hell!



If it were up to me, which is obviously not the case, not only would I place a marker there as AceMace has suggested, but I'd have 400+ tankers put it up!

I think it is completely MEGA that you guys have kept the TT Torch burning. On the first tuesday of every month, no matter where I am, a little voice reminds me of where I'm not!


Tank well, and give 'em hell!

[/ QUOTE ]

/em bows

We were always on different servers, but you were so highly regarded as a good guy and great player, and the fact that the event you started has run strong for a crazy long time, says a lot about where it started. /salute

Whether it gets done is up to the devs, even if a couple posted a thousand times in here against whatever. I remember when a few regulars in this area would chastise and heckle anyone who dared bring up power proliferation, they'd say over and over it was conceptually wrong and it would never get done, so basically get out of the area with the stupid idea. How'd that work out.
Well it's not up to a handful of vocal players, it's up to the devs.

And I say let whoever fill up the thread with their same arguments over and over and over and over, it's not going to change the players accomplishment from all the servers that participated in making a remarkable milestone for a monthly player event happen.

I say celebrate, don't hate.



What I wouldn't argue with - and this isn't a list of "and/or" items, I mean the entire package:
- The aforementioned "party." Devs, announcements, titles, temp powers, the works to celebrate. Celebrate in game.
- Announcement on the updater for the above.
- City Scoop feature, linked FROM the updater (bringing more people in - maybe on the 10th anniversary, it really WILL be a regular event on every server then!)
- Adding to the website, under "Community" as a featured "spotlight," permanently, Tanker Tuesdays as an example of a community run event.
- NPC dialog, mixed in with the rest of the random sayings.
- For the month of October, they're what the Newsies are talking about. They're in the rotation. Possibly for September, as well. Preempted only if there's something like a new issue due at that time, and they get rotated in with them.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty much exactly what was done for the 3rd Anniversary. It was insanely great. Emphasis on insane. With 400+ Tanks, us organizers were at the aggro cap trying to herd them to/through the events.

Another party would be great as well, but it doesn't hurt to ask for something else.

It will be great even without a party. The fun is really just in the teaming.




The difference between TT and RO, to me at least, is that I thought TT was a player run event and RO was just an SG. I've seen both on the forums for years now, but nothing led me to believe that RO was anything more than an SG (or coalition of SGs). I saw Taxibots in-game near launch but they seemed to fade away and then returned for a month or two after the Hollows hit then faded away again. Now, that's not to downplay either RO or Taxibots, that's just my perception of them.

Even more impressive is that TT has happened with zero assistance from NCSoft or NCNC. Both PvPEC and PvEEC (Is there a PvEEC?) were created through the assistance of the community reps and continue with their aid. Same can be said with the City Scoop. Of the two (or three with the PvEEC), only the Scoop is on a set schedule as the PvPEC Events seem to hit on random dates here and there. Again, not to downplay any of these as they have all done great feats for the community.

As I stated before, I've never been to a TT, but the fact that it's happened every month since Oct'04 is very impressive in any MMO's terms.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



I'm thinking of awarding some arts to the Tank that best exemplifies the principles of the Ring , in other words, whoever does the Ringslide the most times during a Tanker Tuesday.



I'm not a fan of tankers. I find the AT to be one of the most useless in the game, well documented. (ducks) However, what the people of Champion have done over the years making the least played AT in the game have its own special day, for nearly 5 years, longer than I have even been playing, is a feat that should be recognized. I do not see any reason why a plaque or something similar should not be put up in KR.