Details About Mac Version & Perks






You ONLY pay for access to the server. The client is FREE! It DOES NOT MATTER what platform you play on, just that you have an active account.

EDIT: IN FACT! GO get your respective client HERE!

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Client, unfortunately does not translate to Code which you will need when creating a new account.

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The point is that you do not need the mac edition code to download the mac edition client. Anyone who already has an account and doesn't buy the mac edition can still download and play the game on a mac.

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Yep, but they won't get the Mac Pack Goodies without buying the official Mac Pack, the serial number of which unlocks the costume bits and mission teleporter.

That's what's so confusing to people, there are several different things:

Game client, runs on your computer, is free to download for PC or Mac.

Game account, paid for by monthly/quarterly/etc fee, which is what allows you to connect to the servers and create sweet costumes and cause teamwipes galore

Game add-on packs, such as the Good vs Evil bonus items, Mac Pack bonus items, etc. These can come with a copy of the game client, and the big ones (GvE, Mac, etc) include a month's subscription. The subscription can be used to extend a current account (which is what you have to do to get the goodies on that account), or used to open a new account, which account will also receive the goodies.

I just bought the pack. The costume stuff will be good to have, and I'll use the mission teleporter at least once a game session to save myself a lot of grief - usually when I'm going from anywhere to PI, because every way of getting to PI plops me down at the tail end, but the missions are always up near Portal Corp, and I typically stay up there for a good amount of time.

So now, from any zone anywhere, I can teleport right to my PI mission. I'll also use it on Respecs to get right to the door in Terra Volta, or practically any time I need to get from a contact to Crey's, Boomtown, etc.

I consider that good value for $5, since it'll automatically be on any character I make for as long as I continue to play.

Only downside is, it'll not take even longer to set up each new toon's power trays with all my inherent and vet powers.



The 2 hour timer is a killer i was excited to buy this pack more so because of the teleporter only to find the recharge time is ridiculous..

Honestly for the money these packs cost it would be nice to have something more useful

Costume is cool but not worth the cost. I think this will be my last addon pack, ive bought several, the cost just isnt balancing out with practical use ingame vs gameplay time.

Sorry Dev team you lost a fan on this one