Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




I hope that, in addition to content additions, we also get infrastructure improvements like built-in PhysX support for the newer NVidia video drivers. I suppose that kind of thing doesn't necessarily need to be linked to a major update, though.



PhysX? I know I run fine with CoH Physics Maxed. GeForce 7950GT/ Intel Dou Core 2.44GHz

Don't need support. xD

But Honestly.... I don't know what you are talking about. =]



I can't wait to see what bugs we get this time. Hopefully not the inaccurate Buff Icons again.

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You mean like the ones under the Health bar and on the team list that STILL say I'm flying at 95 mph?



I dunno where to stick this.. So I am sticking it here.

I worry about the devs giving you guys what you want.. You wanted flashback so damn bad.. and look no one EVER is even in there..

I asked for more slots and tabbing the contacts.. it didnt require tons of graphics and stuff.

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Same with arenas. Empty, and wasted time and effort.

They need a new badge: "Reported Crappy Captain America Ripoff!"

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I agree to a point. Its nice to have the once in a while BS ie Arena but all the wasted time on having one everyone was pointless. The Devs said that Shields would take a lot of time and effort. Well why waste it on that when they could have pumped out a lot more powersets. I like the pistol idea but not as much as the light blaster set I have seen in the idea block. More PP I was somewhat disappointed with the last PP. I really want to see more powersets for Tanks. WP is cool but I still want that Elec Tank. Someone said something about the casual gamer, well I fall in that catogory because of WIFE AGGRO so I love the new alter ego thing. I dont have the time to due the long TF but if they base rewards on time well Ill wear myself out on KHTF. Mission creator, bah FIX CoP. And plz give us some base love. I cant stay active enough in SGs so I have 2 accounts and all my toons in my own SG and for just being me Ive done pretty well for myself. But could use some more items or improvements like allowing more beacons per pad Etc. Still want some more Hero love. Someone mentioned PB and WS needing love, whats wrong with them other then no one wants you on the teams/TF. I think the hero EPICs could use some love or interesting powersets like villians. Well enough ranting from me for now.



Had to edit, didnt relize my signature was over 3 yrs old.



I think the hero EPICs could use some love or interesting powersets like villians.

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I know this probably isn't a troll post, and you are just that confused, but you lost all credibility with that one

Shields - It won the freaking poll, people wanted it, 'nuff said.
Powerset Proliferation - Villainous Empath (i.e. Pain Domination). Not a direct port, but desperately wanted villain-side.
Bases - Fixes are coming, we don't know what yet.
Mission Creator - Anyone saying this is pointless misses entirely how powerful a tool this is going to be.
Khelds - The AT needs a good work-over to bring them up to par with other ATs. Castle has agreed, and is looking at them. Why debate that?

One last nit pick... you claim all you have time for is a KTF, yet you would rather them fix the CoP trial? Really?

Besides all of that, lets wait until we actually SEE some of i13 before we start flipping out. I remember how badly dual blades were received when the first few screenshots were released... and then voila, custom weapons made all [most] of those worries vanish. Patience people... patience...



About the "Day jobs" feature...will it be retroactive?

Say we have a character we haven't logged into in a couple of months...will the offline time be counted as "Day Job" time for wherever they were logged off at when I13 comes live?

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



About the "Day jobs" feature...will it be retroactive?

Say we have a character we haven't logged into in a couple of months...will the offline time be counted as "Day Job" time for wherever they were logged off at when I13 comes live?

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Some are assuming it will NOT be retroactive. In other words, it will be like Epic Archetypes. If you had a level 50 villain before i12, you still had to log them in the day i12 went live to access VEATs.

Basically, you may in fact need to "unlock" the feature for each character by logging them in after i13, but you can come back to them down the road to see what the status of their day jobs are.

I imagine that will be the case. Hope that helps.



I like all features to i13, pretty neat ideas. Only problem to me is the mission creator. This idea is definately awesome and i really can't wait till it comes out, but with the experience drop coming with it so it prevents farming, i can really see mission creation being extremely unpopular. I see myself creating a lot of missions, but i just dont see the average group doing the same since it isnt worth it in experience.



I like the mission construction idea. It would be nice to award imaginative mission/arc contruction, but I imagine the enviroment options will be limited to stuff we've seen and done already, factory, warehouse, office building, cave, or paralell dimentions. I would really like to see underwater missions, space missions, or maybe even an interspace type enviroment(shrink the heroes down to travel inside a dying hero/victim). Maybe the devs will surprise us.

[/ QUOTE ]Moonbase is coming....

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low gravity maybe[fingers crossed]

Moonbase would be cool cool, but how about missions that follow the Rikti back to their home planet It would totally follow the Story arc from destroying the Mothership, Heroes try to build peace between the worlds where the Villains just want to milk the Rikti planet for its resources and steal their technological advancements. Oh the imagination



About the "Day jobs" feature...will it be retroactive?

Say we have a character we haven't logged into in a couple of months...will the offline time be counted as "Day Job" time for wherever they were logged off at when I13 comes live?

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They stopped datamining for badges after the first few came out. But, hey - if they want to, I've characters over four years old. and one that's been logged out over two years. Should be interesting...




One last nit pick... you claim all you have time for is a KTF, yet you would rather them fix the CoP trial? Really?

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I don't think I was the one who said it this time - in fact, I don't even know what a "KTF" is - but...

Yes, really.




But after all these years of playing, I have learned that there are three great, immutable pillars that comprise the foundation of CoH...

1. What the paying customers want (this hope-for-better things is, after all, what maintains the cash flow);

2. What the Devs promise (these flippant blue-sky proposals help fan the flames of sunscriber interest to support Pillar Number 1);

3. What the Devs are inclined to do (This is what the Devs are willing to commit to within the constraints of what they can accomplish given skills + time + budget).

...and I have learned that NONE of these three elements have anything whatsoever to do with each other.

The only one that really matters is Number 3.

In the words of the long-gone-and-unlamented CuppaJo: "The Devs are happy with the way it's [Travel Power Suppression] working and there are no plans to change it."

Get it through your heads, everyone:

If what you want is something the Devs FEEL like doing, then there is a chance it may happen.

It doesn't matter what people ask for in how many polls; Shields were the Number One player choice at least two Issues ago, after all.

You will GET what the Devs FEEL LIKE giving you.

If it's too much trouble for them to make it work - Faultline Trial, Cathedral of Pain Trial, Huge Female Body Types - then you will not get it.



If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."





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QED? Not really, nor fair to the devs.

#3 equates to "What the devs think needs to be done, has the money and time to do" Fair enough - if it falls outside of those three it either CAN'T or SHOULDN'T happen. That's just having to work with the reality of a business, the reality of... well, Reality.

#2 There is very little they've promised they haven't delivered on. Yes, there are a few things but not many. Some of them (once they started them) turned out to violate #3 - Too much time/money, unbalancing, unfun, etc.

#1 The CoP isn't what ALL the playerbase cares about. Really - being such a big game there's a lot to do. They will fix it - eventually. But they don't work on your schedule. They're trying to make the ENTIRE game better for EVERYONE. CoP didn't work right. Until they fix IoPs they can't fix CoP. Before they fix IoPs they have to fix base raids. Before they first base raids they have to get better balance in the base defense stuff, and before THAT they have to get some other base stuff fixed. It's not a five minute "Just fix the reward and win condition" fix.

Bottom line - you don't get what the devs FEEL like giving you, you get what they CAN give you.


Faultline Trial - you mean the original respec that let you re-choose your powersets? The one that got tossed in beta four and a half years ago?

Cathedral of Pain Trial - the one that really wasn't that fun but had great exploits in it?

Huge Female Body Types - This would require the exclusive time of the modelers for MONTHS. NOTHING else would get added in or fixed while they were doing that. And I'm not talking about player costumes, I mean ANY new NPCs as well. Changes to any existing powers? Nope! Gotta make a new body type FROM SCRATCH!

KTF = Katie (Hannon) Task Force

When people are mad, they always refer to the playerbase as PAYING customers. If you're a customer, you're paying...

(And I miss CuppaJo !



I want the CoP up... Mainly because I want to join a SG/VG of raiders, and don't you need to finish the CoP to get an IoP to get to raid? Yeah... Chalk me up as one wanting the Trial back. >.>

With love,
Me! <3

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Do you guys know when it going on Test yet? lol sorry to be a bug I just can't wait! I love I13.

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On a Tuesday.

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:O is that Tusesday close to us?

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Geologicly speaking, yes. within the next 1000 years.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I want the CoP up... Mainly because I want to join a SG/VG of raiders, and don't you need to finish the CoP to get an IoP to get to raid? Yeah... Chalk me up as one wanting the Trial back. >.>

With love,
Me! <3

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You can raid without it, but I haven't seen a raid since bases started.

There were a LOT of things wrong with the whole CoP/IoP/Raid/base system. They've got to be fixed in steps.

I wouldn't mind it back (it sounds like a budget Hami raid/Sewer Trial to me though), but I'd like the ability to "merge" SGs first. There are a LOT of SGs out there that don't have the people to do CoP as it was originally designed now, but have very complete bases. (I'm leader in two of them...) I think we definitely need something in that regards.



I don't even know what a "KTF" is

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That would be Katie Task Force. Otherwise known as KHTF Katie Hannon Task Force. As in, that witch in Croatoa.

P.S. My spelling is really bad here, give me a break, I just freaking got out of bed.




Hey there,

(I haven't read through the whole thread, so I don't know if this has already been discussed, sorry.)

I was wondering if the Merit Reward system mentioned for I13 will be in effect for Story Arcs, or only for TF/Trials. If not, I hope the Devs will seriously consider its implementation. The rewards for Story Arcs have become quite devalued (ever since I9, SOs pretty much just exist to be sold), and this would be a good way to bring them back up to par. Even if it's not "paying off" at the same level as the other activities, I still think the idea warrants consideration.

Later on,

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



I have a lot of concerns about the usefulness of the mission design tool in Architect.

I'm thinking it will not enable instanced maps, and will force users into the warehouse, sewer, office, and cave maps. I'm also thinking it won't enable placement of items on maps. If so, created missions will be a lot like scanner missions.

I'm thinking we will not be able to create new foes or foe groups, but will only be able to draw from the list of existing foes. This is not entirely crippling, but it does severely hurt creativity as new story lines would not be able to embrace new characters.

I'm thinking we will not be able to write any programming. This means we will be limited to boss/glowie missions with the few frills we're given. We won't be able to create ambushes, prisons, patrols, alter foe AI, or have special mission dynamics (as in "protect the henge" in Croatoa), and so on.

And naturally we won't be able to provide players with existing temp powers, new temp powers, badges, costume items, or other things that normally draw players to missions. So ... pretty much the same as scanners, again.

Because of all this, put me in the group of people that expect the new mission design tool to be basically a scanner mission generator, where the main thing we get to do is choose a foe group and write a line of boss dialog.

I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worst.



It say this on the ParagonWiki. Likely Release Date: Late Autumn/ Early Winter 2008. It might not! I hope not and kinda hope so.... I don't think they can add alot by the time it is witer I am not sure though. It is like about 3 months before witer so. =P



I have a lot of concerns about the usefulness of the mission design tool in Architect.

I'm thinking it will not enable instanced maps, and will force users into the warehouse, sewer, office, and cave maps. I'm also thinking it won't enable placement of items on maps. If so, created missions will be a lot like scanner missions.

I'm thinking we will not be able to create new foes or foe groups, but will only be able to draw from the list of existing foes. This is not entirely crippling, but it does severely hurt creativity as new story lines would not be able to embrace new characters.

I'm thinking we will not be able to write any programming. This means we will be limited to boss/glowie missions with the few frills we're given. We won't be able to create ambushes, prisons, patrols, alter foe AI, or have special mission dynamics (as in "protect the henge" in Croatoa), and so on.

And naturally we won't be able to provide players with existing temp powers, new temp powers, badges, costume items, or other things that normally draw players to missions. So ... pretty much the same as scanners, again.

Because of all this, put me in the group of people that expect the new mission design tool to be basically a scanner mission generator, where the main thing we get to do is choose a foe group and write a line of boss dialog.

I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worst.

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You forgot to mention that we would be getting less xp/influence as well.

You mentioned instanced maps. Technically all our maps are instanced, even the outdoor ones.

But yeah, we will be designing scanner/paper missions that we will get to write mission notes and dialog for. All for less xp/influence.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Perhaps I used the wrong term? I meant that we would not be able to - say - grab a neighborhood from Galaxy City and use that as part of our mission map.

If "instanced" is not the correct term for this, what is?



Perhaps I used the wrong term? I meant that we would not be able to - say - grab a neighborhood from Galaxy City and use that as part of our mission map.

If "instanced" is not the correct term for this, what is?

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I don't see why we wouldn't be able to use the same outdoor mission maps that are currently in game, though I doubt we would be able to choose any areas that aren't already mission ready. They did say that npcs could be customized with around a dozen options, so we might can alter an existing group's look and rename them. A very limited way of making a new npc group, but a start that can be expanded later on.