Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




MAN. I can't wait to make a Pain domination Defender! Oh wait... Well the name for Villain empathy is weird but it adds some nice name variety amongst Corrupter and Mastermind secondaries. I have a prediction that Pain Domination will be like Thermal Rad, except more like Empathy.

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my idea that since masterminds are getting this power it is not gunna be as the true empathy. It was a very large suprise to hear that MMs would get this power especially the fact that i was hoping in the back of my mind for it.


" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



...since the talk leading up to the Issue 12 release definitely made it sound like proliferation would be an every-issue type of thing.

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No it didn't. They quite blantantly said that not every issue would have Powerset Profileration. But there would never be 2 issues in a row without some more profilerated powersets.



So if pain domination is the vills empathy then maybe heroes can get a version of ninjitsu for for scrappers....



I do hope there will be more proliferated powersets in this issue along with Shields and Vill Empathy. Those don't really interest me and I'm not sure if I'll be spending much time with the Missions Creator after reading Posi's adress.



The token thing sounds really cool. Not just for pool C recipes, but for possibly unlocking costume pieces for themed characters before your 3/4 of the way to 50. Will tokens be tradable? Sellable?

The mission creator sounds fun too. I'm not as blown away as some of you folks, but it will be a fun addition to the game.

I play mostly melee ATs, but Pain Domination sounds neat as well.

Shields....lame. Who voted for shields anyaways? Second job rewards...meh. Patron respecs...meh. New Cimerora missions....meh. All this stuff is good stuff, but I sure hope there is more coming down the pike. I really hope there is more content to be played than a few missions in Cimeroa.



If it costs 25hrs of total TF time to purchase a recipe that isn't very casual friendly (30 mins/ katie x 50) + you have to factor in the manditory 3hr wait which would be anywhere from an additional 15hrs (5 shard tfs) to 150hrs (katies).

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I agree that it doesn't sound very casual friendly - on the other hand, it does seem more casual friendly than Katie x 140 or more, which is what it takes to get a 95% chance of a specific recipe when awarding them randomly.

To me the best part isn't a matter of casual or not, it's that the TF rewards will actually scale with the difficulty of the TF. If you run a Dr. Q you actually get more than a Katie instead of doing more work for an identical reward.

While I don't see the change as a great benefit to the elusive 'casual gamer' it doesn't seem to put them at any more of a disadvantage than they were at before.

I'd hope that the number would be closer to Katie x 30 or 20 though. With Katie x 50 I expect prices would go up.



Also....If you can't include YOUR character as a boss, EB, or AV in the mission creator story arcs.....epic fail.



Pretty good stuff, but it doesn't look as good as I thought. I13 was suppose to be the biggest issue ever and thats why they said it would take so long.

Of cousre its good but I thought it would be better.

I LOVE the Mission Creator but thats the only big highlight for me in the list.

I was really hoping stuff for bases, BIG stuff. But it looks like just minor details. Its not even mentioned on the I13 list its just in Positrons letter. I could be wrong they just didnt tell us what coming for bases yet, but I really hope its good.

It looks great though I cant wait to build my own Story!!!!

P.S. What about the Coming Storm?



I wonder if there is going to be an option allowing you to randomly pick a player created mission out of the bunch. Then at the end of the player mission arc or each mission, you can rate and comment on them. This would help possibly find new good authors that aren't highly rated yet.

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Sounds like a good idea.
Might also be a good idea to make it easy to drop arcs (like the Oroborous missions) in case you're disappointed in the random arc you've chosen (I suspect that this is already the case).

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Both good ideas. In CoH beta, there was a mechanism that had a pop-up window when you completed the mission where you could rate the mission and make comments; good, bad, bugs uncovered, etc. They could reinstate that feature for the player creator missions.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



This is probably more important now that they'll be adding even more IO recipes to the game, diluting Pool C even more.

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This is something I've been concerned about ever since they added the last new bunch of IO sets. It reminded me of when the Diablo 2 expansion came out, and they added so many new prefixes and suffixes to rare items that the odds of getting anything useful were terrible.

The Merit System, as long as costs are not ridiculous, and remain constant as new sets are added, will ensure that dilution will not be a problem.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



If it costs 25hrs of total TF time to purchase a recipe that isn't very casual friendly (30 mins/ katie x 50) + you have to factor in the manditory 3hr wait which would be anywhere from an additional 15hrs (5 shard tfs) to 150hrs (katies).

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I agree that it doesn't sound very casual friendly - on the other hand, it does seem more casual friendly than Katie x 140 or more, which is what it takes to get a 95% chance of a specific recipe when awarding them randomly.

To me the best part isn't a matter of casual or not, it's that the TF rewards will actually scale with the difficulty of the TF. If you run a Dr. Q you actually get more than a Katie instead of doing more work for an identical reward.

While I don't see the change as a great benefit to the elusive 'casual gamer' it doesn't seem to put them at any more of a disadvantage than they were at before.

I'd hope that the number would be closer to Katie x 30 or 20 though. With Katie x 50 I expect prices would go up.

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You guys are nutz. NOTHING should require you to do a TF 30-50 times. That is just horrible. If a pool C recipe costs 20 tokens, a typical TF/SF should reward at least 5 tokens. Anything more than that is just ridiculous.

All this talk of casual player friendliness is nonsense too. If you can only play a few hours a week...don't play MMOs. It's really that simple.



You guys are nutz. NOTHING should require you to do a TF 30-50 times. That is just horrible. If a pool C recipe costs 20 tokens, a typical TF/SF should reward at least 5 tokens. Anything more than that is just ridiculous.

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I think the idea is that different recipes cost different amounts.



You guys are nutz. NOTHING should require you to do a TF 30-50 times. That is just horrible. If a pool C recipe costs 20 tokens, a typical TF/SF should reward at least 5 tokens. Anything more than that is just ridiculous.

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I think the idea is that different recipes cost different amounts.

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I think that would be a big mistake (devs putting a quantifiable value on certain rewards vs others).

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



I highly doubt different recipes in the same pool will have different values. All pool C recipres will be the same I'd bet.




I think that would be a big mistake (devs putting a quantifiable value on certain rewards vs others).

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Uh... You've never sold an Enhancement at the store? They already have.



If it costs 25hrs of total TF time to purchase a recipe that isn't very casual friendly (30 mins/ katie x 50) + you have to factor in the manditory 3hr wait which would be anywhere from an additional 15hrs (5 shard tfs) to 150hrs (katies).

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I agree that it doesn't sound very casual friendly - on the other hand, it does seem more casual friendly than Katie x 140 or more, which is what it takes to get a 95% chance of a specific recipe when awarding them randomly.

To me the best part isn't a matter of casual or not, it's that the TF rewards will actually scale with the difficulty of the TF. If you run a Dr. Q you actually get more than a Katie instead of doing more work for an identical reward.

While I don't see the change as a great benefit to the elusive 'casual gamer' it doesn't seem to put them at any more of a disadvantage than they were at before.

I'd hope that the number would be closer to Katie x 30 or 20 though. With Katie x 50 I expect prices would go up.

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You guys are nutz. NOTHING should require you to do a TF 30-50 times. That is just horrible. If a pool C recipe costs 20 tokens, a typical TF/SF should reward at least 5 tokens. Anything more than that is just ridiculous.

All this talk of casual player friendliness is nonsense too. If you can only play a few hours a week...don't play MMOs. It's really that simple.

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Like I said, right now you have to run over 100 TFs in order to guarantee a 95% chance of a LotG. Reducing that to 20 or 30 is still a big improvement. Also, that's 30 Katies. It might be 10 Positrons or Citadels, or 5 Dr. Qs. (The big win, IMO)

Additionally, they can increase the granularity. If a Katie is worth 10 merits, and it takes 20-30 Katies to get a recipe (or 1 Katie for a random chance) they can do stuff like add 1 merit for the reward of the Oro TFs. Then it'd take 10 Oro TFs to get a Pool C, but a solo player could still do it and it opens up more options.



I highly doubt different recipes in the same pool will have different values. All pool C recipres will be the same I'd bet.

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Based on what Posi said, I highly doubt this:

Upon completing tasks in the game (Task Forces, Trials, etc.) you get an option of receiving Reward Merits instead of a normal reward. The number of merits is based on the difficulty of the mission, how long it takes to complete on average, etc. Thus things like the Katie Hannon TF have minimal merits associated with them, and things like the Shadow Shard Task Forces get bunches.

You can then trade those merits in for specific rewards, like recipes and the like, or trade in a smaller amount for random recipes if you feel lucky.

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If they priced the best recipes the same as the worst (using Auction House prices as a guideline as to what's most desirable) then why would anyone EVER spend the same for a good one as a bad one?



well something i suggested is that instead of 1 random recipe at the end of a tf you get the choice of 1 of 4 recipes,i really dont like the idea of extra rewards for creators of popular misson, too easy to abuse, so now instead of getting spam selling us influnce, we will get some saying for the small sum of $19.95, we will give you x number of positive reviews for your misson

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Yeah, this worries me, too. And I'm not sure there'd be a good way of counteracting it.

Basically too many 50's to count, but I'm generally a brute/scrapper/tank kind of guy.



Will it be possible to design PvP missions, either in co-op mode or hero-vs-villain? We've used scheduled base raids to role-play some conflicts between our hero and villain SGs, but a setting other than the base would be better for some storylines.



If they priced the best recipes the same as the worst (using Auction House prices as a guideline as to what's most desirable) then why would anyone EVER spend the same for a good one as a bad one?

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They wouldn't. They'd buy them from the people taking their random chances. Unless those dried up out of existance and there were none to be had! Then they could take the random chance themselves and experience the disconcerting feeling of cursing a drop that was not a Trap of the Hunter...



Ok. I have giggles over the prospect of Pain Domination. Just the idea of it. muahahaha.

My questions are more about the mission editor.

Will we be able to make custome bosses? Thus Would I be able to put an NPC version of one of my villains in the mission?

Will we be able to use the Mastermind Pets as an enemy group? They tend to be fairly generic sets that can fit in for stories that don't invilve any of the in game groups.



Once characters have accumulated the required amount of time for each Day Job, they are rewarded with the appropriate Day Job Badge and Title, increasing their “earnings” for that job. Multiple Badges can be combined to unlock Accolades and the ability to accumulate additional new rewards. Almost every location within Paragon City and the Rogue Isles has an associated Day Job, resulting in a wide selection of jobs and rewards!

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The obsessive compulsive hunter in me hates (and yet, loves) this... Now I need to consider carefully where I log out (Although, I DO appreciate the whole "Rewards while you aren't plaing this character" beyond the veteran rewards). Suggestion for badge/occupation: "I am a fish!" For logging out in the FAR corners in zones surrounded by water (and standing in said water); for example, the NE corner of Talos.

The Merit Rewards System [...]

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Hurray! While I understand that it's probably not going to be "complete one TF, trade in for LoTG 7.5rec", I just hope that the rewards are going to be based a little more on player experiance, and ignore anomalies such as "1 hour shadow shard TFs", etc. Or even, since we now already keep track of the time spent on TFs, if a team runs one drastically faster than the anticipated time, scale the reward a bit. Y'know, still more than a 1 hour TF, but less than if it took you the full 6 hours.
Might generate some more interest in running those.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Pain domination..... Notice how dominators are not included in the formula.



now if they just let us create our arch enemies that would pop up throughout our toons life (like in an upcoming mmo, from the makers of COX) that would make this game complete

Victory Server
Ridgid lvl 50 energy/energy Blaster
Powder Puff lvl 50 ill/rad Contoller
DeRidgidnator lvl 50 energy/energy Brute
Santa's LittleHelper lvl 50 ice/kin Controller



Awsome...just awsome, not sure if im more hyped about the chans to create my own mish and stories or shields...mental over load...release it allready

Truly a Issue to remeber sweetness !!!

CoX for life !!