Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




Stuff I'm kinda "meh" on:
Shields: I would have preferred psi weaponry or size control but ok, shields are easier to do, I get that.

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I kinda did a double take on this one... you do know this won the poll several issues back, and willpower got added first only because Shields were so hard to add, right?


The bad:
Still no love for bases that I noticed!

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Actually, they said there were several changes/improvements for bases, they just haven't said WHAT those changes are yet!

Personally, I love everything that we've been told thusfar, though I am quite eager to hear more about the mission creator (and how creative we can be with it) and base improvements.

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the base improvements will bring a prestige grant with it... those are all sorts of fun [edit] My assumption on this is that if there is one, it won't be announced until the last second, so people don't pad their roster too much. This is actually the delusion I'm going to hold onto all the way to i13 going live, unless a dev steps in and... lets me down easy [/edit]



I kinda did a double take on this one... you do know this won the poll several issues back, and willpower got added first only because Shields were so hard to add, right?

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Oops I did know that, at some point although it kind of got lost in my mental file somewhere...

Actually, they said there were several changes/improvements for bases, they just haven't said WHAT those changes are yet!

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An overhaul for that diabolical base designer would be good. Also, some non-Tech/Arcane themed stuff.

Personally, I love everything that we've been told thusfar, though I am quite eager to hear more about the mission creator (and how creative we can be with it) and base improvements.

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Since I missed the base improvements, *whistles*. The mission creator is intriguing because for the life of me, I can't see how they're going to pull it off.

I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the base improvements will bring a prestige grant with it... those are all sorts of fun [edit] My assumption on this is that if there is one, it won't be announced until the last second, so people don't pad their roster too much. This is actually the delusion I'm going to hold onto all the way to i13 going live, unless a dev steps in and... lets me down easy [/edit]

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Just started my first group (RP group for elderly/semi-retired heroes, inspired by Kingdom Come and the JSA) and right now, the base consists on one room so that would be cool.



I think this issue is gonna RULE!

Base Improvements: O yeah! Come-on Secretninjabaseofdooom!

Mission Designer: OMG OMG OMG! The Dark Ranger versus Shadow Alpha in a mish... that is, if you can create enemies/allies... >.> <.< >.> O.O

Shields: Yay for giant demon warrior with sword AND shield!

Day Job: Me = Scholar? No. Me = Midnighter Squad Janitor? Hell Yea!

Now for important stuff:

May I suggest that you let us put special contacts in our bases to give our sg members missions that we (Or they) have created?

Also, with the mission builder itself, can we use ninjas/thugs/robotics/necromancy/merc etc?



better get the coca-cola, i'll be pulling some all nighters when this comes out



It's almost funny... the whole Mission Designer thing suddenly has me remembering when D&D's Unlimited Adventures came out and people were designing maps and missions and whatnot and uploading those. Talk about a blast from the past...

And personally, when they update the base designer, we need to be able to put realistic stuff in the bases - piles of laundry, overflowing trash cans, stacks of pizza boxes, refrigerators, kegs... you know, the IMPORTANT things!


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Shields for stalkers just don't seem to fit the archetype at all.

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That's why that was a mistake, a mental whoopsie, and was clarified as such. Stalkers aren't getting shields... that's already been reclarified several times (including at least twice, as my memory serves, by rednames).



I hope that they allow us to costume make bosses/AVs for the mission endings. I have a story arc I planned since the announcement of the creator which involves a Traitor Longbow Ballista that goes Arachnos. XD

With Love,
Me! <3

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the base improvements will bring a prestige grant with it... those are all sorts of fun [edit] My assumption on this is that if there is one, it won't be announced until the last second, so people don't pad their roster too much. This is actually the delusion I'm going to hold onto all the way to i13 going live, unless a dev steps in and... lets me down easy [/edit]

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Actually, given last (November, wasn't it?), if they decide to do a prestige grant, it'll be announced with loud fanfare about 2-3 weeks before the day in question. And if that happens, I guarantee a lot of people will be burning out every slot they've got, trying to fill their rosters with anything, just for the prestige grant. (Personally, I've already got all my slots fill, roughly half to my SG and my VG. So not much I can do aside spend lots of cash on character slots. >.>;

Still, would be nice... free prestige means making bigger things happen faster... and would mean my "co-builder" for my VG can add decorative stuff to her heart's content. o.o;;;

On second thought... maybe a prestige grant is a bad idea. XD



I heard we get a Moonbase and under water misssions in i14!! :P

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



I heard we get a Moonbase and under water misssions in i14!! :P

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And I heard we're getting a big red ball for I15...and cookies! =P

"Always remember that you're unique -- just like everybody else."



I can't seem to find it anywhere, but it would be nice for a red name to clarify the issue about the temporary jet pack.

Is the temp jet pack purchase going to be for 30-days only or will it be a permanent power?

Positron said "temporary jet pack" but he could merely be describing the power itself and not the length of use when you purchase it.

Could a red name clarify? $4.99 for 30-days or for permanently?




I can't seem to find it anywhere, but it would be nice for a red name to clarify the issue about the temporary jet pack.

Is the temp jet pack purchase going to be for 30-days only or will it be a permanent power?

Positron said "temporary jet pack" but he could merely be describing the power itself and not the length of use when you purchase it.

Could a red name clarify? $4.99 for 30-days or for permanently?


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I believe it was a Lighthouse post, if that helps.

It's 30 days. It's not permanent.

Sadly for me.

/waits longer for her jetpack costume option.



I heard we get a Moonbase and under water misssions in i14!! :P

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And I heard we're getting a [bold]big red ball[/bold] for I15...and cookies! =P

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I now cry my tears of join. ;.;

With Love,
Me <3

P.S. I know it's a joke but one can dream.

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



NOTE: I started the BaseBuildersInc. channel on test.

Re: I13: Unofficially - very unofficially - Talek asked about bases in this issue last night at the M&G. The answer we got back was this:

The devs had planned out a nearly complete rebuild of bases, something they thought was going to be really sweet, and that we'd just love. The built it, it was ready - and then they started play testing with it, and it just sucked great big rocks. Worse than what we've got now, was my understanding.

No time to redo it before this issue, so they ripped everything out except for "the new way things are bought." There may be a few small things left in otherwise, but my understanding is that the remains amounts to "not much."

Now please understand that this is a very, VERY unofficial and incomplete bit of information. I'd very much like to try and get Posi or poshy in here to give us official and complete information, along with a statement of "Yes, we're still trying, we're working on a new design, keep hanging in there." However, I don't know if we're going to get that.

Sorry, folks.

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Any truth to this rumor from the base construction forum?



I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that the base improvements will bring a prestige grant with it... those are all sorts of fun [edit] My assumption on this is that if there is one, it won't be announced until the last second, so people don't pad their roster too much. This is actually the delusion I'm going to hold onto all the way to i13 going live, unless a dev steps in and... lets me down easy [/edit]

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Actually, given last (November, wasn't it?), if they decide to do a prestige grant, it'll be announced with loud fanfare about 2-3 weeks before the day in question. And if that happens, I guarantee a lot of people will be burning out every slot they've got, trying to fill their rosters with anything, just for the prestige grant. (Personally, I've already got all my slots fill, roughly half to my SG and my VG. So not much I can do aside spend lots of cash on character slots. >.>;

Still, would be nice... free prestige means making bigger things happen faster... and would mean my "co-builder" for my VG can add decorative stuff to her heart's content. o.o;;;

On second thought... maybe a prestige grant is a bad idea. XD

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In the 4-year history of the game there was ONE prestige grant which was intended to celebrate a UNIQUE circumstance (the CoX IP being sold to NCSoft, and the re-investment in the game from the new owners).

Now here it is not even a year later and some people actually think there's a frozen-water-spheroid's chance in a-very-hot-place-of-eternal-punishment that this unique circumstance will ever be repeated.

*walks away shaking his head*

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



In the 4-year history of the game there was ONE prestige grant which was intended to celebrate a UNIQUE circumstance (the CoX IP being sold to NCSoft, and the re-investment in the game from the new owners).

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I believe there were actually two. One recently based on the number of members in your SG and the other was something like 10k I think. Something to do with "Yea, the prices are WAY out of whack and we're fixing that."



One recently based on the number of members in your SG

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Actually there were two of these, but the second one was accidental.



In the 4-year history of the game there was ONE prestige grant which was intended to celebrate a UNIQUE circumstance (the CoX IP being sold to NCSoft, and the re-investment in the game from the new owners).

Now here it is not even a year later and some people actually think there's a frozen-water-spheroid's chance in a-very-hot-place-of-eternal-punishment that this unique circumstance will ever be repeated.

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Well, there have been two prestige gifts (and no, I'm not talking about the accidental second one given after the one they meant to give last December). The first prestige grant was during a Double XP Weekend in July 2006 ( Here's a thread where someone thinks it's a bug that they suddenly gained a bunch of prestige, but Posi pops in and says it's not a bug.... there's also a link to an announcement by Cricket of the prestige gift).

Now, I have my doubt that they'll ever do it again, now that sg's can have 150 members, but you never know. Bottom line is, they HAVE done it more than once.



In the 4-year history of the game there was ONE prestige grant which was intended to celebrate a UNIQUE circumstance (the CoX IP being sold to NCSoft, and the re-investment in the game from the new owners).

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I believe there were actually two. One recently based on the number of members in your SG and the other was something like 10k I think. Something to do with "Yea, the prices are WAY out of whack and we're fixing that."

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No, the first one (in July 2006) was 20k per member, just like the one last year.

EDIT to include direct link to the actual July 2006 announcement .



well as the owner of a 1 person sg/vg, the gift was great, helped me with setting up the bases. if they do it again great, if not then thank you for the preivious ones,my heor base is 95% done, with 4 tps to 8 zones, generator,databases and mainframe, storage,and such only need a med room, then I can start puting the decoratins in, villian base just starting on tp rooms but have generator and mainframe
I am hoping that they will cut the costs on some items, for example super computer, over 1 mill for it and on villian side it only gives a tf bonus,as I will not be raiding ,a lot of control is not needed

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
Rabid Bunny 1 Person VG
Both on Pinnacle
Hobbit's Hole 1 Person SG
Spider's Web 1 Person VG
Both on Freedom



Any truth to this rumor from the base construction forum?

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Decent poster, I doubt she's made it up. Could be someone ELSE made it up, though, but I'm inclined to believe it.

The original invention system was created a LONG time ago, tested in-house and COMPLETELY thrown out. There is precedent.

And I'd rather they threw it all out then gave us a crappy experience system.



Any truth to this rumor from the base construction forum?

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Decent poster, I doubt she's made it up. Could be someone ELSE made it up, though, but I'm inclined to believe it.

The original invention system was created a LONG time ago, tested in-house and COMPLETELY thrown out. There is precedent.

And I'd rather they threw it all out then gave us a crappy experience system.

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But if they did then they should have the kehones to tell us they did instead of letting people spend time posting in 'what you want to see in base improvement' type threads only to find out all they get is a 'new way to buy things.' If it's just a rumor going around then they should let us know it's not true. Either way, they should let us know something.



I won't pay $4.99 for the temp Jet Pack that only last one month and should be permanent if I have to pay for it. Just to use it I would have to waste two respecs, one to add flight and another to remove flight a month later. This is a illogical and badly thought out idea if they expect that they will make alot of money selling it as a temp power.



I won't pay $4.99 for the temp Jet Pack that only last one month and should be permanent if I have to pay for it. Just to use it I would have to waste two respecs, one to add flight and another to remove flight a month later.

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Wait, what? The jetpack IS a flight power. The whole point is you wouldn't have to take the Fly power/pool at all...



Architect system sounds awesome. Shield defense is great, though I admit shield offense with it would be even better. Aside from STILL not fixing problems with Hero EATs, this sounds like a good issue and I am looking forward to it.