Well, at least you can get ON...
I logged in just fine, went to ouroboros, and got the evil looping background sound.
Now, I can't get past 1/4 loading on any server :-(
It is constantly disconnecting you from the mapserver, isn't it? I've been having the same problem. Had it in Test server, figured it was just something there, since I could then go to live and it would work fine. Now, though, people are claiming maybe it's my connection (which it isn't, see "going on live server and it working fine") or my computer (New as of Christmas). I am glad to see I'm not alone.
The game has become unplayable.
I find myself getting constantly but randomly disconnected not just from the game but from the Internet at large, now, with COH up. Sad Tubby. . . . I never had this problem before Iss. 17.
Update in response to MaestroMavius, below: My girlfriend's been playing on her computer (some kind of laptop running Vista; I'm on an older desktop with XP), and we've been running off the same Internet connection here at the house. So, with regards to Maestro's friend's suggestion, I don't think it's the router not keeping up. This happens whether I'm on by myself or whether she's on at the same time.
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
I'm in the same boat. Whenever I'm outside I'll get Lost Connection mesages every few minutes. Sometimes they last for a moment then I'm back in. Doesn't seem to happen when instanced though.
Oddest part is, after the 3rd of 4th LC message my adaptor actually disconnects from the internet completely. Forcing me to manually reconnect it.
My friend suggested that it was my wireless router not being able to handle the larger amounts of info now being passed back and forth.
I really hope thats not the case though.
Ultra mode settings seem to make no difference in the LCing problem.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
same thing for me also. keep getting DC myself
@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!
Petition to end shutting down CoH:
Crashing a few mins after log on myself - frozen screen and looping sound. Reassured myself with the memory that this sort of thing happens with every new issue and that I need to exercise a modicom of patience until stuff gets sorted out. I have found that it sometimes help if I verify files when I log back on.
There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown
Has it gotten better for anyone else? Hasn't for me so far.
What kind of routers is everyone using? I've been having this problem, but when I took my laptop and connected it with a regular ethernet cable and disabled the wireless, the problem virtually disappeared.
I'm using a Linksys 2.4Ghz 802.11b router that's 5-6 years old. Is anyone else using a wireless-B router who's having the problem?
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
I'm on a Belkin 54G router and adaptor.
Gonna try using ethernet cable tonight to see if that solves it.
I've been able to have a psuedo workaround. When I get the LC message if I just sit and wait it always times me out to login. But if I instantly tab out and click the network icon it reconnects fast enough to not time out.
Still annoying as all get out but at least makes the game playable.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I have to admit, I really do hope that it's not necessary to use an actual ethernet cable for this. It'd be a major case of 'absolute failure', for those of us who are forced through circumstance to use wireless.
As I mentioned in another thread, these circumstances are familiar to me, though... I have had similar issues, right down to the 'a few lag spikes and the router just goes futzy' bit, in the past. The culprit? BitTorrent.
(Added info) A few quick checks show that the lag spikes and whatnot only apply when City of Heroes is the active window. Disabling sound did not affect this, so I have to wonder...
Mea maxima culpa.
Pelonius Zhintel (Kin/Son Defender on Guardian), and countless others.
UI: CoHHelper can be found here, and HijackThis is found here. Great tools for troubleshooting.
I'm not sure what router they have here. It's college wireless and it's one of the things I'll miss about this place. Has anyone talked to tech support about this, besides the /bug thing?
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Well, at least you can get ON...
I logged in just fine, went to ouroboros, and got the evil looping background sound. Now, I can't get past 1/4 loading on any server :-( |
Same happened to me except it was in Talos. All the characters I had sitting logged out in Talos would only load 1/4 and then kick me back to the log-in screen.
Though it seems to have spread to all my toons now. Two days ago I could still play anyone in any other zone. Now I can't get in at all.
Same here, lynksys dynex and brodcom cards, in 3 different computers, bad when outside less frequent when inside, no issues with other games . only happens when CoH is the active window
I actually managed to get online and play last night. At the time, they had taken down the markets and possible AE, so it could have been related to those. I'm not sure if I will be able to continue playing after they put everything back up, though.
I eagerly jumped on the game this afternoon on getting home. . . and I'm still getting disconnected from the 'net.
Any words on this problem or solutions for it? Like others on this thread, I had no problems with my connection pre-issue 17. I just want to play again.
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
Still having this issue myself. Can discern no rhyme or reason.
Ultra mode seems to have no effect. Settings to full or completly off doesn't change the LC messages.
At the advice of a previous poster I stopped monitoring all attributes, with no change.
I've turned off and reset all modems, router and adaptors to no avail.
I've taken to keeping the network connections window open so when the LC happens I can quickly tab out and hit connect. Sometimes its quick enough to free me up in game. Sometimes it lags away and times me out.
Getting a little annoyed now.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I know complaining doesn't really help matters. I know that it doesn't win friends, influence people, solve problems, or get me any closer to figuring out what's going on. I know there are solutions being discovered--new video drivers (mine are the latest according to the manufacturer's site, but they're also about a year and a half old or so at that), a network cable run instead of a router (the likeliest fix, it seems, but not possible to do this from my bedroom to the far side of the living room), a command line prompt specifically, it seems, for Intel sets (tried it in desperation, despite not having an Intel card; it didn't work with my system at all). . . .
It's been, what, over a week since i-17 hit?
I only have one little post to say, and then I'm done talking/whining/complaining/moaning about it all. It's not in anger. It's not in frustration.
I just want to be able to log in to a zone without zoning taking two to three times longer than it used to and, if I don't zone successfully, disconnecting completely from the Internet and seeing that lil' red X over my Internet thing in the task bar.
I want to be able to move around without the same.
I want to see a netgraph that looks normal for once without spikes of red and big rectangles of green that look like plateaus.
I just wanna be able to play one of my favorite games again. I feel like I'm being punished for something I haven't done or have any clue how to even go about fixing feasibly if I can. =(
That is all.
Good night, everyone.
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
I've been running into this same issue for the last week. I'll be playing and then lose my connection. The cable modem completly disconnects from the the internet, and my provider can't even find it in the system.
I've had a tech come out, I've updated my laptop's wireless router drivers, graphics drivers, ect, and today I come to find out it's none of those but the CoX.
I hope this gets fixed soon.
In an earlier thread, the Television stated that there was a chance that this issue had been fixed on the Test Server in a recent patch. A few people have noted that this was the case - I'm one of those who now has NO disconnection issues - and therefore, a workable fix MIGHT be in the next patch or two. You can find the thread here, and if you folks can check the Test Server and provide feedback, that'd likely help out the devs.
Mea maxima culpa.
Pelonius Zhintel (Kin/Son Defender on Guardian), and countless others.
UI: CoHHelper can be found here, and HijackThis is found here. Great tools for troubleshooting.
What I get is terrible lag at random intervals. Things are happening all around so I know I'm GETTING data but no power I pick actually activates and I cannot move. This is way above and beyond standard rubberbanding issues. It's more like a really big Rikti raid or something. Sometimes it gets bad enough to actually lose the Mapserver connection but usually not.
Everyone in my house has the same problem simultaneously. Oddly, the guy down the street has the same problems at the same time but not others in the team from other parts of the country. I assume it is a Time Warner problem but a "ping -n 1000 www.google.com" going on during a bad spike reported no lost packets and the average time was in the 30-40 millisecond range. It's impossible to get TW to take the complaint seriously if I can't show something concrete outside the game that's slowing down.
It is extremely frustrating I can tell you. I'm hoping the fix for these disconnects will also solve my problem.
What I get is terrible lag at random intervals. Things are happening all around so I know I'm GETTING data but no power I pick actually activates and I cannot move. This is way above and beyond standard rubberbanding issues. It's more like a really big Rikti raid or something. Sometimes it gets bad enough to actually lose the Mapserver connection but usually not.
Everyone in my house has the same problem simultaneously... |
Mea maxima culpa.
Pelonius Zhintel (Kin/Son Defender on Guardian), and countless others.
UI: CoHHelper can be found here, and HijackThis is found here. Great tools for troubleshooting.
What I get is terrible lag at random intervals. Things are happening all around so I know I'm GETTING data but no power I pick actually activates and I cannot move. This is way above and beyond standard rubberbanding issues. It's more like a really big Rikti raid or something. Sometimes it gets bad enough to actually lose the Mapserver connection but usually not.
Everyone in my house has the same problem simultaneously. Oddly, the guy down the street has the same problems at the same time but not others in the team from other parts of the country. I assume it is a Time Warner problem but a "ping -n 1000 www.google.com" going on during a bad spike reported no lost packets and the average time was in the 30-40 millisecond range. It's impossible to get TW to take the complaint seriously if I can't show something concrete outside the game that's slowing down. It is extremely frustrating I can tell you. I'm hoping the fix for these disconnects will also solve my problem. |
This sounds more like a routing issue somewhere down the line, especially if you can ping Google during the lag spikes - though it's odd that you're still receiving during those times. Have you tried connecting to a server on the opposite coast, to see if the same situations occur there? Also, for how long has this problem been occurring?
My characters are on Justice and Protector which I think are both on the west coast. I suppose I could create a new one on an east coast server although that thought doesn't appeal to me. I have enough alts dangit!

I never had a problem with disconnecting from a server until just now as i17 went live. I have been disconnected 4 times already in less than 10 minutes. wtf is up?