Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




More is never bad, but more + good is even better.

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*Hands over a tribble* Oh, they breed asexually. And fast. More is always better, though, right?

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*skins the tribble and warms up the hibachi* More is definately better when it comes to tribbles. Just make sure your space station has plenty of teriyaki sauce on hand!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



More is never bad, but more + good is even better.

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*Hands over a tribble* Oh, they breed asexually. And fast. More is always better, though, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

*skins the tribble and warms up the hibachi* More is definately better when it comes to tribbles. Just make sure your space station has plenty of teriyaki sauce on hand!

[/ QUOTE ]

This is why you are one of the forum regulars whose posts I enjoy. Dammit, now I'm hungry.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



I clearly missed something: this is live when? Or is it just on test servers now?



I clearly missed something: this is live when? Or is it just on test servers now?

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Neither. Yet. This is what's called a "features announcement".

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



More is never bad, but more + good is even better.

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*Hands over a tribble* Oh, they breed asexually. And fast. More is always better, though, right?

[/ QUOTE ]

*skins the tribble and warms up the hibachi* More is definately better when it comes to tribbles. Just make sure your space station has plenty of teriyaki sauce on hand!

[/ QUOTE ]

This is why you are one of the forum regulars whose posts I enjoy. Dammit, now I'm hungry.

[/ QUOTE ]

/em googles "Tribble Cookbook"

(...and is not too surprised that there are a few tasty sounding recipes...)



NEED MOAR HOLIDAY EVENTS! I don't care if you have to grab a Wiccan by the ankles and shake them to make non-winter holidays fall out, we need more holidays!

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I practice Wicca and Druidry. Please feel free to shake away.

*is shaken*

October 31 Samhain
December 21 Yule
February 2 Imbolc (Oimelc) or Brigid
*is shaken*
March 21 Ostara (beginnings of action) (Maybe a contest or race)
April 30 Beltaine (growth) (DE upriseing)
June 21 Litha or Midsummer (begin journey towards death/guard against the darkness) (*shrug* CoT, Vaz or something else dark)
August 1 Lammas or Lughnasadh (overcome fears) (Random Rularuu attacks, they look scary)
September 21 Mabon or Harvest Home (celebration of success)
*is shaken*
(Dates are approx, as they change year to year by sun/moon position the words at the end are themes that could fit each in a gaming environment and how they might be represented. I did not put everything I could have as I don't want to wax religiously on here.)
*is shaken*
So there you go The_Metallurgist person. I hope you got what you wanted from all that shaking.

Come From Nothing.



I'm wondering when Villains are gonna get access to the Shadow Shard.

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when are heroes going to get access to the Golden Gizza?

ok, so the point is, why should anyone, red or blue side, have access to the other side?

Villains have their own exclusive zones that Heroes can't access and Heroes have their own exclusive zones that Villains can't access. I don't understand this DEMAND from one side or the other to have access to one zone from the other side.

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The Shadow Shard is central to a big story line, and that story line is still being kept active (the latest additions were made in i12). It stands to reason that as that story line develops, villains will get increased (they already have limited access in some missions) access to the Shadow Shard. That access doesn't necessarily need to be to the current hero-only Shadow Shard zones, but it seems likely that the development will be significant enough that it will at least warrant some kind of zone-access. If some of the added content will be Co-Op (which also seems like a distinct possibility), there will most likely be some form of shared zone, but this doesn't necessarily have to be (one or more of) the current hero-only zones either.

At any rate, there are strong story-related reasons to (eventually) give villains some form of zone access to the Shadow Shard. Such arguments do not exist for all zones (or maybe more appropriately "locations") that are (currently) limited to one faction.



You do realize that BECAUSE villains are all crowded into a single zone and heroes aren't that it makes more lag for the villain zones.

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I don't realize that, primarily because that factor ordinarily is not the largest contributor to lag on the red side. Other factors contribute to lag on the red side more than the density of the players, most of the time. Grandville, for example, is a geometry monster.

Also, the densest hero zones (cf: Talos) are denser than most of the red zones most of the time, and aren't as laggy on average. At least, that was true the last time I examined lag.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

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There are ALWAYS people in Oro when I go there. People don't generally hang out there, though. They're usually, yanno, doing their flashbacks. Which don't take place in Oro.

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Not to mention using Oro as a "supershuttle" to move between zones from anywhere.

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



So far my only issue is with the name of the new powerset: "Pain Domination". You hear that name and immediately think it's for Dominators, but it's only for Corruptors and Masterminds. This set needs a better name. Won't know what's appropriate until the powers themselves are listed, but some initial suggestions: Antipathy, Sadism, Torture, Cruelty, Agony.

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Why in the world would you, after thinking about it for more than ten seconds, or actually playing a Dominator, leap to the conclusion that Pain domination had to be a Dominator set?

Every single Dominator Primary to date is <Something> Control, and every single Dominator Secondary to date is <Something> Assault. If Corrupters were getting Pain Control, I think you would have an issue.

That's not to say the name of the set is set in stone. Devices and Sonic Resonance were both something else in the first stages of testing, and were renamed later, before they hit live. Come up with an evocative enough alternative, and you may capture the Devs imagination. The argument that "it is called Pain Domination and steps on Dominators' toes" isn't enough, particularly when Corrupters and Defenders already have Cold Domination.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

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There are ALWAYS people in Oro when I go there. People don't generally hang out there, though. They're usually, yanno, doing their flashbacks. Which don't take place in Oro.

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Not to mention using Oro as a "supershuttle" to move between zones from anywhere.

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Before it was Oro it was bases (with the vet power it's even better...) and before THAT it was PocketD and before THAT it was the PDP (er, Paragon Dance Party).

It's always shortest distance.

But Oro *is* getting used for it's intended purpose. So are bases (well, not raids but that actually makes me happy) and so is PocketD.



More is never bad, but more + good is even better.

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*Hands over a tribble* Oh, they breed asexually. And fast. More is always better, though, right?

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*skins the tribble and warms up the hibachi* More is definately better when it comes to tribbles. Just make sure your space station has plenty of teriyaki sauce on hand!

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That's not technically accurate. Tribbles don't have skin or bodies for that matter. They're just balls of hair.

I'm guessing you took that idea from the menue at the real life Quark's Bar in the Hilton in Los Vegas however in the series Dr. McCoy aka Bones actully shaved a Tribble only to find nothing. The tibble's body is in fact made up entirely of hair and nothing else.



This is why you are one of the forum regulars whose posts I enjoy. Dammit, now I'm hungry.

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*Hands Slax a Smurf Smoothie* Here you go - this should tide you over while we wait for the tribbles to make enough of themselves for the whole thread to enjoy.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



...however in the series Dr. McCoy aka Bones actully shaved a Tribble only to find nothing. The tibble's body is in fact made up entirely of hair and nothing else.

[/ QUOTE ]{citation needed}




I'm guessing you took that idea from the menue at the real life Quark's Bar in the Hilton in Los Vegas however in the series Dr. McCoy aka Bones actully shaved a Tribble only to find nothing. The tibble's body is in fact made up entirely of hair and nothing else.

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Errm. Actually Bones said their bodies seem to consist entirely of a digestive tract and reproductive organs. But they definitely have more than just hair.



I hope we can choose the zone a mission takes place in rather than using a universal hub launching point like ouroboros. I would love to make missions to give you a reason to visit places like Dark Astaria and Croatoa. Even if it's just to go to the random mission door location in those zones.



I hope we can choose the zone a mission takes place in rather than using a universal hub launching point like ouroboros. I would love to make missions to give you a reason to visit places like Dark Astaria and Croatoa. Even if it's just to go to the random mission door location in those zones.

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I'm betting there will be a contact in each zone that gives level-appropriate PC (Player created, not Politically correct) Content mission arcs.

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



I want to stop a break out.... With my villian breaking out of the jail lol.



...however in the series Dr. McCoy aka Bones actully shaved a Tribble only to find nothing. The tibble's body is in fact made up entirely of hair and nothing else.

[/ QUOTE ]{citation needed}

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My dad has the episode on DVD I'll upload it Sunday after work.


I'm guessing you took that idea from the menue at the real life Quark's Bar in the Hilton in Los Vegas however in the series Dr. McCoy aka Bones actully shaved a Tribble only to find nothing. The tibble's body is in fact made up entirely of hair and nothing else.

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Errm. Actually Bones said their bodies seem to consist entirely of a digestive tract and reproductive organs. But they definitely have more than just hair.

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No actully he said that they are born pregnant and if you feed a Tribble too much you get a whole bunch of little Tribbles. He said nothing about them actully haveing any organs or body. He did say that because he couldn't find a body he can't figure out how they eat or reproduce.

I'm paraphrasing BTW. If I wanted to quote him word for word I'd use the quote tags.

Anyway, I have to get to bed now and I'll be at work most of the day tomarrow. I can get up early enough I'll upload the video in the morning if not you'll have to wait till Sunday night.



There is alot of discussion here on i13 and if this has been brought up I apologize. If the shield set is defense only it may cause me to hesitate in making a toon with it because the next issue or two may have shield offense. I have recycled a few toons when better choices come along but I'd rather avoid it.



There is alot of discussion here on i13 and if this has been brought up I apologize. If the shield set is defense only it may cause me to hesitate in making a toon with it because the next issue or two may have shield offense. I have recycled a few toons when better choices come along but I'd rather avoid it.

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We have been told pretty specifically that we will NOT have a Shields offensive set. Also, I think it's likely that it will not be Just Def but will probably have some Damage Res too.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I'm somewhat ambivelent on this one.
The good:
Mission creator (already plotting mission arcs in my head)
Pain Domination (will have to reroll one of my chars)
new costume parts (there can never be enough costume parts, just don't remove any existing ones)

Stuff I'm kinda "meh" on:
Shields: I would have preferred psi weaponry or size control but ok, shields are easier to do, I get that.
Cimerora missions: Nice but not a huge deal
Day Jobs & Merits: Not so much a "meh" as a "how the hell are they going to make that work?". Still, the devs haven't let me down so far so I'll trust them on this.

The bad:
Still no love for bases that I noticed!
Shields for stalkers just don't seem to fit the archetype at all.
Redside still needs about two dozen more contacts to get anywhere close to parity.

Purchasable costume sets: Do the half-dozen of us who suggested this years ago get a royalty on these? I'm kidding. Fantastic idea, you can never have too many costume pieces. My only hesitation is that I hope they're better value than the wedding pack was. OK, I paid for the wedding pack and I'll pay for these but I'm hoping for a dozen plus costume pieces, not just one or two. Still, I can see myself compulsively buying every one. Also, temp power? Intriguing.



Patron Power Respec -- thumbs up!



Looks Great, but why no new power sets for the stalker?

Will there be customizable pets in the future? I'm sure a lot of players would like their pets to be unique, just a thought.