Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




(screams like a girl, while jumping up and down and moving hands franticaly).

RED CAP DAGGERS: if you want them red side on infinity, send a pm i have the mission to get them for dual blades.



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?



I love in Posi's letter how he talks about 'rewards' for the missions created by the users. How it was bantered back and forth in the office with raised voices. I have a nagging suspicion this means no xp/influence/etc for these missions in which case. Crappy system and count me out. Not gonna bust my butt to create tons of missions that grant absolutely no reward.

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Then you missed the entire point of the mission creator.

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...and how do you know the point exactly?

Their are MANY factors and options that could make the mission creator a great success or an epic fail. I for one look at it as an "end game" option. I can spend my time trying out player created missions with my IO'd out lvl 50s that I spent so much effort creating....and there will always be new missions to try out. Endless content for 50s is good news IMO.

That said, other people will want other things out of it, and if it doesn't offer decent rewards....alot of people won't even bother doing player created missions. That would equal fail.

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So your objection to the idea or no rewards in the player mission is based soley on the idea that someone else might do something that may or may not happen?

We don't even know that there won't be rewards yet. We are just resonably sure it won't be rewards like we are acustomed to.



Dear Posi,

Badgers get Badgers - afk, no less.

I'm sure - with profit as well (congratulations, not sarcastic), costume fans get theirs.

How much do PvP'ers have to pay to get *ANY* attention?

Bottom line - how many of the original PvP community wish list or the "oops we fergot about that" wish list items are remotely addressed in Issue 13?

I'm betting the over under isn't much higher than a deuce.



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?

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Blizzard, Ice, SubZero, Kopaka, Capt Cold, Storm, Sylar, Ice MAiden, Frost, Tempest, Yamir, Killer Frost, Celsius, Katara, Aspen, Capt. Planet, Mr. Freeze, Avatar Roku, Coldsnap, Frostbite and like a million more here.



So your objection to the idea or no rewards in the player mission is based soley on the idea that someone else might do something that may or may not happen?

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So your objection to the idea or no rewards in the player mission is based soley on the idea that someone else might do something that may or may not happen?

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yeah you lost me too

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?

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Blizzard, Ice, SubZero, Kopaka, Capt Cold, Storm, Sylar, Ice MAiden, Frost, Tempest, Yamir, Killer Frost, Celsius, Katara, Aspen, Capt. Planet, Mr. Freeze, Avatar Roku, Coldsnap, Frostbite and like a million more here.

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well i think we have a good list here... ice abilities is semi common? lol...

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



First veats now empathy for vills......sigh....I sure hope u got something big for heroes coming.

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But...but... I thought the Dev Team hated Villains?

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Though i13 has lots to be really thankful for and will be very interesting to see how it turns out. Villians still actualy lack in story content. arc, sf, trails and things alike.

Prime example is VEATs. They are archonos knockoffs and we were told that they are a story driven AT and it just fits really well into the theme. Cool, sounds great and the ATs are really fun to play but wheres the story? wheres the SF? The VEATs story line (what little there is) isnt very good. Not to mention it only took over 2yrs to get. Story wise, HEATs are far superior to VEATs. I really dont see how heros can whin or see where villians have gotten that much.

THough on another note the Devs have done a great job adding new content and fluff to an already great game. I13 looks to be full of win and im very eager to see it hit live. I can only hope villians will one day get more contacts,SFs,Trails and such




Originally, PP was not scheduled for 13. Then, it was added as a Stretch Goal ("If you have extra time...") At this point, it isn't terribly likely, but who knows? Maybe there won't be any bugs in Beta!

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uhm... no bugs in beta? I can still think of at least 2 bugs from "City of heroes Beta" that are on live server!

no bugs in beta.. HAH!
I fully expect "there's a Bug in the Bug system" to be bugged and not grant me Bughunter badge :-).



The thing is the announcement clearly says that the Day Job system will provide real, tangible, in-game benefits. How good an idea is it, really, if in order to complete a tough mission it's recommended to first log off and get the Regen boost for Caregiving before attempting it? Or if one of the accolades for getting multiple Day Job badges is just the perfect title for your favorite character, only you can't play them while you're earning it? I just think it's not a good road to travel down. In fact, didn't Positron once say that WoW's "rested XP" system was rewarding players for not playing?

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Give someone a silver lining, and they'll find a dark cloud to tack it onto.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Corruptors getting dual pistols is the best part of the whole issue......what? It's not part of issue 13? Oh.....then nvm.



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?

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Blizzard, Ice, SubZero, Kopaka, Capt Cold, Storm, Sylar, Ice MAiden, Frost, Tempest, Yamir, Killer Frost, Celsius, Katara, Aspen, Capt. Planet, Mr. Freeze, Avatar Roku, Coldsnap, Frostbite and like a million more here.

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*clicks link*
*reads list*

WTF? Donald Duck is on this list!
No kidding! Look and see.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



So you really think Pain Domination will have big heals like Empathy? I just don't see them giving MMs a real healing set. I hope I am wrong though. I it turns out to be a good set I might actually role a Thugs/Pain.

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From the notes re: I13:

Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

I read that as I can *dish out* pain to my targets. Totally reverse empathy.

*rereads*... WAIT. Not a Dominator power? Phooey... oh well, she can be a Corr. No big, I suppose... she *is*, after all, a half sister to be...

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Will you be able to place your own heroes into the missions...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-




From the notes re: I13:

Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

I read that as I can *dish out* pain to my targets. Totally reverse empathy.

*rereads*... WAIT. Not a Dominator power? Phooey... oh well, she can be a Corr. No big, I suppose... she *is*, after all, a half sister to be...

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I read it as they dominate the pain... as in, instead of healing, they elminate the damage...

It's all terminology, which is what they said they were hung up on in previous proliferation dicussions. Empathy isn't villainous enough. But kicking the crap out of some pain, oh yeah! Nevermind if it functions 100% the same, and is just renamed and new effects... it sure sounds evil-er.



I just have a question, can we create missions populated almost ENTIRELY with mastermind robots?



So you really think Pain Domination will have big heals like Empathy? I just don't see them giving MMs a real healing set. I hope I am wrong though. I it turns out to be a good set I might actually role a Thugs/Pain.

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From the notes re: I13:

Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

I read that as I can *dish out* pain to my targets. Totally reverse empathy.

*rereads*... WAIT. Not a Dominator power? Phooey... oh well, she can be a Corr. No big, I suppose... she *is*, after all, a half sister to be...

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That's what I mean. I think most people are thinking it is going to be like Empathy for vilaains as in big heals. I'm thinking they mean it is the antithesis in terms of ideology. I'm thinking it won't have good heals



I only have one question...

About the mission creator thing...

Can I insert my own characters as NPCs into the missions?

To be more spicific let's say I'm building a story arch while playing Lord Imperial (My level 50 DDD) can I make it so the ultimate goal in the last mission is to defeat Lord Vestereo? (My Level 50 Zombie/Dark MM)

I am assumeing that we can in fact play on our own story archs as well as distrubute them to other players and I actully lied as I have 2 questions...

Is there some NPC contact these player made story archs will be linked to or do we take the missions directly from the players that created them?

Meaning would there be a contact that would have all the player made missions listed and you just select the missions that way or would someone have to ask me directly if I have any mission for them to do that I created?

Oh and sorry if this has allready been asked don't have time to read through the posts at the moment.



This is so freaking awesome. Thank You Devs. Now if you can just work in power customization for I14 to compete with that other Super Hero game created by Jack Emmett it will all work out. Most of my characters end up logging out at either Wentworths or the Black Market after I sell my wares. So am I an Auctioneer? Also, a Global Vault System would be nice too like Guild Wars has. Overall I13 is I feel the best issue since I12 and the VEATS. You guys always seem to amaze with things like this. Thanks and now it is understandable why this issue will take so long to come to live servers. Feel free to take your time and get it just right. I will wait patiently as i anticipate what characters I must delete to support my alt-itis. And please send us more information on the booster packs I am really interested in those and will willingly give you my money. Congratulations on another homerun issue you definately knocked this one out of the park!

On Victory
Justice Bruiser DM/Regen Scrapper - LVL 50
Pocket Loki � Rad/Sonic Defender � LVL 50
And Many Others

On Protector
Warden of Hades - Fire/Fire Dom � LVL 50
Debt Bomb � Fire/Kin Corruptor
And many others



Everyone says capt america.....other than Cap, there's like what? Maybe 10 obscure comic book charcters that use a shield?

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I could say the same thing about Ice Blasts. Other than Iceman who does this?

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Blizzard, Ice, SubZero, Kopaka, Capt Cold, Storm, Sylar, Ice MAiden, Frost, Tempest, Yamir, Killer Frost, Celsius, Katara, Aspen, Capt. Planet, Mr. Freeze, Avatar Roku, Coldsnap, Frostbite and like a million more here.

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*clicks link*
*reads list*

WTF? Donald Duck is on this list!
No kidding! Look and see.

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Yup. There's others on that list that only marginally have Ice Control. But Donald Duck being on the list, means the list is BS and Jacobi fails the internets today.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



So you really think Pain Domination will have big heals like Empathy? I just don't see them giving MMs a real healing set. I hope I am wrong though. I it turns out to be a good set I might actually role a Thugs/Pain.

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From the notes re: I13:

Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

I read that as I can *dish out* pain to my targets. Totally reverse empathy.

*rereads*... WAIT. Not a Dominator power? Phooey... oh well, she can be a Corr. No big, I suppose... she *is*, after all, a half sister to be...

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That's what I mean. I think most people are thinking it is going to be like Empathy for vilaains as in big heals. I'm thinking they mean it is the antithesis in terms of ideology. I'm thinking it won't have good heals

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The word used is "antithesis". This, to me, indicates exactly what they mean... If you wanted a truly evil sister to the one with Empathy, you dish out some pain... So yeah, I'm totally thinking that if I'm right... heals will siphon greatly... as there won't be any with that set.

However, I'm now wondering how it will truly wind up... Because I can see pain management... but that's more empathic than not. So I really don't think it's about any sort of healing at all, but what Cerise, the Mind/Psi Dom truly wants to be... the dealer of hurt, instead of her goody two-shoes sister Ruby, who's the Mind/Emp 'Troller.

But that's ok, because the just now created Rose Dawn, long lost half sister, is ready to step in on my 13th slot placeholder on Pinnacle. She's currently an Energy/Storm Corrupter, and is standing by in Breakout, waiting to be deleted and reborn as her true Pain disher, whatever that form takes, including MM or Corr. It will be interesting to see what it shapes up to be!

/My anticipation is like a Mervyns commercial: Open. Open. Open. (as in, open up the beta invites and lemme SEE already.
//Now jinxed it for myself, but oh well.

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



Captain America rip offs, here we come! Even if you include energy shields there's only a tiny handful of heroes that use them especially as their signature powers.

Think of the hundreds of comic book heroes that use pistols. Also, pistols have been talked about for longer and more heatedly than shields have seriously been talked about, IMO.

For me, the only thing I really wanted in i13 was Pistols and it's not there. I would have taken a Battle Axe scrapper as a substitue (sue me, so I want another lethal weapon set for scrappers), but even Proliferation is not on the list.



I'm REALLY hoping that in the "many" other things included in I13, there will be a decent selection of new animal parts (monsterous heads and tails).
Not just for the costume creator but for the mission creator . I'd love to do a "Paragon ZOO possesed" mission ..
Guess we'll see

~ I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy~



some cool stuff but i'm a little upset at the idea of nerfed rewards on the custom missions.

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lol, how can you nerf something that hasn't even been release yet.