Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




O nobody is saying they didnt give us VEATs that we had to wait 2 years for. Then tell us they are the same minions we have been beating up for the last 2 years. But the reason why we got them is cause of how story driven they are well they fit to the story line.

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"Story driven" is and always has been the whole point of epic archetypes.

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lol plz learn to read the whole post. The fact that they are story driven is my point. where is the story? theres a complete lack of arcs/sf and/or trial for them.

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Are you kidding? You get a short arc every 5 levels at least until 25 for them, probably farther. You HAVE actually gone to the contact you get referred to by the VEAT starting contact, right? Then the one he refers you to, then....etc.

Not to metion the story line actualy lacks in quality in compared to HEATs.

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Did you PLAY Khelds when they first came out? Wasn't much beyond the first 10 levels in the way of Kheld arcs.

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the issue after HEATs they got all there contacts and there sf. there arcs are longer and go past lvl 25. Heros have far more missions plus a far better story line. VEATs story is bleh at best So i dont really see how you can not understand where im coming from.

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"Bad story" ( In your opinion ) =/= "No story". Also, you said there were no arcs. I pointed out that there were. The question wasn't of the quality, it was of their presence. If you want my opinion on quality, they're okay. Not great, but not bad. Absolutely more than Khelds had upon release. I'm also pretty sure they didn't have arcs up to 50 in the very next issue. I believe it took a few issues before they got that.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



The goth-ified HP gang is a bit mind-breaking, too.

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Your mind is not broken yet.

... It was the first thing I thought of. Perhaps I spend too much time on the Intertubez.

I don't do Rickrolls, by the way.

You may wish I had.

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Yeah, gonna need this in Cosco quantities again.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I'm wondering when Villains are gonna get access to the Shadow Shard.

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when are heroes going to get access to the Golden Gizza?

ok, so the point is, why should anyone, red or blue side, have access to the other side?

Villains have their own exclusive zones that Heroes can't access and Heroes have their own exclusive zones that Villains can't access. I don't understand this DEMAND from one side or the other to have access to one zone from the other side.

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Gotta weigh in on the sid eof my fellow Redsiders here.

Speaking only of exclusive zones, Villains have:
<ul type="square">[*] (1) Mercy Island[*] (2) Port Oakes[*] (3) Cap Au Diable[*] (4) Sharkshead[*] (5) St. Martial[*] (6) Nerva Archipelago[*] (7) Grandville[/list]
Also restricting the list solely to exclusive zones, Heroes have:
<ul type="square">[*] (1) Atlas Park[*] (2) Galaxy City[*] (3) King's Row[*] (4) the Hollows[*] (5) Perez Park[*] (6) Faultline[*] (7) Skyway[*] (8) Steel Canyon[*] (9) Boomtown[*] (10) Independance Port[*] (11) Talos[*] (12) Dark Astoria[*] (13) Striga[*] (14) Croatoa[*] (15) Brickstown[*] (16) Founder's Falls[*] (17) Crey's Folly[*] (18) Eden[*] (19) Peregrine Island[*] (20) Terra Volta[*] (21) Firebase Zulu[*] (22) The Chantry[*] (23) Cascade Archipelago[*] (24) The Storm Palace[*] (25) The Hive[*] (26) The Sewers[*] (27) The Abandoned Sewer Network[/list]
And, for completeness sake, the shared zones:
<ul type="square">[*] (1) Pocket D[*] (2) Cimerora[*] (3) Oroborous (as separate instances, but functionally identical)[*] (4) Bloody Bay (PVP)[*] (5) Siren's Call (PVP)[*] (6) Warburg (PVP)[*] (7) Recluse's Victory (PVP)[/list]
Seven exclusively Villainous zones ... twenty-seven exclusively Heroic zones ... and 7 shared zones.

Are you still surprised that Villain players feel like they're being neglected? Now, I'll grant you - the quality level of the Villain zones should not be disregarded.

Nonetheless, as Stalin once said: "Quantity is a quality all it's own." I'd love to see more choices. Four more villain zones - one to parallel each of PO, CAD, and Sharks - would provide a larger number of permutations for how a villain goes from Mercy to Grandville, from level 1 to level 50.



Gotta also take size into consideration on the zone comparison there...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



if I logout in one of the cages in pocket d do I get a better taunt?

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You might get some influence

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



You forgot Monster Island and the Abyss villainside and the Midnighters Club which is shared.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Are you still surprised that Villain players feel like they're being neglected? Now, I'll grant you - the quality level of the Villain zones should not be disregarded.

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Ironically, I'll bet serious money that the lower zone count in CoV was actually a *deliberate* decision to improve player concentrations in the zones, specifically the fix the "empty zone" problem that plagued and still plagues some zones on some servers at times.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I think I've figured out why I'm so underwhelmed by this announcement.

Since the release of i12, all the devs have been letting us know that they're working on UBER L33T STUFF that will be both TOP SECRET and HIGHLY AWESOME.

Only to find out that we're getting:


Basically, nothing exciting that blew me away, a bunch of old news, and some zone stuff I probably won't use anyway.

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And this, my friends, is why the devs just can't win.

Devs tell us nothing, people complain that they know nothing and threaten to leave.

Devs give us hints, people aren't happy because the big news no longer feels all that big.

I have no idea how these nice people don't explode out of sheer frustration.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Are you still surprised that Villain players feel like they're being neglected? Now, I'll grant you - the quality level of the Villain zones should not be disregarded.

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Ironically, I'll bet serious money that the lower zone count in CoV was actually a *deliberate* decision to improve player concentrations in the zones, specifically the fix the "empty zone" problem that plagued and still plagues some zones on some servers at times.

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Again this is why so many people play heroes and not villains.

You do realize that BECAUSE villains are all crowded into a single zone and heroes aren't that it makes more lag for the villain zones.

BTW people seem to be forgetting Abyss and Monster Island villain side. They were actully the last two new zones added villain side not G'ville.

Monster Island actully got no information reliced about it but the zone is conected to G'ville and was launched in the same update that brought Abyss (villain hami raid zone) and the Statesman TF for heroes to parallel the Hive (Hero Hami Raide zone) and Lord Recluse SF.

I'm not really sure what the purpus of Monster Island is but the entrence can be found on the north side of G'ville.

BTW here's a list of zones I've still never even been in quoteing the list from earlier.

restricting the list solely to exclusive zones, Heroes have:
<ul type="square">[*] (4) the Hollows (revamp version, I've been in the old version and hated it there.)[*] (22) The Chantry[*] (23) Cascade Archipelago[*] (24) The Storm Palace[/list]

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So total there are 4 exclusivly hero zones I have never even seen. More to the point, 3 of them I have no idea how to even reach them.

In all the zones I have been in I've never found the entrances to thoughs 3 zones.

My guess would be Fire Base Zulu as that's really the only zone I have been in and not fully exsplored as I didn't have fly at the time and I really suck at trying to navigate through the jump holes. They're frustrating and I hate them.

I do have fly now but I haven't really gone back there to try and exsplore the area. I really should some time though.



It all sounds great -- I'm thinking both Shield/SS and MA/Shields as options for alts. Possibly even a Pain Domination villain.

But... conspicuously absent from this announcement is any mention of further powerset proliferation. Does that mean there simply won't be any this time? I hope that's not the case, since the talk leading up to the Issue 12 release definitely made it sound like proliferation would be an every-issue type of thing.

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Originally, PP was not scheduled for 13. Then, it was added as a Stretch Goal ("If you have extra time...") At this point, it isn't terribly likely, but who knows? Maybe there won't be any bugs in Beta!

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Spring 2009, the niche gets a little more crowded. Not saying that it is going to all that and a bag of chips...just saying that you should make the time. Good luck.


Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



Only by adding a moonbase and a free pony for each toon could this have been more awesome an announcement.

Well, ok, I hype a bit, but this is really much, much more than I was expecting from the update. Cool!



First veats now empathy for vills......sigh....I sure hope u got something big for heroes coming.

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But...but... I thought the Dev Team hated Villains?

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Nono, what the Dev Team hates is every season except winter (or summer if you hang from you feet like the folks in Australia). You see, astronomically speaking (the governments of the world may disagree, but any astronomer can tell you what I mean) the seasons start roughly a month and a half before the solstice/equinox. This means that winter starts roughly around Holloween. So, allowing for a bit of drift over the years caused by using fixed dates instead of the apogee of the sun each day as was used historically, winter starts on Holloween and ends on Valentine's Day.

Thus, from Valentine's Day to Holloween, there are no more holiday events in the game. So Spring, Summer and Autumn get no love at all from the dev team.

NEED MOAR HOLIDAY EVENTS! I don't care if you have to grab a Wiccan by the ankles and shake them to make non-winter holidays fall out, we need more holidays!



BTW people seem to be forgetting Abyss and Monster Island villain side. They were actully the last two new zones added villain side not G'ville.

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OK, I was wrong then, I thought Abyss and MI were added in 8 alongside G'ville. Apologies.

I'm not really sure what the purpus of Monster Island is but the entrence can be found on the north side of G'ville.

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Aside from farming monkeys (which is no longer an issue due to RCS, and never was to be honest) and playing with DE monsters (which is a silly use of a zone), neither do I. It feels kinda unfinished to me... but I'll leave that to others to speculate on.


<ul type="square">[*] (22) The Chantry[*] (23) Cascade Archipelago[*] (24) The Storm Palace[/list]

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My guess would be Fire Base Zulu as that's really the only zone I have been in and not fully exsplored as I didn't have fly at the time and I really suck at trying to navigate through the jump holes. They're frustrating and I hate them.

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You would be correct. The only reason I know this is due to having (in ye olden days of I6/I7) done all 4 SSTFs on my fire/rad. (A task I'm not looking forward to repeating, but ah, to be a badge [censored].) They're sorta fancy, they're only kinda pretty, and aside from badge completeness (or future TF "merit" farming) I advise against them. (Although if you like a challenge, Rularuu can pose a minor challenge. Especially if you're built for evasion... Overseer-type mobs seem to auto-hit with their "eyebeam" attack.)

Note: Badge [censored] can be replaced with badge hunter, for those who prefer seeing the full term. Otherwise, feel free to use your imagination. And yes, I do refer to myself using the first term.



BTW people seem to be forgetting Abyss and Monster Island villain side. They were actully the last two new zones added villain side not G'ville.

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OK, I was wrong then, I thought Abyss and MI were added in 8 alongside G'ville. Apologies.

I'm not really sure what the purpus of Monster Island is but the entrence can be found on the north side of G'ville.

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Aside from farming monkeys (which is no longer an issue due to RCS, and never was to be honest) and playing with DE monsters (which is a silly use of a zone), neither do I. It feels kinda unfinished to me... but I'll leave that to others to speculate on.

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The purpose of Monster Island on the Villain side is so that they can farm Essence of the Earth inspirations to use on Hamidon raids. The DE monsters drop them when defeated.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



I dunno where to stick this.. So I am sticking it here.

I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

I asked for more slots and tabbing the contacts.. it didnt require tons of graphics and stuff.



I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

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Ya, I don't hang out in Ouro too much, since I'm usually IN a flashback mission.



Are you still surprised that Villain players feel like they're being neglected? Now, I'll grant you - the quality level of the Villain zones should not be disregarded.

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Ironically, I'll bet serious money that the lower zone count in CoV was actually a *deliberate* decision to improve player concentrations in the zones, specifically the fix the "empty zone" problem that plagued and still plagues some zones on some servers at times.

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No doubt. However, there are currently TOO few zones on Redside.




Yeah, gonna need this in Cosco quantities again.

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Just wait until ""Enoby" Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way" gets her mitts on the mission builder!



I dunno where to stick this.. So I am sticking it here.

I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

I asked for more slots and tabbing the contacts.. it didnt require tons of graphics and stuff.

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Same with arenas. Empty, and wasted time and effort.

They need a new badge: "Reported Crappy Captain America Ripoff!"



More is never bad, but more + good is even better.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



More is never bad, but more + good is even better.

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*Hands over a tribble* Oh, they breed asexually. And fast. More is always better, though, right?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint




I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

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In where?

Always remember, we were Heroes.



*post deleted, as my point was already made by a couple of others*

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

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There are ALWAYS people in Oro when I go there. People don't generally hang out there, though. They're usually, yanno, doing their flashbacks. Which don't take place in Oro.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Again this is why so many people play heroes and not villains.

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*I* play heroes because I want to feel heroic. If I had real life super powers, I would use them to help people and make the world a better place. I would not use them to poison food so that little children go blind.

I also find the red zones ugly. If I want to see ugly, industrialized areas where nobody gives a crap about appearance, I can always go to work. I play games to escape from that crap.

You do realize that BECAUSE villains are all crowded into a single zone and heroes aren't that it makes more lag for the villain zones.

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Red-side zones are also place more demands on graphics cards than blue-side zones. If another player character is far enough away from your character, it doesn't cause your computer to render anything at all. I used to get lag spikes in Atlas Park right when all the noobs standing around under the statue of Atlas came into view. (This was before I upgraded my computer memory.)

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform