Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




You're forgetting that a hilarious forum meme became an honest-to-god badge, Bill.

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This is true, my mistake. So we're up to three things brought in.

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Actually, I was going to edit my post to point out that said badge makes no personal reference to the meme's creator. So.. *shrug*

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Well, TBH, neither does the Tanker Tuesday suggestion. It just mentions the event (unless I need to re-read the post,) so I wouldn't really put that as for or against it.

Just me.

Edit: With mention of Ascendant, actually, comes a thought. Why NOT NPC dialog in place of a plaque? No, I'm not sure what they'd say, and it wouldn't be in "just" one place - but the second might be a point in its favor.



You're forgetting that a hilarious forum meme became an honest-to-god badge, Bill.

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This is true, my mistake. So we're up to three things brought in.

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Actually, I was going to edit my post to point out that said badge makes no personal reference to the meme's creator. So.. *shrug*

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Well, TBH, neither does the Tanker Tuesday suggestion. It just mentions the event (unless I need to re-read the post,) so I wouldn't really put that as for or against it.

Just me.

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I suppose it depends on if you consider Tanker Tuesday an event or an organization.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!




I suppose it depends on if you consider Tanker Tuesday an event or an organization.

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Edited to remove quote pyramid -Mod08

Can I consider it a donut?




What kind? My own tastes tend to waver between old-fashioned and strawberry frosted with sprinkles.

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Edited to remove quote pyramid -Mod08

With sprinkles, obviously.




With sprinkles, obviously.

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Edited to remove quote pyramid -Mod08

Don't tanks always come with sprikles?




The difference being, obviously, that the event encompasses many SGs, players, characters, and, indeed, servers. IIRC; and I may be slipping because I'll be hitting the 5-year mark on April 28th and have played on Infinity, Virtue and Champion extensively which sometimes leaves me with a muddled sense of where I played what; Tanker Tuesdays have been held on Liberty and Virtue, at least, and recieves cross-server participation on Champion making it a cross-server event.

Don't slight the event for being single-server due to the game's infrastructure when players are finding ways around keeping it a single server event by either visiting Champion or holding their own on other servers.

And as for the 'slippery slope' argument... it's taken 5 continuous years of an award winning event for someone to pipe up and ask for it. How many things really fit into that category?

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TT has been held once every month in the same location for half a decade, as a cross server, cross sg event.

If there were other regular monthly player events, still being held, and still popular, that were within even two years of replicating TT's sixty consecutive month milestone (Oct 6) we wouldn't have brought it up, because of the hassle sorting through multiple sixty month galas to mine which should get what, if anything.

But there just are no other events that have run that long, that consistently, with cross server support, regardless of sg affiliations, or with any of the player vaildation listed in OP, and are still popular.

A summation of all the reasonable replies will be added.



I dont think it is any more plaque worthy than the many 5 year old Super Groups still running round. They do so on usually a Daily basis.


just to expand as I was questioned as to if I have even read the thread. Running an active Super Group for 5 years, takes as much if not more organization than a once per month event. Singling out TT in this manner to me is not appropriate without at least considering recognition of long term Super Groups in the same way.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



But what determines that success and whether or not it merits ingame recognition?

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The devs.

Suggestions are made in the suggestions forum, and the devs (if they see it) decide if they like it or not.



Here's a thought, offered in hopes that it will both recognize the enviable accomplishment of the Tanker Tuesday members and organizers and set a precedent for those cases where similar accomplishments merit similar recognition:

What if the devs were to allocate a certain portion of the billboards currently used for in-game advertisement to recognize and congratulate the Tanker Tuesday community? Leave them up for a designated period of time- maybe 30 days or so- to give everyone who has that option turned on a chance to see. The billboard could be designed by Tanker Tuesday participants, and could also be featured in the City Scoop.

The benefit of this would be that the achievement would get its due recognition, as well as a chance to attract more participants, yet would do so in a way that would allow for further recognition down the road- say a 10th anniversary, for example.

Anyway, just my feeble attempt at a positive contribution.



You're forgetting that a hilarious forum meme became an honest-to-god badge, Bill.

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This is true, my mistake. So we're up to three things brought in.

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Actually, I was going to edit my post to point out that said badge makes no personal reference to the meme's creator. So.. *shrug*

[/ QUOTE ]And Kill Skuls is an amalgam of two memes, not a single one. ("Go. Hunt." and "Kill Skuls" were separate stories)




To be fair, I wasn't really harassed insomuch as you wouldn't really call a Jehova's Witness knocking on your door harassment. It was unnecessary, but nowhere near as bad as your PM.

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So I shouldn't have sprayed them with the garden hose and told them to get off my lawn?



I kinda like the idea of NPC dialogue.

"Is it getting close to start of a new month? Because Tankers from all around gather here on the first Tuesday beginning way back in October 2004."

"I'm surprised the City hasn't had to pave the street more than they have restulting from Tanker Tuesday still going strong after all these years."

I'm in favour of something being done for this milestone.



I'd vote for this to be put in. Are there any other events that are as long running as Tanker Tuesday?

It makes a great gathering point marker, after all it has been used every month since forever. Plus it would let non-forum readers and other servers know that there is such an event held on Champion.

You might want the plaque to mention that it's the first tuesday of every month too. 8)


p.s. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.



This sounds like a great ideal.

Never attended TT myself, but then again, I have a hard time leveling Tankers. I'm too offense oriented.




TT has been held once every month in the same location for half a decade, as a cross server, cross sg event.

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But there just are no other events that have run that long, that consistently, with cross server support, regardless of sg affiliations, or with any of the player vaildation listed in OP, and are still popular.

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OK. For the sake of the discussion itself, let's clear up "Cross server." (Note I'm not trying to start an argument here, mostly making sure everyone's on the same page and completely clear on what's being said.)

I'm reading "I made a character on Champion to run there." To me that is not "cross server." The membership may be, the event is not, *strictly on that statement.* The event that has run continuously for this time (as mentioned in the OP) is strictly a Champion event.

For me, a cross server event is similar to the Rikti dropship raids that someone attempted to organize a ways back - compete across the servers, which server can take down the most, that sort of thing. Or the Mr/Ms Paragon/Rogue Isles event, where there are winners on each server that then (as I understand it) compete to be the overall finalist. (Or where they did, at one time.)

Now, I'm also hearing "it sometimes runs on Infinity and somewhere else," but those don't, from the sound of it, seem to have the run of the Champion event. If I'm mistaken, feel free to clear that up, I'm going solely by what it sounds like.

Or, to give a (completely made up, AFAIK) example:

Arena league on Test is not cross server in their matches. It's people copying characters over to test and playing/practicing, but it's held on test. (Again, from my understanding of them.) Cross server participation, yes, cross server event, no.

A PVP event where each server determines champion teams, and those teams are copied to test for a final showdown - that would be "cross server" (again, to me.)

I'm strictly wanting to make sure of what's being said.




Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

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That is completely apples and oranges I’m sorry. Adding this plaque would not set an kind of precedent in the game. This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now. Any MMORPG lives and dies by its player generated content, hence the issue which is about to go live. And looking ahead if any other group of players can present evidence of a similar accomplishment then sure lets have more plaques! But for now we are making our case for Tanker Tuesday and I think it is a good one. Every tanker (big and small) who has attended, learned from and enjoyed themselves at Tanker Tuesday deserve this plaque.

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What about pvpec and pveec? (I think thats what it is called), or the Repeat offenders, or any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line? Cause those may not have run as long but I'm pretty sure that they are much more widely known (based on I've heard about those a while ago and I'm only hearing about Tanker Tuesday know). If anything IIRC the reps from the pvpec and the pveec (correct me if I'm callin em by the wrong name) only got a special title.... that should be about it if it was to be done for Tanker Tuesdays.

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Personal knowledge of events/things isn't really a good measure of how well known those things/events actually are.

For instance, I have barely any knowledge of what Pvpec does, and I didn't even know there was a PvEec. Those are player committees that were organized with Dev support/direction weren't they?

The only reason I've even heard of Repeat Offenders is from seeing the name, and that quote in a Sig somewhere. Apparently, they invented Rad defenders?

I've seen my own SG, The Legendaries, in more signatures(not including mine) than RO, and we're tiny even though we've been around slightly longer than Tanker Tuesday.

Tanker Tuesday has announced itself in the Tanker, and Champion forums every month without fail, as well as in the player events section many times, and even put on the Updater for the massive 3 year anniversary event.

I guess you can't read every forum all the time, but if you played the game the month before the 3rd anniversary, Oct. 2007, you would know what Tanker Tuesday is about.




I guess you can't read every forum all the time, but if you played the game the month before the 3rd anniversary, Oct. 2007, you would know what Tanker Tuesday is about.

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*raises hand*

See my reg date? Been playing since about a week before that, continuously.

Your assumption is incorrect.


Tanker Tuesday has announced itself in the Tanker, and Champion forums every month without fail

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... and if you don't read either of those, or read them only occasionally? I've (obviously) hopped into the tanker forums - not as much as Kheld, for instance, but you'll still find posts of mine there - and no, it's not first thing on my mind, or one of the first things (or any thing) that I've noticed.

I don't hear about them in game, and they get drowned out by everything else here. So if you catch it, and remember, sure you know about it. But just "If you've been her esince..." well, no, that doesn't mean you know.



I guess you can't read every forum all the time, but if you played the game and read the updater the month before the 3rd anniversary, Oct. 2007, you would know what Tanker Tuesday is about.

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I guess you can't read every forum all the time, but if you played the game and read the updater the month before the 3rd anniversary, Oct. 2007, you would know what Tanker Tuesday is about.

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Tell me what was on the updater one year ago this week.

What, you don't pay attention to and remember absolutely everything that shows up there?



I can barely remember what forum I'm posting in half the time.

This post brought to you by the Word of the Day: Pettifog



Dev or community team appearances and Gold names awarded are frequent occurrences for SG anniversary events.

This is not a good indicator of the strength of a case.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



The point is, Bill, that Pep_Rally was saying that at the time, if you read the updater, you would have known.

Having to remember what was posted there beyond any length of time is irrelevant.



Plaques and statues have long been suggested to commemorate the passing of people who touched our community in some way. In those cases, the requests were ignored, and with good reason: it sets a really bad precedent to add to the appearance of the city a very specific tribute that only a fraction of people see meaning in, just because players make some noise.

This, however, is vastly different. It commemorates something that the community did that helped support the game as a whole. And it honors anyone who has ever done a Tanker Tuesday before, while equally honoring anyone who may do one in the future. It's cross-server and it has meaning for anyone who chooses to associate with it.

I like the idea, and I really hope a Dev sees this and considers it.



I like it. /signed