Guide to Super Booster I - Cyborg
sweet thanks a lot!
[url=""]My Da page![/url]
Ninja-Bee- 50 Ninja/Dark MM
Aqurian Draconum- 50 Archery/Fire Blaster
Korrawi- 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Tank Plus many others!
Many thanks, KA. Good to see all the pieces.
Tomorrow can't come soon enough.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Thank you very much for the guide.
Thank you for putting this together. Already better than the Wedding Pack, just for the number of costume pieces. Definately buying, thanks.
Kits, great of you to do all of that for the community.
The pieces look ok but for the most part seem copies of things we have. Meh. Now I'll have to see if i want to bother. Kinda lacking for costume pieces and originality, IMO.
The auras look sweet though. That is a cool idea.
Well done KA, very well done.
Gold stars for you.
The colors though... think my eyes are bleeding
I love them! Reminds me of a request I made for cyborg costumes that look like the Iron Maiden "Stranger in a Strange Land" posters.
Forgot to ask, do the Male versions look the same?
Types of Swords
My Portfolio
Well I'm definately buying this! I can't wait to see how it looks on my machine though!
ClintarCOH - Twitter

Oh wow. Cyborg Sphere are the shoulders I've been wanting forever. Some of those other parts look like I could repurpose them too. I've never used any of their full sets at once, but I get a lot of mileage out of cherry picking.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
Awesome. Those are some cool costume options. Buying this for sure.

-=Crey Threat Profile=- : : THE CHALLENGERS on Virtueverse
Shoot for miracles - the VALVe email campaign
Robot Dance - /emote robotdance
[/ QUOTE ]
Does this remind anyone of that Dave Chappelle slow motion skit when he's in the club and that dood was doing the robot?
Thanks Kitsune for posting the stuff up
Great preview guide, Kit.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
When is this released?
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

Thanks, KitsuneAscendant.
That was very insightful.
I appreciate this information begin available for reveiw before purchase.
I'm actually only thinking about buying it just for the robot dance emote. None of the other features seem all that exciting.
I like the shoulders and chest pieces, they can be mixed and matched with so many different outfits, the possibilities are almost endless!!! Great work and I can't wait to start work on some new designs!
Oh and the hologram aura is a great addition too!
Shhh. My common sense is tingling. ~ Deadpool

Self destruction looks incredible, and I can think of a character that it'd suit perfectly.
I didn't think I'd buy it but...
Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Not loving the Glove/Leg/Boot options...but the rest looks amazing. Along with the auras this pretty much ensures I'll be picking it up.
COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster
Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier plans for making a CoT themed villian are now complete. Self-Destruction here I come.
Oh yah..I'll make some cool bot's too.
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
This afternoon I'm going to update the guide with better screenshots that don't use an eye-bleed inducing color combination as well as higher graphics settings.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
The shoulders and robotic arms are much needed parts and I love the rest of it too! Can't. Wait.
Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
This afternoon I'm going to update the guide with better screenshots that don't use an eye-bleed inducing color combination as well as higher graphics settings.
[/ QUOTE ]
I was just going to suggest that perhaps the voodoo2 running at 640x480 wasnt quite up to the screenshotting task but I see you're already reached that mental junction as well
Despite the snark thanks for the information-pooling!

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains
I had the graphics turned down really low so that I could use fraps without my laptop exploding
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
i will be buying this... the cyborg arms will fit in great with my scrapper whose arms were crashed in an auto accident... yay for Busted!
No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."
The Super Booster I - Cyborg pack costs $9.99 and is available for purchase on the PlayNC store in the City of Heroes / City of Villains section. This 'guide' will give details information about all the parts of the Super Booster I - Cyborg pack (from now on referred to as 'Cyborg pack' for brevity).
By purchasing the Cyborg pack and adding it to one of your accounts, all characters on that account will have access to: an 'extensive' costume set, 3 character emotes, 4 "combat" Auras, and a unique power.
There are 3 emotes included with the Cyborg pack, one of which is a dance, and the other two show your character turning on and off. <ul type="square">[*]Robot Dance - /emote robotdance (View Video, View Video of MM+Henchmen)[*]Power Up - /emote powerup (View Video) Note: The Power Up emote only works after using Power Down[*]Power Down - /emote powerdown (View Video, View Ending Pose)[/list]
The 4 auras available through the Cyborg pack are activated only when your character is in a 'combat' stance. You're in this stace whenever you're attempting to use attacks and powers along those lines. Like other Auras, you must be at least level 30 and have completed the Aura Mission for your side before you may use them.<ul type="square">[*]Left Eye Laser (color tintable) (View)[*]Right Eye Laser (color tintable) (Same as Left)[*]Both Eyes Laser (color tintable) (View)[*]Holographic HUD (Heads up Display) (Front View, Side View)[/list]There is also a video showing all the auras (though there are some jittering, it's far smoother in reality)
The power included with the Cyborg Pack is called 'Self Destruction'.<ul type="square">[*]Recharge: 1 hour (unenhanceable, unmodifiable by +Recharge)[*]Activation Time: 10 seconds[*]Interruption time: Uninterruptable[*]Radius: 40 feet (equivalent to Blaze)[*]Arc: 360 degrees (Full Circle)[*]Target Cap: 16[*]Accuracy: 1.00 (Standard)[*]Slottable: No[*]Category: Inherent Powers[*]Level 1 Damage: 50[*]Level 50 Damage: 535.44 (Current Negative+Negative damage, supposed to be Fire+Smashing)[*]Misc Notes: This power will immediately suppress stealth powers upon activation. Also, if activated while Phase Shifted this will not deal damage to any enemies, even if Phase is dropped before the power finishes animating.[*]Extra: Kills the caster after 10.13 seconds (.13 seconds after dealing damage), will not give the castor debt, will leave the castor able to only use self rez, wakies, hospital/base but not ally rez (Howling Twilight might be an exception, needs to be checked)[*]WARNING: Currently (as of September 18th, 2008) there appears to be some issues with this power, sometimes causing debt (appears to be if you have any form of debt protection active), sometimes leaving you without a body but unable to go to the hospital.
[u]Videos[u][*]Self Destruction from a distance[*]Higher quality, close up Self Destruction[*]Self Destruction failing to kill a player, but removes the body[*]Self Destructing Bane Spider, demonstrates rezzing after as well as the knockback[*]Self Destruction - Rise of the Phoenix, can you say oh so thematically appropriate?[/list]
The Cyborg Pack includes 14 peices, four shoulder pads, two chest details, belt, robotic arm, glove, legs/pants, boots, hat, and two head details. The normal pictures are primary color red, secondary white with all settings at the highest.
<ul type="square">[*]Cyborg Costume Set
[u]Shoulders:[u][*]Cyborg Cables[*]Cyborg General[*]Cyborg Shield[*]Cyborg Sphere
[u]Chest Detail:[u][*]Cyborg Cables[*]Cyborg Shield
[u]Head:[u][*]Hat - Cyborg[*]Detail 1 - Cyborg 1[*]Detail 1 - Cyborg 2[*]Detail 2 - Cyborg 1[*]Detail 2 - Cyborg 2
[u]Misc Parts:[u][*]Belt - Cyborg [*]Robotic Arm 1 - Upper Arm Cyborg[*]Gloves - Cyborg[*]Pants - Cyborg[*]Legs - Cyborg[/list]
Edit: Changed costume pictures to be not so horrifyingly bad. Also want to say thanks to JLove, BaB, Castle and the other devs that made this awesome set!
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.