Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




How about before adding new powersets to a new patch,take a vote like last time on what we would like to play.But this time let us know if u are not gonna give us a true build up with a powerset like you did with dual blades.Yeah thats right all stalker sets have a true build up.So when heroes have a chance for a new set,we need to know up front if the devs are gonna shaft us with that to hit check mess.

This is what i would like to see soon

Gunslinger Blasters(like malta boss)

Rage for Scrappers

Toxic Shields(scrapper/tank)

Device Tanks...(rocket launchers,grens,etc)

Hero Bounty Hunters(with a stealthy strike move) 3rd Kheldian

Staff Scrapper (High Smashing damage)

Just to name a few



not in reply to anyone.

i honestly think that the Dev's need to concentrate less on making all these changes and more on fixing the problems in the programing that curently exist.

the whole thing about reward tokens is rediculous as is the whole buying things differently for bases.? so what are they getting rid of, influence/infamy or prestige?

what happened to more items for bases, a banking system and recipe storage?

with all the changes it just seems that they want you to get your toon to 50 and then stop playing them to do the same thing all over again.

sorry if im ranting all over the place, i havent been on the forums in a bit and have missed this.



I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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If there was no reward, Posi wouldn't be talking of the need to tweak the reward system through several iterations.




Now, under the new system, you can know exactly what you need to do to get what you want. In my mind this is a much more friendly system for any player - hardcore or casual. We'll have all the details of the token system in a future feature update on Issue 13.

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Seems to me there will be some very unhappy "Market Sellers". But I love the idea

If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!



I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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Then you missed the entire point of the mission creator.



*squeals with delight over annoucement*

*cries when I realize it will probably hit before the semester ends*

In all seriousness, I'm overjoyed at this announcement. I think the Day-Jobs concept is fabulous and I can't wait to take a crack at the mission builder. Looks like another great issue.

Character List

Mistress Marabelle: Oh! She sent us Lunchmeat as a present!

Globals - @Be Healed @Be Natural



I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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Then you missed the entire point of the mission creator.

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For me the entire idea is for those that truely love the game and not just for the xp... it's about your character, how and why he's here in Paragon, and it's all up to you to decide his fate!!!!! How can you not want to play and determine his past, present and future ???

If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!



I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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Then you missed the entire point of the mission creator.

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...and how do you know the point exactly?

Their are MANY factors and options that could make the mission creator a great success or an epic fail. I for one look at it as an "end game" option. I can spend my time trying out player created missions with my IO'd out lvl 50s that I spent so much effort creating....and there will always be new missions to try out. Endless content for 50s is good news IMO.

That said, other people will want other things out of it, and if it doesn't offer decent rewards....alot of people won't even bother doing player created missions. That would equal fail.



It will be nice to finally be able to recreate my main toon with a shield. I also found it odd they were giving them to stalkers because it doesn't seem to fit that theme in my head. But heroes consistently get more attention than villains so I am not going to knock much redside content.

I am very curious to see how this new villain heal compares with emp and kin sets.



That's unfortunate. Proliferation would have been one of my favorite things about this issue, if it happened. Shields are meh.

And what about Pistol blasters? Not gonna happen I guess.

Overall the issue sounds alright, not one of the best though.

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And yet, for some of us, shields are the only thing that kept us from taking another year break. Although, it would have been very cool to have more proliferation, but I'm getting mah shields, so I'm not complaining. And the Architect sounds squeeeeefully amazing. (But don't get me started on the whole Bonus pack crap).



This is truly a great day! I have been waiting since the game came out for some kind of player created mission system! I am so happy that the developers are opening this option to us. I have so many stories in my head about this game universe that if they didn't make this option my brain would likely have burst soon...so...um...yeah...great timing!



Am I the only one completely amazed that we are getting shields over something "super"? I just don't get how a super hero comic book MMO would get hand held shields instead of Psi Melee or growth/shrinking or even dual pistols. Shields just seem very "WoWish" and not very super. This isn't LotR or WoW or anyone of a million fantasy based MMOs with Paladins and Witches....we have broadswords, battle Axes, Mace, and now Shields.....can we keep it "super" now"?



mission architect could be the single greatest thing to happen for role players since the game was made.

or it could fail misserably. I'm hoping for the first.



I am just hoping pain domination isn't just going to be a rehash of dark healing powers...ohh look they combined Life drain with Siphon Life..

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



I am glad they are including shields..because there are super heroes that use them..ie Capt. Americ...((gets dragged off by LawyerMan and Ms. Marvelawsuit Girl...with their sidekicks Generic name boy and Batgurl))

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?



It all sounds great -- I'm thinking both Shield/SS and MA/Shields as options for alts. Possibly even a Pain Domination villain.

But... conspicuously absent from this announcement is any mention of further powerset proliferation. Does that mean there simply won't be any this time? I hope that's not the case, since the talk leading up to the Issue 12 release definitely made it sound like proliferation would be an every-issue type of thing.

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Originally, PP was not scheduled for 13. Then, it was added as a Stretch Goal ("If you have extra time...") At this point, it isn't terribly likely, but who knows? Maybe there won't be any bugs in Beta!

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Alright... no /bug reports the first week or two of closed beta! Everyone save them for later so we can trick Castle into working on PP.



not in reply to anyone.

i honestly think that the Dev's need to concentrate less on making all these changes and more on fixing the problems in the programing that curently exist.

the whole thing about reward tokens is rediculous as is the whole buying things differently for bases.? so what are they getting rid of, influence/infamy or prestige?

what happened to more items for bases, a banking system and recipe storage?

with all the changes it just seems that they want you to get your toon to 50 and then stop playing them to do the same thing all over again.

sorry if im ranting all over the place, i havent been on the forums in a bit and have missed this.

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Late to the party, as usual... However, I just wished to comment on the above first. The second to last paragraph pretty much sums this up.

Lemme explain my position. For some reason, whether it's I don't do what some others are, or my system can't hear yours because of the sound of how awesome it is, don't have the bugginess issues that lots apparently have, but that doesn't mean I don't wholeheartedly agree with the idea of concentrating on bugs as well. However, they *need* to add things in addition to squashing bugs. It keeps the thing fresh. If they didn't add things, the product would die. It's that simple.

Now... onto the announcement itself... I am *stoked* about what's about to happen to Co* in this respect. I cannot *wait* to see Pain Domination... I'm probably gonna roll a new Dawn half sister on Pinnacle for that... Although Battle Brat may die because of it... but oh well, that's villainy for ya.

That is what Cerise shoulda been... a pain inducer. It's fine she's a Mind messer, and not empathic at all... but this is what she needed to be in the first place. A true evil sister. So, whatever her name is, she'll be a long lost half sister like Paige is on Charmed. Exceptin' Ruby's the only good witch. Yeah... that'd work! I can update their Bios to go with... more Villainy, of course.

And the whole mission creator idea... ****FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!**** That's worth paying for extra, ya ask me... the Devs are the BOMB.

This is gonna be GREAT.

/Edit: WAIT!! I have 5 free slots for characters to use... HA! Here's a reason to spend one! Sweet.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



So you really think Pain Domination will have big heals like Empathy? I just don't see them giving MMs a real healing set. I hope I am wrong though. I it turns out to be a good set I might actually role a Thugs/Pain.



Yes! The mission creator is coming!

I am so jazzed! XD This is definitely the most excited I've ever been about a forthcoming issue! Great work, devs!

"Always remember that you're unique -- just like everybody else."



Astounding!. Your so going to have to hire a team just to check over those personalised missions and arcs though to keep out the unsuitable/unsound/inappropriate.

Kewl beans though! Powersets and badge cool but expected. The mission creator in a game like this though... Very daring. There have been games that allow mission creation before... but not a MMOG. At least not that I know of. Very daring indeed. I hope it doesn't proove to be too much of a headache for you.



Am I the only one completely amazed that we are getting shields over something "super"? I just don't get how a super hero comic book MMO would get hand held shields instead of Psi Melee or growth/shrinking or even dual pistols. Shields just seem very "WoWish" and not very super. This isn't LotR or WoW or anyone of a million fantasy based MMOs with Paladins and Witches....we have broadswords, battle Axes, Mace, and now Shields.....can we keep it "super" now"?

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Well many think of Capt America when Shields come to mind, however the description is that your shield will protect the whole party as well as you, which implies the ability to project a forcefield......and that reminds me of the shield that Cavalier used in the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon.



Originally, PP was not scheduled for 13. Then, it was added as a Stretch Goal ("If you have extra time...") At this point, it isn't terribly likely, but who knows? Maybe there won't be any bugs in Beta!

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope you at least give broadswords to brutes in anticipation of shields coming out.



*takes one look at the announcement and immediately thinks*

"Damn, new teaser video and trailer video to make... oh, boy..."


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)