Discussion: Issue 13: Architect




Captain America rip offs, here we come! Even if you include energy shields there's only a tiny handful of heroes that use them especially as their signature powers.

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So? How many heroes use radiation? Blasts of negative energy? How many empathy heroes can you name?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Sounds cool.
Does this include changing the power's color? Sorry if you already anwer this qustion

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That would require a LOT more work than what'd go into just a normal issue. A whole new game engine. This is something that's been discussed hundreds of times before already.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



If you're really worried that the game needs "Balance," then you shouldn't have a problem with villains having access to Empathy, nor to an AT that is actually capable of PVPing against heroes.

Unless you don't REALLY want PVP balance, and want the heroes to keep the same advantages that they've had for the past three years already. That isn't what you meant, was it?

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Your joking right? Have u been in a pvp zone lately?



Not sure if anyone has brought this up, and don’t want this to sound like a attack on the dev or anything, but I have serious misgivings with player made content, as it screams of one of two things to me;

1: the not so bad: the devs are saying 'were out of ideas when it comes to making interesting things, so were opening it up to u'

2: the really bad: we have finished adding new missions to CoX, if u want them, u make them

Now I hope I’m wrong, and it is simple a case of wanting to give players freedom to do write there own stories, but I get a feeling that it’s not that simple. Anyone able to point me in a direction that shows I’m wrong?



The Coming Storm. The addition of missions in Cimerora. The whole mess of opening up Darrin Wade's can of worms.

How many would you like?

(Not to mention that with a thread I started here, the devs have a ton of material they can still create just from the hints and story elements they've already created, and that players would love to see. Trust me, they're not running out of ideas any time soon.)


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Actully I just went back a re-read this trying not to focus so much on the Mission Architect which I've allready talked about to death.

Day Jobs: My question about this is, what if you don't log off in the same place every day? Or better yet, what about when you loose conection to the game and you don't actully have controll over where you loged off at? How can a player maintain his or her day job? It kinda sounds like we're forced to log off in sertain areas if we want to maintain a spicific job and that's NOT something I'm looking forward to.

New Powersets: New Powersets are allways a good thing yet I even have some complains and conserns in this area as well.

Shields: Thanks for that one but as I exsplained in an earlier post where are the Pistols we were promisted after Thugs came out. Pistols was supose to be reworked so it wasn't only avalible with Thugs.

Pain Domination: This one really bugs exspecially after reading the description. I got so many complaints about this I can't even go into right now, this deserves it's own post.

New Cimerora Missions: This is definatly something I am looking forward to. I was vastly dissapointed with Cimerora when I realized the only contacts there were for the TF and repeatable mission that get exstreamly boring after about 10 min. I'd allso like to sugest more missions for the conecting zone, Midnighter's Club as there is NOTHING to do in there. There are literally no contacts what so ever in the Midnighter's Club and the only mission you can do in there is talk to some guy as the LAST mission for the Story Arch that granted you acess to the zone in the first place which seemed like a big waist of time once I realized I did all that so I could gain access to a zone with nothing to do in it. That is untill level 35 when I'm actully able to access Cemeroa.

The Merit Rewards System: This one just confuses me, don't we allready have this?

New Invention Origin Sets: Have not liked Inventions. It looked good on paper but have more of a hassle than I care to deal with.

new Costume Sets: Allways welcome! I love this, no complaints here.

a Patron Power Respec: This is an AWSOME thing. Now Villains will be able to change their Patron powers like Heroes are able to change their Archillary powers.

Zone Refinements: That seems like a good thing as well. I'm guessing it's something like the changes that were made to Faultline, the Hollows, and the conversion from Rikti Crash Sight to Rikti War Zone.

Over all, I'm still overly excited about Mission Architect.




If you're really worried that the game needs "Balance," then you shouldn't have a problem with villains having access to Empathy, nor to an AT that is actually capable of PVPing against heroes.

Unless you don't REALLY want PVP balance, and want the heroes to keep the same advantages that they've had for the past three years already. That isn't what you meant, was it?

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Your joking right? Have u been in a pvp zone lately?

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All this is pointless. Decisions on game development aren't made based on PvP balance. If the only argument for not giving Villains something is PvP balance, then the response is "Deal with it".

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Not sure if anyone has brought this up, and don’t want this to sound like a attack on the dev or anything, but I have serious misgivings with player made content, as it screams of one of two things to me;

1: the not so bad: the devs are saying 'were out of ideas when it comes to making interesting things, so were opening it up to u'

2: the really bad: we have finished adding new missions to CoX, if u want them, u make them

Now I hope I’m wrong, and it is simple a case of wanting to give players freedom to do write there own stories, but I get a feeling that it’s not that simple. Anyone able to point me in a direction that shows I’m wrong?

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The fact that they're adding a bunch of new missions for Cim and revamping old zones, which is likely to include new missions there as well? The fact that they've shown absolutely no indication up to now of slowing down on mission adding?


This is just giving us a chance to exercise our own creativity as well. It sounds like it'll be a godsend for RPers especially.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



The Merit Rewards System: This one just confuses me, don't we allready have this?

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You -CLEARLY- didn't read the description.....

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



thanks for link, I guess im just worried that there going to start wrapping CoX up in favor of champions online, which would be a major shame, as everything Ive seen about it leads me to dislike it (not a fan of console based games on pc)



thanks for link, I guess im just worried that there going to start wrapping CoX up in favor of champions online, which would be a major shame, as everything Ive seen about it leads me to dislike it (not a fan of console based games on pc)

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Why would they do that, considering CO is being made by a different company...? Cryptic sold CoH outright to NCSoft last year....

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



This looks like its going to be another awesome issue.
There is only one thing I disagree about...

"Pain Domination"? I am not trying to start a flame war here, and I am sorry if this offends any body, but...wouldn't pain domination be more of a name for a dominator? Its name isn't all that important, especially when the dev's are delivering a long wanted powerset to the the villains.

Empathy...for the villains, how about a "one namer"?

Hero = Empathy
Villains = Agony (Which is really more of a feeling thats not towards others like empathy, just throwing out something random that sounds cool.)

or something along those lines.

I'd rather have the powerset no matter what name it has, just my 2 cents.

Besides that small non important tadbit, everything looks like its going to be fantastic, and I for one can't wait! KEEP IT UP DEVS!

(Sorry for changing the topic at hand. I thought it would fit in but by the time I posted it, a whole nother one started )

50's (Only most important)
Zuraq (53 EM/SR Brute)
Stagmalite (50 Granite/Fire TanK)
(Couple of other's I don't care about.)



Yea, Bases?

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Reading comprehension FTW!!!!

.....and more!

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Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Think of the hundreds of comic book heroes that use pistols. Also, pistols have been talked about for longer and more heatedly than shields have seriously been talked about, IMO.

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Perhaps the problem is coming up with the power sets. What powers would you give for dual guns? The only one I can think of is "shoots both guns at same time" ooh. ahh. How does one make a primary power set of eight different kinds of attacks. I guess "shoots left hand gun only" and "shoots right hand gun only." Okay that's three. now what? "shoots both guns at same time but the left one first and then the right one and twice this time for double damage." Okay that's four. I don't know about you but that gets old real fast. "turns around and shoots behind his back cuz it looks cool." okay now we got five. "bends over and shoots both guns in between his legs cuz it looks insanely stupid yet cool cuz his hat doesn't fall off." Okay that's six. I'm stumped.

I have serious misgivings with player made content...

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I have serious misgivings about player made characters every time I come across someone who looks vaguely like Superman with a name like "Generic 058 195 780" yet still I wouldn't have it any other way.

I think it would be great if the guys making the game could focus more on the stuff players CAN'T do, or focused more on making it so players CAN, and less time on inventing generic material that doesn't really work. Why the heck was I fighting that Snaggletooth guy in Pocket D over and over again around Christmas time? My Elusive character woulda just gotten the guy drunk and found a few ladyfriends for him. End of fight. She's more interested in helping the Lost, cleaning up Kings Row, and giving back to the city that raised her. She could care less about Father Time.

The missions that led up to my Elusive getting into Midnighter Club felt like it had been made specifically with her in mind, but when I had my blaster and my scrapper go through it, I was like, "this is SO not what these guys would be doing."

I felt much the same way about the Synapse misssion for my blaster. Benny Edison was in hog heaven. Nothing but clockwork as far as the eyes could see. My electric blaster was SO in his element there. However, Benny has nothing personal against the Council, so the Citadel TF was very strange. Like watching Bugs Bunny in an episode of One Tree Hill.

So now, you will be able to pick and choose among a vast array of opportunities, made by players like yourself who also see what is lacking. If you don't see something that works for your character? MAKE ONE YOURSELF. That's brilliant!

Does this let the Developers off the hook? Not at all. In fact, it raises the bar. They'll be able to see what players want, and then they can up the ante. We'll do our best to improve upon what they have provided, and then they'll do the same.

Trust me. It's a win win.



can't wait to see what other power sets they might give us. I'd like to see web abilities.



Perhaps the problem is coming up with the power sets. What powers would you give for dual guns? The only one I can think of is "shoots both guns at same time" ooh. ahh. How does one make a primary power set of eight different kinds of attacks. I guess "shoots left hand gun only" and "shoots right hand gun only." Okay that's three. now what? "shoots both guns at same time but the left one first and then the right one and twice this time for double damage." Okay that's four. I don't know about you but that gets old real fast. "turns around and shoots behind his back cuz it looks cool." okay now we got five. "bends over and shoots both guns in between his legs cuz it looks insanely stupid yet cool cuz his hat doesn't fall off." Okay that's six. I'm stumped.

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Technically Pistols allready has 3 attacks in game.

Single Shot, Dual Weild, and Empty Clips.

Single shot is as it sound, 1 shot from either gun, it doesn't appear to be set to any spicific gun.

Dual Weild fires both guns once at the same time.

Empty Clips fires both guns individually, multiple times, in rappid succession.

There are ALOT more things you can do with a pair of pistols than just the things you listed. If you want to have that attitude exactly how many attacks do you think you can get out of a single gun? We've had the rifle in CoH sence the game started and they managed to get more than one attack out of that. By your standards the only attack it should have is Shoot Shot Gun.

And even by your standards you should realize you can get ALOT more attacks with 2 guns than with 1.



And even by your standards you should realize...

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Actually? By my standards, The Punisher is NOT a hero.

I don't currently have a character who uses guns. There's already plenty of video games out there where that's the primary attack: pick up a couple guns and shoot them. Lara Croft has two guns. That got old by the end of the first tomb raid.

By my standards, guns are about as fun as banging one's head against a wall repeatedly. It is for example the reason I left Anarchy Online. I'd rolled up a dude who basically that's all he did. He came up against something that looked scary? He'd shoot at it. That was the extent of the roleplaying in Anarchy Online.

I support the second amendment to the US constitution, because an armed society is a polite one, but I don't support guns in my gameplay. Not anymore.

If I'm gonna play a super hero, in a super hero game, energy blasts just seem more fun. Or cold breath. Or plant control. Or throwing refrigerators, cars, and pool tables at people. Even brandishing a sword is more interesting than shooting stuff. I'd been shooting at stuff since the heady days of Castle Wolvenstein. I kinda got that out of my system by around Quake 3.

But that's just by my standards. YMMV. =)



About the TF merits... Will they be retroactive? Cuz I don't ever want to put my bubble troller through the Positron TF again. She only had teleport back then, and not hover. God, that bit the doggie biscuits.



About the TF merits... Will they be retroactive?

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Not a chance...



Been asked and answered =) nope, you already received a reward for the TF you did, so its assumed another wouldn't be in line.

Really hope the devs found the right balance between to much and not enough for player generated missions. But the couple things Castle has said on it make me think they've come up with a good medium.



I just realized that I habitually log out almost all my characters at the same place. I go to the Talos Island monorail platform, and park my toon on the left corner, looking out towards the Pinnacle Apartments billboard. I'm not really sure why I started doing that, but with Wentworth's right behind the PTA platform, and Pocket D just a hop skip and a jump away, it's rather easy to get anywhere in the game from Talos in about the same amount of time.

...does this mean all my characters work for the Paragon Transit Authority?



I would normally put this under suggestions, but since it is specific to I13 components...

Player Origin Story Arcs

An idea for an earned bonuses in mission creation. There are many cases of missions involving the rescue, and subsequent teaming with an NPC hero. This occurs everywhere from Outbreak tutorial door mission to lvl 50 missions. So why not use this concept for player created content. One problem is changing the story for existing NPCs. The solution. The authour becomes the NPC!

When creating a Player Origin Story Arc a player sees the costume selection dialog and chooses a costume for the part. The costume is recorded (ala demo file) and the player can choose one travel power, one offensive, one defensive, and one additional powers from their toon at the time of creation. The AI will decide how these are used, just as in missions with supporting NPC. Players, must rescue and/or team with the new NPC, but powers of the player created NPC are scaled as is currently done in such missions. Also the players running the mission must keep the NPC player alive.

This would allow players to create their own character origin stories. Influence and level advancement within the game might be great, but how cool would it be to have someone in the game come up to you and say, "Hey I know you, I saved you from ..." or, "Hey I know you, you helped me defeat ...". This is real recognition in the game!

The ultimate use for this is applying it to SGs, where up to 5 characters from an SG can be selected, only 2 appearing at any one time, to tell the origin story for your super group!!!



And even by your standards you should realize...

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Actually? By my standards, The Punisher is NOT a hero.

I don't currently have a character who uses guns. There's already plenty of video games out there where that's the primary attack: pick up a couple guns and shoot them. Lara Croft has two guns. That got old by the end of the first tomb raid.

By my standards, guns are about as fun as banging one's head against a wall repeatedly. It is for example the reason I left Anarchy Online. I'd rolled up a dude who basically that's all he did. He came up against something that looked scary? He'd shoot at it. That was the extent of the roleplaying in Anarchy Online.

I support the second amendment to the US constitution, because an armed society is a polite one, but I don't support guns in my gameplay. Not anymore.

If I'm gonna play a super hero, in a super hero game, energy blasts just seem more fun. Or cold breath. Or plant control. Or throwing refrigerators, cars, and pool tables at people. Even brandishing a sword is more interesting than shooting stuff. I'd been shooting at stuff since the heady days of Castle Wolvenstein. I kinda got that out of my system by around Quake 3.

But that's just by my standards. YMMV. =)

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Ah I get it now. You just don't like guns in general. The way it sounded before was you didn't think the deves could come up with a powerset for Dual Pistols. I was just pointing out that they could sence they allready made a powerset for a single rifle.

Anyway you don't have to play them but other people want to play them.



Yay for once i think i might have been apart of giving devs the idea of customisable missions.

i did post a suggestion of at least a storyarc writing contest a while back when I12 was still in development.

Although i have to say i was really hoping bases would get some loving, at least add a couple of little tweats such as making objects float much easier and trimming the bluprint on some of the objects.

Although, i'm looking forwad to I13