Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




Just had to comment some more on stuff bein' seen in here...

Remember the 'I12 isn't gonna be all that much' vibe we were getting? Y'know... before we found out that it was all that, and a bag of potato chips, plus some great ice cream and a sack of candy too?

Maybe this I13 thing is like that... Posi teases us with some of it... but then the reality is more than we ever dreamed... Of course, you didnt' hear that from me... as truly, I don't know..

Either way... it's pretty damn impressive a list as it is, if you ask me. Programming wise, that list of stuff is a *freakin' huge* thing to get set up and workin' in a few months... Oh, and bugs squashed too, like the backs for crabs(?) and chat issues... I think they're doin' a grand job... although I still don't see grappling/web/nanotube/? slinging as a powerset yet...

*raises his drink in toast* Here's to a very successful and awesomely recieved I13! And a hearty thanks for it beforehand!

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Also, since most of my alts are supposed to be working in Pocket D will there be rewards for logging out there?

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On Test, I've got a character that's still in the old Paragon Dance Party. I've got another that has been standing on the roof of the Storm Palace for years now.

I think my villains will be fighting for a weather forecaster job. Today's outlook: sunny. Tomorrow, sunny. 10 day forecast: sunny! Sunrise and sunset times never change. Even the moon phase stays the same! Now that's my kind of work!

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Ooo, I want rainy days added to the game. =D



So your objection to the idea or no rewards in the player mission is based soley on the idea that someone else might do something that may or may not happen?

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You are objecting to the fact there there will be no rewards in the player missions. A fact that we don't even know the details of yet but I'll get back to that.

You yourself admited that you would enjoy useing the system wiht you level 50 IOed character so you are refering to someone else.

You claim that this hypothetical person WILL not use the systems soley because It contains no rewords. Since the person is hypothetical the actions he might take is likewise hypothetical.

We don't know that there will be rewards, badges are eluded to, so the hypothetical persons actions is based on an event that may or may not happen.

To add further clarinty I'll add the conversation this is about.

I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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Then you missed the entire point of the mission creator.

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...and how do you know the point exactly?

Their are MANY factors and options that could make the mission creator a great success or an epic fail. I for one look at it as an "end game" option. I can spend my time trying out player created missions with my IO'd out lvl 50s that I spent so much effort creating....and there will always be new missions to try out. Endless content for 50s is good news IMO.

That said, other people will want other things out of it, and if it doesn't offer decent rewards....alot of people won't even bother doing player created missions. That would equal fail.

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Heck upon rereading that you are contradicting yourself between your two posts. On the one hand you will not create any missions that contain no rewards while on the other hand you are saying "Endless content for 50s is good news IMO."



I must admit the mission thing is pretty cool, and we do have a good community here so we might get some good stuff. It just needs to be an elaborate and sophisticated system that can do everything we need it to do, and it needs to not be heavily censored.

If the adventure building community here attains 1/10th the creativity of the original NWN community, it will be amazingly awesome. But I don't think the tools the devs are giving us will allow that to happen. We'll see though.

It's obvious that these mission rewards would arrive extremely nerfed, as it should be.



I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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Then you missed the entire point of the mission creator.

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...and how do you know the point exactly?

Their are MANY factors and options that could make the mission creator a great success or an epic fail. I for one look at it as an "end game" option. I can spend my time trying out player created missions with my IO'd out lvl 50s that I spent so much effort creating....and there will always be new missions to try out. Endless content for 50s is good news IMO.

That said, other people will want other things out of it, and if it doesn't offer decent rewards....alot of people won't even bother doing player created missions. That would equal fail.

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Heck upon rereading that you are contradicting yourself between your two posts. On the one hand you will not create any missions that contain no rewards while on the other hand you are saying "Endless content for 50s is good news IMO."

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The first post quoted wasn't me genius.



The whole "create your own story arc" thing sounds like farming central...

I can see it now, fire/kins stringing together demons/council/warriors, getting mish bonuses and rewards at the end, plus the amazing xp...



While on the one hand, it'd be a shame to see such a nifty idea borked in such fasion, on the other hand, it'd be fantastic for getting all the farmers out of the way so the rest of us can get on with actually PLAYING the game.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



I wonder if there is going to be an option allowing you to randomly pick a player created mission out of the bunch. Then at the end of the player mission arc or each mission, you can rate and comment on them. This would help possibly find new good authors that aren't highly rated yet.

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Both the random feature, and being able to rate and comment on other people's stories.

Changing the subject a tad, will it be possible to use one's own characters as 'hostages' or otherwise incorporate them into stories that people can experience? I'd love to meet other people's hero players as NPCs, and fight CoV player-made villains under PvE conditions. I'm a COH only player, and rarely PvP.



While on the one hand, it'd be a shame to see such a nifty idea borked in such fasion, on the other hand, it'd be fantastic for getting all the farmers out of the way so the rest of us can get on with actually PLAYING the game.


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true story. Grandville and Peregrine wouldn't be so annoying and depressing anymore!



Actually, I am really, REALLY hoping we can import original characters in as contacts/hostages/villains/whatever into the missions, because if so, the story arcs and Task/Strike Forces my husband and I have developed can REALLY be taken to the next level!



Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?

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Blizzard, Ice, SubZero, Kopaka, Capt Cold, Storm, Sylar, Ice MAiden, Frost, Tempest, Yamir, Killer Frost, Celsius, Katara, Aspen, Capt. Planet, Mr. Freeze, Avatar Roku, Coldsnap, Frostbite and like a million more here.

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*clicks link*
*reads list*

WTF? Donald Duck is on this list!
No kidding! Look and see.

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I was a bit surprised to see Megaman X myself.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



First veats now empathy for vills......sigh....I sure hope u got something big for heroes coming.

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These were just bringing things closer to parity between the two. And "Evil Empathy" is probably just going to be a tweaked version of something Heroes already have. Nothing -really- new.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Huh...I can honestly say I'm not very enthused about this upcoming issue. I thought I would be, but I'm just not.

*wanders away*

Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'

Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me



My, but wouldn't it have been nice to wait just 3 day and announce this at DRAGON*CON. It would have been extra cool opposite NCSoft's demo of Champions Online...

Oh, and count me also as disappointed that there are STILL no fixes/enhancements to bases. Shame on you, devs. Shame on you.



For all those that log out at the BM..especially in Cap....your day job is Lot Lizard, and you will be rewarded with free cheese and St. Ides

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Lot Lizard? I'm not quite sure that means what you appear to think it means... If what you think it means is what it means, I don't see how the cheese and St. Ides comes into play... Or the logging out near the black market.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Oh, and count me also as disappointed that there are STILL no fixes/enhancements to bases. Shame on you, devs. Shame on you.

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.....and more!

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They're not done announcing yet.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Let's see...

Log out in the University = Professor, Librarian, or Geek
Log out in Wentworth's = Bargain Hunter, Mystery Shopper
Log out in City Hall = Political Wanna-Be, Legal Eagle
Log out in Yin's Market = Addicted to MSG
Log out in Egg Hunter = Professional Time Waster
Log out in the Sewers = Health Inspector, Sewer Rat
Log out in Pocket D = Social Butterfly, Barfly, Raver
Log out in Perez Park = Naturalist, Botanist
Log out in Grandville = Sitting Duck
Log out in the Hospitals = Doctor, Nurse, Permanent Resident (haha), Terminal Patient (also haha)
Log out in the Tram Stations = Commuter, Subway Surfer
Log out in Crey's Folly = Health Inspector, Investigator
Logout in/near the Zig in Brickstown = Jail Warden, Public Defender


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



You guys are nutz. NOTHING should require you to do a TF 30-50 times. That is just horrible. If a pool C recipe costs 20 tokens, a typical TF/SF should reward at least 5 tokens. Anything more than that is just ridiculous.

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I think the idea is that different recipes cost different amounts.

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I think that would be a big mistake (devs putting a quantifiable value on certain rewards vs others).

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Then drive the token value off of a function based on the last five sales of the recipe at the auction house and the minimum-bid price of any posted recipes.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



<ul type="square">[*]Using an intuitive interface similar to the game’s detailed Character Creator, players can create missions from the ground up. Players will determine details ranging from environments, mission objectives, and enemies, to written fiction and character dialogue; giving their stories nearly infinite depth and personalization.[*] The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.[*]New Invention Origin Sets[*] new Costume Sets[*] a Patron Power Respec[*]Zone Refinements[/list]This I like. A lot. Really. Very much.
<ul type="square">[*]a Patron Power Respec[/list]



okay okay i see tha you are giving us villains "pain" witchi must say souns realy realy realy fun to do, but will we be able to heal and buff the same way as emps?
offine jobs sounds great does this mean we are one step closer to having player housing?
and lastly why did you have to come out with this like a week befor i go back to school?



Captain America rip offs, here we come! Even if you include energy shields there's only a tiny handful of heroes that use them especially as their signature powers.

Think of the hundreds of comic book heroes that use pistols. Also, pistols have been talked about for longer and more heatedly than shields have seriously been talked about, IMO.

For me, the only thing I really wanted in i13 was Pistols and it's not there. I would have taken a Battle Axe scrapper as a substitue (sue me, so I want another lethal weapon set for scrappers), but even Proliferation is not on the list.

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Actully, a while back they put up a vote for what the next new power sets were going to be and whatever won was supose to have ended up in the game.

Dual Blades and Sheild were the powersets that won that poll however it turned out Sheild would be more complicated to program than they had originally thought so they gave us the second runner up, Willpower.

So they are now giveing us Shields to make up for an earlier mistake.

However I do agree that pistols needs to come out as a powerset. I could see it being used as a Primary for Blasters and Corrupters and a Secondary for Defenders and Dominators.

We have Pistols now in the form of the Thugs powerset and we were told when that powerset came out that Pistols would be reworked for use on other Archetypes. This was before the thing with the Sheild powerset so I think it's kinda unfair to give people sheilds but not Pistols as both were promised but have yet to be delivered.

Even with all that said I'm looking forward to the Mission Creator and the simple fact that we'll have that makes me not really care about anything else. They could be adding the best most wanted powerset in the entire history of Co* and I wouldn't care. I'm that focused on the mission creator!

There are a few other things in I13 I'm looking forward to and would probly be more excited for them if all my focus wasn't being drawn to one thing. Everything else seems rather... insignificant to me right now.

I'm a Mastermind fanatic and even a new Primary powerset for Masterminds wouldn't excite me as much as the Mission Creator does.

I don't have words to describe how much I want to create my own missions.



I bet the power included with the Cyborg bonus pack is the transform to Freak Boss permanent temp power. Not complaining, just it would make perfect sense.

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I'll take that bet. How much ya giving me...er, I mean, wagering?

It's a brand new power.

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I bet that it's some sort of travel power.

(quick! Bet him on all possibilities until we can determine what the power is through the process of elimination!)

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I bet it's some sort of control power, a hold or a stun. Would make sense since there are a lot of 'temp powers' that are mainly offensive, and a few travel ones, but not as many control-ly.

(Hows that? What shall we bet on next?)

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Sounds cool.
Does this include changing the power's color? Sorry if you already anwer this qustion



Man, you shouldn't finish!!!

1) Ever since NC Soft took over and Cryptic went to do there own thing, Heroes have been like the red headed step-child in the PVP zones. The balance of the game has went to the villains and veats and dom's are proven fact. Tell me one hero that can go into the RV and clear out the area with out have to be buffed...

2) Now NC Soft gives Veats and Dom's the ability to have empathy buff powersets... They are taking the fun out of the PVP zones for heroes

3) NC Soft give Veats and Doms high defense and mega hold powers and PB and WS have no mez protection against holds... I thought the game was suppose to be balanced, but i don't see that happening any time soon for NC Soft...

And, it's not looking good at all for heroes, villains whine and NC Soft gives, but heroes keep getting left in behind.

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If you're really worried that the game needs "Balance," then you shouldn't have a problem with villains having access to Empathy, nor to an AT that is actually capable of PVPing against heroes.

Unless you don't REALLY want PVP balance, and want the heroes to keep the same advantages that they've had for the past three years already. That isn't what you meant, was it?