Winter Event---Dec 15th- January 4th!!!
Woot!! way to go guys!
First after a red name!!!
@Nurse Donna
You can find me on Infinity, Exalted, Liberty and sometimes on Virtue or Freedom
Yay so stoked for the new badges that are coming out...4 more mmm tasty and the new auras look nice also. It is good holiday cheer indeed....I will bring the villainy hot coco
Ooh.. can't wait.
Huzzah! Can't wait!
Yipee! Huzzah! New Badges, Hurrah!
Cool that the event's starting, but Oy,...Snaptooth Again! Oh well, no Baby New Year mish for me!
This holiday themed enhancement set is a Universal Travel Power enhancement set that will work in all travel powers and is only available during the winter event
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Only during the Winter event? How are these gained? random drops activated during the event? Purchasable with merits? Candy canes?
I just want to know if they will freeze over the lakes and stuff so I can ice skate like i did many years back...
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
This holiday themed enhancement set is a Universal Travel Power enhancement set that will work in all travel powers and is only available during the winter event
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Only during the Winter event? How are these gained? random drops activated during the event? Purchasable with merits? Candy canes?
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Well, last year, they had a Jingle Jet temp jetpack, good for 30 days, purchased with Candy Canes.
Rule #1: Have Fun!
Rule #2: If you're violating Rule #1, do something else!
WOOOO Winter time! time to save that baby again and again and again...... Their ever be a new Father time mish?
Seconded. Can we get a new mission? And for valentines day, too?
(And ... sheesh... I still have characters with the debt protection running from last year. Even found one with it from two years ago, AND the power from last year, AND the one you give to someone else. >.<
This holiday themed enhancement set is a Universal Travel Power enhancement set that will work in all travel powers and is only available during the winter event
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Only during the Winter event? How are these gained? random drops activated during the event? Purchasable with merits? Candy canes?
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Well, last year, they had a Jingle Jet temp jetpack, good for 30 days, purchased with Candy Canes.
Rule #1: Have Fun!
Rule #2: If you're violating Rule #1, do something else!
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right, but that was a temp power. Enhancements are permanent and offer set bonuses. From the wiki:
Winter's Gift is a Universal Travel enhancement set in the Invention System. It is available in the 10-50 level range.
There are three enhancements in this set:
Winter's Gift: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range,
Winter's Gift: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/End, and
Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%) .
Only one of each of these types of enhancements may be slotted per power.
The following set bonuses apply when slotting more than one of the enhancements in this set into a single power:
Two enhancements increases Cold Resistance by 5%.
Three enhancements improves your Movement by 6%.
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just curious "how" to aquire them.
How about starting it "sooner" to atone for all the downtime lately?
One important note! If you still have either of the temp power (Holiday Spirit or Holiday Cheer) from previous events, you will not get either of the new powers. Make sure you use them or delete them before the event starts if you want new copies of them!
When looking at the OP, doesn't it appear 1,3 and 5 are missing from the list? What three things were we gonna get before Posi stormed into the office and declared "No! You shall remove three items from that list! Baaahumbug!"
Also, can the winter themed hat PLZ have some long hair.....plz....*
If I remember correctly, the recipes for Winters Gift are 50 candy canes each. And I also believe that you have the option of taking 5 candy canes at the end of the winter mission reward table (you can get it multiple times). That is if I remember correctly ...
Oh and are we going to get any emergency bug fixes for the winter event if any crop up ? You know ... seeing as it was tested ... twice ... for 2 hours each time ... just like the Halloween Event ... which had bugs ... and didn't get fi...
**Your connection to this server has been terminated**
This holiday themed enhancement set is a Universal Travel Power enhancement set that will work in all travel powers and is only available during the winter event
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Only during the Winter event? How are these gained? random drops activated during the event? Purchasable with merits? Candy canes?
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Well, last year, they had a Jingle Jet temp jetpack, good for 30 days, purchased with Candy Canes.
Rule #1: Have Fun!
Rule #2: If you're violating Rule #1, do something else!
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right, but that was a temp power. Enhancements are permanent and offer set bonuses. From the wiki:
Winter's Gift is a Universal Travel enhancement set in the Invention System. It is available in the 10-50 level range.
There are three enhancements in this set:
Winter's Gift: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range,
Winter's Gift: Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/End, and
Winter's Gift: Slow Resistance (20%) .
Only one of each of these types of enhancements may be slotted per power.
The following set bonuses apply when slotting more than one of the enhancements in this set into a single power:
Two enhancements increases Cold Resistance by 5%.
Three enhancements improves your Movement by 6%.
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just curious "how" to aquire them.
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I believe that someone said when they tested the Winter Event on test a couple months ago that these recipes are indeed purchased with Candy Canes, 30 canes a pop I believe was the 'price'.
I could be wrong of course and I can't seem to find any of the posts about the Winter Event testing. I guess we'll see Soon™ enough.
<edit> Beaten to the punch by BigMoneyHustla. I type slow, so not unexpected.
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Are you Naughty or are you Nice?
Don't forget to earn the Nice and Naughty Halos this year!
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Winter event is my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaavorite of the COX events! I don't mind saving baby new year like 8-10 times.
I like fighting frosty the snowman's big uncles, and the presents are fun. Temp powahs! Ski shlopes! Don is excited and ready, yay.
I'm really hoping they do start it "earlier" than their stated 15th, just because I really, really need something to go right for me these days...
I cannot WAIT to get those halos though. I have my two characters that need one - Winter's True Spirit will look perfect with the Nice one, and her companion Trickster's Jackalope who never quite has got the hang of not burning things with his fire powers, needs the Naughty one just because it fits his look.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Obsidius needs the Naughty Halo... it's too Hellboy to pass up
My Blaster striker needs the Nice halo to go with his Cimeroan/ Angelic outfit.
Other than that, I'm looking forward to the slopes
I really hope the Snowball temp returns...always fun pegging someone while Cloaked/Stealthed and having them look frantically around....
Yep, the snowball throw temp power is back.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

It's Holiday Time again in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles.
This year join the festivities and be rewarded as well as get the chance to reward others.
By simply logging in between December 15th, 2008 and January 4th, 2009, players receive the following:<ul>
[*] [*] The Holiday Spirit Temporary Power. This temp power grants 48 hours of 25% Debt Protection.
[*] [*] The Frostbitten Badge
[*] [*] The Holiday Cheer Temporary Power. Use this power on another player to give them a random, Mystery Gift - possibly a Temporary Power, a sack full of Influence or Infamy, or possibly a winter themed hat.
Join up with the rest of the community to discuss this years Winter Event.