Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




So by that theory, every accomplishment made by you Americans should not be acknowledged by us Canadians, unless it effects us.

Which simply is not true, we acknowledge accomplishment regardless of our involvement.

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Servers are separate dimensions, not counties, towns, cities, states, countries, regions, continents or anything of the like. Schools don't teach Rikti history, last time I checked.

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I know that Ian, I'm just trying to draw a comparison.

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I'm just trying to point out that your comparison is flawed.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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I think that was my point.



I understand your point and assume you were rushed in your reply. But there is a problem with a game that by definition has repetitive activities. The other day Champion server defeated Hamidon. Victory server tried the same and failed. If Champion server tried to defeat Hami again this weekend, it is like they didn't defeat him before. Hami will react exactly the same as last week, and this week and again, next week. That was one of the points made in changing the Hamidon. He learned from all his past defeats. (Or past defeat, singular in the frame of Hami since he would have changed earlier if he was being defeated on a daily basis.) Same with the Statesman TF. We can defeat Recluse 1,000 times but Statesman will always need our help in defeating him. But Recluse is part of every server's lore. The Hamidon is part of every servers lore. We are given multiple opportunities at these events so our characters can participate in the lore. Just because you choose not to participate, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



for 5 years, give them a plaque....in "their" base, nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ] You know that's the argument most of us alternate reward idea people hold right. Let TT have a reward on their server...

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I have no problem at all with this if this is the only reason for not having a plaque. Make it server specific.

I'm guessing this is also Bill's problem/proposes solution as well with a plaque?

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



for 5 years, give them a plaque....in "their" base, nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ] You know that's the argument most of us alternate reward idea people hold right. Let TT have a reward on their server...

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I have no problem at all with this if this is the only reason for not having a plaque. Make it server specific.

I'm guessing this is also Bill's problem/proposes solution as well with a plaque?

[/ QUOTE ]Oh yes if they can do that go ahead.



for 5 years, give them a plaque....in "their" base, nuff said.

[/ QUOTE ] You know that's the argument most of us alternate reward idea people hold right. Let TT have a reward on their server...

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I have no problem at all with this if this is the only reason for not having a plaque. Make it server specific.

I'm guessing this is also Bill's problem/proposes solution as well with a plaque?

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Were that possible, I think there would be far, far less debate over this. There would then be debates over what plaques should be on other servers instead.

We'll always have Paragon.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Then you need to re-read the arguments against it and stop being dismissive, if not insulting.



I will say that while I personally consider the plaque to be the wrong form of recognition, I definitely consider the conversation worth having, and in no way intend any slight to those forwarding or supporting this request.



This is like saying "Let's give out the [I Win Button] to five year veterans. There won't be too many of them!" Last time I checked, time did not suddenly freeze.

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Plaques are in no way comparable to an "I Win Button".

Also, PantherShade, you continue to miss the point that a plaque in a rarely-visited part of Kings Row is not going to bring almost ANY recognition to TT.

In fact, a good number of people in this thread seem to be double-talking on this point. Either you want the recognition, in which case all of Bill's alternatives would actually bring attention to TT, or instead you just want your collective name on a plaque for the collective ego stroke. As it stands "recognition" and "plaque in Kings Row" are mutually exclusive in my eyes.

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Re-read the original post. Ace's suggestion isn't to announce the glory of Tanker Tuesday to all other players, in fact he basically asks to hide the plaque. This suggestion to recognize Tanker Tuesday is mostly for those who are interested in its recognition.

If you don't think that's plaque-worthy, that's fine, but I think most of the debate here is simply for argument's sake.



So by that theory, every accomplishment made by you Americans should not be acknowledged by us Canadians, unless it effects us.

Which simply is not true, we acknowledge accomplishment regardless of our involvement.

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No, it's more like an - appropriately comic-book-y - set of multiple instances. Or, honestly, to use an in game reference - like Portal Corp.

Reichsman took over his dimension. Not ours. ("Our game world's," I suppose, but "ours" works.)
Nemesis rules (or destroys) several dimensions. Not ours.
The Nictus took over one. Not ours.
Another you destroyed their dimension - you didn't do that in the main one.

Each server is, essentially, a world unto itself. Some more populated than others, some with more catgirls, some with a different "rhythm," even if they're very, very close. So what's happening in the Champion "world" is not affecting what's happening in the Pinnacle "world," or the Justice "world."

I don't believe the technology is in place in game to only place a plaque in one. But I do believe I've said earlier that if that were proven wrong, and agreed to by that server (NOT just the TT folks,) I'd be fine with it.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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This will not reach those who are interested in its recognition.

I'm just trying to point out that your idea is flawed.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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This will not reach those who are interested in its recognition.

I'm just trying to point out that your idea is flawed.

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If Vox is to be believed, then yes it will.

Either that, or next TT ask everyone to imagine the plaque, and keep it alive...in their hearts...

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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This will not reach those who are interested in its recognition.

I'm just trying to point out that your idea is flawed.

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I'll point out then that his idea is sarcasm.



as was my response






I’ll “quick reply” to a few things:

I find it amusing you can use this as a dismissal, when what is essentially the exact same argument in reverse is what's being said about wanting a plaque. In fact, I can even quote your very next sentence:
Although they seem more reasonable to you, we disagree.

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for the opposing standpoint as well.

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And I support your right to disagree. But, you stated your disagreement with the concept and then continue to argue. I was merely pointing out that I didn’t agree with your previous suggestions, so I moved on, instead of dragging it out.

And yet people complain about veteran rewards....

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There will always be someone complaining about anything; it does not automatically mean those complaints are worth considering.

“I never heard of it.” “I’ve ever seen it.” etc.
As has been stated, there are many things which many people have never witnessed personally, but that has no bearing on their existence and worth.

Make it server specific.

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If coding worked that way, then that would indeed be a reasonable stipulation. However, such is not the case. Since it can’t be sever specific, and it does no harm to other severs, then having a plaque on all servers isn’t an issue for me.

No, it's not "just" that it's only on one server, though it's a fair illustration of the lack of impact both in and *out* of the game.

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So, what percentage of servers would you find palatable?
I’ve asked for criteria more than once, but none has been produced by anyone. If you want to use that as a sticking point, then offer up your standards. I’ll go ahead and presume that you’re not being obstinate and using that as a lame excuse.

Also it should be on a loading tip.

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Now this is something I might find palatable. Unlike other suggestions, it is a permanent notification, not just something that comes up for a short time. Tanker Tuesday perseveres, and so should the tribute. I’d look at it like a consolation prize. It’s not optimal, but it’s good.

The only possible option to get your [Mission Architect] story added to canon would be to write something so spectacular that NC hires you as a writer, and then convince Posi and the gang to wedge your story in along with the story they're already planning to put in place.

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That is your assumption. No Dev has stated that an arc created in MA can not become canon. Although it s certainly true that such a thing is unlikely, that is not the same as impossible.

Plaques refer to in game lore. Backstory. Events which were shown to change, in-world, COH history... that affects everyone. I believe I made this point earlier.

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Actually, you didn’t. But, I do consider that a valid point. I didn’t find a comprehensive list of plaques, so I was unable to search for the content of all plaques in game. Thus, I can’t actually refute your statement, except to the extent that Tanker Tuesday does indeed happen in game. However, I understand your point is that is not “CoH History” like the Rikti invasion or Faultline, and I can understand the opposition on that basis.

So, would you consider a badge to be more palatable? Badges have certainly referred to things that did not happen in “CoH History” or even in game. But, how would one acquire such a badge? Perhaps a badge marker could be placed on top of the wall, instead of a plaque on the wall. I would certainly be willing to compromise on that point.



Post Deleted by Moderator_08

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Self-serving? I see it as a tribute to the players who have kept this event going for almost five years, and that's not me.



The plaque isnt a recognition to the organizers, its recognition to the people behind the players that show up on the wall each month. Without them, TT is little more than 4-5 of us.

The plaque gives them the tip o' the hat of thanks for coming out each month. Thanks for making TT what it is. Thanks for being part of something that is certainly much bigger than any of us every thought it would be.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



The plaque isnt a recognition to the organizers, its recognition to the people behind the players that show up on the wall each month. Without them, TT is little more than 4-5 of us.

The plaque gives them the tip o' the hat of thanks for coming out each month. Thanks for making TT what it is. Thanks for being part of something that is certainly much bigger than any of us every thought it would be.

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I totally agree, and by "the players" I meant both the organizers and those who keep showing up (though you certainly have extra reason to be proud.)

I myself only finally made an alt on Champion to show up a couple years ago, and even then can't always make it, so my point to Ian is that my support of the plaque certainly isn't to pat myself on the back.

I just think it's a great event, and I already know the devs agree. A little plaque at the meeting area would be cool.



I'm a regular of Tanker Tuesdays now. It is the reason I now have chrs on Champion as well as Virtue where I started off. The Tanker Tuesday event is great for meeting people and it is fun because you see people all over the CoH universe that normally would never meet each other. I even have Castle, Ex Libris, and Back Alley Brawler on my friends list from the 4 year anniversary.

I understand both points. Yes there are people that don't care and aren't even on the same server. Yes it might seem kind of arrogant for us to think our event should be part of the CoH game with an official marker.

The people complaining are missing the point. This isn't to say our event is so important that it should change the game. Anything that promotes the fun of CoH and the love players have for it should be embraced because this is why we are here and why we keep coming back. It is a show that through player participation and hard work that the game changes and thrives to reflect that.

There have been other changes because of the community. A small plaque in a spot that is out of the way is so minor a change that it should be at least considerable.

(Virtue/Champion) Neil Fracas: Inv/SS
(Virtue) Gideon Fontaine: MA/SR (Sc), Generic Hero 114: Ice/Cold, Marcus Tyler AR/En, Project F: Spines/DA (S)
(Champion) Jenna Sidal BS/SD, Generic Hero 114: En/En (Bl), Loganne Claws/WP (Sc)



I myself only finally made an alt on Champion to show up a couple years ago, and even then can't always make it, so my point to Ian is that my support of the plaque certainly isn't to pat myself on the back.

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But you're one of the few people in this thread supporting this who isn't directly connected to and/or actively participating in TT. Of course, it still sounds like you at least have some bias towards it. *shrug*

Perhaps I misconstrued your earlier statement.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



But you're one of the few people in this thread supporting this who isn't directly connected to and/or actively participating in TT. Of course, it still sounds like you at least have some bias towards it. *shrug*

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I participate in it, though only for the last couple years. I had no part in making it a success, though I always liked hearing about it on the Tanker board. I would have supported this idea even if I'd never shown up for one.

Also, it seems like almost everyone in this thread believes the event should be recognized in some way. Heck, LISAR suggested a permanent badge, which I think is a much bigger deal than an out-of-the-way plaque (and it would drive the badge-hunters who missed it crazy!)