BUG : Forcefields in Warburg



Took my Forcefield defender into warburg today.
OUCH! My MAIN survivability power in that zone is [Personal Forcefield].
Combat attributed doesn't even register it on melee/ranged/AoE.
For all other damage types, it shows PFF's effect in the subset, but it does not change the actual percentages.

Proff of this issues is in the combat results... Even con minions, and -1 Con minions even, are able to hit me with impunity. With Hover, Dispersion Bubble, Personal Forcefield, and 6% worth of unique procs all running. Outside of PvP, with those same powers and procs, I can stand face to face with ArchVillains and laugh at their puny attacks missing.

Now, I know it's a bug, but I have NO idea how the servers are doing their math, cause it certainly isn't any math I'VE heard of. Let's take the smashing/lethal defense. 3.00% + 97.50% + 3.73% + 15.83% = 120.06, NOT 20.70%. Even without Personal Forcefield... the numbers add up to 22.56 NOT 20.70%. Something Somewhere is horribly wrong in my tiny tiny corner of City of Heroes.

The numbers get even stranger in the Melee/Ranged/AoE. +3.00% +3.73% + 15.83% (+ 97.50% missing from the personal Forcefield buff that isn't showing) does NOT equal 13.87%.

I am attaching a link to a screen shot of my numbers for you.
For a defender whose ONLY survival tactic is to hide in PFF, while healing... this bug completely eliminates me from ANY possible PVP activity, INCLUDING the PvE content of those zones.

For a slightly closer shot of the actual numbers.

On a side note, the 40% resistance to all but toxic seems to be working just fine when Personal Forcefield is on.



Welcome to Issue 13 PvP. Enjoy your stay.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



yeah thats not a bug, thats elusivity and diminishing returns



Welcome to the wonderful world of post-I13 PvP where defense is useless.

The problem you are encountering is not a bug with PFF but the diminishing returns system. The short version is that buffs do not stack linearly in PvP but instead are reduced in effectiveness the more you stack (like ED but for buffs instead of enhancements).




yeah, i get diminishing returns, but PFF is showing ZERO effect in M/R/AoE. Not even showing up in the combat attributes.

I've been playing since, oh, just before badges went live. I've seen most everything(and personally bet hit by the nerfbat more times than i can count).

But THIS is NEW... Just before Christmas, I did a nuke run... getting all three nukes.

Again, I say, I understand diminishing returns... but from over 122% PvE to 13.87% PvP?
From this discussion here (http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=227618)... I should still be above 40% def, even after diminishing returns. my RESISTANCE stays at 40% both in pvp and pve...

Here's where I say BUG!...
With Just dispersion field(base %) running I have 12.487% def(r/M/AoE) in Recluse Victory.
3% from steadfast protection. 15.38% from dispersion bubble. Reduced because of PVP nerfing. No problem.
With JUST PFF running, I have 2.83%.
3% from steadfast, reduced for PvP.

WHERE THE HECK is ANY bonus from PFF? It doesn't even give the same as Dispersion bubble, even though it has a base of TEN TIMES more defense than DB!

To be clear, I'm not decrying that defense got a nerf in i13... i'm saying that one of my powers is missing half of what it is supposed to do! The resists(a SECONDARY EFFECT) remain, but the primary purpose behind the power has ZERO effect. zilch, nada, nyet!



As regards elusivity specifically...

"In PvP zones, many Defense-boosting powers, particularly those in the protective power sets of "non-squishy" ATs, also add a bonus to another stat called Elusivity. Elusivity's effects stack with Defense to make a character even harder to hit."

Well, it's not working.

As an example from another post.
"My SR scrap has 55% melee and that's reduced to 37%"
well, my defender has 120% melee and that's reduced to 12%.

And it's JUST that power.
I found someone to check my Deflection Shield... and while it gets the PvP reduction, it's only a reduction, not a total elimination.

This Bug is ONLY about [Personal Forcefield].
All the other defense powers in the set work as intended.
however poorly that might be :-)