Details About Mac Version & Perks





Mission Teleporter; Mac Edition purchasable; level ? minimum; TP directly to mission door; 120 minute recharge which (can or can not) be shortened by global recharge.

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Seems to be level 3 minimum. I created a new character, and the power was greyed out until then...not only that, in the level-up screen when I went back to Ms. Liberty to get to that level, it said I would be getting a new inherent power, the Mission Teleporter.

I like the new costume options, definitely, they're gorgeous (as were the interesting comments from people in Atlas who had never seen the costumes before), and the porter is would definitely be more useful with a lower recharge rate. I used it once at level 3 to try it out, as well as avoid the inevitable slog past level 6 enemies to get to a door in Atlas...and the power wasn't available again 'til I was level 7. Heck, if I had been doing the sewers, or even just on a team someplace, I probably would have been level 10 before the two-hour span was done.



The timer needs to be shortened to get me to pay for it.

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...or add a badge =)



I for one, am happy the mission teleporter has such a long recharge. I wish it were longer. Actually, I wish it didn't exist at all.

I'm being completely serious. To me this power crosses a line I don't think should be crossed. It's anathema to the spirit of the game from my point of view. That said, it's here, and it has a suitably long recharge. I will probably use it myself, but I just find it... it just doesn't feel right to me. It feels cheap, like cheating.

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I half agree. I think "teleport to mission" should be one of the things only Super Group bases granted, with a use price (that could be either inf or salvage) at that.

Giving this to players that pay real money is a bit unfair, and may lock the doors for it showing up as a base feature because people that paid will feel ripped off. Although then again, if there is a use price on a SG base, then the self use power may have enough perks for those people to feel their money was worth it.

As for being enhanceable, I am split. The selfish me wish it was, the analytic me things it would be horribly unfair in favor of high recharge builds, as if those builds where not already in a massive advantage.

I don't think it's cheating though. It would even make sense in the base. Usually comic book super groups have a means to transport either straight to or very very near to their mission, they don't teleport to the city and walk all the way to their goal that happens to be 20 miles away.



2 hours is a bit long. An hour or so probably would be better.

But a power that is usable for every's just not going to happen.

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You know, I was just thinking. If this power's recharge was a lot less than what it is now. We would probably see a lot more people in the Shadow Shard.

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The "Mission Teleporter" will only work to doors/entrances.

Not "Go meet this person", or "Go to this way point".

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.



It's not something that's going to get you to every single mission. It's not designed for that.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see anyone asking for it to recharge in 5 minutes or for every mission.


It's designed for the times you have to go from the far corner of Dark Astoria to the far end of IP. Or the times you can't find the mission in the underground tunnels of Faultline/Brickstown.

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And just how often do we find ourselves in this position? I don't know about you but I see this happening quite a bit.


This isn't to say a lower time wouldn't be nice...but I really don't see it happening.

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Yeah, it would be nice, but since its not, I don't see me paying out any money for it either. This power's recharge should have shared the same recharge timer are the Vet Power Assemble the Team or the Base Teleporter. Not the timer it has now.

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which is why they wont see me paying $$ for this. They have gone to charging for costume upgrades, and crappy powers. Maybe marketing will be able to bully castle into changing this.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Well we bought it but i'm kinda disappointed that its only good once every 2 hours. Wish it was like the pocket d pass and had a recharge of 30 min or less. But hey its good for those mishs that are way outta the way.

[/ QUOTE ]QFT. Castle needs to change this to something more reasonable or it just isnt worth the cost of the pack. I could care less about the costume options. I bought it for the teleporter and I feel like I just blew $20 on almost nothing. The only good side is I dont have to pay for next month. So I guess thats a plus.

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Think about it this way: you paid 5 bucks for a "Once A Play Seasson" mission teleport (unless you an alcoholic) and a super cool costume set. Way better deal than regular booster packs or that ridiculous jet pack for a month pack.



Well we bought it but i'm kinda disappointed that its only good once every 2 hours. Wish it was like the pocket d pass and had a recharge of 30 min or less. But hey its good for those mishs that are way outta the way.

[/ QUOTE ]QFT. Castle needs to change this to something more reasonable or it just isnt worth the cost of the pack. I could care less about the costume options. I bought it for the teleporter and I feel like I just blew $20 on almost nothing. The only good side is I dont have to pay for next month. So I guess thats a plus.

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Think about it this way: you paid 5 bucks for a "Once A Play Seasson" mission teleport (unless you an alcoholic) and a super cool costume set. Way better deal than regular booster packs or that ridiculous jet pack for a month pack.

[/ QUOTE ]No its not. Costume options dont mean much to me at all. They didnt even create Valkerie weapons for all the weapons, from my understanding its just broadsword. Well I have no broadsword toons. I bought for the teleporter that is practically useless.

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



It's not something that's going to get you to every single mission. It's not designed for that.

It's designed for the times you have to go from the far corner of Dark Astoria to the far end of IP. Or the times you can't find the mission in the underground tunnels of Faultline/Brickstown.

This isn't to say a lower time wouldn't be nice...but I really don't see it happening.

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Well thats not how it was originally advertised to us. My thinking on this was that it would be a perk that can be used to to tp you to every mission.

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It was never advertised that way. Anyone with enough foresight would had figured this was not going to allow you to go to every mission as it would had made travel powers entirely obsolete. Heck, if you ask me, a quick recharge teleport to mission should had bee a Teleport Pool Tier 4 power.

They need to address this ASAP.

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You need to live in disappointment ASAP. Oh darn, you already are!!! You are FAST!!!



Well I have no broadsword toons. I bought for the teleporter that is practically useless.

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Next time don't be so quick with the credit card. Wait to find out what the limitations are. Personally, I didn't expect the mission teleporter to be all that useful most of the time, just handy every long once in a while, and that's fine by me. Of course, I typically play at least a few different characters each play session, so the mission teleporter should work out pretty well for me.

Having been reassured by the recent screenshots of female characters in valkyrie gear, I'll probably be buying the set before long.



[u]Mission Door TPer Recharge is Too Long[u]

Ouroboros Portal; earnable in-game; level 25 minimum; connecting 5-6 zones; 5 minute recharge, can be shortened by global recharge.

Base Portal; 24 month Veteran Reward; level 3 minimum; theoretically connecting up to 24 zones; 30 minute recharge, can be shortened by global recharge.

Pocket D TPer; GvE purchasable; level 3 minimum; connecting 4-5 zones; 30 minute recharge can be shortened by global recharge.

Summon Teammates; earnable in-game level 20-25 Mayhem/Safeguard; tps teammates in zone to caster; lasts 24 hour in-game time; 5 minute recharge, can be shortened by global recharge.

Assemble the Team; 42 month Veteran Reward; level 1 minimum; TPs teammates in zone to caster; 30 minute recharge which can not be shortened by global recharge.

Mission Teleporter; Mac Edition purchasable; level ? minimum; TP directly to mission door; 120 minute recharge which (can or can not) be shortened by global recharge.


Clearly this new power is an outlier compared to similar powers. The other purchasable power, the Pocket D TPer can sometimes refresh in less than 15 minutes while this purchasable power, while more useful since it goes to your final destination, instead of a hub, is 120 minutes.

The Base Portal can be a hub to 24 zones and recharge in 15 minutes.

If the Mission Door TPer's recharge is reducible with global recharge, I could possible see letting it stand at 120 minutes, since so many players go for recharge. But it's much more fairer if it were on a 60 minute irreducible timer.

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None of these powers entirely eliminates travel to mission time. Note that travel to mission time can make a huge impact to your leveling speed as you are earning zero experience while traveling.

Even if you use the above noted powers to travel to mission, even in combination, they dont eliminate complete time travel, simply lower it. You got to first teleport to your base, once there you have to go to the teleporter for the proper zone, and once in the proper zone you travel to the mission. Similar goes for Ouroboros teleporeter, it may not require you to move across your base but it limits whitch zones you can go to, and again, wont take you to the mission*.

*For the exception of the start of a new flasback where you are teleported to the starting contact.



Ok, so excuse the dumbness of me, but I want to make sure I understand this... cheaper to buy the set because of one month of free game time as $20<$25...

How does the one month free work for those of us that are automatically billed each month for playing? Would it just not bill me for the next month? Or would I not really get that perk? Otherwise, I WANNA BUY IT NOW! lol

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It sounds like it is cheaper to get the booster IF you pay for yearly.



I'm pretty satasified with it. BAsically $10 for a free month, $9.99 for the booster.

Though I'm not sure on why my Vet Reward got bumped from Feburary 27th to March 2nd. Had to even double check to make sure I wasn't going crazy.

30 months - Committed Nov 27, 2008
33 months - Unswerving Mar 2, 2009



And I would assume quite a few others won't either. The timer needs to be shortened to get me to pay for it.

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Then don't pay for it. Nobody is putting a gun in your head and demanding you do so.

As for the entire costume thing, I got the cyborg pack and didnt use the full set on any one character. I used pieces on many many characters, though. And I already have in mind certain of those pieces for some of my characters too. I'm getting it because for 5 bucks, even if the teleport is 2 hours, its darn only 5 bucks and I also get costume pieces I want. Heck, I'd do it only for the wings!



Next time don't be so quick with the credit card.

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Agreed. Seems there are quite a few people quick to buy something without really knowing what it is that they're buying, and just as quick to complain that it doesn't live up to their unsubstantiated expectations. Me, I always wait about 2 weeks to buy these packs so I can read other player's reviews before making the decision to purchase.

Kid Lazarus, 50 empath Defender
Freek, 50 mind/psi Dominator
Black Khopesh, 43 db/wp Scrapper
Circuit-Boy, 40 elec Brute
Graf von Eisenfaust, 38 db/wp Brute
Blue Banshee, 35 sonic Blaster
Blood Countess, 33 mind/storm Controller
Dr. Radon, 32 rad Corruptor
Phantom Pirate, 32 db/wp Stalker



Let me make sure I've got this right.

<ul type="square">[*] I don't have a Mac.[*] I can purchase the Mac code for $19.99 now, and get the in game items (Valkyrie costumes and Mission teleporter) and 1 Months worth of game time.[*] Or I can wait 2-3 months, pay $9.99 for the same in game items.[/list]
Why would anyone who wants these in game items wait? Unless I am missing something, purchasing the Mac code would be cheaper.

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It's funny, I've been sitting here trying to figure this out myself.

If one month of game time = $15
One month of game time + Mac Perks = $20
Waiting 2 months and buying perks= $10

How is spending an extra $10 cheaper? Sure the perks are only $5 but you are still paying for a month, it's not free if it's included in the purchase price. It just depends on how you look at it I guess.

Since my game time is paid for the year (or will be in the next billing cycle) then buying another month isn't that attractive to me, personally. I'd rather just wait.

Edit: Woah, a 2 hour recharge? I wasn't expecting an "easy button" but that's much less exciting.



How does the one month free work for those of us that are automatically billed each month for playing? Would it just not bill me for the next month? Or would I not really get that perk? Otherwise, I WANNA BUY IT NOW! lol

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It would not bill you the next month. Basically it would push back your billing date 30 days.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



You know, I was just thinking. If this power's recharge was a lot less than what it is now. We would probably see a lot more people in the Shadow Shard.

Just a thought, cuz I know how the devs like us to play the "content" they make. This power would entice more people to use the zone.

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Organized and Veteran (enough) players may be able to teleport every 25 minutes making the shard TFs actually interesting.

You just got to alternate the teleport to missions and make sure everyone in the team has the vet team teleport power, if not Teleport Friend or Teleport Team. Could drastically cut on completion time of those Shard TFs, and you bet your @#$ you will see optimizing teams running perma teams (groups of people always teaming together) doing this.



Next time don't be so quick with the credit card.

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Agreed. Seems there are quite a few people quick to buy something without really knowing what it is that they're buying, and just as quick to complain that it doesn't live up to their unsubstantiated expectations. Me, I always wait about 2 weeks to buy these packs so I can read other player's reviews before making the decision to purchase.

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If there weren't people who were interested in getting the pack right when it came out, you might not have that 2 week peroid to buy the thing. It's the people that buy it when it comes out that are those same people that give those reviews that let you make your decision in that 2 week span.




2 hours is perfectly acceptable to me. It'll help me find those missions that I just can't find the stupid door for, or for porting around in the Shard. All you'd need is 2-3 vets with the mission porter for a quick Doc Q anyway, just rotate usage and use assemble the team.

Anyone who thought that this was going to be an every mission or every other mission power must have been smoking something good. We already have the fastest travel of any MMO out there.

Besides, if you're part of a team, you still have to wait for everyone else to schlep around zones, sell recipes, etc, before you start anyway. Might as well take the scenic route.



Okay, there still seems to be some confusion. Let me make it as plain as possible:

If you are a current City of Heroes customer on the PC, you can download the client and play on your Mac, right now, at no extra charge. Current customers can play on either platform. You do not need to pay to do this.

If you pay the $19.99, you get the Mac Special Edition code. This unlocks the perks, right now, whether you have a Mac or not. This gives you the Valkyrie costume options and the 2 hour recharge mission teleporter, right now, no matter what platform you play on. This also gives you an extra month of game time included with the cost.

In 2 months time, a booster pack will be made available letting you get the Valkyrie Armor and the Mission Teleporter without the month of time. At this time, getting the booster pack and paying for a month of time separately looks like it will cost about $5 more than getting the Mac Special Edition today. That pricing may change before the 2 months is up.

In short: anyone who wants the new gubbins can buy the pack and use it, today. Anyone who has an active City of Heroes account can play CoH on the Mac, today.

They haven't officially put anything up on the front page, so my assumption is the live client is currently 'unofficial.' Which means technically it's still in Beta. Which means if the live client collapses and something bad happens, it's Not Their Fault we used it for Live. Assuming all goes well, I expect they'll announce the Mac client forthwith.

That is what seems to be true right now, across the board. Okay? Okay.



Sorry, Scholarman--your clear, concise and helpful explanation will probably still go over the heads of many, here.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Ok, so excuse the dumbness of me, but I want to make sure I understand this... cheaper to buy the set because of one month of free game time as $20&lt;$25...

How does the one month free work for those of us that are automatically billed each month for playing? Would it just not bill me for the next month? Or would I not really get that perk? Otherwise, I WANNA BUY IT NOW! lol

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I don't know if anyone else has answered this for you, but it just extends one month in your billing cycle. Mine was due in April, now it's due in May.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



And I would assume quite a few others won't either. The timer needs to be shortened to get me to pay for it.

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Then don't pay for it. Nobody is putting a gun in your head and demanding you do so.

As for the entire costume thing, I got the cyborg pack and didnt use the full set on any one character. I used pieces on many many characters, though. And I already have in mind certain of those pieces for some of my characters too. I'm getting it because for 5 bucks, even if the teleport is 2 hours, its darn only 5 bucks and I also get costume pieces I want. Heck, I'd do it only for the wings!

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I never said anything about forcing people to buy anything, where the hell do you see me suggesting that? Please I want to know.

Again, I'm not a costume junkie, I make one costume and leave it the hell alone, I don't spend time getting unlockable costumes, so I sure as hell am not going to pay for one. I want the power not the costume.

Organized and Veteran (enough) players may be able to teleport every 25 minutes making the shard TFs actually interesting.

You just got to alternate the teleport to missions and make sure everyone in the team has the vet team teleport power, if not Teleport Friend or Teleport Team. Could drastically cut on completion time of those Shard TFs, and you bet your @#$ you will see optimizing teams running perma teams (groups of people always teaming together) doing this.

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My reference to the Shard has nothing to do with speed runs, that is happening now, I'm doing them now as well. The power is more of a convenience to the player who do not have the desire to team or run the TFs, there are still contacts out there that offer mission. So this power would be nice to have for those who don't have flight or hate using the geysers.

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