Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque





How about the game checks your hero and if you are lvl 50, it substitutes the image of YOUR hero for a statue in Atlas Park, say? Or they could add a place in Peregrine Island, or use the statue behind Maria Jenkins.

I would think that the game engine could interpret the image of your costume as it appears in the Costume Creator and substitute the stone-like colors and textures for the colors of your hero and add the image in an appropriate size.

The image of the statue could be client-side, like the objects in Propel--- it would only show up for YOU. After all, YOU are about the only one that will be thrilled, and EVERYBODY would get "their own" statue!

Let's face it, trying to pick out player characters to honor would raise all sorts of problems. But if you saw YOUR OWN hero once they reached 50... EVERYONE would like THAT!

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And considering that this would be using more or less the exact same technology as the MA Hologram Contacts, might I just say this is brilliant and I'm a little sorry it got buried in the middle of this thread. Make this into its own thread, ASAP.

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It got me thinking, what if using the MA system there were Hall of Fames for every server, and maybe one miscellaneous Hall that would include worthy forumites for various hard to achieve categories, like Bill and his guides, and Zombie Man, Arcana and so on.

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To be fair, I think I'm a hard to achieve category only for everyone else: I achieved Arcanadom with somewhat less difficulty.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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If you think that Tanker Tuesday has not met some nebulous set of criteria for a plaque, please list the criteria you would consider appropriate. I encourage you to be as specific as possible. This will help a productive dialog, which we can all enjoy.

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Countersuggestion: Define your own criteria by which any player-driven community effort in the game should be worthy of a plaque across all game servers. Scope, lifetime, impact and so on. Be proactive. Saying 'we want this cause we think we deserved it but we can't really say who else deserves it nor do we care' is plain selfish and proves a lot of the counterarguments made so far right. Be proactive, not defensive.

[Collision warning: There's a wall of text coming your way.]

But keep in mind that if the criteria are too loose, City Hall may soon vanish under a pile of plaques. There is so much that I know to be worthy of recognition. The people who came up with Crey Files, BadgeHunter/Vidiotmaps, CityInfoTerminal, ParagonWiki and all the websites I've forgotten (or just forgotten the name of, like RedTomax' site, whatever it's called). Joe Chott and all the other people who coded Hero Planners. All these reached out beyond servers and made a huge impact on a lot of players. What about all those community artists like Juggertha or Toxic_Shia who've by now probably done thousands of paintings for hundreds of players in their time? You're not gonna tell me these guys are less deserving of anything than a server specific AT-centric event, no matter how regularly it's been held.

If you think that a plaque specifically is inappropriate, please feel free to suggest alternatives, if you think of any. Alternately, provide some productive feedback on some of the alternatives already suggested. I don’t doubt that the proponents are willing to consider a thoughtful response.

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Suggestions have been made in spades. I'd again challenge you to be proactive and actually research what other rewards have been given out, but it's pretty much been covered. Rare case of a badge put into the game where it made sense, tons and tons of yellow titles given out. That's what you can reasonably expect the Devs to be willing to do and what you should look at.

Based on empirical evidence.

If you are opposed to the idea based on some type of comparison (valid or otherwise), please keep in mind that this is not a contest. The proponents of the idea don’t seem to be attempting to invalidate anyone else’s events, and your similar courtesy would be appreciated. Having Tanker Tuesday receive a plaque (or alternate) will have no impact on anything else receiving a plaque. If you think that something else is just as worthy, please start a separate thread suggesting that it receive a plaque, and it can stand on its own merits, just like Tanker Tuesday.

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Maybe the thing that irks people is that everybody else who did or does anything in game can do without receiving tangible recognition? Have you ever considered that?

Fictional scenario: There's two big SGs on your server who contain literally hundreds of players and constantly run SG and community events. The leader of SG A constantly brags about their achievements and actively seeks recognition for their deeds while the leader of SG B just goes about their job.

Question: Which is the more sympathetic person?

This isn't to say that giving credit where it's due isn't appropriate, but as with respect it can't be petitioned or demanded. It's either recognized or not. You can strive to be recognized, but that needs to go before the demands for credit.

I'm sorry if you take that as a dismissive response, but dragging the "single server" argument out just isn't productive.

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It's being brought up because noone has successfully been able to refute it yet. Stepping onto the spot on Virtue and reading -essentially- 'this is where a couple Tanks meet on Champion' just won't do.


Oh yeah, I also want a commemorative plate for the power Hurricane which Castle murdered in cold blood. That affects all servers and a whole damn lot of players.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill




Fictional scenario: There's two big SGs on your server who contain literally hundreds of players and constantly run SG and community events. The leader of SG A constantly brags about their achievements and actively seeks recognition for their deeds while the leader of SG B just goes about their job.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've heard of Stryke Force?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.



Let's assume the plaque in one zone on all servers as a non starter, with a fair share of people.
Since this thread has had some attention, what if it's politely nudged to IanTheM1's quote above, or the post Arcana replied to.

An MA style Hall of Fame per server, and or client side in-game recognition.
IanTheM1's right that is a good idea, I missed that in the summery of alternate suggestions.




Fictional scenario: There's two big SGs on your server who contain literally hundreds of players and constantly run SG and community events. The leader of SG A constantly brags about their achievements and actively seeks recognition for their deeds while the leader of SG B just goes about their job.

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You've heard of Stryke Force?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay. I lol'd.




Fictional scenario: There's two big SGs on your server who contain literally hundreds of players and constantly run SG and community events. The leader of SG A constantly brags about their achievements and actively seeks recognition for their deeds while the leader of SG B just goes about their job.

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You've heard of Stryke Force?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was actually thinking of a real example here, yes. But there's really no need to add unrelated tensions to the thread by naming names. Either way, apparently the image did its job. This makes me happy. I'm currently learning how not to type in paragraph-sized sentences.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Let's assume the plaque in one zone on all servers as a non starter, with a fair share of people.
Since this thread has had some attention, what if it's politely nudged to IanTheM1's quote above, or the post Arcana replied to.

An MA style Hall of Fame per server, and or client side in-game recognition.
IanTheM1's right that is a good idea, I missed that in the summery of alternate suggestions.

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I saw that after I posted, and while I'm not generally against this, I wouldn't want to be the one to decide on the criteria. There are virtually tons of players who'd probably deserve recognition, both game-wide and server-wide. How do you pick them? Cause you know for everyone who gets in there, there'll be dozens of envious players wondering why they didn't get in there.

Granted, noone would question the merits of, say, Arcanaville, Ascendant or TheMightyStorm assuming they know who these guys are. These are people we can look at and say, 'yeah, they've done a lot for the game or at least their subcommunity of the playerbase'. But where would you draw the line?

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



As was recently said, the people who truly deserve the recognition don't ask for it. If they were to make one of the ideas people have added it would mean the devs would be just inundated with "I Deserv hal of fam statu NAO!!!!!!!!!" messages.



Who is TheMightyStorm?



Oh one of those guide writers...



Oh one of those guide writers...

[/ QUOTE ]
TheMightyStorm didn't "write guides" TheMightyStorm plucked words out of the wilds of the English language, smashed them into submission, and taught them how to play RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES with their TONSILS!



I've been thinking about what it would take for me to not mind a player event having an omniserver presence. I think The Wedding event will be my marker. If the event draws as many players as the total combined attendance of the wedding ceremonies I'd have no issue with it being mentioned on all worlds.



Let's assume the plaque in one zone on all servers as a non starter, with a fair share of people.
Since this thread has had some attention, what if it's politely nudged to IanTheM1's quote above, or the post Arcana replied to.

An MA style Hall of Fame per server, and or client side in-game recognition.
IanTheM1's right that is a good idea, I missed that in the summery of alternate suggestions.

[/ QUOTE ]

I saw that after I posted, and while I'm not generally against this, I wouldn't want to be the one to decide on the criteria. There are virtually tons of players who'd probably deserve recognition, both game-wide and server-wide. How do you pick them? Cause you know for everyone who gets in there, there'll be dozens of envious players wondering why they didn't get in there.

Granted, noone would question the merits of, say, Arcanaville, Ascendant or TheMightyStorm assuming they know who these guys are. These are people we can look at and say, 'yeah, they've done a lot for the game or at least their subcommunity of the playerbase'. But where would you draw the line?

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Since there have been some ideas on the last couple of pages that offer a [u]plural server[u], or [u]client side suggestion[u] (pointed out by IanTheM1) for offering players a way to feel like their characters (and special events, groups, achievements) are a tangible part of the in game world.

Maybe we can reiterate them, since it can't be denied there's some interest in the general topic (but only if it's cross server).

(pointed out by IanTheM1)

How about the game checks your hero and if you are lvl 50, it substitutes the image of YOUR hero for a statue in Atlas Park, say? Or they could add a place in Peregrine Island, or use the statue behind Maria Jenkins.

I would think that the game engine could interpret the image of your costume as it appears in the Costume Creator and substitute the stone-like colors and textures for the colors of your hero and add the image in an appropriate size.

The image of the statue could be client-side, like the objects in Propel--- it would only show up for YOU. After all, YOU are about the only one that will be thrilled, and EVERYBODY would get "their own" statue!

Let's face it, trying to pick out player characters to honor would raise all sorts of problems. But if you saw YOUR OWN hero once they reached 50... EVERYONE would like THAT!

[/ QUOTE ]- Melancton


[color=#E0FFFF] After thumbing through and coming to this suggestion:
Wouldn't it be amazing to have THIS in OUR game?

[/ QUOTE ]

It got me thinking, what if using the MA system there were Hall of Fames for every server, and maybe one miscellaneous Hall that would include worthy forumites for various hard to achieve categories, like Bill and his guides, and Zombie Man, Arcana and so on.

It could include worthy events, groups, PvP accomplishments, and the instance could be a large hall, or look something like this filled with plaques and statues.

We already have a system for voting on players within categories, you could use the same MA type ratings standards, and depending on the accomplishment and it's difficulty, the awarded recipient gets to customize his statue in the costume creator, or use a unique plaque.

I don't think it could be said players of that caliber aren't interested in that type of reward, or the forums wouldn't be filled with badge accomplishment advertisements in sigs and avatars. =]

Any new player could enter on whichever server and learn about some of the amazing milestones achieved by characters before them, like a virtual history tour for their server.
Maybe give an added incentive for them to stay around, to add themselves to the servers lore in time.

Plenty of players stay around just to accumulate Badges, so a Hall of Fame for every server would add to a sort of end game, for a variety of categories.

No one server alone gets recognition in some way, while players could look forward to someday making it in. And the rating, instance, and custom statue/plaque design interface already exists.

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How about the game checks your hero and if you are lvl 50, it substitutes the image of YOUR hero for a statue in Atlas Park, say? Or they could add a place in Peregrine Island, or use the statue behind Maria Jenkins.

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That's kind of like the city of heroes splasher I think, and it would be very slick, could that be done with the current system I wonder.



2 quick points.

1) Comparing features in other games to CoH is directly against the Official Message Forum Rules and Guidelines. That makes my job hard, and it's 12:20am in CA, Easter Sunday, and I have a busy day ahead of me. Please be kind to moderators and don't break forum rules.

2) If you feel like there is any group in the game that deserves any kind of recognition, feel free to shoot me or Niv a pm about them.

Locking this thread.



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