DEVS? --- LIVE SERVER is teasing me... :'(
Yep running behind today. Better to fix what is wrong though.
My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom

happens everytime there is a new issue almost. especially if there are problems with the version they patched. don't worry though, you will be able to get on soon if not already.
"The maintenance is taking a little longer than normal but we'll keep you posted as soon as the live servers are up!"
@Naa - Liberty Server
Patience my friend. It'll be ready when it's ready. You waited this long didn't you? Another hour or two won't kill you...
It's a shame they don't have some kind of public, closed and/or open beta test, allowing users to test things out, and point out what's broken. Then they could listen to that feedback, and fix things, instead of having to run a QA during a live publish.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

They always take longer than anticipated. I won't even bother trying to login until later tonight. Good thing the weather is nice
Ya I know all about the preload and testing of issues going to live and test servers...
I was just laughing and amused at how live server is **** teasing me like a drunk girlfriend. XD
**no offense to drunk girlfriends**
I can't feel my legs..!

I'm honestly hoping that that stuff, and other stuff, really is in the Live patch, and that they're testing it.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Devz let me on to play nao, i haz to leave soon and needz mah game time!!!!
Eat, Sleep, Breath... City of Heros. dUmb
Only semi-serious. There are quite a few things that were pointed out back in Closed Beta that, as of the last patch to Test, still hadn't been addressed. Things like the waaaay to tiny font for enhancement levels on the enhancement screen, or losing items already in your Auction Inventory due to the new GUI, and it telling you that the slots are full.
I'm honestly hoping that that stuff, and other stuff, really is in the Live patch, and that they're testing it. ![]() |
Oh hell... i really hope they fix the loss of items bug... i still had a gladiators strike pvp IO on sale that i didnt pick up

In a jocular vein: place your bets whether or not the Demon Washing Machine will go live!
edit: yes I know it's fixed already sure was a lot of doom about it though!
Only semi-serious. There are quite a few things that were pointed out back in Closed Beta that, as of the last patch to Test, still hadn't been addressed. Things like the waaaay to tiny font for enhancement levels on the enhancement screen, or losing items already in your Auction Inventory due to the new GUI, and it telling you that the slots are full.
I'm honestly hoping that that stuff, and other stuff, really is in the Live patch, and that they're testing it. ![]() |
But ya, I saw the tiny font thing on test, while squinting, and was thinging; "Dear god of cheese, do I have to set down to 800x600 resolution now to see my enhancements, in ULTRA MODE..?" I had to go into the enhancement combiner just to see what SO was stacked.

I can't feel my legs..!

In a jocular vein: place your bets whether or not the Demon Washing Machine will go live!
edit: yes I know it's fixed already ![]() |
I had to turn off my sound as it kept looping and stacking until it was so loud I couldn't hear my own screams. Not so much doom as an annoyance factor of 72%.

I can't feel my legs..!

I seriously and honestly may have learned my lesson this time. NEVER again will I work my day off to be the day off a Issue release. It always sounds fun and like a good idea but it never ever works out.
Psynder LVL 51 Fire/Fire/Scorpion Blaster
KnightWidow LVL 51 NightWidow
Shiver LVL 50 Ice X3 Dominator
Knight'Shade LVL 47 DP/Dark/NRG Corrupter
Currently Marking Out For: Chris Sabin, Player Dos, Daniel Bryan, Portia Perez, CM Punk
What a shame, I reactivated earlier last night just so I could actually jump on as soon as the patch went live, and now I've been up all night just so I could see the new options and laugh at Ultra Mode, and now if I go to sleep I know it'll come up 15 minutes later.
I wish the Devs would learn not to give themselves time constraints like a month for anything, even forum posting.
Only semi-serious. There are quite a few things that were pointed out back in Closed Beta that, as of the last patch to Test, still hadn't been addressed. Things like the waaaay to tiny font for enhancement levels on the enhancement screen, or losing items already in your Auction Inventory due to the new GUI, and it telling you that the slots are full.
I'm honestly hoping that that stuff, and other stuff, really is in the Live patch, and that they're testing it. ![]() |
Good thing I don't have to worry about this until I get home. And then it'll still be several hours, perhaps a day or two until I'm on live depending on the size of the secondary patch.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Here's hoping we don't have to waste another 800 meg of bandwith (We don't have unlimited/unmetered down here). I always struggle when they release a new issue, and don't fix it where it's meant to be fixed.
"The maintenance is taking a little longer than normal but we'll keep you posted as soon as the live servers are up!" |
I can't feel my legs..!

And while those things are true on the client side, they have nothing to do with getting the server software installed and running and getting the secondary patch up on the patch servers.
Good thing I don't have to worry about this until I get home. And then it'll still be several hours, perhaps a day or two until I'm on live depending on the size of the secondary patch. |
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet

Demon washing machine is my favorite terminology for it. XD
I had to turn off my sound as it kept looping and stacking until it was so loud I couldn't hear my own screams. Not so much doom as an annoyance factor of 72%. ![]() |
Doom for me.
Got the DWM while zoning into Oursoboro.
Got kicked from the game when zoning OUT of Oursoboro.
Now I can't get back in on any server, any character :-(
I call mini-doom. At least for me. And maybe a few other people with similar issues.
Just logged onto live server April 28th, 11:43am central, getting ready to experience i17 with all it's wholesome chocolatey goodness and I get this message as soon as I click my server:
Account XXXXXX is not allowed on this server. Reason:
Access to this server is restricted for internal testing by
NCSoft employees to verify todays new publish.
Your access to this server will be restored once our
checks and tests are complete. Thank you for your patience.
Sheeesh.. What a tease.. >.>
I can't feel my legs..!