Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque




And as for Costume Contests under Atlas, they got more than a plaque in Issue 11 when Twilight's Son made them a part of canon in his TF.

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... well, that was based on the comic(s) with the rest of the arc, honestly. Only Hickman can say if CCs had anything to do with it.



And if you want to get into the Event vs. SG thing then I would argue a SG is far more time intensive and requires much more managing to survive after 4+ years then an one-a-month event.

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That's fine you could make that argument.

I would rebutt that to keep an event going requires a dedication of a different degree than that of an sg.
In an sg you see tangible results - prestige, base growth, sg and coalition chat, motd, rankings, even membership numbers. Which leads to, generally, having a static roster which can be easily accessed to check for availability.

Comparatively, an event does not have these capabilities naturally within the game mechanics. Yes, you could start a channel, but the participants need not have anything to hold onto beyond the moment that it happens. There is not a typical leadership as it's volunteer based. Furthermore, the only invitation that happens is an open one to all, regardless of affiliations, level and skill, to show up. There is nothing formal such as an acceptance or dialog box interaction and the terms 'joining' or 'quitting' are not in the vocabulary.
There is nothing that indicates an event, particularly this one, as an organization or affiliation.

We could argue the semantics between two groups of people with similarities, but with key differences. However, I don't think that's really necessary here to continue to do.



And as for Costume Contests under Atlas, they got more than a plaque in Issue 11 when Twilight's Son made them a part of canon in his TF.

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... well, that was based on the comic(s) with the rest of the arc, honestly. Only Hickman can say if CCs had anything to do with it.

[/ QUOTE ]The actual event in the comics was in Steel Canyon though.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



By that logic, if the regular (and irregular) attendees of and long running event are THE SAME AS the members of an SG of SGs, then they are also THE SAME AS subscribers to an MMO.

So, maybe we could get a plaque dedicated to all the players of City of Heroes/Villains! That would be awesome.

Maybe we could put it on that annoyingly blank wall in Kings Row, and maybe we could use the text from AceMace's orginal post.

Oh noes!!! It started all over!!!!

Tanker Tuesday either deserves or does not deserve recognition in this manner based on it's own merits. Comparing it to some empire-building exercise that exists primarily for the benefit of itself is just plain silliness, no matter what.



Since we are using the "never heard of" argument, what is Repeat Offenders? A big SG or something?



An event is a group of players. A SG - in fact, a network of SGs - is, as well.

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Um, wrong.

An event is attended by players.
An SG is comprised of players.

The Rikti Invasion is an EVENT.
The Freedom Phalanx is an SG.

I'm not dissing the accomplishemnts of the many great SGs (and coalitions) out there. But, the two just are [u]NOT[u] the same.

If those SGs hold a regular event lasting for 5 years, then I encourage them to sumbit a similar idea.
(Disclaimer: Tanker Tuesday is not an event put on by a single SG or coalition. Tanker Tuesday is an event put on by server communities as a whole.)

Relevant definitions from dictionary.com:
e-vent [i-vent] –noun
1. something that happens or is regarded as happening; an occurrence, esp. one of some importance.

group [groop] –noun
1. any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster; aggregation: a group of protesters; a remarkable group of paintings.



Player's Choice Awards by ALL servers, not just Champion.

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That looks like an [u]actual certificate of all servers support.[u]
How many events, whether they're still going or petered out years ago, have a document voted on by [u]all the players[u] with the signature of the games creator and popular CR Cuppa on it?

That's what I thought.

Thankfully to those looking to argue, that event was only held once, or you'd likely have five screen shots with signatures on them, and not a leg to stand on.



Would you like some sauce with that spaghetti argument?


Comparing it to some empire-building exercise that exists primarily for the benefit of itself is just plain silliness, no matter what.

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... but isn't that solely what Tanker Tuesday is primarily for the benefit of ... people who participate in Tanker Tuesday? I'm not saying that to put it down, but it's like me arranging to go see a movie the first weekend of every month with friends. Yeah, it turns into "a thing," but it's sole purpose in existing is... to hang out with friends and make sure we have some time with each other to watch a movie. I wouldn't expect a plaque to be on every (say) AMC theater from Florida to Alaska because my friends and I in one city went for five years.

It's a get together for tanks on Champion to enjoy playing with other tanks on Champion. Again, yes, the run is commendable, but painting it as more than the get together is just stretching things, IMHO.



I noticed that that certificate is 3 years old, for an MMO alot can happen in 3 years. I also don't recall ever voting for such a thing and I've been playing this game since launch.



Player's Choice Awards by ALL servers, not just Champion.

[/ QUOTE ]

That looks like an [u]actual certificate of all servers support.[u]
How many events, whether they're still going or petered out years ago, have a document voted on by [u]all the players[u] with the signature of the games creator and popular CR Cuppa on it?

That's what I thought.

Thankfully to those looking to argue, that event was only held once, or you'd likely have five screen shots with signatures on them, and not a leg to stand on.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, that's a popularity contest. How many from where voted for what? What were the others? What were their votes? What percentage were from other servers? Was there a "Let's drum up support" like there is in this very thread regardless of who was doing what on other servers?

Back up your data. You have an assumption right now. Or are you, paraphrasing your own words, "thankful... that event was only held once?" You're sure ASSUMING what the results would have been.

I noticed that that certificate is 3 years old, for an MMO alot can happen in 3 years. I also don't recall ever voting for such a thing and I've been playing this game since launch.

[/ QUOTE ]

This, as well. Verbatim, except for the time played.



Player's Choice Awards by ALL servers, not just Champion.

[/ QUOTE ]

That looks like an [u]actual certificate of all servers support.[u]
How many events, whether they're still going or petered out years ago, have a document voted on by [u]all the players[u] with the signature of the games creator and popular CR Cuppa on it?

That's what I thought.

Thankfully to those looking to argue, that event was only held once, or you'd likely have five screen shots with signatures on them, and not a leg to stand on.

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I noticed that that certificate is 3 years old, for an MMO alot can happen in 3 years. I also don't recall ever voting for such a thing and I've been playing this game since launch.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not going to harass you about it, because the answer is explicitly clear. No other event does. The rest of my post spoke to the players choice awards being held only once, if you'd like to read it.



Since we are using the "never heard of" argument, what is Repeat Offenders? A big SG or something?

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If you had actually read the last page or two you would know.

Really adds nothing to the debate.

edit: read 5 posts above your's and you will see that Bill went into detail about what RO is.



GH Certificate from the 1st Players Choice award.

Yes it is a SG that is still active - just like Tanker Tuesday

A collection of themed characters - The theme being country names - just like TT whose theme is tanks.

GH has been 'meeting' every day for nearly 5 years.

I dont think TT is unique as a collection of players and I dont think a plaque is appropriate.

Gold names, Dev coming to the 5th anniversary bash, spot in the scoop and events calandar are all appropriate

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Since we are using the "never heard of" argument, what is Repeat Offenders? A big SG or something?

[/ QUOTE ]

If you had actually read the last page or two you would know.

Really adds nothing to the debate.

edit: read 5 posts above your's and you will see that Bill went into detail about what RO is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes ......well obviously, but the post was that I never head about RO prior to this thread. I mean, ACE went into alot of detail of what TT is too. And i disagree, I think my lack of recogntion of this SG adds alot to the debate.



GH Certificate from the 1st Players Choice award.

Yes it is a SG that is still active - just like Tanker Tuesday

A collection of themed characters - The theme being country names - just like TT whose theme is tanks.

GH has been 'meeting' every day for nearly 5 years.

I dont think TT is unique as a collection of players and I dont think a plaque is appropriate.

Gold names, Dev coming to the 5th anniversary bash, spot in the scoop and events calandar are all appropriate

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a server specific certificate, the Player run event one is not.



I think my lack of recogntion of this SG adds alot to the debate.

[/ QUOTE ]If so, then the various people in this thread and elsewhere that haven't heard of Tanker Tuesdays is just as relevant.




GH Certificate from the 1st Players Choice award.

Yes it is a SG that is still active - just like Tanker Tuesday

A collection of themed characters - The theme being country names - just like TT whose theme is tanks.

GH has been 'meeting' every day for nearly 5 years.

I dont think TT is unique as a collection of players and I dont think a plaque is appropriate.

Gold names, Dev coming to the 5th anniversary bash, spot in the scoop and events calandar are all appropriate

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a server specific certificate, the Player run event one is not.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was voted on by anyone from any server.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I think my lack of recogntion of this SG adds alot to the debate.

[/ QUOTE ]If so, then the various people in this thread and elsewhere that haven't heard of Tanker Tuesdays is just as relevant.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's my point. The recognize the validity of the arguement, mine must be accepted as well.



And i disagree, I think my lack of recogntion of this SG adds alot to the debate.

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Then don't discount the fact that many of us hadn't heard of Tanker Tuesday. It adds just as much, in that case.



I think my lack of recogntion of this SG adds alot to the debate.

[/ QUOTE ]If so, then the various people in this thread and elsewhere that haven't heard of Tanker Tuesdays is just as relevant.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's my point. The recognize the validity of the arguement, mine must be accepted as well.

[/ QUOTE ]

... and who said it was invalid? It's also very much a tangent to the primary argument. Nobody's pushing for RO (or the LoC, or any other long running group) to get a permanent in-game monument - plaque, statue, zone, whatever - named after them or celebrating them.

Tanker Tuesday is, and its proponents are often painting it as bigger than, and/or having more impact or recognition than it does, frankly.



GH Certificate from the 1st Players Choice award.

Yes it is a SG that is still active - just like Tanker Tuesday

A collection of themed characters - The theme being country names - just like TT whose theme is tanks.

GH has been 'meeting' every day for nearly 5 years.

I dont think TT is unique as a collection of players and I dont think a plaque is appropriate.

Gold names, Dev coming to the 5th anniversary bash, spot in the scoop and events calandar are all appropriate

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a server specific certificate, the Player run event one is not.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was voted on by anyone from any server.

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, but your award was issued per server. Example yours was issued for Triuph, and yet the exact sameone was issued in someone else's name for Virtue, Protector, and etc.

TT was issue for a cross server reward.



There wasn't an 'event' category per server either year.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I think a plaque would be cool. I'd prefer plaques recognizing player accomplishments like this than plaques talking about generic events they created. It makes the game more 'alive' imo. Plus it's good advertising for a cool event to get players more into the game.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is a good point. Now that the game has been around five years, recognizing more actual events instead of backstory is a good idea. It also instills a feeling of community that helps keep subscribers hanging around longer.



I think a plaque would be cool. I'd prefer plaques recognizing player accomplishments like this than plaques talking about generic events they created. It makes the game more 'alive' imo. Plus it's good advertising for a cool event to get players more into the game.

[/ QUOTE ]
This is a good point. Now that the game has been around five years, recognizing more actual events instead of backstory is a good idea. It also instills a feeling of community that helps keep subscribers hanging around longer.

[/ QUOTE ]

*points to my laundry-list "give 'em all this" suggestion*

... which would be visible, with varying points, both to subscribers and non subscribers.

Subscribers would see the in-game stuff during the 'celebration.' Just having the devs show up would be a draw for some.

Both would see the permanent "example of what our player community does" on the website, as well as forum discussion.




And, really, a small plaque does very little to alter the landscape. It isn't something that would be required for the history badges, nor would it be the only one not required for a badge. I'd bet that a lot of people don't even notice most of the city plaques, they are small and this isn't a heavy traffic area. Basically- it wouldn't harm anything to have a tiny detail like this added.

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It would be a small reminder of the events achievement, with nothing attached to it, in an obscure location, which is only filled with activity the first Tuesday of every month during Tanker Tuesday.

TT has run successfully for half a decade, and continues to be as popular as year number one.
It wouldn't be a slight at all to any server, as players have happily gathered to one location every month since 2004, just so they can meet up with likeminded enthusiasts at a really unique event.

TT is the only event that has run for sixty consecutive months and continues unabated, if you'd like to say there should be a standard met before a player[s] created event could be considered for a small token like this, Tanker Tuesday is the standard, at half a decade for sixty consecutive months (Oct 6) and counting.

Upsen_Downs "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.", comments way back when led to an actual in game reward, a badge, the TT plaque wouldn't be in the same hemisphere as that, it would just be a small clicky reminder of the ongoing achievement.

Events have been started over the years for many different AT's, Blasters, Controllers, Defenders. Tank enthusiasts have kept this event thriving for so many years, much like Harley Davidson rallies where inexplicably bankers and doctors mingle in with an eclectic group who share each others interests.

I think the above quote is pretty reasonable in summing it up. =T

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My first exciting experience in this game that cemented my stay for the last 27+months was this - [color= yellow]TANKER TUESDAY[/color].

As a new player, I was in awe at the incredible amount of camaraderie, friendship, helpfulness and selflessness the TT players that I was teamed with provided. After a couple missions, and some great in-game conversations, I was hooked on City of Heroes.

Not long after, I was able to attend a Tanker Tuesday Anniversary, where Tankers marched from zone to zone, arriving at the Tanker statue (the one with the "Tanker" badge). Group shots were taken and many wonderful events ensued. The line of tankers stretched for block after block for some of the contests. Multiple zones were created simply due to the influx of tankers. I had NEVER seen anything like this in any MMO or other game for that matter. Between getting a yellow title, seeing the Dev characters, such as Back Alley Brawler and Castle, I was lucky enough to win the 'best battlecry' award for my character, "Captain Battleship". It was indeed an incredible, magical moment.

The gist of what I am trying to point out is that for those on the Champion server that have participated in this incredible and fun event, it is indeed an experience that creates a moment in gaming that we all have experienced at one time or another, that I affectionately dub as "video zen"; a moment in your gaming experience that you will always remember with a fond recollection. For most, this 'zen' is experienced when the game is new, fresh and challenging. THIS event, Tanker Tuesday, has been my 'video zen' in this game and the only one I've had in any MMO.

After 5 years of consistent effort, providing memories for nearly every player who has ever experienced "Tanker Tuesday", I wholeheartedly agree with Ace Mace and all the incredible Championites that continue to provide the community with the BEST event ever, that a small plaque in this game is truly a notable and worthy request.

[color= yellow]Devs, the masses have requested for a plaque to be placed in- game and in-zone to honor those that have created one of the most incredible and dynamic community-created events ever. I submit to you, the designers, developers, administrators, and the the makers of City of Heroes/Villains to honor this incredible event that is "Tanker Tuesday". [/color]

If you have ever participated in a Tanker Tuesday, you will understand how incredible and worthy this request is.

Make it so.