Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




How? How does it support the game as a whole any more than another server having Hami raids at a certain day/time? Or mothership raids? Or, yes, Repeat Offenders usual get togethers (most days, honestly, with specific groups "hosting" different days each week?) Or the Taxibots doing their tours?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because it's five years of training people to play an AT well. Those are all fun activities; this is players encouraging more gaming by direct tutelage, with little-to-no Developer support.

[/ QUOTE ]Since we've already gotten into Tanker Tuesdays vs. Repeat Offenders...
How does a monthly event lasting 5 years promoting better play of a single archetype centered on a single server (Tanker Tuesdays) compare to daily teaming over the course of 4 years while promoting better play of every single archetype centered on three separate servers (Repeat Offenders)? And I honestly don't think either of them deserves a plaque.




The difference between TT and RO, to me at least, is that I thought TT was a player run event and RO was just an SG. I've seen both on the forums for years now, but nothing led me to believe that RO was anything more than an SG (or coalition of SGs). I saw Taxibots in-game near launch but they seemed to fade away and then returned for a month or two after the Hollows hit then faded away again. Now, that's not to downplay either RO or Taxibots, that's just my perception of them.

Even more impressive is that TT has happened with zero assistance from NCSoft or NCNC. Both PvPEC and PvEEC (Is there a PvEEC?) were created through the assistance of the community reps and continue with their aid. Same can be said with the City Scoop. Of the two (or three with the PvEEC), only the Scoop is on a set schedule as the PvPEC Events seem to hit on random dates here and there. Again, not to downplay any of these as they have all done great feats for the community.

As I stated before, I've never been to a TT, but the fact that it's happened every month since Oct'04 is very impressive in any MMO's terms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Every time you use the acronym TT and refer to a 5 year anniversary, I always laugh a little. Top Ten (of Freedom server) has been around since the inception of CoX (re: 5 years), and we generally use/are referred to using the TT acronym.

Secondly, there is a PvEEC, though it's called PERC (Player Events Resource Council). We're on all the servers, run plenty of events, etc. etc.

And lastly, to state my opinion, I agree with Memphis on this one. It's truly awesome that Tanker Tuesday has been going on as a month event for 55 months (and will undoubtedly continue for however much more), but I don't really support placing any reference to it in game. In order to have heard about it, most people have either played on Champion (and happened to overhear about it in their normal play) or are avid forum goers (who potentially read about it in their normal perusal of the forums). Neither of those groups is in the majority (or even a substantial minority, iirc).

Also, how would it be put into game across all servers without breaking the fourth wall to some degree? The collection of Tankers (or any kind of hero for that matter) never conglomerated there with regularity on any other servers, and it would seem to me that all of the other in-game referenced player run stuff (Go. Hunt. Kill Skulls; Kill Skuls; etc.) are vague enough to not seem strange to the non-Champion/forumite.



I remember when a few regulars in this area would chastise and heckle anyone who dared bring up power proliferation, they'd say over and over it was conceptually wrong and it would never get done, so basically get out of the area with the stupid idea. How'd that work out.
Well it's not up to a handful of vocal players, it's up to the devs.

[/ QUOTE ] So you aren't expecting to see this thing for another 5 years then?



I've been playing on Champion for a while now (I think my first character was on Champion...Maybe?), and I've seen information about Tanker Tuesday often enough to at least see "TT" and realize someone is talking about it, but I think I've only been to one actual event, and that was by accident (While still /very/ new, I happened to be playing my lowbie Tanker in Galaxy while it was forming up. The huge group of people caught my interest.). That being said, I do think the event deserves recognition, and don't think it would be too much trouble to introduce the plaque. People on other servers would be able to (and, I daresay, hardpressed not to) completely ignore the plaque, while people on Champion could stop by every once in a while and have a little pride in the accomplishments of their server.

I'm not going to argue about this with anyone, it doesn't mean that much to me. Good luck with this Acemace.



I'm for it! If it wrks, it works. If not, it will STILL be a GREAT 5 year anniversary!! I was there for teh 3 yr and OMG.. i got a pic with BAB.. he's such a stud! Let's go for it!


edited cause i'm a noob and typed 6 instead of 5

@AngieB & @Angie B
Ms. Paragon City 2009
"The ingenuity of game players is a formidable force that, if properly directed, can be used to solve a wide range of scientific problems." - Firas Khatib



I think a plaque would be cool. I'd prefer plaques recognizing player accomplishments like this than plaques talking about generic events they created. It makes the game more 'alive' imo. Plus it's good advertising for a cool event to get players more into the game.



Well I briefly glanced at this thread and am posting to show my support.

The main "objection" to placing this plaque is that the event is "well organized" on one server, while the other servers have had a more difficult time keeping it going, or have not started it all together.

Even if it is a event centralized on Champion server, I still feel it is necessary to acknowledge said event. I mean, "Kill Skuls" didn't happen on my server, yet it got wall graffitti.

I support this idea.



I mean, "Kill Skuls" didn't happen on my server, yet it got wall graffitti.

[/ QUOTE ]Kill Skuls came from the forums.




Tanker Tuesday predates PERC, PvPEC, and even MEGAFORCE. (For those that are unaware or don’t remember, MEGAFORCE was a group of players from different SGs that did what PERC now does, only without Dev support.) It is a lasting event demonstrating player commitment to community.

Tanker Tuesday has been a featured event on the updater and CoH MotD, reaching the majority of players who don’t ever read the forums. Placing a simple plaque offers the chance to promote more involvement in the event and in the community. If you don’t think that players should be involved in their community, then why are you even on the message boards?

Tanker Tuesday has inspired spin-offs of the event to other servers and also inspired the creation of events highlighting other ATs. It has invigorated players and been a force to keep people interested in the game month after month.

Tanker Tuesday is a monthly event, not an SG. It draws people from all SGs together. Comparing it to an SG (of any type) is simply a fallacy.

Tanker Tuesday is not about any single player or group of players. No one is suggesting that the founders of Tanker Tuesday (or any player or SG) be called out, no matter how much positive recognition they may deserve. Rather, the suggestion is for Tanker Tuesday itself, an event that draws people together as much as any raid (which offer badges and merits) or TF/SF/Trial (which offer badges and merits).

Tanker Tuesday is associated with a specific location in the game. Just as costume contests are associated with the statue of Atlas, Tanker Tuesday is associated with the wall in Kings Row. Thus, having a plaque in that location is a fitting monument.

A plaque commemorating Tanker Tuesday proffers no threat or harm to any other group or event. Just because Tanker Tuesday get honored, that doesn’t impact honoring (or choosing not to honor) anything else.

Titles from Devs are nice and all, but temporary. Placing a simple plaque offers the ability to confer a title with a simple click (if the Devs want a title to go along with it). If someone doesn’t want it, then they don’t have to click on the plaque.

Honoring players (even without mentioning their names) for creating a lasting event which draws a community together is a positive thing. I find it sad to see people arguing to prevent it. How exactly is anyone harmed by this suggestion in any way?

Tanker Tuesday is not in conflict with the SGs or events previously mentioned in the thread. There is no competition here with anything else. Rather, commemorating Tanker Tuesday could serve an inspiration to players to form and uphold more lasting community events.

Only the Devs actually get a vote to make a plaque or not. I can only encourage the Devs to give the idea due consideration. Unless the coding is prohibitive, there really is no downside.



I mean, "Kill Skuls" didn't happen on my server, yet it got wall graffitti.

[/ QUOTE ]Kill Skuls came from the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]
[u]MOST[u] players never come to the forums. In fact, there are more players from the Champion server than from the forums, whether you include those on both or not!



I mean, "Kill Skuls" didn't happen on my server, yet it got wall graffitti.

[/ QUOTE ]Kill Skuls came from the forums.

[/ QUOTE ]

It came from the game, then noted and discussed on the forum.

Tanker Tuesday also came from game, and noted and discussed on forum.




Tanker Tuesday has been a featured event on the updater and CoH MotD, reaching the majority of players who don’t ever read the forums. Placing a simple plaque offers the chance to promote more involvement in the event and in the community. If you don’t think that players should be involved in their community, then why are you even on the message boards?

[/ QUOTE ]

The last question is completely unneeded, and nothing but a distraction. As for the MOTD - I'm assuming you mean on the updater. There's been quite a lot there. And events can be put there at the request of the organizers. That's not, to me, a major factor in its importance. Many events have been there.


Tanker Tuesday has inspired spin-offs of the event to other servers and also inspired the creation of events highlighting other ATs. It has invigorated players and been a force to keep people interested in the game month after month.

[/ QUOTE ]

The same can be said of many events as far as keeping interest. What has it done for interest in villainside directly? And again, being a multi-server player, I never hear about it in game, or referred to by anybody in game, even when on champion.


Tanker Tuesday is a monthly event, not an SG. It draws people from all SGs together. Comparing it to an SG (of any type) is simply a fallacy.

[/ QUOTE ]

Way to dismiss the arguments pointing out what those SGs have done and the cross AT, truly multiserver nature of them. Dismissing said impact is just as much a fallacy.


Tanker Tuesday is not about any single player or group of players. No one is suggesting that the founders of Tanker Tuesday (or any player or SG) be called out, no matter how much positive recognition they may deserve. Rather, the suggestion is for Tanker Tuesday itself, an event that draws people together as much as any raid (which offer badges and merits) or TF/SF/Trial (which offer badges and merits).

[/ QUOTE ]

As far as I've seen, the entire discussion has been solely about TT, not a plaque for the organizers. And again - see prior comments on SGs. I know full well RO ends up drawing in non-RO players and accepting them into their events. TT is not doing something here the others do not.


Tanker Tuesday is associated with a specific location in the game. Just as costume contests are associated with the statue of Atlas, Tanker Tuesday is associated with the wall in Kings Row. Thus, having a plaque in that location is a fitting monument.

[/ QUOTE ]

TT has one location, on one server, that it's associated with. Costume contests, as you mention, are found under atlas... but on every server. And they have been there for as long as I've been in game, and before. Should we then have a costume contest plaque? It truly IS something that's been honestly community run, spontaneously, for as long.


A plaque commemorating Tanker Tuesday proffers no threat or harm to any other group or event. Just because Tanker Tuesday get honored, that doesn’t impact honoring (or choosing not to honor) anything else.

[/ QUOTE ]

See prior comments on "wanting to open that door - or floodgate."


Titles from Devs are nice and all, but temporary. Placing a simple plaque offers the ability to confer a title with a simple click (if the Devs want a title to go along with it). If someone doesn’t want it, then they don’t have to click on the plaque.

[/ QUOTE ]

And why have a plaque on every server - as they cannot, to the best of our knowledge - be server-specific, for an event that is not on every server?


Honoring players (even without mentioning their names) for creating a lasting event which draws a community together is a positive thing. I find it sad to see people arguing to prevent it. How exactly is anyone harmed by this suggestion in any way?

[/ QUOTE ]

Its longevity is admirable. Its impact on the game as a whole is questionable. And, see prior response.


Tanker Tuesday is not in conflict with the SGs or events previously mentioned in the thread. There is no competition here with anything else. Rather, commemorating Tanker Tuesday could serve an inspiration to players to form and uphold more lasting community events.

[/ QUOTE ]

This has been gone over more times than not. I'd be pushing any OTHER group or event just as hard to prove they should get something similar if they proposed it.

I've proposed alternatives. If your comment about a plaque "getting attention and drawing others to the event" is true, you should be supporting the alternatives, which would by their nature draw even MORE attention in theory.



To the 13 who are opposed so far, as a science experiment, would you be in favor of some location recognition, if it involved one of the other ideas posted, like NPC chat in that specific area, or billboard (temporary) use, for example.
Or that a plaque in that location might save puppies with cancer?

Putting aside that it's been about the Tank AT, or where it originated.
Would the fact that it's been held in a specific spot, for the record lenth of time (Oct 6th) already discussed, without support from PERK (which it pre-dated), and being a non sg motivated event (which is to say, on a given event night 15 different sg's not bound by coalition or team speak or forums or pvp, or anything else but the event they're attending).
Would any of that effect your opinion?

Again, as has been mentioned by many of you, it's up to the devs so it's not like we're finalizing anything by discussing it (the milestone wont be reached until Oct anyway), and the input is respected and will be put in the list to reflect what players feel. Thank you.

Just to add one p/o, I think an event that can be identified to a very specific location and time, that's met some hard to achieve standers, should be open for whatever minute in game reflection
players agree on, with the dev's deciding if it's worthy at all.

And tonight is another running of the event, if you've never played a tank or showed to one of these, check it out, everyone's welcome regardless of lvl range, or any other factors.

Here is a summary of replies and suggestions so far, this way the Devs and anyone new to the thread can quickly glance a summation.

Recent Quotes
"If it were up to me, which is obviously not the case, not only would I place a marker there,
but I'd have 400+ tankers put it up!" The Ring (events creator)

"I mean, "Kill Skuls" didn't happen on my server, yet it got wall graffitti." Dinah_Might

"I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this." Stabby_McStabers

Your Replies, updated into categories:

In Favor:


Heck yeah!

The event takes place on Champion but it's not just a Champion event. Many players
created a character there just for Tanker Tuesdays.

Most people who are unaware of Tanker Tuesdays would also be unaware of the plaque,
so it wouldn't even effect them.

Suggestions are made in the suggestions forum, and the devs (if they see it)
decide if they like it or not.




I have seen Tanker Tuesday held on other servers.
I play on Champion but have also been to TTs on Infinity and Virtue.
/signed 100%

Oh it has happened on Virtue I have been to one there before.

I swear I have been to a Tanker Tuesday on more than just Champion. It is not just a 1 server event.


Single server map change challenges aside, I think that's a way cool idea.


This would be great
and well deserved.


a small plaque does very little to alter the landscape.
Basically- it wouldn't harm anything to have a tiny detail like this added.

The existance of the event hasn't prevented anyone from creating their own alternatives (indeed, it has acually inspired similar events for other ATs.)

I do think that a five year history is something to be very proud of for any event on any of the servers, and deserves some recognition.


I'm all for a Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque. The event has certainly earned the right.


Not much else to say.


Wouldn't it be terrific to prompt people to want to be a part of this fantastic long-running player event? Does it matter that it was born out of Champion?




The next generation of tankers may never see a gold title, but they can see the plaque
and know that they're part of something bigger.

The odds of someone totally disassociated with the event nominating something like
this is... well, not good.


Most definitely /signed.

Tanker Tuesday has announced itself in the Tanker, and Champion forums
every month without fail

Another party would be great as well, but it doesn't hurt to ask for something else.


/signed for me.


It would be a small reminder of the events achievemnet, with nothing attached to it,
in an obscure location.




Great idea, I support this.


/signed without a doubt!


I don't like playing tankers. But this is a long running event that outshines all the others.


I think it should be praised that a thing like this could keep going strong all this time with
the players dedication, I mean 60 months in a row that's hella long time.
/Way in favor


And I say let whoever fill up the thread with their same arguments over and over, it's not going to change
the players accomplishment from all the servers that participated in making a remarkable milestone.

I say celebrate, don't hate.


Don't slight the event for being single-server due to the game's infrastructure when
players are finding ways around keeping it a single server event by either visiting
Champion or holding their own on other servers.

it's taken 5 continuous years of an award winning event for someone to pipe up and ask for it.
How many things really fit into that category?
So... /signed.


I like this idea.
5 years in an MMO life cycle is longer than 5 years in RL.


The idea promotes player events. players coming together in a strong enough way alter the world we play in.
It's almost like incentive for us to get involved more


Great idea.
/signed.... five times..


It isn't often that players create something truly plaque-worthy,
but a five-year player-created event should qualify.


I like it.
To keep it going for 5 years is indeed an impressive feat.
A plaque would, IMO, be a great way for the Devs to commemorate the
1st player run event to hit 5 years (and running).

Even more impressive is that TT has happened with zero assistance from NCSoft
Both PvPEC and PvEEC were created through the assistance of the community reps.
Same can be said with the City Scoop

I've never been to a TT, but the fact that it's happened every month since Oct'04 is
very impressive in any MMO's terms.


I'm darn proud to be a part of it each month. Very very few things keep me away
(like my sons 1st grade music concert tomorrow night) each month.

/sign 100%.
Would like to see it happen.


The fact that it's been primarily on Champion should really have no bearing on the final decision
This would be an honouration to the community as a whole.

Another reason I support this is because it is inspiring.


This is an event which players from ALL servers have attended regularly for years now.

I don’t think anyone can point to a player event (in the history of COX) which has had more longevity
and success then Tanker Tuesday.


I'd vote for this to be put in. Are there any other events that are as long running as Tanker Tuesday?
p.s. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.


This sounds like a great idea.


This, however commemorates something that the community did that helped support the game as a whole.

I like the idea, and I really hope a Dev sees this and considers it.

this is players encouraging more gaming by direct tutelage


I like it. /signed


/sighned now who do i need to give rum too to get this done?


I think this is a great idea.... Tanker Tuesdays has been one of the longest running, most fun events
held on a continuing basis Since I started this game.


/signed good idea


I support this idea, on the basis that it is a player created event that has been running on a regular basis
for (almost) 5 years, where people from many servers come to join in.


If it were up to me, which is obviously not the case, not only would I place a marker there,
but I'd have 400+ tankers put it up!


I do not see any reason why a plaque or something similar should not be put up in KR.


I've seen information about Tanker Tuesday often enough to at least see "TT" and realize someone
is talking about it


I'm for it! I was there for teh 3 yr and OMG.. i got a pic with BAB.. he's such a stud!


I think a plaque would be cool. It makes the game more 'alive' imo.


Even if it is a event centralized on Champion server, I still feel it is necessary to acknowledge said event. I mean, "Kill Skuls" didn't happen on my server, yet it got wall graffitti.


Tanker Tuesday predates PERC, PvPEC. It is a lasting event demonstrating player commitment to community.
Tanker Tuesday has been a featured event on the updater and CoH MotD

Placing a simple plaque offers the chance to promote more involvement in the event and in the community

Tanker Tuesday is a monthly event, not an SG. It draws people from all SGs together.
How exactly is anyone harmed by this suggestion in any way?

Not In Favor:

If it were possible to have the plaque on a single server, I'd say yes.
But since that isn't possible I don't think it's a good idea.


I'm not against it, an event running that long continuously is something to be recognized.
If it were historically a multiple-server event, there'd be no question at all.
I wouldn't argue if it *happened* I just think it'd be very odd.

it's not honoring an AT, it's honoring an event that's been running for five years.

I'm reading "I made a character on Champion to run there." To me that is not "cross server."

"if you played the game the month before the 3rd anniversary, Oct. 2007, you would know what Tanker Tuesday is about."
See my reg date? Your assumption is incorrect.

I can say with reasonable certainty Repeat Offenders affected more people (including tanks - they have a dedicated group
for them, as well) than a single Tanker-themed event that happens once a month.

I have never heard of Tanker Tuesday the entire time I levelled my forum-namesake in Pinnacle.

It's kinda a bad precedent.
Recognition? Yes, earned, deserved, completely. In -this- manner? I do not think so.

I've heard of Tanker Tuesdays... once, ever.

I'm just learning of it...but why would a single server event get a map change on all servers?

It simply doesn't make sense to me why people on Justice or Virtue would erect some sort of recognition

I think an anniversary event is a more valuable recognition than a permanent chunk of the architecture.

I'm not sure it's a safe bet people will know about this.
It's not like it hasn't happened before, but a plaque in the game doesn't strike me as the best way.

I'm not really for or against this, I'm just not sure a plaque in public space is the best way to accomplish this.

this thread sounds extremely self-serving, even if the milestone is deserved.

It takes time and money for this sort of thing, I start to think it's not worth the effort.

but then every SG that has been around for at least the same amount of time deserves a plaque.

What about any of the major pvp sgs (wait, they are all gone now.... ) Where do we draw the line?

I dont think it is any more plaque worthy than the many 5 year old Super Groups still running round.

It's truly awesome that Tanker Tuesday has been going on as a month event for 55 months
but I don't really support placing any reference to it in game.

Alternate Marker Ideas:


A better solution would be to set up plaques for each of the primary ATs in various zones


I got another thing I think the event should have. A badge. Log into Champion for the 60th T.T.
and get a badge


An article in the City Scoop, special forum titles for the organisers, a spot in the game news or some such would be a lot more appropriate


What if the devs were to allocate a certain portion of the billboards to recognize and congratulate Tanker Tuesday?
Leave them up for a designated period of time- maybe 30 days or so-
to give everyone who has that option turned on a chance to see.


I kinda like the idea of NPC dialogue.
"Is it getting close to start of a new month? Because Tankers from all around gather here on the first Tuesday beginning way back in October 2004."


Entire package of the following:
- The aforementioned "party." Devs, announcements, titles, temp powers, the works to celebrate. Celebrate in game.
- Announcement on the updater for the above.
- City Scoop feature, linked FROM the updater (bringing more people in - maybe on the 10th anniversary, it really WILL be a regular event on every server then!)
- Adding to the website, under "Community" as a featured "spotlight," permanently, Tanker Tuesdays as an example of a community run event.
- NPC dialog, mixed in with the rest of the random sayings.
- For the month of October, they're what the Newsies are talking about. They're in the rotation. Possibly for September, as well. Preempted only if there's something like a new issue due at that time, and they get rotated in with them.




You skipped the entire "alternate package" from one of my posts. While it's partially a mix of the other ideas, it's still there.



I think this is an awesome idea.

Yes, some servers might not hold regular TT's, but all servers hold some sort of event. It may help inspire other long-running player sponsored events on other servers. And if the devs wanted to honor Liberty Server's (hypothetical) "Monthly Monster Mash" with a plaque somewhere that also appears on the Champion landscape, that would be very cool too.

The only small tweak I'd suggest to the idea is a statue of Dinah standing there as well.


"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform




I personally am in huge favor for this idea. I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this.

One of the concepts behind an MMO is that it is a virtual space where widely separate groups and people congregate and form friendships/bonds/relationships/etc. As an player run event, Tanker Tuesday has demonstrably done so as shown by its long running continuously high attendance.

Secondly, the idea that Paragon is changing and evolving is not a new concept. Even the developers like to to put in construction before something new is added. This is simply that, a physical marker of something that has happened. It would appear that with the dev's support of things like PERC and the many times that developers have shown up at events to pass out yellow names and to basically be seen, that they are all in favor of a robust and thriving community. With something like Tanker Tuesday that is a very long running, positive, cross Supergroup, cross level-range, and arguably cross server, it showcases exactly what makes City of Heroes so great. People who show up just to have fun and make friends.

So yes, I wholeheartedly support a Tanker Tuesday plague. I am also in support of any other long running, upstanding community event to receive like tokens of thanks from the developers. For thats what Tanker Tuesday is, a show of support and fun from people who love this game.

Tanker Tuesday will be there with or without a plaque, cause thats what it is. Its gonna be the first in and the last out, and I'm gonna go roll up another alt tank eight hours before cause I have a new concept for one. Show up tonight and you'll find out what it is. Trust me, I'll lead the lowbie tanks in a merry dance. Its what I do most TTs!



Would any of that effect your opinion?

[/ QUOTE ]No, not really.

An article in the City Scoop, special forum titles for the organisers, a spot in the game news or some such would be a lot more appropriate

[/ QUOTE ]Sam has it right. Any of those things are far better than a plaque in the game world.




I'm so late to this thread but I must show my absolute support for a plaque. I would recommend changing the wording slightly. Instead of "Once every month ..." might I suggest "The first Tuesday of every month ... " and "... have assembled ..." to "... have teamed for a concerted effort ..."

TT starts and ends before my normal play times but because of TT I've kept trying different tanker combinations and finally found one that I enjoy. I really think without all the hoopla around TT I would have tried tankers once, and then given up on them.

Honor those who honor the city, and Tankers have been doing just that for almost 5 years.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, I'm fully in support of. (And part of why I'm arguing, as well, honestly. I'm very much "on the side of caution," if you've paid attention to my comments.) And if it leads to some guidelines - whether we see them or not - great.

I mean, of the examples we have... Coyote memorializing a dead player from beta? Bit too high of a barrier to entry Kill Skullz? Dev amused by it as they're thinking of adding other badges, kind of low (or random.) You could see that as "no barrier" or "Dev whim = potentially high barrier."



I am foursqure in favor of this as well. As a habitual player of tankers I would be, of course.

There have been many things added to the game over the course of its history. The statue in King's Row that memorializes a comic book arc. There really isn't a good reason not to. As other user events grow and prosper, they may eventually meet whatever criterion you might set. This one has had several milestones already.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Would any of that effect your opinion?

[/ QUOTE ]No, not really.

An article in the City Scoop, special forum titles for the organisers, a spot in the game news or some such would be a lot more appropriate

[/ QUOTE ]Sam has it right. Any of those things are far better than a plaque in the game world.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is your opinion, which is appreciated, but it is not, necessarily, fact.

Now if we could only confiscate all the spray paint cans from the street punks of Paragon maybe we can start to clean up the rest of the graffiti, too.



An article in the City Scoop, special forum titles for the organisers, a spot in the game news or some such would be a lot more appropriate

[/ QUOTE ]Sam has it right. Any of those things are far better than a plaque in the game world.

[/ QUOTE ]




I am also in favor of some sort of metric or standard to be in place that sets a guideline for ideas like this.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, I'm fully in support of. (And part of why I'm arguing, as well, honestly. I'm very much "on the side of caution," if you've paid attention to my comments.) And if it leads to some guidelines - whether we see them or not - great.

I mean, of the examples we have... Coyote memorializing a dead player from beta? Bit too high of a barrier to entry Kill Skullz? Dev amused by it as they're thinking of adding other badges, kind of low (or random.) You could see that as "no barrier" or "Dev whim = potentially high barrier."

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I agree that a "guideline" should be in place to determine if a player influence should affect the game as a whole, but also feel that 60 consecutive monthly instances of a single event already surpasses any threshold I would determine.

Please remember, and I'm not sure if this was previously brought up, this event was voted best player run event in 2006's (and last time it was held) Player's Choice Awards by ALL servers, not just Champion.



I think, before seeing anything permanent added, I'd rather see guidelines put down or worked out. That's my biggest concern. We know the devs show up for events, and that you can get stuff put in the scoop or website just by talking to ex libris. All that is easy to do, but not permanent other than being able to search the scoop back issues.

You can add me to the list of people who haven't heard of or dont remember hearing about this, too. I guess I'm not for it or against it. I guess I just want to know, if it was put in, why or why not besides "a lot of people made noise."

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



BTW, tomorrow night is Tanker Tuesday, and everybody is welcome as long as you play a Tank, any kind, any level.
It'll be extra fun if I14 goes live.

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Yes, and we tend to throw rocks at the other ATs when they show up. Big chunks of pavement, actually...

As far as the plaque idea is concerned, I am all for it if the Devs want to place one for Tanker Tuesday and will not lose a wink of sleep if they don't. I attend them neither for recognition nor for reward, so either way. Tanker Tuesday is about Tanker players getting together and having fun and not having recognition will not change that.

Although, a plaque with something like "Tanker Tuesday, Home of the Ringslide" would really work.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight