Discussion: Issue 13: Architect





day jobs - seems like a very hero only thing to me, I don't see my villains being caretakers or city council members, unless they can be "evil cartakers" meh.


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Could you see them as the kind of Doc that is experimenting on his patients..or maybe a coroner with all kinds of twisted ..ahem.."interests"

How about a Corrupt Politician? A mole put in the administration of some local dignitary to drag him down from his position, quietly...secretly?

Wouldn't a Mad Scientist qualify as a scholar? How about a misguided Monk that runs a school for wayward children?

Hmm..now as for logging out in Pocket D? Bootlegger? Madame? Superdine is cheaper on the streets so drug dealer is probably out. You will be rewarded with Defense debuffs

For all those that log out at the BM..especially in Cap....your day job is Lot Lizard, and you will be rewarded with free cheese and St. Ides

Don't think so Blue-Sided...heh....



*steps up to a rooftop*


*bows down in praise*



Okay, this day job thing? Isn't that basically rewarding us for NOT playing the game?

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Sure, don't play as much as you want as long as you throw in your 15 bucks.

This is going to be awesome...I'm definitley going to be rock the mission designer ASAP!

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It's also good for those of us that have a major case of alt-itis. Log all alts in, move them to where you want them to rack up the offline stuff and log them back out.



The Merit System sounds potentionally Game Breaking. It'll destroy the price structure of the BM and WW. If the dev's are smart they'll keep the Uniques and Ultra Rares out of the reward choices otherwise it'll take a lot of fun out of the game. Part of the reason for me doing Tf's is that i dont know if i'm gonna get something uber rare or not.

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potentially, yes, which they're obviously aware of. Posi already said that the token costs would be high enough to make you want to simply play the TF's anyway over and over.

by no means will they simply let you do 1 or 2 TFs and be able to choose a LotG for yourself. That's idiotic and they know it.

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good thats what i was worried about.



Day jobs swats hand. Now I'll not play cause I'm getting my toon a promotion at work. Gets on looks around guesses everyone else is also.

Looking forward to misison creation and certainly SHIELDS oh baby. But really I so hope we can fix the brokes before we layer more on top.

This game is so awesome we have been promised fixes for quiet some time now cough /synch. Then we never have addressed Seer Marino's missions here but it isn't bug.

Always looking forward to new stuff but lets not forget you promised FIXES.



The Merit System sounds potentionally Game Breaking. It'll destroy the price structure of the BM and WW. If the dev's are smart they'll keep the Uniques and Ultra Rares out of the reward choices otherwise it'll take a lot of fun out of the game. Part of the reason for me doing Tf's is that i dont know if i'm gonna get something uber rare or not.

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exactly this could make things like building a perma dom a joke to do.

I'm concerned with how they will be handling this as well, as this could have substantial repercussions for the player market. Do LoTGs automatically cost more merits than a sting of the manticore? If so, why? It has the same chance to drop, but its bonuses are considered better by players. Will the devs formulate costs based on their bonuses, or will they all cost a flat (high) rate?


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Exactly this has some bad vibes coming off of it. This could make difficult build's like a perma dom a joke to do. I hope the dev's think about this one carefully. i'd hate for issue 13 to be the expansion that killed city of heroes.

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I'll bet anyone right this second that getting the LoTG 7.5% def/rech is going to take a LOT of merits. It's probably going to take 50+ Katies worth and probably several of the harder TFs. I suspect it will still be quicker to just farm for the money.

I expect market prices to go somewhat lower, but not crash.

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I honestly think all recipe rewards should cost the same amount of merits, a flat fee. After all, the chances of getting any specific recipe as a random drop are also 100% equal. By making one recipe cost more than another, the devs are making a concerted effort to skew the market, something I believe they have said in the past they wish to avoid.

I think all recipes should cost the same, flat price in merits, though how high that is will be a decision for the devs.

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Who said they won't all cost a ridiculous amount of merits? Let's say it takes [arbitrary number] or merits to get any specific Pool C recipe. That number of merits can be earned by doing the:

KHTF - 50 times
ITF - 30 Times
Positron - 15 Times
Shard TF - 5 times

Then that would mean that for most Pool C recipes, you'll be better off either just trying to win them or buying them off the market. Because less recipes will be generated after this change (because presumably people will be taking merits as a reward), the costs for the cheaper recipes might rise a bit, the crap ones will still be super cheap, and the super expensive ones will stay super expensive because in the time you can earn one with merits you can earn the money to buy one.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



some cool stuff but i'm a little upset at the idea of nerfed rewards on the custom missions.

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You should have seen this coming though and I don't blame them one bit for doing it. There would be people out there that would make story arcs containing nothing but delivery and glowie click missions for huge amounts of XP to powerlevel themselves.

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Oh I agree to be honest this wasnt unexpected by me. BUT as far as things like the "Kill x-amount of target" badges, there are some villain badges that are a royal pain, with the Weatherman badge for Outcasts being one of them. So if I work on creating a villain storyarc and part of it is a mission that has nothing but Outcasts in it to defeat, there will be many unhappy campers when they see no badge meter progress.

Luckily the story arc I have in mind revolves around something other then mass PL. I'll let others make such missions if they can.



*idley wonders what the benefits would be for logging out at Monkey Fight Club*

=^..^=. o O (Nothing to see. Just a cat.)
(_ _)~
*Recipient of a Sentai Sage thumbs up of approval.



After the patron power respec and villain emps i was sold, anything eles is icing on the cake.

The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin




Who said they won't all cost a ridiculous amount of merits?

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No one, I didn't mean to imply that. I was only stating my opinion that they should all cost the same, and that the devs are going to have to consider very carefully how much work is enough work, and how much is too much. I foresee changes being made in beta, for sure.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



*idley wonders what the benefits would be for logging out at Monkey Fight Club*

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There would probably be a couple of rules against talking about it.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Man, you shouldn't finish!!!

1) Ever since NC Soft took over and Cryptic went to do there own thing, Heroes have been like the red headed step-child in the PVP zones. The balance of the game has went to the villains and veats and dom's are proven fact. Tell me one hero that can go into the RV and clear out the area with out have to be buffed...

2) Now NC Soft gives Veats and Dom's the ability to have empathy buff powersets... They are taking the fun out of the PVP zones for heroes

3) NC Soft give Veats and Doms high defense and mega hold powers and PB and WS have no mez protection against holds... I thought the game was suppose to be balanced, but i don't see that happening any time soon for NC Soft...

And, it's not looking good at all for heroes, villains whine and NC Soft gives, but heroes keep getting left in behind.



think we will get credit for the raids, TF etc we already completed?

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No. Absolutely not.

Wanna know why?


Yeesh. THINK, people. Just for a moment. Please.



but you'd make a lot of money talking about it anyways ^^



awesome. I CANNOT believe this. I am one of those people who started writing story arcs when I heard of this month ago. Christmas Vacation will be COOL!




Man where should i start??? What are the devs doing? Stalkers get yet another powerset in i13??? OMG and villians get Pain Domiantion??? Aren't they already dominating with widows in pvp??? When are the Heroes gonna get something thats really good? First thing that I think needs to happen in i13 is improving the PB and Ws,you know to make things fair and balanced remember that??? How about pistols for blasters? How about another good damage set for scrappers,Fire melee is great,and 1 more nice set wouldn't hurt.Tanks could use a new good set as well,since brutes have fury,and more powersets than tanks.Man you guys keep giving the villians stuff every issue and keep the heroes behind on the goods.I hope you guys got some more nice stuff to announce,cause right now it looks like a disappointing issue.

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... Yer kidding, Right? All these years people have been moaning about Vside getting hosed, and now you're complaining when it actually gets the goods?

[Stares. In amazement and disbelief.]



I wonder if there is going to be an option allowing you to randomly pick a player created mission out of the bunch. Then at the end of the player mission arc or each mission, you can rate and comment on them. This would help possibly find new good authors that aren't highly rated yet.

By going the random selection route it probably won't encourage farming so much, since very likely the mission will be a non-farming friendly type.

To encourage this, maybe up the rewards to be between the full blown rewards of a standard mission and that of a selected mission that isn't dev's choice yet. Or badges just for this like number of random player missions completed, number of missions rated, etc.



I wonder if there is going to be an option allowing you to randomly pick a player created mission out of the bunch. Then at the end of the player mission arc or each mission, you can rate and comment on them. This would help possibly find new good authors that aren't highly rated yet.

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Sounds like a good idea.
Might also be a good idea to make it easy to drop arcs (like the Oroborous missions) in case you're disappointed in the random arc you've chosen (I suspect that this is already the case).



What, if anything, will stop the mission creator from being abused for farming and power leveling?

Will mission design cost prestige and infamy?

Will mission design have a minimum level? If it were made 50s only that would go far to solve the complaint that there's nothing to do once you're 50 except start another character.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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Man, I hope this hits test soon, I can't wait until it's live.



I have to admit that the CoH players are some of the most creative people I've run into. I'm looking forward to teh missions and story lines we all come up with.



First veats now empathy for vills......sigh....I sure hope u got something big for heroes coming.

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But...but... I thought the Dev Team hated Villains?

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That's a very unfair characterization of the Devs.

They obviously hate Heroes and Villains equally.

(probably civs too)

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That's a very narrow vision of the devs.

The devs hate players. They don't have time to dice players up into little groups.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Man where should i start??? What are the devs doing? Stalkers get yet another powerset in i13??? OMG and villians get Pain Domiantion??? Aren't they already dominating with widows in pvp??? When are the Heroes gonna get something thats really good? First thing that I think needs to happen in i13 is improving the PB and Ws,you know to make things fair and balanced remember that??? How about pistols for blasters? How about another good damage set for scrappers,Fire melee is great,and 1 more nice set wouldn't hurt.Tanks could use a new good set as well,since brutes have fury,and more powersets than tanks.Man you guys keep giving the villians stuff every issue and keep the heroes behind on the goods.I hope you guys got some more nice stuff to announce,cause right now it looks like a disappointing issue.

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... Yer kidding, Right? All these years people have been moaning about Vside getting hosed, and now you're complaining when it actually gets the goods?

[Stares. In amazement and disbelief.]

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I have to admit that Shields for stalkers does seem a bit misplaced. What do you need with a shield if your main defense is stealth?

"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



Great job again devs, Can't wait. I know my wife is already wanting to get to making her own missions.

As far as the Day job System goes, I actually would rather have a secret identity system than the day job system. That and be able to go into any building and chill. Maybe go to Cimerora and be a shopkeeper or just go to my apartment, smoke dope and play bass :P however this works too. Besides, free rewards!

Also I usually don't buy expansion sets but I'm thinking I may just have to buy the Cyborg pack that will be coming out with this. Now that's sounds cool.