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  1. Have to say, the glowy bits lines from Nort would be awesome. But that can be done with the pattern.

    C has the AWESOME corrugated crinkly joints. Danger Rill Wobinson.

    but A has, what i think is the best overall look.
    And if it wins, I look forward to all the Samurai Sith lords running around paragon for a while :-)
  2. I know there's tons more important glitches to get fixed, but this one was [Bug]ging me today and yesterday.

    I had been playing with the Menu >Arena as an alternative to physically going to the arena.
    Set up my gladiators, and formed a match.
    I invited my rival to the match. but then managed to crash to desktop.
    When I came back(stopped for diner while my files reverified), i had a constant spam in my main chat window of "Event does not exist".
    Every couple seconds I was logged in, i got that message.

    Finally figured it out, and got rid of the spam... but it was annoying that I HAD to.
    The method to rid myself of the message was, join a different, existing, arena match.
    My client thought it was still trying to join the match, and the server had already wiped it from memory:-(
  3. As regards elusivity specifically...

    "In PvP zones, many Defense-boosting powers, particularly those in the protective power sets of "non-squishy" ATs, also add a bonus to another stat called Elusivity. Elusivity's effects stack with Defense to make a character even harder to hit."

    Well, it's not working.

    As an example from another post.
    "My SR scrap has 55% melee and that's reduced to 37%"
    well, my defender has 120% melee and that's reduced to 12%.

    And it's JUST that power.
    I found someone to check my Deflection Shield... and while it gets the PvP reduction, it's only a reduction, not a total elimination.

    This Bug is ONLY about [Personal Forcefield].
    All the other defense powers in the set work as intended.
    however poorly that might be :-)
  4. yeah, i get diminishing returns, but PFF is showing ZERO effect in M/R/AoE. Not even showing up in the combat attributes.

    I've been playing since, oh, just before badges went live. I've seen most everything(and personally bet hit by the nerfbat more times than i can count).

    But THIS is NEW... Just before Christmas, I did a nuke run... getting all three nukes.

    Again, I say, I understand diminishing returns... but from over 122% PvE to 13.87% PvP?
    From this discussion here ( I should still be above 40% def, even after diminishing returns. my RESISTANCE stays at 40% both in pvp and pve...

    Here's where I say BUG!...
    With Just dispersion field(base %) running I have 12.487% def(r/M/AoE) in Recluse Victory.
    3% from steadfast protection. 15.38% from dispersion bubble. Reduced because of PVP nerfing. No problem.
    With JUST PFF running, I have 2.83%.
    3% from steadfast, reduced for PvP.

    WHERE THE HECK is ANY bonus from PFF? It doesn't even give the same as Dispersion bubble, even though it has a base of TEN TIMES more defense than DB!

    To be clear, I'm not decrying that defense got a nerf in i13... i'm saying that one of my powers is missing half of what it is supposed to do! The resists(a SECONDARY EFFECT) remain, but the primary purpose behind the power has ZERO effect. zilch, nada, nyet!
  5. Took my Forcefield defender into warburg today.
    OUCH! My MAIN survivability power in that zone is [Personal Forcefield].
    Combat attributed doesn't even register it on melee/ranged/AoE.
    For all other damage types, it shows PFF's effect in the subset, but it does not change the actual percentages.

    Proff of this issues is in the combat results... Even con minions, and -1 Con minions even, are able to hit me with impunity. With Hover, Dispersion Bubble, Personal Forcefield, and 6% worth of unique procs all running. Outside of PvP, with those same powers and procs, I can stand face to face with ArchVillains and laugh at their puny attacks missing.

    Now, I know it's a bug, but I have NO idea how the servers are doing their math, cause it certainly isn't any math I'VE heard of. Let's take the smashing/lethal defense. 3.00% + 97.50% + 3.73% + 15.83% = 120.06, NOT 20.70%. Even without Personal Forcefield... the numbers add up to 22.56 NOT 20.70%. Something Somewhere is horribly wrong in my tiny tiny corner of City of Heroes.

    The numbers get even stranger in the Melee/Ranged/AoE. +3.00% +3.73% + 15.83% (+ 97.50% missing from the personal Forcefield buff that isn't showing) does NOT equal 13.87%.

    I am attaching a link to a screen shot of my numbers for you.
    For a defender whose ONLY survival tactic is to hide in PFF, while healing... this bug completely eliminates me from ANY possible PVP activity, INCLUDING the PvE content of those zones.

    For a slightly closer shot of the actual numbers.

    On a side note, the 40% resistance to all but toxic seems to be working just fine when Personal Forcefield is on.
  6. Ok... now THIS is just getting odd.

    I logged out of my villain using the "Quit to character select" button.

    And what do you know... I have access to all my characters again, without the offer to buy Going Rogue. Unless Support wants to investigate further, I'm going to chalk this one up to either nasty login-server lag, or gremlins. Probably gremlins.
  7. Thanks for not ripping on my dyslexia too bad :-) (darn google spell check for not knowing what I MEANT to type :-)

    Not a fault of switching cards though.

    I suppose I should have been more clear...
    there were NO hardware changes made from over a month ago. And my lost access occurred today.

    Literally, I logged in this morning.(I WAS able to access them then)
    Played a while.
    Logged out.
    Went for Lunch.
    Logged in.
    Could no longer access gold-side characters.
  8. So, I am playing this morning. All is well.

    I logout to go get lunch.

    When I come back, I no longer can access my Goldside characters.
    Instead I am greeted with a messege saying "This option is only available for people that have Going Rouge. Would you like to buy it?"

    Now, that's what I THOUGHT I did WEEKS ago, when I bought the Going Rouge Box set! ;-)

    Clearly a glitch of some kind, but annoying, as I just recently got my new video card, and that is the zone with "all the new pretty" that I bought the GPU for in the first place!

    Help!?! Please? help...
  9. Glad I ran into this with my search-fu.

    I didn't bother uninstalling the program, I just ctrl-alt-del killed it.
    worked great, and when i reboot, it's right back there, ready to overclock me for my OTHER work and play.

    Stock Speeds for CoX till they get this straitened out.(eva version 2.0.0 haven't tried 2.0.1 yet, but i don't hold out much hope) At least till I install the MSI Afterburner.

    as per it works on my current card(christmas upgrade is in the mail. YEAH!) and hopefully won't have the same conflict with entering bases.

    Last resort would be to return to RivaTuner.
  10. When you get them, and install them, let us know what/if they do any good!

    With the 470, the software physx should be covered.
    but from my research, the CPU handles most of what those Ageai cards covered.
    So, it will also be necessary to monitor CPU load as well as total FPS, to determine if any significant cpu and/or gpu offloading is achieved.

    "Games that support AGEAI Physx, such as City of Heroes, will not accelerate physics on Nvidia GPU's.

    So, basically you bought two cards that only a literal handful of games from 5 and 6 years ago will actually use to process physics."

    LMFAO, this IS A COH FORUM. I don't care if this is the ONLY game the cards work with, if they work!

    Especially of interest for older/low-end systems since The Ageai cards are available in PCI! Not only does that make them possibly useful for people still running AGP machines(ati 4650 available at fry's) but also possibly useful for people using motherboards with only one pciex16 slot.

    More discussions related to this is

    Father Xmas Seems to say that a good multi-core CPU will be just as effective as adding one of these cards, But I'd like DEFINITIVE NUMBERS before I decide.

    I found one for sale, for a miserly $15 plus shipping So I may spring for one anyhow.
    For those that were there for my "gpu vs IGP" thread... you know I ended up with some pretty low specced hardware. With an Intel e3300, and a g210 video card... the extra off-loading of the CPU with an AGEAI PhysX card may be worth it.

    Obviously, a better video card would benefit fps and overall looks... but is it worth keeping one of these endangered cards installed?

    Anxiously awaiting an answer :-)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LaughingDan View Post
    Demon washing machine is my favorite terminology for it. XD

    I had to turn off my sound as it kept looping and stacking until it was so loud I couldn't hear my own screams. Not so much doom as an annoyance factor of 72%.

    Doom for me.

    Got the DWM while zoning into Oursoboro.
    Got kicked from the game when zoning OUT of Oursoboro.
    Now I can't get back in on any server, any character :-(

    I call mini-doom. At least for me. And maybe a few other people with similar issues.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    can you at least launch the game in Safe mode?
    Launch? yes. Even log in. but the graphics remain glitched. after logging in, MY rig showed the UI ok, but nothing of the game.

    Also, what operating system are you running?
    XP sp3, Win7 home premium, and Ubuntu Linux 10.04(pre-release).
    Same issue on all three.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nero_1984 View Post
    But since then when I logged back in, I seem to be having the following problems, when I get to character selection I can see names but not the character it self, and then when in game I can see chat box ect but no graphics.
    I had EXACTLY the same issue in the open beta of i17, with my nvidia 6800(no longer my primary computer, but will test it again later in the week).

    Much like the looping, self-amplifying sound loop of doom.... I believe them to be
    unresolved issues leftover from the broken beta. Possibly, they were fixed in open beta near the end, but failed to make it into the live patch manifest. it's happened before :-(
  14. ironsmiter


    Well, at least you can get ON...

    I logged in just fine, went to ouroboros, and got the evil looping background sound.

    Now, I can't get past 1/4 loading on any server :-(
  15. Update...

    There was a setting in bios. No explication in the manual, but eventually found it on the intel website.
    The e3300 I'm using supports virtualization under windows7. Under Windows XP, all it does if ***** everything. Turned it off, and WOW!

    Before the bios switch was pressed, I was able to compare my computers as being almost equal graphically, and my old one much better in launch speed(4 seconds old vs 20 new, to launch mozilla). After turning that switch to 'off', it's a whole different ballgame. Not only are normal applications faster, but CoH fps rates climbed dramatically.

    Once my 4GB ram(ddr2-1066) upgrade arrives, we'll see how far and fast this setup can actually be pushed. If it's this good on a single halfgig stick of 667, dual channel 2gig sticks capable of handling the overclocks should do wonders. :-)
  16. So, I've now tested on a HD3200, my g210(now with enough system memory), and a borrowed g240.

    HD3200(1.6Ghz Amd mv-40, 2Gb ram) works as well as my 6800XT(2Ghz athlon64, 2Gb ram), but with slightly higher framerates, on the same settings. Entirely Playable. Avoid Hami raids, but Cim is OK.
    The g210(2.5Ghz celeron e3300, 2Gb ram) runs a bit better than the other two, but I can turn on more eye candy, without dropping frames.
    The 240(2.5 Celeron e3300, 2GB ram) just clean blows everything else out of the water.

    What this means to me?
    Pretty looking "normal mode". No Ultra Mode, ever.
    I'm ok with that, till I can afford one of those shiny gtx285 or similar.

    Till Then, Happy Hunting.
  17. Well, my other half replaced a netbook with a hd3200 powered 12 inch model from MSI.
    running a 1.6 mv-40, on 2 Gb ram.

    It works OK, but it's no speed demon.

    Frame rates are fine, at normal settings.
    UltraMode would bring it to it's knees.
    Even cranked up "normal" mode drops framerates below acceptable.
  18. simple answer is NO :-(

    in fact, it PROBABLY won't be enough to play the game acceptably, other than on minimal graphics settings.

    AS far as I've been able to find out, the hd3200 is basically a geforce 2400 repackaged.

    At least according to 3d benchmarking(dunno about actual in-game performance) the list goes

    Radeon x1300(949 3dmark) < Radeon HD 2400 Pro(1490 3dmark) < Geforce 8400 GS(1640 3dmark) < HD 3200(1700 3dmark) < Radeon HD 3450 (1799 3dmark)

    Now, 3dmark doesn't exactly equate to City of Heroes FPS's, but it's close enough to let you know wether you're going to regret not buying a dedicated card. That's going to be a great workstation/video watching machine. You MIGHT be able to get Ultra mode with a "hybrid sli mode" but that card alone isn't going to cut it.
  19. well, it's official. that 210, with the 3300 KILLS my old system in performance.

    The only problem is, apparently, the board won't post without at least ddr2 - 800.
    And I only have a half gig of that... till the store opens tomorrow.

    Once I loaded into the game, I easily cranked up settings, and STILL got better FPS than before.

    Sadly, it takes a good 5 min to zone. So, it's back to the old system tonight. Benchmarks will have to wait.
  20. Yep, I'm doing it WAY wrong, but it's what works for me.

    Well, it's faster than an IGP. It may even be as fast as your old 6800XT. And it's a G 210 or simply a GeForce 210. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

    I'm guessing an E5200 CPU (please not the E3300). And the better CPU should also affect overall performance, not just the video card.
    The Box clearly states it is a GT210. Though you are probably more right than the box, as it ALSO states, in smaller letters elsewhere both the GeForce 210 and the G210 designations.

    Sadly, Yes, it's a 3300(1683 passmark score@stock). Still a step up from the old Athlon 64 3000+(473 passmark) or the Pentium D 820(732 passmark) that was sitting in my parts bin.

    Eventually, this board can handle the Core 2 Quad Q9650. When I need more CPU than that,I'll hang up my PC, and dust of the Atari 2600 for some mean Pacman action!

    With a budget of next to nothing, baby steps are needed. While more expensive in the long run, it's easier than trying to save money up for a "real rig"
  21. Just for giggles, here's a completely biased, plagiarized, and informative(and mostly correct) Listing of graphics cards of relevance to CoH. I included even some OLD old cards, as they worked when the game was young(issue 3 anyone?). I started with the GeForce 2, since that was the "minimum" listed on my first City of Heroes box set.

    1. Radeon HD5970 4GB
    2. Radeon HD5970 2GB
    3. Geforce GTX295 1792MB
    4. Radeon HD4870X2 2GB
    5. Radeon HD5870 1GB
    6. Radeon HD4850X2 2GB
    7. Radeon HD5850 1GB
    8. Geforce GTX285 2GB
    9. Geforce GTX285 1GB
    10. Radeon HD4850X2 1GB
    11. Radeon HD4890 2GB
    12. Geforce GTX 275 1792MB
    13. Geforce GTX 280 1GB
    14. Geforce GTX 275 896MB
    15. Radeon HD4890 1GB
    16. Radeon HD5830 1GB
    17. Geforce 9800GX2 1GB
    18. Geforce GTX 260 1792MB
    19. Radeon HD4870 1GB
    20. Geforce GTX 260-216 896MB
    21. Radeon HD5770 1GB
    22. Radeon HD4870 512MB
    23. Geforce GTX 260 896MB
    24. Radeon HD3870X2 1GB
    25. Radeon HD4860 1GB
    26. Radeon HD5750 1GB
    27. Geforce GTS 250 1GB
    28. Radeon HD4850 1GB
    29. Geforce 9800GTX+ 512MB/GTS250 512MB
    30. Radeon HD4850 512MB
    31. Radeon HD4770 512MB
    32. Geforce 8800Ultra 768MB
    33. Geforce 9800GTX 512MB
    34. Geforce 8800GTX 768MB
    35. Geforce 8800GTS 512MB (G92)
    36. Radeon HD4830 512MB
    37. Geforce 8800GT 1GB /9800GT 1GB
    38. Geforce 8800GT 512MB/9800GT 512MB/GTS240 512MB
    39. Radeon HD5670 1GB
    40. Radeon HD5670 512MB
    41. Radeon HD2900XT 1GB
    42. Radeon HD4730 512MB
    43. Geforce 9600GT 1GB
    44. Geforce 9600GT 512MB
    45. Geforce GT 240 1GB
    46. Geforce GT 240 512MB
    47. Radeon HD2900XT 512MB

    ----------------------------------above here lies only pci-e--------------------------------------

    48. Radeon HD3870 512MB

    Have never actually SEEN one of these for sale, so I don't count it against the 4670 which is in stock at newegg.

    49. Radeon HD4670 512MB

    Best AGP card available ever? Still in the sub-$100 range

    50. Geforce 8800GTS 640MB
    51. Radeon HD2900Pro 512MB
    52. Radeon HD3850 512MB
    53. Geforce 9600GSO 768MB
    54. Geforce 8800GT 256MB
    55. Geforce 8800GTS 320MB
    56. Geforce 7950GX2 1GB
    57. Geforce 8800GS 384MB/9600GSO 384MB
    58. Geforce 9600GSO 512MB (G94)
    59. Radeon HD5570 1GB
    60. Radeon HD3850 256MB
    61. Radeon X1950XTX 512MB
    62. Geforce 7900GTX 512MB
    63. Radeon X1900XTX 512MB
    64. Radeon X1950XT 256MB
    65. Radeon X1900XT 512MB
    66. Radeon X1900XT 256MB
    67. Geforce 7900GTO 512MB
    68. Geforce 7800GTX 512MB
    69. Geforce 7950GT 512MB
    70. Radeon X1950Pro 512MB
    71. Radeon HD2900GT 256MB
    72. Radeon X1950Pro 256MB
    73. Radeon HD4650 512MB
    74. Geforce 8600GTS 512MB
    75. Geforce 8600GTS 256MB
    76. Geforce 7900GT 512MB
    77. Geforce GT 220 1GB
    78. Geforce GT 220 512MB
    79. Geforce 9500GT 1GB
    80. Geforce 9500GT 512MB
    81. Radeon X1800XT 512MB
    82. Radeon X1800XT 256MB
    83. Geforce 7900GT 256MB
    84. Geforce 7800GTX 256MB
    85. Geforce 7900GS 512MB
    86. Geforce 8600GT 512MB
    87. Radeon X1900GT 256MB
    88. Geforce 7800GS Bliss+ 512MB
    89. Radeon X1950GT 512MB
    90. Radeon X1900GT Rev2 256MB
    91. Geforce 7800GT 256MB
    92. Radeon X1800XL 256MB
    93. Geforce 7800GS 256MB
    94. Radeon X1800GTO 256MB
    95. Geforce 8600GT 256MB
    96. Radeon X1650XT 256MB
    97. Geforce 7600GT 256MB
    98. Radeon HD2600XT 256MB
    99. Radeon HD3650 256MB
    100. Radeon HD4550 512MB
    101. Radeon HD5450 512MB
    102. Radeon HD4350 512MB
    103. Radeon X850XTPE 256MB
    104. Radeon X850XT 256MB
    105. Geforce 7600GTS 256MB
    106. Radeon HD2600Pro 256MB
    107. Radeon X800XT/PE 256MB
    108. Geforce 6800Ultra/EE 256MB
    109. Geforce 6800GT 256MB
    110. Geforce 6800GS 256MB
    111. Radeon X800XL 256MB
    112. Radeon X800GTO 256MB/X800GTO2 256MB
    113. Radeon X850Pro 256MB
    114. Radeon X800Pro 256MB
    115. Radeon X800GTO 256MB
    116. Geforce 6800GS AGP 256MB
    117. Chrome 440GTX 256MB
    118. Geforce 9400GT 512MB
    119. Geforce GT 210 512MB

    This is my current card. But I'm overclocking the snot out of it. So far so good.

    120. Geforce 8500GT 256MB
    121. Chrome 430 256MB
    122. Radeon X1650Pro 256MB
    123. Radeon X1600XT 256MB
    124. Geforce 7600GS 256MB
    125. Radeon HD2400XT 256MB
    126. Geforce 6800 256MB
    127. Radeon X800GT 256MB
    128. Radeon X800 256MB
    129. Radeon X1300XT 256MB
    130. Radeon X1600Pro 256MB
    131. Radeon HD3450 256MB
    132. Geforce 8400GS 256MB
    133. Geforce 6800XT/LE 256MB

    This was my old AGP card, and it had the nv41 chip, so no extra pipes, no extra shaders, and no overclocking available. ;-( Still, I could reasonably play anywhere, with some eyecandy, at decent resolution. Except for Romans. In the Imperious Taskforce, this card was lucky to reach multiple frames per second. Often, the meter read "XXXXX pages of text per second", especially on the hill-of-gfx-doom.

    134. Geforce 7300GT 256MB
    135. Geforce 6600GT 256MB
    136. Radeon HD2400Pro 256MB
    137. Radeon X700XT 256MB
    138. Radeon 9800XT 256MB
    139. Radeon X700Pro 256MB
    140. Radeon 9800Pro 256MB
    141. Radeon 9800Pro 128MB
    142. Radeon 9700Pro 256MB
    143. Geforce 6600 256MB
    144. Radeon 9800 256MB
    145. Radeon X700 256MB
    146. Radeon 9800SE 256MB
    147. Chrome S27 256MB
    148. Radeon 9700 128MB
    149. Geforce 5950Ultra 256MB
    150. Geforce 5900Ultra 256MB
    151. Geforce5900 128MB
    152. Geforce 5800Ultra 128MB
    153. Geforce 5900XT 128MB
    154. Geforce 5800 128MB
    155. Radeon X1300Pro 128MB
    156. Radeon X600XT 128MB
    157. Radeon 9600XT 128MB
    158. Geforce TI4800 128MB
    159. Geforce TI4600 128MB
    160. Radeon X600Pro 128MB
    161. Radeon 9500Pro 128MB
    162. Radeon 9600Pro 128MB
    163. Geforce TI4800SE 128MB
    164. Geforce TI4400 128MB
    165. Radeon X1550 128MB
    166. Radeon X1300 128MB
    167. Radeon 9800SE 128MB
    168. Radeon X600 128MB
    169. Radeon 9600 128MB
    170. Radeon 9500 128MB
    171. Geforce 6600LE 128MB
    172. Radeon X1300SE 128MB
    173. Geforce 6200 128MB
    174. Geforce 5700Ultra 128MB
    175. Geforce 5700 128MB
    176. Geforce 7300GS 128MB
    177. Geforce 6200LE 128MB
    178. Radeon X550 128MB
    179. Geforce 5600Ultra FC 128MB
    180. Geforce 5600Ultra 128MB
    181. Radeon 9550 128MB
    182. Geforce TI4200 128MB
    183. Geforce 5600 128MB
    184. Geforce 5600XT 128MB

    This was my "City Of villains Makes my compute cry" upgrade card. Modded ad overclocked like a fiend, and worked well till around issue 6 when it let loose with the magic smoke.

    185. Radeon 9600SE 128MB
    186. Geforce 7300LE 128MB
    187. Radeon X1050 128MB
    188. Radeon X300 128MB
    189. Geforce 7300SE 128MB
    190. Geforce 7200GS 128MB
    191. Geforce 7100GS 128MB
    192. Radeon 9550SE 128MB
    193. Radeon 9200Pro 128MB
    194. Geforce 3 TI500 64MB
    195. Geforce 5500 128MB
    196. Radeon 8500 128MB
    197. Radeon 9000Pro 128MB
    198. Radeon 9200 128MB
    199. Geforce 5200Ultra 128MB
    200. Radeon 9250 128MB
    201. Radeon 9000 128MB
    202. Matrox Parhelia
    203. Geforce 4 MX460 64MB
    204. Geforce 5200 64MB
    205. Voodoo5 6000
    206. Geforce 3 64MB
    207. Radeon 8500LE 64MB
    208. Geforce 3 TI200 64MB
    209. Geforce 4 MX440 64MB

    This was where I began my costumed double life. The card still lives in someone's active e-mail/websurfing computer. You just couldn't kill this little trooper.

    210. Radeon 9200SE 64MB
    211. Geforce 2 Ultra 64MB
    212. Radeon 7500 64MB
    213. Geforce 2 TI 64MB
    214. Geforce 2 Pro 64MB
    215. Voodoo5 5500
    216. Geforce 2 GTS 64MB
    217. Geforce 4 MX420 64MB
    218. Radeon DDR (Later Renamed Radeon 7200)
    219. Geforce 256 DDR 32MB
    220. Geforce 2 MX400 64MB
  22. Well, I went to Fry's on Friday.

    They had sales and deals.

    $100 out the door for a new motherboard, dual-core processor, and a gt210.

    Already have the ram(well, enough for now), hard drives, etc...

    and $40 in rebates already in the mail.

    So for the same price of just a motherboard with IGP that I WAS looking at, I'm ready to go, and without shipping.

    From what I've read, the gt210 should be about to the 9400, a step down from the 9500 that Tahquitz linked. Stock, it's running as good, or better than my 6800XT. I'll try for some benchmarking soon, but it'll be mostly pointless, since the new system and fresh os install may more than make up for any difference in graphics card performance.

    Started modding this afternoon. the gt210 has already had it's cooling upgraded from aluminum heatsink/fan to triple heatpipe/copper heatsink/BIG fan. Baby heatsinks for the memory, and overclocking first thing tomorrow. Pushed the Intel dualcore from 2.5 to 3.1 on stock air. Think I'll hold off on the ram, till I get new, faster ram. This stuff I'm using now is in the "works for now" category.

    When the "current" video cards drop, I'm sure I'll want a better video card, and by then it should be easier to afford(price drops, used cards, etc.). In the meantime, I suppose no "ultra mode" for me, just pretty good "regular" mode. which makes me a happy gamer.

    The old system may yet get a 3650 down the road, just for Hulu/Flash10.1 support. That and the twin video capture cards, should make for a perfectly fine home theater PC(after I return to stock speeds, and temperatures with quiet fans).

    Thanks eeryone for their advise.
  23. That's what i was afraid of.

    Though the IGP's are a few generations newer, the raw power must be missing :-(
  24. I am on a quest for information.
    Specifically, if anyone has any experience with the AMD/ATI HD3200 IGP(128 dedicated plus optional shared memory).

    I know what I WANT in a new computer, sadly it's not what I can AFFORD(less than a c-note).

    My current gaming rig(don't laugh, it works OK for me)
    AMD 64 3000+
    2Gig DDR Ram
    An AGP nvidia 6800XT(256Mb).
    many TB of harddrives.

    Now I know, it's ANCIENT by today's standards. Most people wouldn't dream of even doing mild gaming on it. but it was top of the line when I built it(the gfx card was a later upgrade). I've saved a little money for new parts, and have some bits left over from client upgrades... "they" call it electronic waste disposal. I call it free hardware upgrades for me. Stays out of the landfill either way.

    Now the decision I have to make is between three motherboards. All around the same price. One has AGP and a PCI-Ex16 slot(lets me reuse the 6800XT while I save). One comes with the HD3200+128 on-board. The third (and cheapest) runs an nvidia 8200igp. I can live with the 6800xt for now. it's acceptably for all my play, except for Cimerora. Would the HD3200 give me similar, better, or worse performance? Would playing on a 8200 be more painful than a regen nerfbat beatdown.

    I'm not looking for the best(right now anyhow) I just don't want to end up with a downgrade till I can afford one of the shiny HD5800 series. I had actually considered a Radeon HD 4650 1GB in AGP format for a few days, but I think the AGP bus would bottleneck that card too much, cost as much as a motherboard(with pci-e) upgrade, and not be "current enough" for long enough. I dread seeing my former Gaming Glory Rigs reduced to serving up e-mails and mp3s.

    Edit in answer to a PM:
    The "new" machine will start with 2Gb ddr2, and a single core 2.4Ghz. All three boards will handle, and eventually be filled with, 3.4Ghz quad-core, and 8-16Gb ram. Upgrades coming as free parts, or enough money, reach me.
  25. ironsmiter

    M&G in Michigan

    Boy, this one is gonna take some convincing of the SignificantOther.

    The end of the month, I'll be headed to Dearborn, and then Niagra.
    The WorldSteamExpo calls to me.
    And as long as it's only another few hours away, it's off to Niagra Falils.
    To see the water fall down drunk, and the monarch butterfly's migrate to the big Molson sign in the North.

    Just not sure if I can claim a long weekend, and a short vacation, both in the same month :-(

    Wish me luck.
    We have the bonfire site picked out, RIGHT?