Discussion: Issue 13: Architect





(sorry, couldn't resist)



PONIES! Maybe a kheld buff? Eh? It could happen... lol

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I am working on a Kheld and finding out why they are shunned by the community. Wow. It sucks. I like the powers but so many achillies heel's...ouch. I think I am abandoning mine for a while.



Do you guys know when it going on Test yet? lol sorry to be a bug I just can't wait! I love I13.



I hope the mission creater allowes to put a contact in the sg base.As well as creating our own avs in our missions we ceate. Further more I whould love to see civilians added to the base as well as mabe a trainer we can make for the base as well



Yeah, let's be able to put mission contacts in our bases so only people in our sg can run the missions we create.
I wonder why someone would want to restrict who could run the missions that they create?
...I can think of a whole bunch of reasons why...
I don't think I need to list them here. I'm sure they are pretty obvious to the DEVs.



Yeah, let's be able to put mission contacts in our bases so only people in our sg can run the missions we create.
I wonder why someone would want to restrict who could run the missions that they create?
...I can think of a whole bunch of reasons why...
I don't think I need to list them here. I'm sure they are pretty obvious to the DEVs.

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I'm sure I'm supposed to understand the implications here, but... I think I'm just too dense to get whatever you're trying to say (beyond that making SG-only missions is bad, for some reason).

I will say that SG-specific missions would be a HUGE blessing, especially if said SG had any sort of theme/RP element to it... I truly don't see any downside to an SG-only arc. 'Splain?



I'm sure I'm supposed to understand the implications here, but... I think I'm just too dense to get whatever you're trying to say (beyond that making SG-only missions is bad, for some reason).

I will say that SG-specific missions would be a HUGE blessing, especially if said SG had any sort of theme/RP element to it... I truly don't see any downside to an SG-only arc. 'Splain?

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Pretty sure the implication is that SG-only Mission=SG-only farm.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



I'm sure I'm supposed to understand the implications here, but... I think I'm just too dense to get whatever you're trying to say (beyond that making SG-only missions is bad, for some reason).

I will say that SG-specific missions would be a HUGE blessing, especially if said SG had any sort of theme/RP element to it... I truly don't see any downside to an SG-only arc. 'Splain?

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Pretty sure the implication is that SG-only Mission=SG-only farm.

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Which was my initial guess as well, but since missions will only get full benefits once bumped to "dev pick" (to counter balance farming in the first place), I don't see how they'd ever be farming missions.



Which was my initial guess as well, but since missions will only get full benefits once bumped to "dev pick" (to counter balance farming in the first place), I don't see how they'd ever be farming missions.

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Depends on how reduced rewards are, and how clever people are. If you can set up a mission that allows you to defeat mobs three times faster than average, then even with half xp you'll level 50% faster. But it's all just a wait and see game at this point.

Edited for an aggregious typing mistake. Which is preserved where I'm quoted below. Oh well.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Depends on how reduced rewards are, and how clever people are. If you can set up a mission that allows you to defeat mobs three times faster than average, then even with half xp you'll level 50% faster. But it's all just a wand and see game at this point.

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Hmmm, good point. We'll see soon enough I suppose.



Do you guys know when it going on Test yet? lol sorry to be a bug I just can't wait! I love I13.

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On a Tuesday.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Can we get some more spoilers? I'd love to see some pics of a few shields and the new costume sets. Pics of Pain Domination in action would be nice as well.



Do you guys know when it going on Test yet? lol sorry to be a bug I just can't wait! I love I13.

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On a Tuesday.

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:O is that Tusesday close to us?



So we finally get shields? I hope so, thatd be pretty cool. Especially if youre a MM or blaster(or whatever), and can use a pistol in the other hand. What? No? .... Damn.

If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



:O is that Tusesday close to us?

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It's closer now than it was last Tuesday.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



LOL, ok ok I'll wait. I wanna make an level 50 army of Skulls and Hellions to destory Atals.... and I'll stop them. or a level 14 eather way.



Which was my initial guess as well, but since missions will only get full benefits once bumped to "dev pick" (to counter balance farming in the first place), I don't see how they'd ever be farming missions.

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Depends on how reduced rewards are, and how clever people are. If you can set up a mission that allows you to defeat mobs three times faster than average, then even with half xp you'll level 50% faster. But it's all just a wait and see game at this point.

Edited for an aggregious typing mistake. Which is preserved where I'm quoted below. Oh well.

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Not to mention that someone could make badge-farming missions.

how about a mission where there are a dozen Carnie Master Illusionists, locked up so they can't attack themselves, but can do nothing but summon pets?

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



Not to mention that someone could make badge-farming missions.

how about a mission where there are a dozen Carnie Master Illusionists, locked up so they can't attack themselves, but can do nothing but summon pets?

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I was about to say that with the restrictions they've told us about in place that it couldn't happen, then I thought of a way to do that... Except I don't think the mobs count as high for badges (probably 1/10th or something) so I'm not sure it would be worth it.

Yea, the devs really are going to have to be careful.



Not to mention that someone could make badge-farming missions.

how about a mission where there are a dozen Carnie Master Illusionists, locked up so they can't attack themselves, but can do nothing but summon pets?

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I was about to say that with the restrictions they've told us about in place that it couldn't happen, then I thought of a way to do that... Except I don't think the mobs count as high for badges (probably 1/10th or something) so I'm not sure it would be worth it.

Yea, the devs really are going to have to be careful.

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Or worse (or better, depending on your POV), have them simply not count towards badges at all. It'd be fairly easy to do: just have any mobs which spawn inside mission creators have altered allegiance names [ie. how, with the V-Day Red Caps, most of them are actually "RedCaps" and only the "Red Caps" (the "upgraded" forms of the minions/lts) count].

Granted, it'd be better (IMO, given that I loves my badges) if they'd count but only a little bit. But either way, my arc is already figured out in my head... provided I can build it the way my mind demands.



I like the mission construction idea. It would be nice to award imaginative mission/arc contruction, but I imagine the enviroment options will be limited to stuff we've seen and done already, factory, warehouse, office building, cave, or paralell dimentions. I would really like to see underwater missions, space missions, or maybe even an interspace type enviroment(shrink the heroes down to travel inside a dying hero/victim). Maybe the devs will surprise us.



I understand what some may abuse but for a select few should we hold there punishment. That is not true justice why not give the honest peapol of cox comunity a chance and alow us to have sg contacts. Also I whould love to have use of our sg mission computer, as well as mabe sg base trainer such as a created advitar like backstreet brawler or Mis.Liberty for exampol are trainers in the coh world it whould be cool if we can make our trainer of sg base that repusents our sg. Like a prof.X dose for the x-men. thous are 3 of the exciting things I hope come on i12 love for the sg bases.



I like the mission construction idea. It would be nice to award imaginative mission/arc contruction, but I imagine the enviroment options will be limited to stuff we've seen and done already, factory, warehouse, office building, cave, or paralell dimentions. I would really like to see underwater missions, space missions, or maybe even an interspace type enviroment(shrink the heroes down to travel inside a dying hero/victim). Maybe the devs will surprise us.

[/ QUOTE ]Moonbase is coming....

If I wanted to PvP, I would just run outside and gank people with rocks.

I wonder if anyone has ever been offended by my hero "Asparagus-Man" because someone they know is a vegetable...?



I'm gonna use that Cimeroa map where you can swim underneath the bridge in the last room....and place a glowie under water o.0



I can't wait to see what bugs we get this time. Hopefully not the inaccurate Buff Icons again.



If i13 comes out in a couple of months it will have been 6 months between issues. I would hope a lot of the bugs have been worked out by release.