Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque
Heck yeah!
If it were possible to have the plaque on a single server, I'd say yes. But since that isn't possible I don't think it's a good idea.
I think it's great that you've managed to keep this event going for so long and that everyone involved certainly deserves to be proud of it. I know that comes off snarky but I honestly mean it.
But, and please don't take this the wrong way, I don't care about your event. I was vaguely aware of it's existance, but I couldn't be bothered to ever find out more. It wasn't until this post I learned it was held on Champion. I just knew it wasn't on my home server. It's on a server I don't play on and have never played on. This isn't meant to pick on Champion, I'd say the same about most of the other servers as well.
There are groups who have been meeting since the game first started. We are lucky to have Developers who are active in the community, many player run events can claim their attendance.
So as much as I think you've done a great job organizing, running, and maintaining this event through 5 years of playing, you don't deserve a marker. I feel kinda awkward writing this since I know you are deservedly proud of it. I don't want to belittle all you've done, but I don't think that this event should set the standard for inclusion into the game world. I'm sorry.
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
The event takes place on Champion but it's not just a Champion event. Many players, myself included, have created a character there just for Tanker Tuesdays.
I'm not against it - and yeah, an event running that long continuously is something to be recognized - but I think oldeb has a point. It *is* a single server event - yes, even if you've made characters there and are normally "home" elsewhere.
I mean, someone coming along on (say) Infinity and seeing that plaque, not knowing a thing about the forums, is going to wonder what the heck it's talking about, having never seen a gathering of Tankers there ever.
You absolutely deserve recognition. I'm 100% behind that. I'm just not sold on this being it. If it were historically a multiple-server event, there'd be no question at all. But for the other servers, it'd have roughly as much relevance as me hanging a plaque on my wall that said "Hans Schliemann made his first euro five years ago!" I'm not in Europe, and have no idea who Hans Schliemann is.
I wouldn't argue if it *happened* (the plaque, not the stuff about Hans) I just think it'd be very odd.
It's kinda a bad precedent. Once you start it, where does it stop? Should SGs who have lasted for 5 years get a plaque? Players? Characters?
Recognition? Yes, earned, deserved, completely. In -this- manner? I do not think so.
Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.
What are you guys talking about? I have seen Tanker Tuesday held on other servers. I play on Champion but have also been to TTs on Infinity and Virtue.
Plus I never thought Tanker Tuesday was started on Champion. I don't remember there ever being a TT that big on Champion.
/signed 100%
I've heard of Tanker Tuesdays... once, ever.
I'm just learning of it...but why would a single server event get a map change on all servers? I say get BAB in game to show up (he's a tank right) and give out permanent yellow titles for Tanker contests.
I think an anniversary event is a more valuable recognition than a permanent chunk of the architecture.
I'm just learning of it...but why would a single server event get a map change on all servers? I say get BAB in game to show up (he's a tank right) and give out permanent yellow titles for Tanker contests.
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Devs did come out and hand out titles for the 4th anniversary, which was so large, it spawned two King's Rows and, eventually, two Atlas Parks where we held the costume contest.
Single server map change challenges aside, I think that's a way cool idea.
My CoX characters
There is more than one way to look at this; it is a Champion-only event for the most part (even if a regular from Liberty makes a toon for it they are playing on Champion for the event.) And there are probably more than a few groups/events that have a similar history who deserve as much recognition.
However, it is up to each of those groups to seek whatever recognition they feel they deserve- all have an equal opportunity to seek it out at the very least.
And, really, a small plaque does very little to alter the landscape. It isn't something that would be required for the history badges, nor would it be the only one not required for a badge. I'd bet that a lot of people don't even notice most of the city plaques, they are small and this isn't a heavy traffic area. Basically- it wouldn't harm anything to have a tiny detail like this added.
I'm all for a Tanker Tuesday 5yr Plaque. The event has certainly earned the right. If other servers have events that equal or surpass what TT has done for five years I would support them receiving plaques as well.

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.
Not much else to say.
Flaming Intern/Tanker(main)
The Ice Albatross/Blaster
All the tank sets in the Intern variety
Burning Intern/Brute(CoV Main)
And the list goes on...
I can totally respect what others are saying with regards to having the plaque be cross-server as well as those who do not come to the forums much that may wonder what it is about...
Wouldn't it be terrific to prompt people to want to be a part of this fantastic long-running player event? Does it matter that it was born out of Champion? Could it be possible that players may pick it up and begin running their own on their servers & if not, creating a tankie to have on Champion for the event?
I think, and yes I am a Championite so therefore biased, that altering landscape and sparking an interest in the great unknown is a fantastic idea. We all know that the glory days of tankerdom have long since come to an end but anyone that has played & loved their tankie through all of the changes still has cause to be proud!
Maybe instead of looking at it as something that is confusing or out of place on other servers, it could be viewed as inspiring and cause more to begin creating their own long-running amazing events.
PS...Ring, if you are out there somewhere and reading this, Champion Tankies thank you for bringing this idea to fruition and molding, loving, caring, promoting and holding this event for all to share!


This would be great
and well deserved.
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Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
Wouldn't it be terrific to prompt people to want to be a part of this fantastic long-running player event? Does it matter that it was born out of Champion? Could it be possible that players may pick it up and begin running their own on their servers & if not, creating a tankie to have on Champion for the event?
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This is what I was thinking, but was beaten to by a better worded version. Thank you.
Gold titles are fleeting. Plaques endure. The next generation of tankers may never see a gold title, but they can see the plaque and know that they're part of something bigger.
Most definitely /signed.
Plaque it up.
/signed for me.
The problem with this - and it is gonna come up - is that you're asking for a plaque to honor a particular AT in the game. A plaque just for Tankers?
You're gonna have people who exclusively play Blasters, or Scrappers, or Defenders asking for their plaque dedications as well. But not Controllers, after all no one listens to them...
A better solution would be to set up plaques for each of the primary ATs in various zones: Tanker in Kings Row, Scrapper in Steel, Defender in Founders, Mastermind in Port Oakes, Dominator in St. Mart, etc. Have it count toward a History Badge (Archetype) on both sides of the game.
MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
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And, really, a small plaque does very little to alter the landscape. It isn't something that would be required for the history badges, nor would it be the only one not required for a badge. I'd bet that a lot of people don't even notice most of the city plaques, they are small and this isn't a heavy traffic area. Basically- it wouldn't harm anything to have a tiny detail like this added.
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It would be a small reminder of the events achievemnet, with nothing attached to it, in an obscure location, which is only filled with activity the first Tuesday of every month during Tanker Tuesday.
TT has run successfully for half a decade, and continues to be as popular as year number one.
It wouldn't be a slight at all to any server, as players have happily gathered to one location every month since 2004, just so they can meet up with likeminded enthusiasts at a really unique event.
TT is the only event that has run for sixty consecutive months and continues unabated, if you'd like to say there should be a standard met before a player[s] created event could be considered for a small token like this, Tanker Tuesday is the standard, at half a decade for sixty consecutive months (Oct 6) and counting.
Upsen_Downs "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls.", comments way back when led to an actual in game reward, a badge, the TT plaque wouldn't be in the same hemisphere as that, it would just be a small clicky reminder of the ongoing achievement.
Events have been started over the years for many different AT's, Blasters, Controllers, Defenders. Tank enthusiasts have kept this event thriving for so many years, much like Harley Davidson rallies where inexplicably bankers and doctors mingle in with an eclectic group who share each others interests.
I think the above quote is pretty reasonable in summing it up. =T
Also, if all these years you've missed TT, you're invited to come try it out this coming Tuesday the 7th, where regular longtime organizers Kiloton, NetMinder, Dinah Might, Myrmydon , and others will be ready for some tanking fun. =)

The problem with this - and it is gonna come up - is that you're asking for a plaque to honor a particular AT in the game. A plaque just for Tankers?
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The thing is, it's not honoring an AT, it's honoring an event that's been running for five years.
Tanker Tuesday has a rich history as an elite player created event.
Including holding a title of the longest continuously run monthly event in CoH history, it also was awarded with the City of Heroes 2nd Annual PlayerÂ’s Choice Award for Favorite Event, and a three year anniversary celebration in Oct 2007 that drew over 400 Tanks plus Developer personalities.
This coming October 6th, after sixty consecutive months, Tanker Tuesday will be passing another unprecedented milestone in City of Heroes, [u]it's five year anniversary![u]
In recognition of this unlikely feat, we're humbly requesting that a very simple plaque be placed at the location in Kings Row were so many Tanks have met, every single month, for five full seasons.
This wouldn't be unprecedented, as for example a badge "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls." attributed to a long running forum thread, and Upsen_Downs, has made it's way into the game, among a couple others that could be cited.
This wouldn't be a proposition treated lightly obviously, or every sporadic costume contest would have requested something.
But Tanker Tuesday is no ordinary event in City if Heroes.
No other regular player run event has come remotely close to matching it's consistent popularity, nor even running consecutively for two or more years, let alone five full uninterrupted seasons.
And the event remains as popular as always, with the up and coming five year anniversary sure to be another big gathering.
What a commemorative plaque might look like:
View one
View two
View three
What a plaque might say:
"This plaque is to honor Paragon's mightiest Champions. Once every month since the Rikti War, Tankers from all over Paragon have assembled at this location to protect the people and to keep a watchful eye over the city they all love. To commemorate five years of Tanker Tuesday, this plaque hangs as our eternal reminder of their valiant efforts. "
Though it's a pretty obscure location, it's possible more players would be in favor of the idea if the plaque were located, say on the other side of the wall, or near the bottom of one of those large crates?
Somewhere so remotely obscure as to almost totally rule out the average (seldom in that location) passerby coming in contact with it.
Also, here's a list of other non-reward plaques in the game ><.
This would be less a server specific idea, as it's a celebration of a player run event, that's almost outrageously been going successfully for sixty consecutive months (Oct 6th).
And it's a reminder of what player created events can achieve, over a very long haul, regardless of server or purpose.
The five year anniversary isn't until October 6th, but we'd like to give you a chance to show your support, and politely ask the dev's to give this unique event a very tiny token, to celebrate both past, and all future Tankers that will gather there.
Here are some reminders of the Tanker Tuesday three year anniversary event, and a glimpse of what the five year celebration is sure to be like:
Slideshow. TT3 Flier. City Scoop Article. Youtube Video., the red names who showed included, Back Alley Brawler, Castle, Ghost Widow, Lighthouse, and Ex Libris.
Tanker Tuesday is a night of "Total Tanker Teamage" where regular longtime organizers Kiloton, NetMinder, Dinah Might, Myrmydon , and others will be ready to help anyone interested have some tanking fun.
It starts at 9:00pm EDT the first Tuesday of every month, and is located on Champion Server at the King's Row side of the King's Row - Independence Port gate.
Thanks for your support, and hope to see you at the next Tanker Tuesday!