Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




I am seriously displeased...

A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items.

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Thank you for putting in reason number 1 why I quit World of Warcraft two years ago and sold my account.

I suppose the only redeeming quality is that PvP in City of Heroes is stupid pointless, and it's not like the invention sets go so far out of the way to make things lopsided.

But honestly, things like this are a slap in the face to casual gamers who don't have time to go doing TF's and whatnot every night.

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The irony is that it rewards casual players more than it does hardcore.

Right now it will take you over 100 runs to ensure a 95% chance of getting a specific recipe such as a Luck of the Gambler. With the token system, you might be able to get it in as few as 44 Katies, or perhaps 10 Positron runs. The hardcore player will run more TFs so has a better ability to deal with a string of bad luck.

All the quote is saying is that if you run Dr. Q (which normally takes over 5 hours) you get more rewards than running a Katie. This is actually good for casual players because they can do other TFs than just Katie and see better rewards.

But if you honestly think that playing 3 hours a week should let you have all the same rewards as someone playing 30, I'd like for you to come negotiate with my employer so I can work halftime for the same salary please



But honestly, things like this are a slap in the face to casual gamers who don't have time to go doing TF's and whatnot every night.

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This is AS WELL AS the current system, not INSTEAD OF.

Don't give me that 'slap in the face' rubbish, please.

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The devs SLAPPED me in the FACE with a palm full of AWESOME.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



"and more!" = Something involving a Khelidan modification or Revamp?

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Anything, Castle? i13? i14? Mid-issue like stalker changes?



I am now dehydrated I am drooling so much.




My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Man where should i start??? What are the devs doing? Stalkers get yet another powerset in i13??? OMG and villians get Pain Domiantion??? Aren't they already dominating with widows in pvp??? When are the Heroes gonna get something thats really good? First thing that I think needs to happen in i13 is improving the PB and Ws,you know to make things fair and balanced remember that??? How about pistols for blasters? How about another good damage set for scrappers,Fire melee is great,and 1 more nice set wouldn't hurt.Tanks could use a new good set as well,since brutes have fury,and more powersets than tanks.Man you guys keep giving the villians stuff every issue and keep the heroes behind on the goods.I hope you guys got some more nice stuff to announce,cause right now it looks like a disappointing issue.




In light of how negatively some of my posts today could be taken, I need to say:

My sig isn't just something I typed up to sound pretty. I really believe in the devs and I don't hold anything against them, even when they occasionally disappoint me. I am big enough to recognize I'm only one person and that many people are (rightfully) really psyched about this issue, and also that the devs have seriously busted their [censored], and put their blood sweat and tears into delivering something we will like. I don't want anyone here, players and devs alike, to doubt or question my motives in saying what I say. I appreciate what they do, and I don't think they are lazy, or stupid, or anything of the sort. I just feel, in this case, that he probably has so much on his plate, and so many things to go over, he's in a perpetual state of "can't see the forest for the trees".

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I'm only hoping the new merit system will not be used as a reason to not update the overly long, flabby TFs that populate the heroside of the game. Yeah, you can earn "bunches" of merits running Quaterfield's TF, but it's still a numbingly long and monotonous slog. Making the prize at the end better won't change that.



Overall looks decent enough, nothing I'm that stoked over, but a good update so far.

Pain domination - just call it Pain, the simplest things are the most effective.

day jobs - seems like a very hero only thing to me, I don't see my villains being caretakers or city council members, unless they can be "evil cartakers" meh.

was really hoping for the next round of powerset proliferation, too bad.

Patron respecs are a big yes, unfortuantely that should almost go under "bug fixes" imo.

Don't want to crai doom, but these player created missions might flop horribly. limited rewards is a big drawback (yes I realize they could be exploited). I just see it as something you do a couple times and then meh over it from then on. It really depends on how customizable the content is though, if it is create your own mission equiv to "excite bike" prepare to be dissapointed. If it is more like Unreal or something it could be pretty cool.

I expect it to be kind of limited though given they only use a handful of tilesets and layouts already.



I am seriously displeased...

A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items.

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Thank you for putting in reason number 1 why I quit World of Warcraft two years ago and sold my account.

I suppose the only redeeming quality is that PvP in City of Heroes is stupid pointless, and it's not like the invention sets go so far out of the way to make things lopsided.

But honestly, things like this are a slap in the face to casual gamers who don't have time to go doing TF's and whatnot every night.

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Positron already told us more about the system. The old "take's yer chances" of a random recipe drops is still there as the cost of few merits. I'm assuming that's going to be the minimum merti rewards for teh the TF quickies. The mertits will be redeemed to get the specific salvage, recipe, enhancer, that you want rather than leaving it up to Murphy.



Now that Shields are being added, will Blue Steel finally show up in some missions of his own?

Given how often he rescues captured Heroes in the high-level villain arcs, it would be nice if he featured as an opponent in a high-level villain arc of his own.

I have several villains that would appreciate an opportunity to "discuss" some of those rescues with him...



"Pain Domination"? Just call it "Antipathy" >.>

Some days I just wake up cranky. Today might be one of those days...



I am seriously displeased...

A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items.

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Thank you for putting in reason number 1 why I quit World of Warcraft two years ago and sold my account.

I suppose the only redeeming quality is that PvP in City of Heroes is stupid pointless, and it's not like the invention sets go so far out of the way to make things lopsided.

But honestly, things like this are a slap in the face to casual gamers who don't have time to go doing TF's and whatnot every night.

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Most casual gamers with either not care or not notice.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Now that Shields are being added, will Blue Steel finally show up in some missions of his own?

Given how often he rescues captured Heroes in the high-level villain arcs, it would be nice if he featured as an opponent in a high-level villain arc of his own.

I have several villains that would appreciate an opportunity to "discuss" some of those rescues with him...

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indeed....indeed...Igor...break out the thumbscrews...and the mimes...

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



I skimmed through 6+ pages of 'woo boy' to get to some realistic feedback. Here's my concerns:

1. Merits for tf's to get rewards-any CHANCE that might be retroactive? One of my 50's is decked out with EVERYTHING, and that would be pretty cool. I'd hate to have to repeat things. Sorta.

2. Power proliferation...I'm sure there will be SOME more in here, other than 'pain whosamawhatsit.' I want to plan my alts ahead...I'm sure more info will be coming down the pipeline.

3. I'm assuming that F&F beta is already in progress on TrainingRoom01, as they shut it down late last week. I imagine closed 'normal' beta can't be too far behind.

4. Dayjob=badge proliferation. Meh. Whatever. Let me see what the bonuses are, THEN maybe I'll get excited. However, it DOES reward people with a lot of alts, which is me.

Looks....intriguing. I cautiously wait for more info before casting positive or negative judgment.

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.



some cool stuff but i'm a little upset at the idea of nerfed rewards on the custom missions.

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Can you actually call them "nurfed" without seeing the first official live roll out? I mean wouldn't they have to roll out the customizable missions content to the live servers first before they can "nurf" anything associated with it? Based on the fact that they've just released information on I13 it's probably in stage testing right now which means that everything associated with it is still subject to revision.

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



The slap in the face is that they are actively stating it and rubbing casuals' noses in it rather than just letting it be.

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What on earth are you talking about?

The idea of the Merit system is to finally make it worth people's while to run long TFs like Quaterfield and Positron. If you can get the same reward from a 10 minute Katie Hannon as you do from a 4 hour Posi TF, why bother with the Posi TF?

This isn't anti-casual. This is a very good idea, which finally makes TF rewards reflect the amount of time people have put into them. People who want to run fast TFs and so on will still be able to.

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If a "Casual Player" wants a LoTG recipe, he has two options.

You can still do the 30 min Katie for the same RANDOM Chance at a Pool C you had before.

You can still earn 70 million to buy one.

Those may not be great options, but they are what you CURRENTLY have.

Now you will STILL HAVE both those options. Or you can do Katies and there is no word yet, but story arc completion, or the Ouroborus TF's might also give you (a small amount) of merits as well. Save up those merits and buy a LoTG.

The key will be how many merits everything grants, and what it takes to buy valuable rewards. If it costs you 50 Katie runs to get a LoTG, you might be better off choosing 50 random recipies. If you do not get one in 50 runs then you should have at least got a couple decent ones to sell and buy a LoTG with.

That is just a stupid number i know, but just for an example.
You can still solo or play long enough




Pain domination. I have no problem with it and I am in no way complaining about it or suggesting it shouldn't happen etc. The following is in no way a fault of the game but I KNOW it will happen.

ME- "Okay time to get my SMASH on so I think I will log red side for now, kinda tired of the hero thing for a bit."

/e Logs from a controller over to a brute
/e sets team flag to LF missions Team
/e sends broadcast of "Level xx brute lft"

ME- "Hello new team! OMW to mish"
ME- /e stands at mish door doing the sleep emote
ME- "Hey guys? We waiting on somehting?"

Team leader- "Yeah I don't want to start the mish till we got Pain domination (Healzorz) on the team..."

ME- "OMG I thought I just left heroes!"
/e quits team and forms my own (which I should have done in the first place)

Oh trust me it WILL happen (Assuming the flavor changes aren't drastically different than current empathy) Again this is NOT a game or design problem for me, it's a player problem for me lol.

Cary on...



First veats now empathy for vills......sigh....I sure hope u got something big for heroes coming.

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Villains have needed (and IMO still need) a whole lot more attention as they have had less content than heroes.

Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper

Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."



if they have pain domination...oh please please let there be a whip melee set...soon...soon..have to have a reason to remake my Domme Hurtzsogood....

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



each issue just keeps getting better and better for me

11 - Dual Blades, the awesomeness astounded me. I thought I may never play another AT again. Ok, I was premature there, I do like playing other AT's. But man, DB rocked my world.

12 - Cimerora - O. M. G. 'nuff said

13 - SHIIIIEEEEEELLLLLLDSSSSSS. After getting repeatedly smacked in the face with shields on the ITF now I finally can has my own. Tiberius can be what I originally designed him to be! An immortal Roman Legionnaire.

Thank you devs!!!!



"The Merit Rewards System
A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items."

think we will get credit for the raids, TF etc we already completed?

Victory Server
Ridgid lvl 50 energy/energy Blaster
Powder Puff lvl 50 ill/rad Contoller
DeRidgidnator lvl 50 energy/energy Brute
Santa's LittleHelper lvl 50 ice/kin Controller



aye... Blue side is probably twice the size content wise as Red side.. and MOST of the new red side content has been shared content..

But anything that breaks up the routine is good on both sides..



I suspect Pain domination might be a Healing for us, Pain for them. Absorb Pain will obviously be a power in the set..

I am not sure how I feel about the Day jobs. Means now if you want specific "off line" badges you have to make sure you log out at locations for those badges..

Everything else how ever sounds pretty good. Looking foward to Beta (Closed or Open) for most of it.



Miralenwan wrote:
I am seriously displeased...

A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items.

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Thank you for putting in reason number 1 why I quit World of Warcraft two years ago and sold my account.

I suppose the only redeeming quality is that PvP in City of Heroes is stupid pointless, and it's not like the invention sets go so far out of the way to make things lopsided.

But honestly, things like this are a slap in the face to casual gamers who don't have time to go doing TF's and whatnot every night.

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I think you might not be understanding what the introduction of reward tokens is about. Allow me to elaborate. As things stand currently in the live version of City of Heroes, if you want a particular recipe you have to run Task Forces (or Strike Forces if playing red side) and you can only hope that what your are trying to get will drop. Though the twists of fate it may never drop for you (random numbers being what they are).

Now, under the new system, you can know exactly what you need to do to get what you want. In my mind this is a much more friendly system for any player - hardcore or casual. We'll have all the details of the token system in a future feature update on Issue 13.

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"The Merit Rewards System
A new game system that allows players to earn tokens by completing Trials, Task Forces, Strike Forces, Raids, etc. The most challenging and time consuming tasks grant the most reward tokens, which can be redeemed throughout Hero and Villain zones for recipes, enhancements, salvage, costume pieces, badges, inspirations and other game items."

think we will get credit for the raids, TF etc we already completed?

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Very doubtful. I think it's going to be an alternative reward on the reward choice table.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.