Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




The heroes have more zones, but they really don't have all that much more content. Volume, yes... mass, no.

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I... well, I don't know how to respond. I'd say I agree and disagree in parts, I suppose. Quite a few of those blue zones have as much (or nearly so) real content as any red zone. And while I agree, in some cases, the red zones (for example, I'd go with Sharkhead) are packed with a lot of contacts and arcs, it still gives the feel of there being more to do, discover, and experience blue-side. I'll leave the actual tallying to someone with the patience to log 50s to each side and sit in Ouro counting individual arcs. (And yes, I admit that a good number of lowbie blue contacts tend to overlap. Something to help that could help with diversifying blue's experience... I want more on both sides, just looking at where I see it being needed more.)

Hero zone missions still labor under a cookie-cutter motif: Fight mobs, click glowie, exit. The Faathim the Kind TF has about a dozen missions consisting of cave-clearances and simultaneous glowie clicking. Ho-freaking-hum!

Villain missions overall, building on two years' experience and the acquisition of talented scenario designers (tip-o-the-mask to Shane Hensley, to name but one), enjoy a far superior depth of detail, scope and feel than the vast majority of hero content.

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I honestly can't argue this, but that's because all missions seem to fall into one of four types, when you've done them over and over: kill all, kill (name) and guards, get the glowie, or escort (name) to safety. Sometimes mixing the goals together, but it's all a lump. Diversifying the types of missions isn't even something I touched on, and probably something out of my league, due to so many times through of the same missions that my mind no longer wants to come up with alternatives.

As for "unstoppable" PvP AT's, the problem is not that any one type is over- or under-powered (although several are, and undeniably so), but that there are a few types which can ONLY be countered by other specific types.

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My counterargument, at least from a non-PvPr's standpoint (which probably disqualifies it before I type it), is that given that those weaknesses exist, they theoretically are then stoppable. If a stalker's main strength is its stealth, have +perception (whether by inspirations, IOs/sets, AT powers, or temp powers such as can be bought in SC when the zone's in your favor). It's my opinion that whoever comes the most prepared stands the best chance for survival, or to quote an old phrase, he who has the most toys wins. (Sadly, most PvP on my server stops being 1v1 and quickly becomes 1v20. It's not fair, but people who PvP on my server seem to think it's the only way to play, hence another reason I'll stick to my PvE.)



<OT> "We solemnly swear we are up to no good"... not that it's entirely apropos of my posts here, but eh. It's a HP reference, not too surprising given the icon itself.

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I know the reference. Just couldn't read it because of the text being distorted by the shrinking of the image. The goth-ified HP gang is a bit mind-breaking, too.

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That's the main reason I have the icon. The text artifacting is an unfortunate side effect of taking one of my poor old LJ icons (gasp!) and shrinking it to acceptable size.



I'll leave the actual tallying to someone with the patience to log 50s to each side and sit in Ouro counting individual arcs.

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Without a doubt, villains have several more storyarcs than do heroes, and for the most part, CoV's arcs are higher quality than CoH's. Villain arcs tend to be much shorter, but that's due in part to the mission writers learning from the mistakes of the original CoH missions and eliminating a lot of the needless repetitive missions and street-sweeping.

CoH contacts probably technically have more missions, but a lot of those are one-off missions (not a lot different from Police Band/Newspaper missions) or meaningless hunt and patrol missions.



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

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And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

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Yes because they totally didn't add any Red side only content in Issue 12, nope none at all.

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O nobody is saying they didnt give us VEATs that we had to wait 2 years for. Then tell us they are the same minions we have been beating up for the last 2 years. But the reason why we got them is cause of how story driven they are well they fit to the story line. Yet the story conent sucks bad and has a total lack there of. hardly any arcs, missions, and no SF ot trial to go along with. Villians do lack horrably in the quanity of story content. Not to mention the qaulity of most of it aint that great to be honest. The game its self is awsome but lacking in mission type content

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Hmmm. I'm having a blast with my VEAT, and find there is a glut of content, and stuff I passed by. Thank goodness for Ouro so I can go back and do more arcs...

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I didnt say they weren't fun to play. I did say in general it was an awsome game. But were is this glut of conent? I cant seem to find all this story content you seam to think there is. Can you show me where the epic SF and/or trial is? can you show me where all there story arcs you seam to think there is? I can show where there are for the HEATs but not the VEATS. Simply cause they do not exsist. Thats not even comparing the actualy quality of the story lines between the two epics. hero epic story line is far suprior to villians.

As far as the ourobors. It actualy does very little for villian side. If you actualy run the arcs instead of getting Pl or running alot of paper missions on teams. You will find that you will need to run paper missions just to fill inthe gaps. Its why villians had then from day 1. So in short the flash back system is more for heros since it is very easy to out lvl alot of conent. I think you may be getting the sides mixed up a bit.



I've never had any gaps until the mid-late 30s myself. For the first couple years, CoH had the gaps sooner. And, up to about 25, I find I outlevel the zones before I get all of their contacts ( In some cases, before I even get half of them ). Just from one mayhem granted mission contact, Martial Brass, and Willy in Cap, I'm usually ready to move onto Sharkhead. I haven't done, say, Golden Roller in ages.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



O nobody is saying they didnt give us VEATs that we had to wait 2 years for. Then tell us they are the same minions we have been beating up for the last 2 years. But the reason why we got them is cause of how story driven they are well they fit to the story line.

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"Story driven" is and always has been the whole point of epic archetypes.

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lol plz learn to read the whole post. The fact that they are story driven is my point. where is the story? theres a complete lack of arcs/sf and/or trial for them. Not to metion the story line actualy lacks in quality in compared to HEATs. the actualy VEAT AT is awsome and very fun to play but the actualy amount of story content and qaulity is little to none in compared to the epic story that is HEATs. Ppl were compaining that they get rehashed minions already in game and that it was a cheap cop out that they didnt get something new and different to the game like the the space aliens found on hero side. The devs said disagread cause of how they fit and how story driven the epics are. yet the story line and amount of content that comes with them is very supstandard compaired to HEATs. Play value is grade A. no question. story and content that goes with them is wel......bleh



O nobody is saying they didnt give us VEATs that we had to wait 2 years for. Then tell us they are the same minions we have been beating up for the last 2 years. But the reason why we got them is cause of how story driven they are well they fit to the story line.

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"Story driven" is and always has been the whole point of epic archetypes.

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lol plz learn to read the whole post. The fact that they are story driven is my point. where is the story? theres a complete lack of arcs/sf and/or trial for them.

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Are you kidding? You get a short arc every 5 levels at least until 25 for them, probably farther. You HAVE actually gone to the contact you get referred to by the VEAT starting contact, right? Then the one he refers you to, then....etc.

Not to metion the story line actualy lacks in quality in compared to HEATs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you PLAY Khelds when they first came out? Wasn't much beyond the first 10 levels in the way of Kheld arcs.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



OK, let's be honest here, people. There's been a lot of immature response to this.

First, hero content vs villain content: Heroes have a lot more. It's a well-known and loudly-complained-about issue. Over twice the zones, with a *lot* more in the way of content. And there's NO. SUCH. THING. as an unstoppable PvP build. (Ask my roommate's "unstoppable" crab, which got mudholed by my "lolscrapper" 4 times out of 5. And I'm not a PvPr except by badge-lust and SG badge-need.) And sure, right now there's more active blue than red at any given moment... as was pointed out before, that's because people get tired of picking between arcs they've run too many times, shared content that smacks of heroism, or the same old paper missions. I've done stuff in every zone as my 50 heros... but it took a lot of extra time to really visit every single zone. My red 50? More paper grinding than I care to think about, once all the contacts dried up.

Mission creator: Likely it's going to be a bit overhyped out the gate, and will get better. Until we can actually see, touch, feel, and love it? We won't know just how overwhelming (or underwhelming) the final answer is. Trust to the devs to not let us down, expect the worst and hope for the best... whatever it takes to get you through to I13 launch. I do have one favor to ask the devs, given some of the people I've seen around the game... built-in spell checkers? Please? That or give me the power to highly censor a mission's text. Some people type like to type with their foreheads (or haven't reached third-level spelling proficiency, take your pick), and as much fun as their maps might be, reading 500 spelling errors in a single sentence will ruin it quickly. It's one thing to catch the occasional whoopsie from the mission devs... it's quite another to wade through an ocean of them on player-created content.

New powersets: Shields sound decent, if not overwhelming... I'm looking forward to trying it out as an alternative to my preferred /SR scrap build. As for pistols... I'd love it, I admit, but beating it into the ground isn't gonna make the devs love us more or pull it outta their tophats like a fluffy white bunny. It'll come when it'll come, and harassing them won't make it happen sooner. (If I was a dev, I'd push it back a couple issues for the harassment. Makes you wonder... ^.~) And yes, by the love of all that's holy, let's just start calling it /Pain (or whatever) now and leave the dom part to the villains that own it by AT. I see too many people going "omgz we needz moar pain quik luk 4 domz". (I've teamed with people that type like that. If you haven't, feel blessed.) And yes, to reiterate, it is for CORRS and MMS ONLY. NOT FOR DOMS. If you're confused by the name and/or my statement that pain domination is not for dominators, please go reread the OP, s'il vous plait.

Merits: If you're a casual player, enjoy the ability to invest your rare playtime in something real. If you're a hardcore, invest your constant playtime in fully godslotted in a week. [And if you're a hardcore player, be polite and realize not everyone has their umbilical cord surgically attached to their computer. Just because you do (and just because I do)...] And whatever happens, PLEASE let this stabilize (if not normalize) BM/WW. I don't know about all servers, but Champ's WW looks like a indecisive suicide half the time, going between rock-bottom and sky-high on all but the rarest IOs. (I'm sorry, when an ancient bone goes for 100 inf one minute, and 20k-30k three minutes later, then back to 1k about 5 minutes after that... there's an issue, and it's not with the system.)

Day jobs: Sure, the badge ([censored]? hunter?) in me is rubbing its grimy little hands together gleefully, but my alts are gonna get a severe workout trying to hunt these all down. (Or at least earn them all.) But hey, more badges, more accolades and temp powers, more fun to be had. Let's do it. (As long as the badges/accolades are permanent, even if the boosts they represent aren't.)

PPPSpecs: I haven't personally had an issue here, so I'll move on. Kudos on what apparently, from the non-buzz, amounts to a bug fix? I love Ghost Widow, and all my villains shall follow suit, so no complaints here regardless.

Kheldians: I agree, they've been given the short end of the stick (especially given the versitility of VEATs with little that I've seen, PvEwise, of detraction aside from weaker soloability pre-forcespec). Perhaps a bit of buffing, or added soloability, might be in order for the HEATs? I love my Kheldians dearly, but it's a bit tricky to be soloing a mission and get virtually one-shotted due to a surprise Void around the corner. Price of levelling a Kheldian, but they're about par against regular mobs, so it feels a bit lopsided, having levelled both a good bit.

Bases: People are talking about this. Sure, I run two groups (one red and one blue), and I'd love to see lots and lots of pretty upgrades. (Someone suggested multilevel bases, I think I saw. I'd like to second that, and with a fervor.) If it happens, I'll be in even more map-making glee and less reachable for team invites... if it doesn't, I'll dry my eyes with an even more impressive story arc.

Finally, to end my rants: A lot of people are demanding a lot of things that they feel have been "overlooked" or "forgotten". (And jokes aside, some people seem to be in the "omg i kan quite and than u be sry u didnt do whut i wnt" mindset.) Reminder: the fabled words "And more..." were used at the end. This is not a complete list, or at least not necessarily so. Promising you'll quit won't make the devs magically pull your desired project (to abuse my earlier metaphor) from their battered old tophats. If it's in the works, it'll be announced. If they're holding it back (as was said by a red-name) in the hopes they might... MIGHT... be able to push it through, and they do, awesome. If they can't, maybe it'll hit I14. If not, I15 perhaps... or 16 won't be all that far down the road for some of you Betas.

Either way, I'll be occupied and entertained, and that's what I'm paying $10ish a month for, right? Right. (Yes, I believe in lump-sum fees. Why not? I'll still be playing when the next batch of time runs out... and the next... and the next...)

[Please note: The above is not intended as a flame, argument, or anything other than well-placed constructive criticism. And anyone who hates the devs for this update is constructively advised to be quiet and enjoy the *free* update, and wait a few months for the next *free* update when their ideas might (gasp!) be implemented.]

[Please also note: Yes, I'm extremely long-winded. But I get the point across, ne? XD]

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Well said!

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Did you PLAY Khelds when they first came out? Wasn't much beyond the first 10 levels in the way of Kheld arcs.

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Wasn't ANYTHING beyond the first 10 levels for Khelds when they first came out. Also, as much as people still complain about Khelds now, they were much weaker when they first came out than they are now.

VEATs had a much better launch than Khelds by far.



Oh I got the point. I got it a long time ago. This is a great way for the devs to have the players create content for them so that they don't have to. We already provide free Q&A services when we Beta test the issues. Now they want us to be quasi-content creators. Then if were lucky enough to be sprinkled with the blessings of 'Devs Choice' then our mission will give rewards. Great.

[/ QUOTE ]

Frankly, I don't think the actual mission designers are necessarily thrilled about the player mission editor. First of all, its a player-requested feature, so its not a grand conspiracy to lower their workload.

Second, its extremely unlikely that the devs will reduce the amount of story-driven content in the game just because the players are making player-generated missions, and player-generated missions, being outside of canon, cannot progress the story of the game in any case; they will still have to crank out just as much mission content as before.

Third, if the player mission editor system is successful, its very likely to cause harsher criticism to be directed to the dev-generated mission content, since there will now be content to compare it to. There could be one thousand crap missions for every one good one, but the good one will be held up as an example for the devs to *beat* since it was, after all, a volunteer effort, while the devs get paid to do it.

There's thousands of players, and only a couple mission designers, but they will probably be getting "so why didn't you guys think to do this" complaints until the end of time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said, Arc... well said.

Do I expect this to open the floodgates on some truly horrendous missions? Sure. Not everyone knows how to actually design one, or tell a story, or of course, there are the odds that someone's going to create a farm mission (which will hopefully get the farmers out of the main broadcast and keep them in the mission and away from the rest of us).

Will there be awesome content, too? I certainly hope so - because I've seen characters in this game with some truly intriguing bios or stories or RP experiences (even in-game) that would make for a fantastic experience. Are the devs supposed to magically know every single backstory of every single character and mine those for ideas?

They've got more than enough stuff left that they can create. And I say (and YOMV), if us focusing on creating some content gives them the breathing space to overhaul tech-related stuff that the game needs (fixing things, etc), fine by me.

And as for everyone who yowls that us beta-testing is just us doing the devs' jobs, think again. We just find the mistakes. Whose job is it to actually FIX them? I can send them a list of bugs as long as the Mississippi, but other than that, there's not a damn thing I can do about it. I can only tell the devs and have THEM fix it. (And please, let's not start the argument about what they do and don't fix. Yes, I know the Cathedral trial has been down since time began.)

So uh...what happens when I log out from the secret lounge in Faultline? Is my day job an NCSoft programmer?

[/ QUOTE ]

More like part of the QA department where you are under appreciated, unloved, you work too many hours, you don't earn merits, you only get pizza once a week, but you DO have the ability to survive the new Controller primary "Producer" power called "Crunch" (it's a long term AoE power that slowly makes you Disoriented until it finally induces Sleep...)

[/ QUOTE ]

*laughing* How true, how true. If you want the Programmer job, you have to find that underground spot in Grandville, I think it is, where they have the NCSoft cubicle farm, and log out there.


Oh, yeah, one more thing (and again, YOMV) - since I've seen the accusation levelled at a few other folks on different threads that those who stick up for the devs are just [censored]-kissing... I say NCSoft creates a division for these people who think they can do a better job than the devs. Give them limited resources, personal lives, a half-dozen competitors' MMORPGs, a restricted budget, a public relations appearance schedule, and 100,000+ players holding their every word as sanctified gospel and breathing down their necks.

The devs are not perfect, guys. They're a bunch of folks doing the best they can with what they've got.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Oh, yeah, one more thing (and again, YOMV) - since I've seen the accusation levelled at a few other folks on different threads that those who stick up for the devs are just [censored]-kissing... I say NCSoft creates a division for these people who think they can do a better job than the devs. Give them limited resources, personal lives, a half-dozen competitors' MMORPGs, a restricted budget, a public relations appearance schedule, and 100,000+ players holding their every word as sanctified gospel and breathing down their necks.

The devs are not perfect, guys. They're a bunch of folks doing the best they can with what they've got.

[/ QUOTE ]


And honestly, the devs *do* have plenty of deadline stress as is, without people trying to add 20 extra "Gimme or I quit" tasks onto the list. Personally, I hope they do something like my previous idea

...they can have a dev (or have a special QA taskforce, either employee or -- gasp! -- player volunteers) look at it....

[/ QUOTE ]

so that the actual QA team and devs can keep working on the "real" content (as I think I'll refer to it from now on... or perhaps "canon" is better), and we can sort-of police ourselves. (I'll volunteer, if this goes forward. Badge optional but certainly accepted. XD)



Oh I got the point. I got it a long time ago. This is a great way for the devs to have the players create content for them so that they don't have to. We already provide free Q&A services when we Beta test the issues. Now they want us to be quasi-content creators. Then if were lucky enough to be sprinkled with the blessings of 'Devs Choice' then our mission will give rewards. Great.

[/ QUOTE ]

Frankly, I don't think the actual mission designers are necessarily thrilled about the player mission editor. First of all, its a player-requested feature, so its not a grand conspiracy to lower their workload.

Second, its extremely unlikely that the devs will reduce the amount of story-driven content in the game just because the players are making player-generated missions, and player-generated missions, being outside of canon, cannot progress the story of the game in any case; they will still have to crank out just as much mission content as before.

Third, if the player mission editor system is successful, its very likely to cause harsher criticism to be directed to the dev-generated mission content, since there will now be content to compare it to. There could be one thousand crap missions for every one good one, but the good one will be held up as an example for the devs to *beat* since it was, after all, a volunteer effort, while the devs get paid to do it.

There's thousands of players, and only a couple mission designers, but they will probably be getting "so why didn't you guys think to do this" complaints until the end of time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said, Arc... well said.

Do I expect this to open the floodgates on some truly horrendous missions? Sure. Not everyone knows how to actually design one, or tell a story, or of course, there are the odds that someone's going to create a farm mission (which will hopefully get the farmers out of the main broadcast and keep them in the mission and away from the rest of us).

Will there be awesome content, too? I certainly hope so - because I've seen characters in this game with some truly intriguing bios or stories or RP experiences (even in-game) that would make for a fantastic experience. Are the devs supposed to magically know every single backstory of every single character and mine those for ideas?

They've got more than enough stuff left that they can create. And I say (and YOMV), if us focusing on creating some content gives them the breathing space to overhaul tech-related stuff that the game needs (fixing things, etc), fine by me.

And as for everyone who yowls that us beta-testing is just us doing the devs' jobs, think again. We just find the mistakes. Whose job is it to actually FIX them? I can send them a list of bugs as long as the Mississippi, but other than that, there's not a damn thing I can do about it. I can only tell the devs and have THEM fix it. (And please, let's not start the argument about what they do and don't fix. Yes, I know the Cathedral trial has been down since time began.)

So uh...what happens when I log out from the secret lounge in Faultline? Is my day job an NCSoft programmer?

[/ QUOTE ]

More like part of the QA department where you are under appreciated, unloved, you work too many hours, you don't earn merits, you only get pizza once a week, but you DO have the ability to survive the new Controller primary "Producer" power called "Crunch" (it's a long term AoE power that slowly makes you Disoriented until it finally induces Sleep...)

[/ QUOTE ]

*laughing* How true, how true. If you want the Programmer job, you have to find that underground spot in Grandville, I think it is, where they have the NCSoft cubicle farm, and log out there.


Oh, yeah, one more thing (and again, YOMV) - since I've seen the accusation levelled at a few other folks on different threads that those who stick up for the devs are just [censored]-kissing... I say NCSoft creates a division for these people who think they can do a better job than the devs. Give them limited resources, personal lives, a half-dozen competitors' MMORPGs, a restricted budget, a public relations appearance schedule, and 100,000+ players holding their every word as sanctified gospel and breathing down their necks.

The devs are not perfect, guys. They're a bunch of folks doing the best they can with what they've got.


[/ QUOTE ]

I believe TheFrog put it best when he said, in another thread...
Don't go bringing your silly logic into this! The internet has no place for it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, and /signed.



I believe TheFrog put it best when he said, in another thread...
Don't go bringing your silly logic into this! The internet has no place for it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, and /signed.

[/ QUOTE ]

/signed as well, though I can be a hopeless dreamer and wait for the day............



I have a couple of questions:

1) Will the mission editor allow you to create "Defeat X enemies" or "Defeat X enemies in zone A" missions? (Please say YES!)

2) If a player-created mission or arc is good enough, could it possibly become incorporated into the main game? For example, if I were to create a decent mission or arc involving the Infected in Mercy Island, might that mission possibly become a mission you could take from the mad scientist in Mercy who's studying the Infected? (I keep forgetting his name.)



I think the likelihood will be that the mission creator will only allow you to create instanced missions. Not sure how practical it would be to have Zone missions.

But I do have a question in the last issue they introduced new mission functionality to have conversation decisions - where when you talked to an NPC you could choose from two statements and depending upon the choice would determine the mission details - I wonder if this will be implemented in the Architect?



O nobody is saying they didnt give us VEATs that we had to wait 2 years for. Then tell us they are the same minions we have been beating up for the last 2 years. But the reason why we got them is cause of how story driven they are well they fit to the story line.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Story driven" is and always has been the whole point of epic archetypes.

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lol plz learn to read the whole post. The fact that they are story driven is my point. where is the story? theres a complete lack of arcs/sf and/or trial for them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you kidding? You get a short arc every 5 levels at least until 25 for them, probably farther. You HAVE actually gone to the contact you get referred to by the VEAT starting contact, right? Then the one he refers you to, then....etc.

Not to metion the story line actualy lacks in quality in compared to HEATs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you PLAY Khelds when they first came out? Wasn't much beyond the first 10 levels in the way of Kheld arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

While the VEATs certainly can be very fun to play, I find the story that so far has been released for them to be... a tad lacking.

Not only is there currently much more content available for Khelds, that content is also, in my opinion, far more interesting than the content released for the VEATs.

I like the VEATs, but the content released for them disappointed me.

(in general I feel that much of the best content is found villain-side though)



O nobody is saying they didnt give us VEATs that we had to wait 2 years for. Then tell us they are the same minions we have been beating up for the last 2 years. But the reason why we got them is cause of how story driven they are well they fit to the story line.

[/ QUOTE ]

"Story driven" is and always has been the whole point of epic archetypes.

[/ QUOTE ]
lol plz learn to read the whole post. The fact that they are story driven is my point. where is the story? theres a complete lack of arcs/sf and/or trial for them.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you kidding? You get a short arc every 5 levels at least until 25 for them, probably farther. You HAVE actually gone to the contact you get referred to by the VEAT starting contact, right? Then the one he refers you to, then....etc.

Not to metion the story line actualy lacks in quality in compared to HEATs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you PLAY Khelds when they first came out? Wasn't much beyond the first 10 levels in the way of Kheld arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

the issue after HEATs they got all there contacts and there sf. there arcs are longer and go past lvl 25. Heros have far more missions plus a far better story line. VEATs story is bleh at best So i dont really see how you can not understand where im coming from.



the issue after HEATs they got all there contacts and there sf. there arcs are longer and go past lvl 25. Heros have far more missions plus a far better story line. VEATs story is bleh at best So i dont really see how you can not understand where im coming from.

[/ QUOTE ]

The VEAT story arcs extend to level 50 too, but they tend to be shorter.



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

[/ QUOTE ]

Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

[/ QUOTE ]

And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

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Hero side has been around longer which is why they have more content, more players, and just plain more everything.

Villain side is still playing catch up. They can't really add new content to both sides equill because they first have to make both sides equill.

They could get more players on the villain side if they add more zones, contacts, and other things for villains to do that Heroes allready have.

Another good example is the number of TFs. Heroes have Positron, Synapse, Sister Psyche, Citadel, Maticore, and Numina while villains only have Ice Mistral. Hell heroes get to do their first TF at level 10, Ice Mistral isn't even till 35.

Statesman and Lord Recluse are equill to eachother so that's a good thing.

Then there's the TFs not run by signature characters and again the amount of TFs hero side greatly outnumbers the villains.

Heroes all around have WAY more to do than Villains do. Hell heroes don't even have to do radio missions if they don't want to but villains are required to do newspapers between contacts because there's nothing else avalible for them.

This all contributes to why there's less population villain side so by adding more content to villains they'd be increasing the population.

Now keep in mind I'm not saying they shouldn't add more Hero content, I'm just saying villain content should be a hier priority till both sides are actully equill to eachother.




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O.O Have you actually PLAYED them past 24? A half-arsed played SoA at higher levels makes a well played Kheld look like a newbie. And that's saying a lot, well played Khelds rock.

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Have I, who plays this game for HOURS on end without sleep.. Played an SoA past 24?

Yep, and I still think their sucky. I would rather have a good corr on my team anyday.. Or even all stalkers and me...

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... a team of as few as four SoA's working together can have stupdendous defense levels ... not only for themselves, but for everyone ELSE, too.

Soldiers get [u]Tactical Training: Maneuvers[u], a base 10% area (60' radius) +defense toggle. Maximally triple-slotted, that comes to 15.8% +defense.

Widows get the same power, albeit, half as effective (which is still GRRR to me, I always thought they should be the same, even during Beta). Their maximally-slotted power comes to 7.8%.

Two of each - a theoretical "average" quartet, if you will - is thus providing everyone who stays within 60' of them +47.2% defense. Sweetheart, that's soft-capped +defense. (Eahc of them should have ~15% defense themselves, too).

Or, for the "oh my GAWD" version? Eight Soldiers - the all-boys'-team version - provides the team with a ludicrous 126.4% defense!!

In either case, just by being on the team!

Our Quartet, meanwhile, is also providing +60% damage and (maximally slotted) +63.2% ToHit.

The Boys' Team doubles those, to +120% damage and +126.4% ToHit.

Again, in either case, just by being on the team!





... and you say that SoA's suck ...?!? **BOGGLE**




Our Quartet, meanwhile, is also providing +60% damage and (maximally slotted) +63.2% ToHit.

The Boys' Team doubles those, to +120% damage and +126.4% ToHit.

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If each of the "Boys" go double-assault on a 8-soldier team, that's a whooping total of 240% damage. Almost two build-ups and a half. That's what amazes me the most about SoA teaming possibilities.

But yeah, SoAs... yuck. People even said WS/PBs were better than them!



The goth-ified HP gang is a bit mind-breaking, too.

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Your mind is not broken yet.

... It was the first thing I thought of. Perhaps I spend too much time on the Intertubez.

I don't do Rickrolls, by the way.

You may wish I had.



Im just wary of what may happen when you DC due to lag in a location thats not a great day job..like a factory over in KR. you log back on to find you have the sweat shop owner badge...then suddenly you arent so heroic

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Probably better than being DC at the Donut shop in Faultline.

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Im just wary of what may happen when you DC due to lag in a location thats not a great day job..like a factory over in KR. you log back on to find you have the sweat shop owner badge...then suddenly you arent so heroic

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Probably better than being DC at the Donut shop in Faultline.

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No, you get the "Fatty, Fatty, 2x4!" badge.



Man where should i start??? What are the devs doing? Stalkers get yet another powerset in i13??? OMG and villians get Pain Domiantion??? Aren't they already dominating with widows in pvp??? When are the Heroes gonna get something thats really good? First thing that I think needs to happen in i13 is improving the PB and Ws,you know to make things fair and balanced remember that??? How about pistols for blasters? How about another good damage set for scrappers,Fire melee is great,and 1 more nice set wouldn't hurt.Tanks could use a new good set as well,since brutes have fury,and more powersets than tanks.Man you guys keep giving the villians stuff every issue and keep the heroes behind on the goods.I hope you guys got some more nice stuff to announce,cause right now it looks like a disappointing issue.

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... Yer kidding, Right? All these years people have been moaning about Vside getting hosed, and now you're complaining when it actually gets the goods?

[Stares. In amazement and disbelief.]

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I have to admit that Shields for stalkers does seem a bit misplaced. What do you need with a shield if your main defense is stealth?

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Shield bash after your initial AS for stun? Since we don't know what the sets are like yet, its a bit premature to start criticizing.

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!