Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




Someone's gotta be on the negative side of things...

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Within reason.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



But, it has the same name. I looked and it does the same thing, you make a crone of enegry and knocked the foes back. I only see the color that is diffent .

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But it doesn't have the same name. The blaster version is [energy blast.torrent]. Sister Psyches version is [sister psyche.torrent]. It's a different power that does the same thing but has a different color. Mobs simply don't use player power sets.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



But, it has the same name. I looked and it does the same thing, you make a crone of enegry and knocked the foes back. I only see the color that is diffent .

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But it doesn't have the same name. The blaster version is [energy blast.torrent]. Sister Psyches version is [sister psyche.torrent]. It's a different power that does the same thing but has a different color. Mobs simply don't use player power sets.

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Uploading the screenshot I took of her powers... will have it up in just a sec.

Sister Psyche Powers

have to zoom in, her unique powers are just above the massive set bonuses list

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Uh, they've never said Power Customization is undoable due to the engine. They've said that the amount of work it would take to make every single power in the game customizable is so massive that we'll never see it. I don't think building a new engine would fix that problem, as it would, again, require a butt-load of work, no?

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BABs recently posted a new engine wont solve the power customization problem.

The problem is the way the game itself was coded not in the way that it runs on the engine. We've already had an Engine update when we got CoV.

To give us the power customization they, to my understanding, would need to nearly completely rebuild the entire powers system and how it interacts with the AI.

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Close. What makes it so much work to do is that the animation artwork for all the power visuals has the color(s) of the powers drawn directly into the artwork. In order to make the color of, say, Energy Blast's snipe attack customizable, they would have to go through each piece of artwork for the power effect, redraw it with uncolored visuals, then create a mask for the application of the chosen colors of the power, then change the database structure for the power in a player's character data to store two color values for the primary and secondary colors of the power. And this would have to be done for every piece of artwork for every power in order to allow just the colors to be customized. Allowing you to customize the power animation would be rougher, because it would involve creating a new set of model animations for each body type for each customization, making sure that they integrate with the existing movement animations (which is the reason why the Katana animations that have the blade swung with one hand use the left hand, rather than the right, which all kendo and kenjutsu schools teach; it was an artifact of making the animations work with the existing movement animations).

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



But, it has the same name. I looked and it does the same thing, you make a crone of enegry and knocked the foes back. I only see the color that is diffent .

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But it doesn't have the same name. The blaster version is [energy blast.torrent]. Sister Psyches version is [sister psyche.torrent]. It's a different power that does the same thing but has a different color. Mobs simply don't use player power sets.

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Uploading the screenshot I took of her powers... will have it up in just a sec.

Sister Psyche Powers

have to zoom in, her unique powers are just above the massive set bonuses list

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:O you got to look at her powers? that's cool I missed the wedding lol.



But, it has the same name. I looked and it does the same thing, you make a crone of enegry and knocked the foes back. I only see the color that is diffent .

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But it doesn't have the same name. The blaster version is [energy blast.torrent]. Sister Psyches version is [sister psyche.torrent]. It's a different power that does the same thing but has a different color. Mobs simply don't use player power sets.

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Uploading the screenshot I took of her powers... will have it up in just a sec.

Sister Psyche Powers

have to zoom in, her unique powers are just above the massive set bonuses list

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:O you got to look at her powers? that's cool I missed the wedding lol.

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yup, I was on dial-up way back then... and a crappy compy, so when the fun pvp started, I practically crashed :P. While the wedding was going on, though, I made sure to take a LOT of pictures of everyones' badges and powers (didn't get Posi's powers, don't think he had any unique ones, and I didn't know states was hiding in the back ) uploading the rest of those pics now... taking forever -_-

quite a few badges they have that aren't currently live... That's really off topic, though.. and I'm STILL doing physics homework >.<

~~ now that I look at these pics again... I wonder if I should let other people see them <.< >.> .... someone gonna make me strangely disappear? I is scurred now

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



I missed the wedding lol.

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Same here. I was stuck at work the day it happened which is the case when most of these event happen. I made it to 1 Halloween Party and that was it.

That allso happen to be the infamous Halloween Party where Back Ally Brawler was online as Manticore and Sean Fish wasn't even working for them at the time.



I bet the power included with the Cyborg bonus pack is the transform to Freak Boss permanent temp power. Not complaining, just it would make perfect sense.

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I'll take that bet. How much ya giving me...er, I mean, wagering?

It's a brand new power.

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<== just bought the pack, even though he has NO cyborg type characters ;P

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... how? where??



1. It's less of a hassle to replace them every 5 levels and I don't waist any money sence I sell everything I get on the Black Market for tons of Inf. In the lower levels I get a little low on money and it's harder to sell my stuff but it works itself out in the long run.

I allso earn extra money by selling TOs sence I never use them. It doesn't take long to level up to the point where I can use DOs so I can deal with no enhancments till then.

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1a. No one is going to force you to use IOs. If you don't like the system, that's cool - it's completely optional. You can still level just fine using SOs. The fact that you don't like the system does not, however, make it flawed. It just makes it something you don't like.
1b. People actually slot TOs? I thought all anybody did was sell them to vendors.

2. I'd rather have more freedom with where I put my enhancmets than to have a bunch of copies of the same set bonus.

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You have near-complete freedom how to slot your characters. I mix-and-match sets, common IOs, and sometimes SOs pretty regularly. Just because you can build full sets doesn't mean anyone is required to.

Which is actully yet another problem I forgot to adress. The whole set thing is just a pain in my @$$.

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That's not a problem, it's an opinion.

You have several damage enhancement but oh guess what they can only be used in Melee powers and all I have is range.

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2a. That happens to almost everyone with the first thing they craft. It happened to me.
2b. It's very easy to prevent having it happen a second time by reading the recipe.

3. The overly complicated exsplinations for how IOs work really aren't helping the cause. The original idea seemed verry simple and easy to use and I liked that idea but it's how they were actully implimented that I absolutly hate.

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I guess I don't know what you mean by this. It's a system that has a lot of interconnected parts, so as a system, it's somewhat complex, but all of the individual parts are pretty straight-forward.

Step 1: Look at power, see what sets it takes.
Step 2: Look at sets, see what you want to build.
Step 3: Purchase or otherwise obtain relevant recipes.
Step 4: Obtain necessary salvage.
Step 5: Craft.

It's really not that bad of a process. I'm not trying to convince you to use it, but at the same time, I think that you might be making it sound a lot harder than it is, and there's no reason to scare off people who might enjoy this addition to the game.

What originally seemed like a fairly simple addition to the game turned into one of the most complicated Enhancment types in the game. HOs were actully the exact oppiste. When I originally heard about them they sounded complicated but after useing them it became overly simplified.

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HOs are SOs that do more than one thing. Agreed that it's simple.

Yet ANOTHER reason for me to hate IOs, no one seems to bother with HOs anymore.

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No idea where this conclusion comes from. I can state that it's not correct, though. I use a smattering of HOs on most of my 50s, and know many others who do as well.

I've even attempted Buying HOs just to see if anyone had posted any or if any raids were going on I wasn't aware of and had a few bids up for about a month and nothing was ever gained. (My bids BTW were double the amount of the hiest price for the last HO sold so there's no reason I shouldn't of gotten an HO other than no HOs were being posted.)

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Without knowing which ones you were bidding on, I don't know what to tell you. I know that Virtue holds Hami raids a couple of times a week, so it's not like there aren't any going to the market.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.




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O.O Have you actually PLAYED them past 24? A half-arsed played SoA at higher levels makes a well played Kheld look like a newbie. And that's saying a lot, well played Khelds rock.

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Have I, who plays this game for HOURS on end without sleep.. Played an SoA past 24?

Yep, and I still think their sucky. I would rather have a good corr on my team anyday.. Or even all stalkers and me...




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O.O Have you actually PLAYED them past 24? A half-arsed played SoA at higher levels makes a well played Kheld look like a newbie. And that's saying a lot, well played Khelds rock.

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Have I, who plays this game for HOURS on end without sleep.. Played an SoA past 24?

Yep, and I still think their sucky. I would rather have a good corr on my team anyday.. Or even all stalkers and me...

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Well, back to the behemoths, then. Hehe

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint




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O.O Have you actually PLAYED them past 24? A half-arsed played SoA at higher levels makes a well played Kheld look like a newbie. And that's saying a lot, well played Khelds rock.

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Have I, who plays this game for HOURS on end without sleep.. Played an SoA past 24?

Yep, and I still think their sucky. I would rather have a good corr on my team anyday.. Or even all stalkers and me...

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Well, back to the behemoths, then. Hehe

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I gave the Behemoths to Clouded.. I am back in croatoa on my new tanker <3



BABs recently posted a new engine wont solve the power customization problem.

The problem is the way the game itself was coded not in the way that it runs on the engine. We've already had an Engine update when we got CoV.

To give us the power customization they, to my understanding, would need to nearly completely rebuild the entire powers system and how it interacts with the AI.

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Well, this is really just semantics. To the majority of the playerbase (myself included) the "engine" is all that stuff that makes the game work. My character resides in a database that describes all the details about him. I understand what a database is. The world is another database (I assume) that describes where all the stuff is that my character can interract with. I get that too. Everything else is the "engine." Now technically speaking there is more going on than that... but I don't understand the details and neither do most of us players. You can say, "It's not the engine, it's the Squooge. You see, the Squooge takes the data and interracts with the engine to defragubibulate the whupperman. So really Power Customization would mean rewriting the Squooge and possibly the whupperman too," but my eyes will glaze over and really not care one bit what the specific thing is called.

As much as I want plasma stream to be able to fire pink and blue energy blasts, in my opinion FWIW the Developers have better things to do to push the game forward.

Maybe, maybe if there is a paid box expansion in a year or so, they will be given a go ahead to do power customization as part of that in the hopes of the additional stream of revenue that will come in from said paid box.

Until then, engine wont do it and they are busy with other things.

At least thats how I understand it.


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Perhaps this will be OK as long as no other superhero MMOGS come along. But if another one does appear, and it has some form of customization... then CoX will need to step up to the plate, run with the Big Dogs, get off the fence, and many other metaphors that basically all mean "your game will die unless you can match this."

I firmly believe this. It isn't intended to be a DOOOOOM post, or a "gimmie what I want or I'm leaving" post. It's just a prediction of the future. One which I sincerely HOPE will never be tested.

Well... except for the Moon Zone. If the devs don't gimmie a bloody MOON ZONE then I'm leaving!!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMMMMMM!!!

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform




No, you've missed the point entirely.

It's often said that MMO's have pen-n-paper games as their ancestor. There's one playstyle of those old p-n-p games that has never really been supported well in MMO's- the GM. In any pnp game group, there's at least one. Depending on your group size, that might be 1 in 4 or 1 in 10, but that's still a large market to tap into.

1) A market that LIKES telling stories, creating things, and sharing them. Something they can only find in limited ways in other places, meaning CoH can carve out an appealing little niche for them.

2) Almost every pnp GM I knew was also leader/organizer of the community. You often played what he wanted around his schedule. He's also the type to gravitate into organizer/leader positions in online games. If HE wants to check out this game to experiment on this, he's more likely to influence others to do so also.

And... despite there being plenty of pnp GM's out there making their own content, those game developers kept cranking out modules for people that wanted something professionally done....

If this is done right, this won't mean the develo

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Someone call 911, something happened to Chase in mid-sentence!

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Maybe he said Candleja

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Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

In regards to EarthWyrm, I play on the Freedom Server. I belive one of the first servers to get Hami raids down pact and use to do them every day around the same time if I wasn't working that night. This was only on Hero side though.

Hami Raids are the one thing villain side I've never done. I've been in the zone, I've looked for people at different times but that zone allways seems to be vancant. There's an occasion 2nd villain running around doing the same thing I am, wondering when a raid is going to happen, but that's it.

Preddy much everyone has been ignoreing IOs possibly because of the fact they can allso be slotted for Multiple uses (dmg/acc for example) and are easier to get.

At any rate I'd gladly take an HO over an IO any day... if a day ever comes when a raid will actully happen.

Whatever happen to MySpace Brian? He'd make raids come back. (He was the one who allways lead the raids Hero side on Freedom.)

I'm sure there are still Hami raids going on but they're either less frequent or aren't planed for a spicific time anymore. (That's what really made it easy. Log on between 8-9 pm and end up at a raid.)

Anyway back on topic...

I wander, if we can use the mission creator for Trails or Task Forces? They said you can choose the mission objective so what if I want to make it into a TF with a minimum team requirement of 5 and level requirement of 45-50. Another special requirement for the person accessing the TF (otherwise known as the team leader) is the 3 month Vet Badge. (This is something simular to the badge requirements for accessing Katie and Lord Recluse.)



This issue looks fantastic, thanks for the announcement.

Very happy to see Shields in the game. I also love the idea of "day jobs" - adds an interesting dimension to the MUD/MMO cliche of logging out in an inn. I'm also eager to see what player-created missions are all about.

I wanted to play a shield stalker! (It makes at least as much sense as a dual-blades tanker.) Maybe a stalker with a killer frisbee or something. Ah well.



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

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And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

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And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

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Hopefully they'll add more contacts and story arcs to villians side. Having to do heroic missions on my villian in the co-op zones blows chunks.

So far most of the storys I have in my head are for villians, so hopefully the mission creator will help some what.

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

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And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

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Here is why.. Everyone who loves villains has done the content 5 ten 20 40 times all the way through already...

So they go back to Heroes.. Because atleast with Heroes there is CHOICE in how to level up. VILLAINS HAS NO CHOICE.



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

[/ QUOTE ]

And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

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Yes because they totally didn't add any Red side only content in Issue 12, nope none at all.



So far my only issue is with the name of the new powerset: "Pain Domination". You hear that name and immediately think it's for Dominators, but it's only for Corruptors and Masterminds. This set needs a better name. Won't know what's appropriate until the powers themselves are listed, but some initial suggestions: Antipathy, Sadism, Torture, Cruelty, Agony.



Where are the NEW ZONES for VILLAINS?
Gosh where is the New Content for Villains?

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Where are the NEW ZONES for HEROES?
Gosh where is the New Content for Heroes?

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Heroes don't really need any new zones. Like I said before on hero side, there are still zones and contacts I have never seen or spoken to in 4 years of playing this game.

Villains side, I've exsperienced everything... 5 times. Villains are the ones lacking in the content department.

[/ QUOTE ]

And oddly enough... the number of villan players is much smaller than hero players.

So the devs could spend their time creating more content for the smaller segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for the larger segment of the player base... or they could spend their time creating content for both segments simultaneously...

gosh... I wonder what they'll do...??

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Yeah well maybe... just maybe... more heroes would play villains if there was something new for them???
I mean, really, there is no segregation of segments... I would think that Heroes would play Villains and Villains would play Heroes if there were some incentive.




We're way overdue!!!!!!!

-Storm Revenant-

Fires Within: Lvl 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller (Champion)
Steamed: Lvl 50 Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind (Freedom)




We're way overdue!!!!!!!

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They already said that wont work, the current engine would asplode.