Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




Perhaps I used the wrong term? I meant that we would not be able to - say - grab a neighborhood from Galaxy City and use that as part of our mission map.

If "instanced" is not the correct term for this, what is?

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I'm not sure what the term would be beyond customized maps. It would be nice to grab a certain chunk of any zone to use for your missions. But I don't think that would be possible yet.

I'm hoping the Devs' goal is to eventually allow us to completely design maps from scratch, or to grab parts of existing outdoor areas.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



That is the way im hoping their going with the mission creator. allot of the maps are old and tired and the ability to make one from scratch or do one on a map thats never been used for missions would be stellar. and why shouldnt it be possible, nothing short of choosing the map and being limited to a certain % of the zone wouldnt be that difficult at all. if its anything like the sg editor then we should be in for quite the surprise. hopefully pocket-d is gonna be in there as a usable map.....i have...ideas...............



Perhaps I used the wrong term? I meant that we would not be able to - say - grab a neighborhood from Galaxy City and use that as part of our mission map.

If "instanced" is not the correct term for this, what is?

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I don't think the outdoor maps are cityzone ones, as much as they look like them. I'm pretty sure they're ones that have been copied and touched up so they're playable.

(There are a few that are close enough to where the Went Worths should be that still have the building that was demolished for them.)

I think it's a "this is how it was origionally setup" thing that they haven't changed (yet). I'd LOVE to grab a chunk of a chosen map, drop a force field around it and have a mission there, but I don't think they can do that right now even for themselves.

Outdoor map is all it's called. Instanced just means it's your teams personal mission - no one else can interfere or enter it. It lives on the "Mission Server" and is an individual instance JUST for your team.



Thanks for the clarification! So all door missions are instanced while all hunt missions are not.

I think it is essential to be able to grab sections of outdoor maps for instanced missions, and I think we also need to be able to stick usable doors on buildings in those outdoor maps so players can enter buildings to explore indoor maps.

Basically, I think a functionality like what we see in safeguard / mayhem maps is a basic requirement for the mission design tool. If we're restricted to just indoor maps spawned at randomly selected doors ... that would be quite the bummer.



I don't see why we wouldn't be able to use the same outdoor mission maps that are currently in game, though I doubt we would be able to choose any areas that aren't already mission ready. They did say that npcs could be customized with around a dozen options, so we might can alter an existing group's look and rename them. A very limited way of making a new npc group, but a start that can be expanded later on.

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Having access to outdoor maps that are presently in use would not be a big help to me. One of the things that inspires me most about mission creation in CoH is the thought of grabbing areas in zones that have not been grabbed before. However, I can easily see that you could be right on this. I mean, how many times in the game do we see the same outdoor maps used over and over and over? It seems we're always getting the same park map or one of 4 city maps. There must be a reason for this other than laziness.

As for the ability to slightly customize foe groups ... that helps, especially if we're able to change the sex of the toons. Female foes are highly under-represented in the game, especially in the older content.



I really really am hoping there will be the capacity to mesh edit the indoor maps and maybe even make our own outdoor maps.

If it's just a case of having to use existing rooms and maps, it won't be all that useful to make a really unique mission.

yes, mesh editing is a lot o work, but it will allow for a lot more creativity. I can understand limiting you to the existing texture maps (So no uploading textures), but I'd really like to be able to build more complex maps than currently exist.

For example, multi-level maps that DON'T involve using elevators to move from floor to floor, but use staircases like the Invention Tutorial map, or ramps, and not just as part of a pre-existing "room complex" (Like the big "4 rooms with criss crossing catwalks" you run into about every other warehouse mission)

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



Thanks for the clarification! So all door missions are instanced while all hunt missions are not.

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I think it is essential to be able to grab sections of outdoor maps for instanced missions, and I think we also need to be able to stick usable doors on buildings in those outdoor maps so players can enter buildings to explore indoor maps.

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Not happening on inital release. Maybe not EVER. That's pretty complicated for what the devs are planning on doing.

Basically, I think a functionality like what we see in safeguard / mayhem maps is a basic requirement for the mission design tool. If we're restricted to just indoor maps spawned at randomly selected doors ... that would be quite the bummer.

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Think of it more as "a good start". Look, they're giving us something like 1,000 maps to start with. Hopefully it'll be improved if we play with it and USE it (unlike the Arenas that haven't had very much attention because they GET no attention.)



I really really am hoping there will be the capacity to mesh edit the indoor maps and maybe even make our own outdoor maps.

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Not unless they change what they've told us. Static maps they've chosen for us. I bet it's something to do with the engine that they can't do it.

(Honestly, what you asked for was what I was hoping for with bases instead of what we got.)



I really really am hoping there will be the capacity to mesh edit the indoor maps and maybe even make our own outdoor maps.

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Not unless they change what they've told us. Static maps they've chosen for us. I bet it's something to do with the engine that they can't do it.

(Honestly, what you asked for was what I was hoping for with bases instead of what we got.)

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Er...static maps? So we we won't even be able to hook up rooms in different configurations?

Gee..won't THAT be 'fun'...

Team Leader" Oh, Look....it's 'standard Ornbenga map Number 4'...next mish!

And I hope that the ratings system will take into account the "Even though the mission is well designed, it's hard to solo, so it's going to get a lot of "This mission is impossible!" ratings from solo players." factor.

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



I know this isin't a request thread but I would love to see improved storage and the ability to disable -email.



I really really am hoping there will be the capacity to mesh edit the indoor maps and maybe even make our own outdoor maps.

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Not unless they change what they've told us. Static maps they've chosen for us. I bet it's something to do with the engine that they can't do it.

(Honestly, what you asked for was what I was hoping for with bases instead of what we got.)

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Er...static maps? So we we won't even be able to hook up rooms in different configurations?

Gee..won't THAT be 'fun'...

Team Leader" Oh, Look....it's 'standard Ornbenga map Number 4'...next mish!

And I hope that the ratings system will take into account the "Even though the mission is well designed, it's hard to solo, so it's going to get a lot of "This mission is impossible!" ratings from solo players." factor.

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I can't argue, but this is initial release if the Architect. If it goes well MAYBE they'll fix it correctly and let us put the tiles together, but it may take a while - I recall MANY maps over the years that the devs released that didn't QUITE mesh correctly and had black "veils" between rooms.

As I said, I really wanted what you describe for bases. Or let us move into an abandoned 5th Column base! Something other then blandness of what we've got.

At least there's going to be a few more initial maps then there are for Arenas.

(edited for clarity)



Is I13 here yet?

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Dude, you were in a coma. There is a lot you missed.

We are all now waiting on more hints for I15.

The other two issues were among the best over.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



I15 lol? Why would you want hints for that I13 not even out yet.



I15 lol? Why would you want hints for that I13 not even out yet.

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It's called a joke.



I15 lol? Why would you want hints for that I13 not even out yet.

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It's called a joke.

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Yes, a joke to imply that the person in question had been in a coma for long enough for both I13 and I14 to come out.

But since I have to explain the joke...

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Ah, yes! Issue 15:Where It All Began! When they roll back every single non-nerf change they've ever made and change our characters back to level 1. They're still being kinda vague on if they let us keep badges or not, though.



I want I15 where there is power's color chang, and about 25 "NEW" powersets for each guy. : ) And you can have NPCs buddies with you all the time, you can fight your own hero/villian. I kniow this is more like I20. lol



Wow. That's all I can say to that.



I want I15 where there is power's color chang, and about 25 "NEW" powersets for each guy. : ) And you can have NPCs buddies with you all the time, you can fight your own hero/villian. I kniow this is more like I20. lol

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Ohh - that's I-30. I-31 is where they let you mix and match Primaries and secondaries.

(I-42 is where they just open source the whole thing and go home...)



I want I15 where there is power's color chang, and about 25 "NEW" powersets for each guy. : ) And you can have NPCs buddies with you all the time, you can fight your own hero/villian. I kniow this is more like I20. lol

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Ohh - that's I-30. I-31 is where they let you mix and match Primaries and secondaries.

(I-42 is where they just open source the whole thing and go home...)

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I-42 is going to be called "The Answer" and it'll unlock the questions we've been asking sence I-1 that have never been answered.



Looks to be an amazing issue....User scriptable encounters are new to any MMO that i can think of...if you go by the work done for Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights, you can see that the community is capable of some [censored] AMAZING work, and i think its about time online game companies tap that resource. Bravo Matt Miller



more info this week please....

Edited because I want info this week, not inflo!

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Saga of Ryzom tried this a year ago, maybe 2. I forget. But a MMO has tried this.