Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




Even though I'm all for drama, calling people out for stuff like that is kind of dirty pool, and might possibly be against the EULA for the forums.

EDIT: And, indeed, it's a violation of Rule 4.

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You sure?

The way I read that, it's basically "Don't publicize anything between Cryptic/NCSoft/Mods/Devs and you that was said off the forum (incluing PM) without permission."

Might be because of the "NC Interactive ("Ncsoft") members" phrasing, I end up reading that as "Anyone working for NCSoft in any capacity, even on other games or in other divisions," since "forum users" is listed seperately (as in "communication between the aforementioned groups and forum users.")

It's odd wording.



Could've just been a misreading, then. I've been going through a lot of mental stress today. >.> And my reading comprehension is a little low as a result. :/

Ah well, not like I haven't been wrong before.

And likely will be wrong again in the future (probably soon).



While I don't want to nay-say for no reason, I'm not sure it's a safe bet people will know about this.

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I don't think how many know about the event really matters. Most people who are unaware of Tanker Tuesdays would also be unaware of the plaque, so it wouldn't even effect them.

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Doesn't that kind of miss the point, though? The point of recognition is for something to be recognised. If the event really is as great as people say (I honestly wouldn't know), you'd think that that putting a plaque of it somewhere where no-one not already in the event will see it would be a bot of a letdown.

That's actually why I chose to post here at all. Recognition needs to be public, but I'm not sure how much of the public is really aware. If it's not going to be public, why put it in the public section of the game?

I'm not really for or against this, I'm just not sure a plaque in public space is the best way to accomplish this. An article in the City Scoop, special forum titles for the organisers, a spot in the game news or some such would be a lot more appropriate, in my eyes.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think it's a good idea. The biggest reason--it's relatively innocuous, and if done right it can promote events regardless of the details of this particular event. Wondering where does it stop, and where do you draw the line...it doesn't necessarily have to stop or have a line. The idea promotes player events. The idea is that players coming together in a strong enough way alter the world we play in. It's almost like incentive for us to get involved more, just something to give us another target to achieve...like badges, or even just a sign that the world is kept alive by the players. I don't see why any player-run event that gets supported enough couldn't have a plaque or some other way to commemorate it. The devs themselves have admitted that one of the biggest reasons they put the game together was to bring players together (and they've shown how big a reason by the fact that they make promotion of events a large part of a few people's jobs around here). This would be a commemoration of one of the ways. And if people that meet for this event wait for a good while where the plaque is being proposed, I can imagine a plaque being a workable way to commemorate the event. Besides, there are lots of history plaques like that--ones that mark where something significant occurred. I don't see why highly-supported player events can't be as much of the game history as any authored storyline that has a plaque commemoration.



Hi Ace....

Great idea.

/signed.... five times..





It isn't often that players create something truly plaque-worthy, but a five-year player-created event should qualify.

"Don't unravel them-- your ears were meant to be that way."
-Steve Aylett



I like it. I've heard of TT for quite a while, but have never attended. To keep it going for 5 years is indeed an impressive feat. A plaque would, IMO, be a great way for the Devs to commemorate the 1st player run event to hit 5 years (and running).

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Perhaps Im biased, but Im all for it.

I started as just one of the tanks on the wall, but I learned alot about tanking and leading from it. And am darn proud to be a part of it each month. Very very few things keep me away (like my sons 1st grade music concert tomorrow night) each month.

I do know that I need to get on the ball and start thinking about TT #60. The all Tanker States TF was a blast. And the Tanker Mothership raid (4+ teams of all tanks!) was ownage at its best. Hmmm...... what to do... what to do.... muahahahahahaha

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



/sign 100%.

Would like to see it happen.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



The problem with this - and it is gonna come up - is that you're asking for a plaque to honor a particular AT in the game. A plaque just for Tankers?

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The thing is, it's not honoring an AT, it's honoring an event that's been running for five years.

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Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.



Besides, there are lots of history plaques like that--ones that mark where something significant occurred. I don't see why highly-supported player events can't be as much of the game history as any authored storyline that has a plaque commemoration.

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I agree with _mr3_ on this as well as many other that have supported this request.

The fact that it's been primarily on Champion should really have no bearing on the final decision as CoX history is (game) world wide. This would be an honouration to the community as a whole.

Another reason I support this is because it is inspiring. We, the players as well as the Dev team, laud the game as a social one. Furthermore, countless forumites and new-comers have stated repeatedly that the community here is one of the friendliest and helpful of all MMO's.

Player events have been a highlight of my time here for the past five years and an event such as TT has been and continues to be a welcomed and anticapted pleasure to participate in month after month.

So don't see this as a server event. I would prefer to look at it as a product of community service to all players brought about by the love of the game and a dedication to assisting others. Through answering questions about methods of play, builds, AT sets, and performing tasks which normal team play usually doesn't encompass develops the sense of comraderie by proxy that TT has given many players over the years.

Tanker Tuesday is an inspiration that stays in your tray forever.




Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

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That is completely apples and oranges I’m sorry. Adding this plaque would not set an kind of precedent in the game. This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now. Any MMORPG lives and dies by its player generated content, hence the issue which is about to go live. And looking ahead if any other group of players can present evidence of a similar accomplishment then sure lets have more plaques! But for now we are making our case for Tanker Tuesday and I think it is a good one. Every tanker (big and small) who has attended, learned from and enjoyed themselves at Tanker Tuesday deserve this plaque.

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.




Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

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That is completely apples and oranges I’m sorry. Adding this plaque would not set an kind of precedent in the game. This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now. Any MMORPG lives and dies by its player generated content, hence the issue which is about to go live. And looking ahead if any other group of players can present evidence of a similar accomplishment then sure lets have more plaques! But for now we are making our case for Tanker Tuesday and I think it is a good one. Every tanker (big and small) who has attended, learned from and enjoyed themselves at Tanker Tuesday deserve this plaque.

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What about pvpec and pveec? (I think thats what it is called), or the Repeat offenders, or any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line? Cause those may not have run as long but I'm pretty sure that they are much more widely known (based on I've heard about those a while ago and I'm only hearing about Tanker Tuesday know). If anything IIRC the reps from the pvpec and the pveec (correct me if I'm callin em by the wrong name) only got a special title.... that should be about it if it was to be done for Tanker Tuesdays.




Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

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That is completely apples and oranges I’m sorry. Adding this plaque would not set an kind of precedent in the game. This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now. Any MMORPG lives and dies by its player generated content, hence the issue which is about to go live. And looking ahead if any other group of players can present evidence of a similar accomplishment then sure lets have more plaques! But for now we are making our case for Tanker Tuesday and I think it is a good one. Every tanker (big and small) who has attended, learned from and enjoyed themselves at Tanker Tuesday deserve this plaque.

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What about pvpec and pveec? (I think thats what it is called), or the Repeat offenders, or any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line? Cause those may not have run as long but I'm pretty sure that they are much more widely known (based on I've heard about those a while ago and I'm only hearing about Tanker Tuesday know). If anything IIRC the reps from the pvpec and the pveec (correct me if I'm callin em by the wrong name) only got a special title.... that should be about it if it was to be done for Tanker Tuesdays.

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I think everything should be evaluated on a case by case basis and then ruled upon. I don’t think anyone can point to a player event (in the history of COX) which has had more longevity and success then Tanker Tuesday. And seriously folks we are talking about a tiny little plaque here as a form of recognition for what truly is a remarkable accomplishment if you think about it.

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.




Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

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That is completely apples and oranges I’m sorry. Adding this plaque would not set an kind of precedent in the game. This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now. Any MMORPG lives and dies by its player generated content, hence the issue which is about to go live. And looking ahead if any other group of players can present evidence of a similar accomplishment then sure lets have more plaques! But for now we are making our case for Tanker Tuesday and I think it is a good one. Every tanker (big and small) who has attended, learned from and enjoyed themselves at Tanker Tuesday deserve this plaque.

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What about pvpec and pveec? (I think thats what it is called), or the Repeat offenders, or any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line? Cause those may not have run as long but I'm pretty sure that they are much more widely known (based on I've heard about those a while ago and I'm only hearing about Tanker Tuesday know). If anything IIRC the reps from the pvpec and the pveec (correct me if I'm callin em by the wrong name) only got a special title.... that should be about it if it was to be done for Tanker Tuesdays.

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I think everything should be evaluated on a case by case basis and then ruled upon. I don’t think anyone can point to a player event (in the history of COX) which has had more longevity and success then Tanker Tuesday. And seriously folks we are talking about a tiny little plaque here as a form of recognition for what truly is a remarkable accomplishment if you think about it.

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But what determines that success and whether or not it merits ingame recognition? Members of Tanker Tuesday or whatever event/group/w/e that people want to have? The number of people that have heard about it or participate? The length? How long it has been around? I don't think case by case works because.... well people are biased and will go "Oh snap! I belong to that group! /signed x100000000000000". I forgot the rest of my point.



I don't think case by case works because.... well people are biased

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I disagree with this statement in this case because it isn't a player decision. The Devs will be making it and I don't think they would be biased towards a commemorative salutation based on a community event regardless of what it is.



So far some reasonable points made, and comments appreciated.

We'll be making a summation post every now and then of everyones take on the idea up to that point, and we'll add the heart of your comments in the thread to the list.

We did that when we were trying to get the war mace improved in the tanker area, and it seemed to make it easier for anyone to see where everyone was coming from, either for or against.
This will last at least for a few months, and along the way we'll talk to the devs about it.
Input appreciated.



If anyone wants to address me on my view I will be happy to do so in this thread.

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This. I don't need this thread's rhetoric regurgitated at me a second time privately.

(Also, I'm laughing at the fact that so many of the replies here begin with "I've been with TT for..." and end with "Heck ya this is a good idea!!1" Once again, extremely self-serving. Anyone want to take bets as to how quickly this devolves into a TT discussion/debate thread?)

Edit: Yup. My hunch was right. Acemace made a thread on the Champion board asking for support in this thread. That would explain the cronyism. This whole thing is seriously just better off as a PM to one of the Community Coordinators.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!




Perhaps I'm late to the party but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

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That is completely apples and oranges I’m sorry. Adding this plaque would not set an kind of precedent in the game. This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now. Any MMORPG lives and dies by its player generated content, hence the issue which is about to go live. And looking ahead if any other group of players can present evidence of a similar accomplishment then sure lets have more plaques! But for now we are making our case for Tanker Tuesday and I think it is a good one. Every tanker (big and small) who has attended, learned from and enjoyed themselves at Tanker Tuesday deserve this plaque.

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What about pvpec and pveec? (I think thats what it is called), or the Repeat offenders, or any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line? Cause those may not have run as long but I'm pretty sure that they are much more widely known (based on I've heard about those a while ago and I'm only hearing about Tanker Tuesday know). If anything IIRC the reps from the pvpec and the pveec (correct me if I'm callin em by the wrong name) only got a special title.... that should be about it if it was to be done for Tanker Tuesdays.

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I think everything should be evaluated on a case by case basis and then ruled upon. I don’t think anyone can point to a player event (in the history of COX) which has had more longevity and success then Tanker Tuesday. And seriously folks we are talking about a tiny little plaque here as a form of recognition for what truly is a remarkable accomplishment if you think about it.

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But what determines that success and whether or not it merits ingame recognition? Members of Tanker Tuesday or whatever event/group/w/e that people want to have? The number of people that have heard about it or participate? The length? How long it has been around? I don't think case by case works because.... well people are biased and will go "Oh snap! I belong to that group! /signed x100000000000000". I forgot the rest of my point.

[/ QUOTE ]Exactly. I could argue RO deserves a plaque because, in Castle's own words, "Repeat Offenders publicly leveraged the mechanics to do stupidly difficult things easily." (along with being a long-standing SG network established in August 2005, and possibly the largest group of SGs in the game).

But really, RO doesn't deserve a plaque in the game world. And I don't really think Tanker Tuesdays does, either.




Trying to harass people for disagreeing with you in PMs is kinda a dick move. I hope the people from this thread who felt the need to do that aren't organizers for this event.



Trying to harass people for disagreeing with you in PMs is kinda a dick move. I hope the people from this thread who felt the need to do that aren't organizers for this event.

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To be fair, I wasn't really harassed insomuch as you wouldn't really call a Jehova's Witness knocking on your door harassment. It was unnecessary, but nowhere near as bad as your PM.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!




What about pvpec and pveec? (I think thats what it is called), or the Repeat offenders, or any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line? Cause those may not have run as long but I'm pretty sure that they are much more widely known (based on I've heard about those a while ago and I'm only hearing about Tanker Tuesday know). If anything IIRC the reps from the pvpec and the pveec (correct me if I'm callin em by the wrong name) only got a special title.... that should be about it if it was to be done for Tanker Tuesdays.

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I think everything should be evaluated on a case by case basis and then ruled upon. I don’t think anyone can point to a player event (in the history of COX) which has had more longevity and success then Tanker Tuesday. And seriously folks we are talking about a tiny little plaque here as a form of recognition for what truly is a remarkable accomplishment if you think about it.

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But what determines that success and whether or not it merits ingame recognition? Members of Tanker Tuesday or whatever event/group/w/e that people want to have? The number of people that have heard about it or participate? The length? How long it has been around? I don't think case by case works because.... well people are biased and will go "Oh snap! I belong to that group! /signed x100000000000000". I forgot the rest of my point.

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Q_A does have a point here. Honestly, at which point does it *stop?*

I've heard of the Repeat Offenders (and played with them for a time) long before I heard of Tanker Tuesday. There's the Legion of Catgirls. As SG and coalitions, they've been around... oh, I think I was hearing about both not long after *I* started, a bit over four years ago. Heck, *My* SG on Pinnacle, as quiet as it is, was created and has been active for most of that time - should I start pushing for a plaque for us when we hit five years? We existed before there were bases to have, after all... and so have many other groups.

Now, some might say "But that's not the same as keeping an event running..." No, you're right. My SG being alive has to do with *anyone* being there, paying rent, etc. LoC and RO, or even the taxibots, are much bigger efforts.

It reminds me, honestly, of the occasional "Give 50s a statue!" or even "Give so and so a statue!" comments that come up on occasion - first, who even knows, these people (and yes, I'm willing to bet I can go onto most servers and just broadcast "Who can tell me about Tanker Tuesday?" and get dead silence or "wha lol" back more often than not,) and second - not just "where do we put it" singularly, but "where do we put them all?"

Yes, a plaque takes up less room than a statue, that's not my point, nor is the fact there are fewer events/SGs than players. It *is* a server event (and I say that not from the standpoint of "What about my server," as I play to varying amounts on them all,) and that must be kept in mind... as well as the question, do we want this door, or potential floodgate, opened? And if we came up with unbiased guidelines... would TT meet them?

Of all player... well, *anything*... that's gone on, what's truly become immortalized in the game? Coyote, the trainer, for the player who died during beta, and a mention by some NPCs of Ascendant. Nothing since, that I can think of. How many people even know that? Or, to bring this back around... how many would know of tanker tuesday, if they ran across said plaque?

While I'm sure it's fun for those involved... has it really made a massive difference in the game world? If we go by that measure, I'd argue Arcanaville deserves one more than TT. Of course, by that measure, the others that have are questionable.



You're forgetting that a hilarious forum meme became an honest-to-god badge, Bill.

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This is true, my mistake. So we're up to three things brought in.